Our virtual season premiere concludes…

May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)! May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)! May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)! May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)! May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)! May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)!

And there you have it.  Everything I had planned for Dark Matter’s fourth season premiere.  It would have been a blast.

Well, I feel much better having gotten that off my chest.  Of course, it’s just 1 of the 26 episodes I had burning a hole in the back of my mind since the show’s cancellation.  Still, it was a most satisfying exercise and, who knows, should I ever again have the urge, the motivation, and the fan support, I may well offer up a second installment of Dark Matter’s Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.02 – somewhere down the line.


147 thoughts on “May 21, 2018: Dark Matter Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.01, Act 5 (of 5)!

  1. Excellent! I’m a fan for life – don’t worry, not the kind that will stalk you or anything like that 😊 (By the way, based on your recommendation in a previous post, I watched “Ove.” It was very touching.)

  2. Loved…loved….loved it!
    You’ve always got everyone in the #DarkMatter #RazaCrew support. So, whenever you feel the urge and the motivation, please continue….

  3. We all know this should be on film, but I’d rather have this than nothing. I am so grateful you felt it was time to share the premier.

  4. That was very exciting, and calming at the same time. I would love to see this on-screen, but it was satisfying to find out what happened next. Thank you for giving us something that could’ve easily been taken from us forever. There’s always room for more Dark Matter in my head.

  5. Fantastic, thanks for moving things along in the series and keeping DM alive!
    For the future story, maybe consider a novel (not graphic novel). I would buy that for the greater depth it would provide. Is that a possibility?

  6. Thank you for filling a little bit of our Dark Matter void — a second installment of Dark Matter’s Virtual Season 4 – Episode 4.02 would be great!

  7. Ditto – @Car – If you are writing, creating, producing, etc., I’m there!
    Fascinating – because of our familiarity with Dark Matter, Raza, Raza crew, and the screen shots mixed in, my mind’s eye/ears are seeing and hearing your words. Yes, loving this soooo much.

  8. This was amazing and please, please, please do more. Though as others said a novel (even graphic) would be awesome too! Build it and they will come!

  9. Oow this was so brilliant to experience/read. As others have said, it seems almost as if I’ve watched this on screen (oh if that was true!)
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Joe. You are a life saver, Sir!
    Just let us know when you want us to help #RaiseTheRaza We’re ready and waiting …..

  10. Yes!! Felt like I was watching it! It would be great if you could publish the remaining 26 episodes (as a novel, graphic novel, tweets, anything!)

    1. It would take me a decade to publish it as a series of novels, maybe a few years to publish them as comic books. Tweets might be the way to go.

      1. Anyway we can get some sort of continuation for one of the best shows will be greatly appreciated. (Obviously prefer 2 more seasons)

      2. Tweets, with their character limit, are an excellent medium to tell the essence of the story and, also, make us part of the storytelling by filling in the rest. We know how by now. Thank you!

      3. Personally, I’d prefer a comic book, but if tweets will give us the full story arc in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future – then go for it!
        Thank you for sharing this!

        Those guys at SyFy should really have the Walk of Atonement for dropping Dark Matter.
        Shame. Shame. Shame …

  11. More, PLEASE! While the chances of more DM on TV is pretty close to zero at least we can all get the closure that LowFy denied us thanks to your generosity and creativity.

  12. I just finished watching Deadpool 2 at the IMAX; understanding it was filmed in YVR puts things in perspective. It is my favorite place to see a movie even those in just 2D. I really like the read with the added pictures because I forget who they are. Having that base image helps me because of my TBI. Like watching a real program. I look forward to future installments.

  13. Awesome Joe! Makes me miss Dark Matter even more to see how great the next season would have been. Please keep releasing these so that we can see what would have happened.

  14. Thank you so much for this. It was AMAZING. And I would love for you to do more…

  15. Again THANK YOU. Knowing the cast and sets like we do, this was immersive, enough to forget just a moment what was lost, and then enough to remember the same. It felt like home. Whatever you decide, you know we’re with you for the long haul. I sure hope that some version of it gets produced someday.

