Had a meeting regarding the Untitled Awesome Project today.  This one has me all kinds of excited for a two simple reasons: theme and tone.  It’s something this prospective sci-fi series shares with three other shows I’ve done in the past, specifically: Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Dark Matter.  Sense of fun?  Check!  Sense of humor?  Check!  Sense of family?  Check!

The wheels are in motion and I’m hoping we can bring this to you sooner than later, and fill that Stargate/Dark Matter-size hole in all of your hearts!  And, who knows, should the pieces fall into place, there may be an opportunity to check in with an old friend or two.

Received word today that the deal on that horror novel is about to close.  When the time comes, I’ll be collaborating with the author on a pitch deck and pilot.  Not for the faint of heart.

Meanwhile, poised to go to script on that other “east coast” horror series.  i’s are dotted.  t’s are crossed.  Let’s do this!

Speaking of collaborations, the ball has started rolling on that comic book adaptation.  It’s a great, high concept premise with potential for equal parts humor and heartbreak.

Had a conversation with a production company that has expressed interest in optioning the supernatural pilot I co-wrote with my friend Tara.  In my mind, I’ve already cast the lead – but, of course, others will no doubt want to weigh in.

Fleshed-out a rough, 10-episode first season arc for that far future Earth sci-fi series.  Now that the series engine is in place, my focus shifts to production design.  This one will be challenging.

I patiently await notes on the polish for that off-world sci-fi series bible and pilot.  I expect we’ll deliver the materials in the coming weeks and then receive a response the green light sometime in September.  Hawaii would be the perfect shooting location – but I suspect that is unlikely. 🙁

Also teaming with a very funny local icon on a unique procedural.  We’re working on the pitch and plan to take it out in a couple of weeks.

Finally, I have meeting next week with a comic book company about two original series, one of them a spiritual successor to Dark Matter.

And, oh, hey, speaking of Dark Matter and comic books, I have a conversation next week to discuss the possibility of releasing some of the planned Dark Matter episodes as comic books.  The key will be to find the right artist.  Oh, and convince TPTB to do the comic book in the first place.

Finally finally – yes, a lot on the go, but – on the advice of a very successful friend – I am seriously considering a change of location.  Yep, I’m talking L.A., but only once I’ve finished the extended juggling act on these various projects.  I’ve already informed my reps that I’d like to have this discussion in the fall/winter.  Also, in preparation, I took this highly scientific buzzfeed quiz to help me decide where I should move to:

Where In Los Angeles Should You Live?

My results?  Los Feliz!

Not so sure the more dynamic, “centrally”-located WeHo might not be more my (and Akemi’s) style.

Finally finally finally – this quest for a new WordPress blog theme has hit a snag.  For reason unknown, I am unable to switch off to another look.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s entry, I have decided to bring in the professionals to oversee an overhaul that will: a) improve your blog-reading experience with b) minimal hassle for you and yours truly.

In the meantime, check out these themes and let me know what you think:




Finally finally finally finally – here!  This is for you!

Project And Lifely Updates!

42 thoughts on “Project and Lifely Updates!

  1. I don’t know what theme you’ve got turned on at the moment but I like it! However, the E-Mail version sent to me (how I normally read your blog) only included the text up to “Sense of […]” in the first paragraph. It obviously has an automatic text break turned on. Fine for clickbait sites to increase ad views but annoying for people who don’t want to read blogs in something other than a web browser.

    “Redwood” is OK. A little cluttered.
    “Writing” is good! Nice and clean although perhaps the button to open the sidebar is a bit obscure. Most people won’t find it!
    “Magnium” is horrible. Way too busy. Maybe if you wanted more of a news article look to your site but I don’t think it fits the blog style.

  2. I also like “Writing”.

    I agree with Line Noise about the email text break with today’s theme. Also, the font in mobile version is a touch large.

  3. I’m on my laptop computer reading your blog and the print is so big my head is moving left to right as I read, like watching a tennis match. But that’s okay. Whatever ya’ll decide I’m good with.

