December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

Pictured above: Production Designer Ian Brock – mastermind of the Dark Matter art department and everything from The Raza’s to Hyperion-8 to the Ishida Research Facility…and so much more.  Under Ian’s guidance, our art department has been tearing it up (figuratively speaking) in season 3 and, with so much going on, I thought it would be the perfect time to put EVEN MORE on Ian’s plate by arranging this little blog Q&A.  So, yes, if you have questions for the guy who designed those awesome Raza corridors, EOS-7 airlocks, and Traugott armored assault vehicle (Oh, I get ahead of myself) – post them in the comments section. You have until this Tuesday night!

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

What’s in the works over at Studio 2?  Looks like the early makings of an alien terrain.

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

That mag-lev platform is almost there…

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

When last we saw the Blink Drive, it was being whisked away by Ryo Ishida.

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

Robotic arm design by 1st Assistant Art Director/Set Designer Karl Crosby.

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

Episode 303 tone meeting with Director Bruce McDonald and Co-Exeuctive Producer Ivon Bartok.

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

Meanwhile, on set…

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

And, while all that was going on, THIS also happened today…

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

Suji has landed!

December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 Of 91!  Quiz Ian Brock!

Thanks to Ann and Josh for flying her in.  On the Marauder no less!

18 thoughts on “December 2, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 11 of 91! Quiz Ian Brock!

  1. No no no nooooooo! I want to hear all about Suji. Please spill all the beans with lots of pictures tomorrow. Pleeeeeease. Thanks to Ann and Josh!!

    (Hi Bruce!, and long beard Ian!)

  2. Ian Brock Question: How did you end up working as a Production Designer? Was it something you planned to do or did you fall into it?

  3. Hi Joe! Some exciting things are coming along for Season 3! Can’t wait to see it!

    Questions for Ian Brock:

    1) What advice would you give to an aspiring Production Designer?

    2) What tips would you give for success?

    2) If you could re-design the set of any old, classic movie, which movie would that be and how would you re-design the set?

    Thank you for your time!

  4. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary! Thanks for the amazing shows and making me smile so much over the years 😉

    Question for Ian: is there something that you look for in an idea or a piece of art that makes you say, “Yes, this is for that show(/vehicle/ship/etc)” or is there more of getting everything together choosing between them..?
    The show’s consistently beautiful, thank you too.

  5. Welcome to Suji….
    her picture the other day had a quizzical look.
    Just wait until she discovers alllllll of the joys she will have with her new mommy and daddy. You and Akemi will spoil her.
    Looking forward to pictures….yay.

  6. Hello Ian.
    Thank you and your great team for all the fantastic work on Dark Matter!
    Please may I ask:

    Is there any Production Designer/Art Director past or present whose work you greatly admire and why?

    When not at work, do you sketch or paint?

    Which architectural and/or interior design period/style is your favourite?

    What is your favourite anecdotal tale you tell at social gatherings?

    Thanks for taking time to answer our questions. It’s much appreciated 😊

  7. Welcome home Suji… you have won the Joe and Akemi lottery! I hope Lulu and Bubba become her friends, and welcome her into their family. I suggest treats at the ready to reward good behavior and much patience.

    I see the supposed alien toilet seat belongs to the maglev. That’s a relief.

  8. Wait, isn’t that mag-lev unit that same piece as the alien toilet? Unless that’s how… hmmmm..

    Can’t wait to see more pics of Suji!!

  9. Suji looks a little unsure about things but I’m sure she’ll settle in soon. Thanks Ann and Josh! It takes special people to help out in the animal rescue world.

    How did you get into TV shows Ian? Love your work!

  10. Hi Suji! Hope you get along with your new doggie friends Bubba and Lulu. 🙂

  11. Some questions from me!

    1. How would you describe your experience working on Dark Matter for three seasons now?

    2. Is there anything you’d like to see in Dark Matter that you perhaps wouldn’t have the budget(yet) for?

    3. Are you a foodie?

    4. Were you a fan of Stargate before joining Dark Matter?

    5. If you were the captain of your own spaceship(Could be any ship from any Scifi show or whatever). Who from the Dark Matter cast, crew etc would you want to crew it?

    6. Thankyou for taking the time to answer the questions, keep up the amazing work. But one final question, what inspired you to be a production designer?

  12. @2cats – your last comment … brilliant pun! 😂

    Wishing Suji happiness and love with her new family. She’s such a lucky gal! Hope everyone settles in very quickly….

  13. Suji is adorable. Thanks Ann and Josh for bringing her to her new home. I hope that Lulu and Bubba give her a warm welcome. Suji has indeed won Lotto! I’ll think of some questions for Ian tomorrow. I am knee-deep in the “J” addresses for my Christmas cards.

    Update on Patrick though: We’re spacing out his pain killers today to every 8 hours instead of 6. I’m a little concerned that he still has a lot of blood on his pillow overnight. I know it mixes with saliva so it looks like more, but I’m so worried that if he disrupts these clots, he’ll get dry socket. I actually hear him laughing in the other room so it can’t be all that bad. What a brave kid. I can’t imagine having been in such pain for so many weeks and not being able to tell anyone other than acting out, which we always think first is him trying to get out of doing something (because he does that, too). LOL.

  14. Some questions for Ian Brock:
    1. How do you approach designing a project with so many different aspects as the Dark Matter universe? Do you have a specific designing process that you usually follow?
    2. Your job must involve a ton of little details and things to coordinate. How do you keep track of everything? And what about time management?
    3. Do you do a lot of research before starting work on a project, like the Raza for example? What kind of references do you work with?

    Thank you for your wonderful work, and for taking the time to answer these questions!

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