  16. The story text and the few images as tweets worked well.. but we have all seen the show and are committed (comittable?☺) anyway.

    But it seems a shame to continue the material “as a hobby” for you though…

  17. Awesome! After seeing every episode previous to this. I could totally imagine it all perfectly. Very entertaining. Man I can’t believe they canceled this show. WTF?

  18. I enjoyed the tweets.
    I enjoyed, more, the fact that you gathered them into the blog, like this.
    Twitter can be an absolute mess when trying to keep things in the order they were meant to be read!

    Time to add Patreon, then make this your full-time job!!! 😀

  19. Amazing, thank you. It would be amazing to have back on screen. However in reading all of you episode 4.01 it was like I could see the video in my mind. Very much appreciated and would love to see more episodes.

  20. Dear Mr.Mallozzi, from all my and my wife’s heart, we thank you for the story (and this written episode in particular, that actually saved us from hesitating on that TWO’s possession and portal opening).
    Great joke about Boone’s name on the bottle XD
    The story is amazing, the movie is great, the actor cast is awesome.
    You have two more people praying for your show to be back online.

    Dark Matter is just beyond any, ANY show we’ve seen (e.g. Expanse is #2 on the list).

    ScyFy’s made a big mistake following their greed.

    Best of luck to you sir! And, do please, keep scripting 🙂

  21. I would read the heck out of your virtual season! I’m Firefly-level frustrated that they canceled Dark Matter and I’m never that upset.

    Thanks for writing this up. I hope you get a chance to do the next episode. 😀

  22. It’s awesome! Thanks again so much for doing this, Joe. It was cathartic for me as well getting some resolution to the cliffhanger episode, but now I really want to see more! This season would have kicked all kinds of ass.

  23. Not sure if you’re aware Joe but Full Metal Panic Panic Invisible Victory has been airing for the past 6 weeks in Japan and its really good. It only took them oh 13 years to give fans this long awaited sequel.

  24. This is AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this (and to add visuals). This has been burning a hole in my mind too. You are a prince among men.

  25. That’s pretty badass. Classic Dark Matter.

    I’d read more of these, but I’d still rather see a more “proper” continuation. A comic, a novel, and audio drama…

  26. Quick question on something unrelated.

    I’ve recently discovered that there is a stargate universe comic, called “back to destiny”, which continues the SGU story after the end of season 2.

    Did you have any input in this at all? Is it what you would have done in season 3, had it been picked up?

    I’ve been reading the blog for a while now but don’t remember any posts about it (although that may just be my memory!)

    King regards!

  27. Excellent Joe, if you DO have the time and energy we’d love the rest of the episodes, script or as pieces with pics, what ever would be easiest for you!!

  28. Knowing Dark Matter so well, that I have no problem picturing the episode in my mind. Thank you so very much for this, Joe! I really look forward to the next 51 Episodes!! 🙂

  29. I just wrapped up the series after a binge on Netflix, and felt pretty empty when I found out there would be no 4th season (seriously, it’s like SyFy does this all the time with great series, it makes me want to no longer watch series until they are completely finished with an ending). Anyways, super glad you did this for us, I’m so very grateful for it! Thank you so much for a great series, and thank you so much for a glimpse into the next season!

  30. Dear Joseph, you are a gifted writer with an amazing talent. Creating an excellent sci-fi series with heart and soul, and decent plot twists must have been a dream come true for you. As for me, greedily watching the story unfold was quite addictive. I hope you will (in time) get to finish the series you started. I know that many fans (myself included) would love to take that last ride with you, and watch as Dark Matter finally gets a proper ending. You have my support. Don’t give up!

  31. All I can say is that I really hope you feel the need to eventually get all 26 of those episodes off your chest! I really loved reading this, and the stills just make it 100x better! Thank you so much for this!

  32. Thank you so very much! Great that we’ve got TWO back from the Alien’s clutches, but oh no what about the stranded SIX years away from the portal home? Plus what will Three do next? There’s so much left to tell, I’m not ready to wave these characters off into the sunset yet so I hope we hear more of your stories Joseph…please?