    Look at them cutie pie puppies!!! I think Suji wants a hug from me!

  4. Doesn’t look like you get to approve the comments. Looks like they just post. Is that the way you want it? Sounds dangerous.

    1. No, that’s not the way I wanted. For some reason, that changed – which is very odd. I just manually changed back to approval. Let me know how it works.

  5. Somehow I managed to match up with Echo Park! The survey itself is so off the wall that the results actually make sense! Thanks for sharing that one.

    It seems as if the last time you were considering a move, south of the border, Dark Matter was just about to be released as a comic book. Perhaps is was even before that, my blog memory isn’t real reliable! Regardless, I’ll be anxious to read how all the above projects shake out. Best of luck, Joe!

    1. In addition to my previous comment about this theme, i’d like to add that i’m glad everything is moving along nicely for you. And the ‘sooner rather than later’ comment for ‘Untitled Awesome Series’ sounds reassuring. Future earth series sounds like its going well, i’m sure i’ll enjoy watching it. Good night

  6. I like Writing the best also.
    I got The Valley, which is OK I guess since I already live in a valley – just a bit further out than the San Fernando one.

  7. Writing is the best of the three linked formats. Redwood is too busy. Magnium is Huh? The main page of this one is also too busy.

  8. And don’t live in LA, that place really scared me. It’s the first time I ever saw air pollution it really freaked me out. The sky was BROWN, we flew through Brown before we landed. Then when we got into the Airport interior I thought they had bad air conditioning, but the air was just as bad outside. Plus when you looked up at the sky it was now blue-ish, but it had a weird tint to it, like a greyish tint I’ve never seen in New Zealand or Australia. And the freakiest thing was everyone thought the sky like that, and the air was perfectly normal. It’s just not.

    Plus the food was just ‘blech’. They seem to add sugar and fat to e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. They overcook the vegetables, the vegetables don’t seem to be fresh. PLUS at one restaurant they gave me peas out of a CAN. A can! Who on earth would have a vegetable out of a can?? I took pictures of this and showed the tribe back home in New Zealand and they were as shocked as me. It wasn’t like we were in a war zone or anything.

    I also tried my first grain-fed steak, and it was greyish tinge and didn’t taste particularly good. And I was staying at a really swish hotel.

    And it was the first time I saw an infomercial – that was freaky, people acting religiously excited about ‘the product’.
    All in all, I don’t think it was a healthy place to live.

  9. This theme is nice, but I like the once where you don’t have to click a banner or a “read more” to see the entire post.

    I got “The Valley” if I´m going to LA, don’t know if it correct or not but, maybe I give it a shot!

    Good luck with the projects!

  10. Hate Redwood. And any other format where things move without my click.
    Writing is nice, but I never found the button to open the sidebar (mentioned by line noise).
    Magnium I didn’t look at much. Meh at first sight.
    This page. Everything is giant. Giant dogs and giant text. The text is fine for me. It looks like there’s plenty of space for your sidebar. But, giant pugs are disturbing. Eyes!

  11. Todays 8/9 candidate theme….not so much. Made me dizzy.

    Writing – LIKE!
    THANKS for the new puppy pic….love it.
    You sure have a lot going on. AND all of it sounds really great. Can’t wait for all the pieces to fall into place.

  12. Thanks for another Rx dose of awwwww. xo
    That has got to be, hands down, the most adorable pic of Lulu & Suji together
    I’ve ever seen! <3

    The projects all sound awesome. Good to hear you are keeping the creative juices flowing and having a positive outlook.

