Hey!  Who’s in the mood to select a new episode title?  If you’re interested, I’ve got three terrific contenders for Episode 303.  The poll will be posted tomorrow after which you’ll have 24 hours to cast your vote and help make Dark Matter history!

This afternoon, I amassed and relayed all of the questions posted for Jodelle Ferland’s fan Q&A – and there were A LOT of them.  So many, in fact, that if Jodelle were to answer all of them, we probably wouldn’t receive a response until summer of 2018.

Also today, I made two separate batches of hot sauce: one habanero-based, the other cascabel-based.  Took me about three hours, but the results were well worth the effort.  By the time I was done, I was eating them by the spoonful – much to Akemi’s horror.

Hey, speaking of horror, here is the preliminary list of the horror movies I intend to power through during next week’s hiatus…

The Autopsy of Jane Doe


The Boy

Don’t Breathe


The Evolution

The Eyes of My Other


I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House

The Invisible Guest

The Invitation

The Neon Demon

Ouija: Origin of Evil



They Look Like People

Under the Shadow

The Wailing

We Are the Flesh

The Witch

What am I missing?

22 thoughts on “February 12, 2017: Prepare for another episode title vote!

  1. Not a big horror fan, so can’t help you there.

    But, I did finally get to read Divinity (and Divinity II) end enjoyed them both. I haven’t read a lot of graphic novels, so I took my time, and really looked at the pictures and tried to get a sense of what story the artist was trying to tell along with the writer. Took a while, but by the time I got to the end of Divinity I think I got it. At the end, there was some nice behind the scenes stuff which helped a lot. I went back and looked at the pages they discussed and it really helped me understand the story/picture relation a lot more.

  2. I would say have a look at the live action Corpse Party movies. There’s only one out in America/Canada, and they’re low budget, but if you have zero expectations going into it, you may be surprised. They’re an adaption of the Corpse Party videogames and do take liberties, but if you don’t care about that..

    Basically the school the games/movies are based in is in another dimension. In the story the school was closed and torn down in the 70s due to a string of murders. It however continues to exist because of dark magic in another dimensional plane. For decades people have entered this dimension through use of a charm, but have been unable to leave and thus die(Or are killed by the spirits). The school is pretty much filled with vengeful spirits and tormented souls of people unable to move on and are basically trapped there.

    There’s like a whole bunch more to the story but that was basically a non spoilerific summary of the setting its based in.

  3. Oh and one other thing. The Corpse Party series is quite gorey, and has a fair amount of unsettling moments in it. Just throwing that suggestion out there.

  4. I just saw Ouija: Origin of Evil last week. You’ve got to watch Sinister and The Exorcism of Emily Rose if you have not. Both will stick with you. I love to watch horror late at night for maximum effect. 😆

  5. I actually haven’t heard of most of those titles, so I’d be a poor one to offer up extra ones.

    Speaking of horror, starting tonight we are supposed to get about 50cm of snow through tomorrow night. Possibly more. 🙁 Also, with high winds up to 90km/h. So, yay Winter?

  6. I was going to ask if your hot sauces are hot but then I realised that this is you and that is a stupid question!

    I haven’t seen any of those movies. I look forward to your recommendations. I haven’t seen a good horror since Oculus.

    Enjoy your week off!

  7. Brad Wright’s Travelers is on Netflix. There are quite a few familiar faces (e.g. Jennifer Spence, Patrick Gilmore, Louis Ferreira). Check it out.

  8. Can’t help you with horror films, stories, anything in that genre, I’m too squeamish. I have been known to walk out of theatres if the story goes scary. I know I would have nightmares for weeks, months afterwood.

    Glad you get some time off soon. Relax, decompress.
    Hugs to Bubba, Lulu and Suji. 🐶

  9. @Gforce: Stay warm, safe and please please, keep us updated this time, eh.
    Sending warm soft virtual blankets and even warmer gentle soothing thoughts to snuggle under during the storm.