  33. Well, this was great! I just hope there will one day be a way to keep this up. The cast was a big part of what made the show really special to me, and I would hate to not see them anymore in Dark Matter.

  34. hi joe, i just wanted to say well done for doing this! it was superb 🙂 i still have hope for tv to pick this up somehow (after all we got the expanse back :), but i know realistically that will be difficult as will novels/comix/etc. i am seriously happy for it to continue in any format coz the story itself is the key for me as with so many others here, really hoping you will do more episodes!

  35. Just finished Dark Matter on Netflix. I am so disappointed that it’s gone. I loved the virtual season 4 and would love to read more. Also the thought of a novel that would be great too but the best would be to come back some where.

  36. Make season 4 happen! Please! Best syfy series since original Star Trek!

  37. Thanks for the glimpse….hopefully someone will give you the oppportunity to continue telling this wonderful story.

  38. This may have already been asked but in the current atmosphere with shows like the Expanse getting picked up by Amazon Studios after cancellation on SyFy, have you tried to find a new home for the series on Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon Prime? It would seem that as an acquisition, this show could be more easily relaunched on another platform or network. The primary sci-fi fans of your past shows like the Stargate series are usually a very tech savvy group and they wouldn’t have any issues with subscribing to one of my previously mentioned streaming networks. I feel like most people nowadays have access to or a subscription to the streaming services. Hopefully you’ll be able to get MGM to give Stargate another shot but please stick to the SG1/Atlantis formula because SGU never felt like a SG show to me honestly.

      1. I really don’t see why they wouldn’t what does Netflix get paid for other than to please us:)

        1. Huh. I didn’t realize someone else used this username. The above from 2018 weren’t me.

  39. Thank you taking the time to do season l, episode 1. I truely enjoyed it. Nice to know 6 made it, for 5’s sake. LOL. Thsnks again. I know you are busy, ut hope you continue with season 4 in this fashion. Much success !! In all you are doing !!!

  40. Many, many, THANKS for taking the time out of your day to do this. I knew before binge watching it was heartbreakingly cut short, but I couldn’t help falling in love with it and it’s characters! I just finished 3:13…and I’M IN A GLASSCASE OF EMOTIONS!!!!

    I would read more Virtual Season episodes in a heartbeat! #teamRAZA

  41. Man, I really loved this show. And I’m not really even into sci-fi that much, but I really got into Dark Matter. I watched 1-2 episodes every evening on Netflix, consistently before bed for the last few weeks. I literally just now finished Season 3, and right away Googled it to find out when Season 4 is coming out, only to find this awesome show has been cancelled. 😭 Hopefully Netflix or someone will take it on and have the same writers/directors finish the series. Anyone wanna start a petition?

  42. I wish I had the money and a network and everything else so I could get this going. I love you for this. I refused to watch SyFy after SGU was cancelled and I happened upon Dark Matter on Netflix not knowing it was SyFy. I DVRed SGU and didn’t know it was cancelled till the end. Same with this, I watched it all then looked for Season 4 and cried. I cried and cried.

  43. Like politicians, tv execs are incredibly short sighted, self absorbed and would rather do low brow slop for less costs than shows that challenge the viewers

  44. Where there is a will… there is a way! The Dark Matter fans really want the show on the air moving head ahead with FTL or a new blink drive.

    It is one of the best Sci-Fi shows ever!

  45. Great show! Great cast! Once again a great sci fi series left in the lurch…
    I really enjoyed the season 4 virtual premiere….Thanks for taking the edge off.

  46. Another fan here to support. I love DM. And, still unsettled after the cancellation.

  47. Nice to see what should have been , cannot believe that DM was cancelled , clearly Sci Fi is totally

    out of touch with what viewers want and like , thanks you for one of the few truly new ideas seen on TV

    in a while

  48. There should be a law against cancellation without completion of the story…wrap it up for an ending or don’t start it in the first place. EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED.