    Oh how I wish so much todays entry could be nothing but good, happy news
    and smooth sailing.
    Unfortunately, I must seriously caution you about considering a move to LA
    'anytime' in the near future.
    California remains in a state of severe drought that will likely take a few more years to recover from.
    This means you'll be living with the same horribly smoke filled air and fire risk to your new rental/or owned condo for the next couple summers as everyone else there is this year , in addition to water restrictions across the state.
    I can tell ya most folks in Cal are feeling miserable this summer!
    And when they haven't been suffering burning, itchy, eyes from smoke filled air, they've been melting from record setting heatwave temps!
    Almost needless to mention, Southern Cal is, as well, a wee bit overdue for a large quake and many areas along southern cal fault lines show deformation and widening over the last couple years. Thus, the likelihood for one occurring sometime within the next 5-10 yrs, is increased, even though USGS & CU continue to use a wider time span for its forecasting. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-overdue-for-a-major-earthquake/

    While I can sympathize with your current professional & residential frustration,
    Seems the more prudent move would be to simply, remain east coast for now.
    Move just a smidge over the border to someplace like Buffalo, or other nearby border town, which would prove significant financial and time savings not having to apply for a visa every time you want to fly to LA, while opening the door to work on both coasts, Place you much closer to the amazing eats of NYC, And, most importantly, Still keep you close enough to friends and family back home that you can just drive to Toronto in an hour or so to hang out with pals, work on a project, or catch that less expensive flight to your moms in Montreal.

    1. By the way: If anyone is at all curious?
      These are all the fires burning across the state of California right now.
      The majority of scientists, regardless of the current administration, are in agreement
      that summer temps, overly dry conditions, extremely high winds and fast spreading wildfires and firewhirls/firenadoes like the one Redding Cal just saw (which destroyed 1.077 homes) are only going to become more intense over the couple summers before any significant respite is achieved.

      –> https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/.

      Joe, I’m not trying to scare ya
      but California ‘really’ is not at all the best place to move to right now.

      1. I agree with Drea about California. Plus it is extremely expensive to live there, which is why everyone is leaving. And Trump is reversing pollution control policies (on cars and factories), so the air is going to get worse.

        1. @ponytail I Think my even bigger concern would be for Lulu & Suji. Both are aging and Lulu already has breathing problems so she is not likely to do well there given the current state of tripple digit summer temps lasting a month or longer, winds and extreme wildfires that are foretasted to likely be equally intense, if not worse, over the next couple summers.

          On A much Happier note: YAY! <3 I think we have a winner Joe! <3
          I LOVE this blog theme with the script! <3
          Its Beautiful. <3 Simple.<3 Classy Easy to read! <3

  13. Wow. I really dislike this blog version. As the first comment said, you can’t read it in its entirety email, my preferred method. And I am a loyal reader even if I rarely comment.

  14. I agree with the others, Writing is great..a really strong blog theme but easy to read/follow/navigate

  15. You’re juggling a lot! 🍀👍🏻

    This format looks good on my itty bitty phone.

    I hope there’s time for fun this weekend!?

  16. Hey, if that Hawaii series comes through, please hire me as a production assistant? I’m more than willing to work my way up. I can cook, lift things up and put them down, type, and I’m really handy with firearms and duct tape. Um…that sounds creepy. Not firearms in concert with duct tape. Like I’m not all kidnappy and stuff. Never mind.

    The girls look beautiful! I love that header image.

  17. Looks like I’m the lone holdout against this newest version. I find it frenetic, distracting, and entirely too busy. Perhaps It’s because I like my online experience to be soothing instead of jarring, but it looks like a crazy quilt on an acid trip. Personally, I found Rosalie to be the best. It was well laid out, organized, had a pleasing font, and the side banner was like a tidy shelf with other useful bits neatly tucked away for easy access.

  18. I’ve been quiet on this whole theme front (as it mostly doesn’t really matter to me–not my site)… until now.

    Today’s theme is awful. Please just go back to the original theme. No one comes here for the layout, they come for the content.

    I like the themes where you can read the current day’s content without clicking into the article.

    BTW, I can’t wait for more good news on the Untitled Awesome Project!