    @Mannas & @Das re: yesterdays entry.
    {{{Hugs}}}. Very well said.
    @Das Love that you had a kitty who could say his name.
    I bet he was quite the character!! <3

    @Joe: Enjoy your week off. Albeit, Hey. ……….. uh ………………
    Are you sure 'you're really' up for the sort of bizarre and terrifying bad dreams you are likely to suffer after watching 35-40 hours of graphic horror movies in such a short period of time?!
    My goodness! That's quite a list there!!
    Personally, I cant even begin to imagine how anyone could possibly claim to feel rested and refreshed upon returning to work, after a stress filled week of being kept in an intense state from experiencing back to back modern horror movies and consuming a variety of alarming hot sauces!

    Maybe?… Just perhaps? …. you might slip in an old fav episode of Seinfeld and a playful Peanuts cartoon along the way and spend at least some of your week off enjoying gentle healthy walks and comforting stop overs at your fav shop for macaron to keep it from becoming too intense. ???

    hmmmmm – just a thought. 🙂

  10. I guess I haven’t watched many horror movies at all. I remember going to see Something or Other Under the Stairs with my cousins at the old Orpheum theater in Ogden. Like any good retired Orpheum, it had been a vaudeville theater, with double “kissing” seats for couples in the back, and spooky boarded up opera boxes at the sides, and tales of ghosts and hauntings. The upper level maze of offices and dressing rooms had been made into apartments, but abandoned due to some regulation, probably safety. Exploring the old upper stories was a challenge, and teenagers and folks looking for places to smoke weed often tried to get in. Eventually a lone adventurer fell through a weak spot in one of the floors, and ended up falling into one of the closed up opera boxes. They’d broken several bones and lay there screaming, blending in with the soundtrack of the low budget horror movies. Eventually the terrified staff figured out this was no ghost or sound effect, and the poor fool was rescued.

    No, not the movie I was attending, hands held over my face. I’m pretty sure the entire story is a local urban legend. But I knew it, and it made the movie scarier still.

  11. Gforce: “50cm of snow” Yikes! Sending warm thoughts…

    Not into horror films but I hope YOU have a great time! Hope you get to sleep late too.

    Good luck at the Vet with Bubba!

    Suji is walking much better (per instagram).

  12. Don’t Breathe was good, I love throwback style movies. I don’t think I’ll ever recover from It Follows, every once in a while if I’m getting a glass of water late at night it’ll pop into my head to scare the dickens out of me.

    Had to google cascabel, sounds tasty. Now I’m hungry for something savory at lunch!

  13. I’ve only ever been scared by the anime “Monster”. That’s it. I reccoment that, though.
    Oh and hot sauces are love. Hot sauces are life! I want some too, now.

  14. You’ve probably already seen it, but if you haven’t yet or Pontypool. It’s a great horror film that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

  15. @Tam Dixon: There’s probably at least a metre of snow in my driveway now and the storm is still going strong. Some parts of the yard are even deeper! It may be days before I can get out of here!

  16. I’m with @Drea – that’s a lot of horror to fit in, take time to chill out with a trip to Soma, at least once or twice!

    Episode 3 title choice – woohoo 👍
    Is this going to be with an additional ‘who said it’ again?

  17. @birdyincanada

    Ohh an anime fan. Check out the Corpse Party anime, it’s not that long. It may scare you. It’s way more horror than something like Monster. Some of the stuff in this series is kinda messed up, especially the way some people die.

  18. Bring in the titles. We’re ready!

    I haven’t seen a single horror suggestion from above. Bon Appetit! Let us know how they are. I’ve heard interesting things about The Boy. That one is on my list.

    For a good psychological thriller, I’m gonna suggest “Split” out in the theaters now. Some might consider La La Land a horror movie if you don’t like musicals.

    I’m big into classics. Jaws, the original Halloween, The Thing (John Carpenter’s version), The Omen, The Amityville Horror (the book gave me nightmares), Alien, Aliens and C.H.U.D. (I had to throw that one in). I really like The Relic. It’s available on Amazon Prime.

  19. Agree with Meghan. Pontypool was a very good movie. And, and, and, it was directed by our very own cowboy Bruce McDonald!! If you haven’t seen it Joe, you owe it to Bruce to watch.

    Also agree It Follows was good. Didn’t really scare me though.

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