  49. I enjoyed that and would an happy to see another. As a fan who is a proud owner the DVDs of every episode of stargate SG-1, Atlantis, universe, and the movies, I’d be delighted to see the conclusion to more episodes. There is one thing that bothered me about the season 3 finale; why didn’t five say “abort” repeatedly? Wouldn’t that have gotten the message through to 6? Regardless, I still think that the whole thing is brilliant, and I’ve missed the kind of plot, cinematography, character development, and time looping, alternate universe traversing, space traveling goodness that stargate had offered, and it pains me to see this show go as well. What made SG-1 able to last so long? And what really are the potential avenues for the continuation of the show that are still left? And what do you plan to work on next?

  50. Absolutely loved the show. Saddened that it was cancelled… Thank you for the virtual show.

    I hope you can convince Netflix to rescue the show. I would love to see it play out for another few seasons.

  51. Oh please oh please Joe give me the rest in a book series. Anything Tangible that I can hold on to. This story is truly amazing. 🙁 🙁 🙁 BOOK SERIES BOOK SERIES BOOK SERIES

  52. Wow, it’s so great to read this. The day before yesterday I watched the final episode aired in my country and was so sad to see this awesome show end in the middle of a cliffhanger, promising so much more.
    I’m really happy to have found this Virtual Season 4 and differently to when Star Trek Enterprise was canceled and we had to reach out to fanfiction, this is the REAL story the creator has planned!
    Watching it on television would be the best, but I take what I get to get a closure to this incredible plot and well, as said before, best is it’s the plot of the creator himself.
    I really like it that you visualize it with screenshots.
    I hope you go on with this! I so love the different characters and the dynamic between them.
    Now I’m off to reading your Virtual Season 4.2 🙂

  53. Just stumbled on this while searching information on Dark Matter, which I just binge watched for the first time. Really wish they’d stop canceling the best shows.

    Thank you for taking the time to share this with all of us. If you ever get the urge to purge again I know many of ya ur fans would be thankful. Keep up the excellent work.

    1. Thanks, Erika. I do have a number of episodes in my head. It’s just a matter of taking the time to post them!

  54. Why don’t you turn the whole of Dark Matter into a book series? You obviously have plenty of ideas on where the story is going. I’d certainly buy it.

  55. Thanks for this. Miss the show. It had a very specific and unusual character that perhaps stems from it be a Canadian rather than US production.

  56. I really hate if when shows get canceled and we are all wondering what would have happened I’f I would have know I would not have started to watch it on Netflix this was a good show must be a way to finish this for the fans

  57. I’m a huge fan of both Stargate and Dark Matter, I’m extremely disappointed that season 4 & 5 were not produced. Thank you for giving us a little closure. I will watch/read anything else you come out with. An animated series would be cool. A Stargate Atlantis movie would be cool too, since we never got one after the series unlike SG1. Thank you for everything!

  58. Thank you so much it helps to end my craving to find out what happened after the great cliffhanger. I was so sad that the show was cancelled!

  59. I am so sad. I just finished binge-watching 3 seasons of Dark Matter on Netflix. It has been one of the best sci fi series I have ever watched. (I am 50. And I am including original Star Trek in that assessment.) I am extremely disappointed that there will be no more. I wish there was a way to get another season or two out there. The actors were amazing, the team cohesion was phenomenal, the writing was intelligent and humorous, the scenarios left room for so much creativity still. Anyway, wow. Thank you so much for the experience. Very very sad to see it end unended.

  60. Shoots. Just finished up ur blog and hope u can get the urge and motivation to continue. The fans are all in and more coming!

  61. I’ve just finished watching season 3. Discovered Dark Matter about 2 weeks ago. It is very sad they left it at the best moments to actually continue. It is so difficult to find anything to watch that settles on the great plot and not just some expensive effects.

    Dark Matter – I never knew what is coming next and it always made sense in a way. A bit of Game of Thrones’ like tension, but better. Ending it by not ending it is SiFy’s betrayal of the greatest level.

  62. Thank you! This relief was badly needed. Have you considered a novel for the last 2 seasons?

  63. I just found this. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I’ll read every episode you write.

  64. As I was shocked and disappointed that DarkMatter was canceled like that (why is it always happening to the good shows? Veronica Mars anyone?) I REALLY APPRECIATE doing your fans this service of at least giving us a glimpse of how DM would have continued!