  19. Hey Joe,

    I’ve been having a look at the themes.I really like the setup of Magnium. I like the magazine format and it’s visually appealing. I Iike the collage you can add to articles. It’s very easy to see comments and I can see you adding things like “What you’re reading” to a Page like that “About Me” and featuring it on the front page. Perhaps it could also include “What You’re Watching”. Image selection for Featured Image is key for these themes. As you can see with today’s theme (not a favorite) some of the articles don’t have a featured image set.

    For anyone wondering, theme demos include everything including the kitchen sink to give you an idea of features. You don’t need to include everything in the final result.

    I’m a web designer and have experience selecting WordPress themes for work and personal interest. I run the James Bamford fan site https://bambamfans.com. I purchased a theme through WP for this and I’ve been really happy.

    Joe, if you would like any assistance with this or advice, feel free to email me – Maryanne

    Cheers, Chev

  20. With regards to the other themes listed in this post – Writing is fine, although you could probably get a free WP theme that looks like this. It’s pretty basic. Redwood looks attractive too. Look for responsive themes as they format properly for mobile devices. I always check on desktop, tablet and phone to compare. Font is also important for readability.

    Cheers, Chev

  21. Drea’s right about this being the best picture of the girls! You can see the love in their eyes.

    This format looks good on my desktop too.

  22. I’d be really sorry if you moved from Canada. It’s really nice having a Canadian, making Canadian TV shows with a Canadian sensibility, and I’d be concerned that this might changed if you did move.

  23. You’re excited? I’m excited just reading about your proposed sci fi projects. The sci fi gods who were so p…..d off by the untimely cancellation of our beloved Dark Matter are just beginning to possibly be appeased ( but not yet).
    I like the Writing theme, flows more logically and clearly.
    Good luck with the projects Joe, really looking forward to it

  24. This is easy on my eyes, which is nice. I will show up and read the blog anyway.

    L.A. sucks. San Diego is far nicer, but the commute is horrendous. My family has roots in L.A., both sides of my family moved there from Utah. My Grandpa had a fruit stall in the Farmer’s Market, my one-legged Grandfather was an extra in movies. He had been wounded in WWI, and found movie work paid the bills better than anything else. Still, I would never consider living there, too expensive, too smoggy, and too weird.

    My presence online may be spotty, my husband was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Early days and a good prognosis so far, but this is devastating. He wasn’t a smoker, which makes me extra furious with the universe. So, that sucks.

  25. OK so I get it that California has a bad reputation, bUt I have lived here since 1975 and I still love the city. Yes the traffic is bad but maybe you can arrange your own hours for traveling when traffic is light. I live in the suburbs of the San Fernando Valley in Sherman Oaks. It’s a great little city within a big city near the studios. West Hollywood is a great area as well… Just don’t try and throw big parties as the parking is all restricted. It has been exceptionally hot lately but I think it’s been that way everywhere thanks to global warming. I walk my little Frenchy early in the morning and after the sun goes down and she seems to do fine. If you’ve got job opportunities out here it’s a great place to live and work.

  26. Exciting news! Finally that marble race is paying off. Love the pups! While on vacay met a lady that was shopping at an outlet mall with her two dogs in a stroller. The dogs looked comfortable. I was hot and my feet were killing me. I’m not much of a causal shopper. I shop with purpose then want to leave.

  27. I got Los Feliz, too, which is good, because I used to live there and liked it. West Hollywood is full of pretentious people. Don’t move there. Los Feliz is for more down-to-earth people, or “real people’ as I call them.

    And it’s an absolutely lovely place to walk the puppies. (With this, I have lots of experience.) Los Feliz has lots of shade, too. West Hollywood is going to be more sun-exposed.

    Los Feliz is easy to get to/from, as well, since it’s central to just about everything. I can see you going to Old Pasadena for shopping and dinner, and that’s freeway close to Los Feliz. Universal, Warner, and Disney are all just up the cut from L.F. (via Highland Blvd and just one exit on the 101), AND Paramount’s practically IN Los Feliz, whereas WeHo isn’t freeway-close to ANYTHING. Definitely look at drive times to the places you’re likely to frequent via Google or something before you get too attached to an area. That’s super-important.

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