    And I LOVE how you even added pictures and conversations… but if this is more work then you can handle in the future, I urge you to at least give a quick summary of what would have happened till the end!
    It doesn’t have to be flashed out like that, as it would still be way better then nothing!

    Thanks again!

  65. I didn’t read this over yet since I don’t have the time, (I am working on my own videos.)
    But I hope you wrote in at least one scene where android get’s double crossed and instead of standing stupidly engages a force field or something. Would love to see android finally get the upper hand and then go into details as to how she already knew yadda yadda was up to no good.

    1. The Android does get disabled a lot so that people can do their misdeeds unimpeded or take the ship. What TV Tropes calls The Worf Effect.

  66. Please don’t ever stop trying to get this made. One of the best shows ever. Sad to see it end right on the alien invasion cliffhanger.

  67. I just watch the three season on Netflix, followed by checking out all the after dark on youtube and the dark matter backstage on syfy.com . Its a great creation.

    I cannot miss but thank you so much for your professional considerations for the fans by presenting this season 4 episode 1 .

    I dont want to push the comment up to compare this trilling fast pace serie to Star Trek but cant fail to notice that that series too was cancelled after three seasons. Proof of how wrong NBC was in their assessment. Its through syndication that star trek gain its appreciation. I hope rerun will provide you with the consideration this series merits and open the opportunity for the 5 seasons you had in mind.

  68. I’m not sure if you still read these comments or not, I hope you do. Regardless I’d like to express my gratitude for you taking the time out of your schedule to do this. I started watching Dark Matter about a week ago after finishing a few other space themed series. It was by far my favorite, and a few hours ago, after finishing season 3, I saw that it had been cancelled. It was very frustrating as this isn’t the first show I’ve fallen in love with only to find out it was cancelled. Most shows do not offer a means to an end like you have here, which shows how much you care about the story you are trying to tell vs the money and notoriety you get from making it. I applaud you for appealing to the fan base like this, it means alot to those of us who have invested our time and interest in the story. I genuinely hope one day you can continue this series on the screen, but if not I am happy you took the time to try and get us some closure. You are most definitely a rare breed! #RazaForever

    1. Although I don’t always have time to respond, I do read all of the comments posted to this blog. Thanks for your kind words. Coincidentally, I had lunch today with actor Alex Mallari Jr. today (FOUR/Ryo Ishida) and we talked about possible ways to complete the story. It’ll be a long hard road, but I haven’t given up!

  69. Somehow I had a link to this in my book marks and followed it tonight. I hope there is a continuation for the other episodes. Thanks for doing this. I’m @Rythymace on twitter

  70. Recently watched Dark Matter on Amazon UK and my wife & I agree it is something special. We’re glad to have watched it even with the scandalous cancellation. You created a world (universe) and some of its inhabitants that is so absorbing. Thank you for that and thank you for this taster of what the future held for the Raza crew.

  71. You can’t imagine how I and my wife got disappointed when the series 3 ended, leaving a lot of questions open. Thank you for the good moments through these seasons. And thank you for this blog. Well, the perfect solution would be to go on with the 4th season – that I’m still hoping. But anyway, this virtual blog is a very good idea. Good lock for your next projects, too! I’m also a big Stargate fan!

    1. Thanks, Joey. I haven’t given up hope on Dark Matter. And, along the same lines, I’m joining a fan uprising to bring back new Stargate. If you’re around, join us this Friday for our tweetstorm!

      1. Have you ever thought about doing a webcomic for season 4 and 5 or digital comic? Almost the same as a comic book except that you don’t have to wait to publish it. Hell, I’d buy it if it was available in some PDF or what have you format to read. Would just need to get a good artist to draw the shots. If you ever go that route I hope you’re able to actually make the characters look like the actual actors.

      2. Heck, Young Justice was cancelled after two seasons in 2012 and then brought back for Season 3 in 2019, with Season Four on the way.

  72. I would like to add another vote for a comic version of Dark Matter to wind up the story you wanted to tell. I would gladly subscribe or even purchase a nice graphic novel of each season. As an added bonus, if you ever got the chance to film, much of your storyboarding would be already accomplished!

  73. I will come save your show, Joe. If someone will just save me, first. May be this year.

  74. Dark Matter is genius. I’ve seen it over 5 times on Netflix. Not once did I wince regarding too much skin or hard profanity when my family was watching. All the actors are incredible and the comaraderie between them (except 4) makes me feel like they are all my friends (including 4). Thanks for creating such a wonderful show. I hope you do many more.

      1. Joseph, thank you so much for created a masterpiece, and for trying bring it to the end! I’ll say that your film is much more interesting than the recently shot opera “Star Trek: Picard”.
        It is a pity that millions of viewers will not be able to enjoy the continuation of the story :(. Have you tried to continue it with another TV channel? For example Netlix?

  75. Joseph, thank you so much for created a masterpiece, and for trying bring it to the end! I’ll say that your film is much more interesting than the recently shot opera “Star Trek: Picard”.
    It is a pity that millions of viewers will not be able to enjoy the continuation of the story :(. Have you tried to continue it with another TV channel? For example Netlix?

  76. Well, I think everyone has said what I am thinking. I am very glad I found this and read it through. Dark Matter is an excellent show. I hope you continue to get the story out. Comics, a novel, or more like this; people enjoyed the story and will follow it. I know I will. Thank you! P.R.

  77. The show was amazing! I just finished season 3, after watching season 1 and 2 again after many years. Too bad! So sad to learn the show isn’t going to be continued. It leaves me and others with so many questions. I really loved the premiere of season 4, even if it was on Twitter. It felt the same as watching a show. Good work!!!
    Do you have any news about your talk with Alex Mallari Jr. last year? Any progress allready?
    It would be awesome to discover the rest of the pasts and futures of all of the characters.

    The story is too good not to continue!

  78. If you can’t find anyone to pick up the show as a tv series that continues the story. Has there been any thoughts or discussions about turning it into a movie franchise? Maybe making at least a trilogy out of your ideas. I mean 26 episodes at about 45 min out of an hour run time is 19-20 hrs screen time to play with the movie studios might be more receptive. Look what they did for firefly/serenity. Don’t give up all hope. The fan base is there in idle waiting for it. You just have to make it happen.

  79. I only found Dark Matter very recently. I was so fascinated by this series that I binge watched – couldn’t put them down!!! Thank you, Joe, so much for taking time to bring some closure to the cliff hanger and then offer more. You’re a ‘good guy’. The world needs more.

  80. Hi Joe, Although you did this a while ago back in 2018, thanks so so much for spending the time and effort first in writing this all out on Twitter and then actually setting it up on your blog in an easy to read format. I actually had Dark Matter sitting in my Netflix Canada queue for a long time and had hesitated in starting it, knowing beforehand that the show hadn’t finished its storyline before cancelation…and to make matters worse, knowing that it would end on a cliffhanger. Despite that, I decided to give an episode or two a shot…and just like for many other people out there, became completely hooked. I know you had meant this exercise as more of self-therapy but reading through the script-like details, being able to picture exactly how it would happen, with the exact feel of how the actors would deliver their characters’ lines, felt almost like therapy for me too. I haven’t checked yet how many more of these episode guides you wrote, but I want to say Thank You for tying me over and for giving us fans a bit of clarity on what happens right after the cliffhanger ending. Hopefully one day, this wonderful series gets to finish telling its story like it deserves.

  81. Thank you for providing this. I just finished season three and was so upset to find that it was cancelled. Really great job with this – I could practically paint the picture in my head and it was highly entertaining. Hope there’s more to come, but this one glimpse of an episode gives me hope for the future of the Raza crew. I highly enjoy your work, Joseph, amazing job! I was not surprised to find that the showrunner for Dark Matter is the same as the one who worked for Stargate. Absolutely amazing! <3

  82. I am so tired of American TV shows being cancelled and ended without wrapping up. It is really cool that you are doing this and I hope others take notice!

    1. Give it a few years. Wait until the audience changes and then represent it, either as is or with changes to make it a new show.

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