Day 9 of 91!  Holy crap!  We’re practically 10% done on Dark Matter’s third season.  And I’m not yet 50% done on its scripts.  Help me, Obi-Wan.  You’re my only hope!

When I’m not writing scripts (or eating or sleeping), I’m in prep meetings for Episode 302 with director Bruce Mcdonald et al.

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

Today, we enjoyed the Stunts & Special Effects/Visual Effects/Art Department trifecta!  Topics of discussion included, but were not limited to: holo-tablets, drones, green power bars, explosions, and tasty tasty candy glass.

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

Discussing those early sets and location builds.  Looks like we’ll be headed to lovely Kitchener.  Road trip!

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

The neural link device, last seen in Episode 211.

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

The Blink Drive and adapter – last seen being whisked away in Episode 213.

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

Concept art for the mag-lev.  See the real thing in action in Episode 302.

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson shows off an early prototype of the holo-tablet.

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!Another little something from the art department and their new 3D printer.  Once it’s painted and complete, you won’t even recognize it!  Note Props Master Victor Klein’s futile attempt to duck out of camera range in the BG.

Meanwhile, today, on set…

November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 Of 91!

Hey!  It’s snowing!

19 thoughts on “November 30, 2016: Dark Matter Season 3 – Day 9 of 91!

  1. It’s been pouring here for two days; we were in drought warnings so it’s needed, but man I’ve had enough already!

    Love the virtual snow. Back later for @Drea’s present announcement.

  2. I don’t know how you keep it all together, your busy schedule makes me feel like an underachiever, though it doesn’t really take much. I’m happy being a little Indian and not the big Chief.

    Does the trip down memory lane with the neural link and blink drive mean they’re going to show up in S3Ep2? The mag-lev and holo-tablet look awesome! The little something from the art dept looks like a Bluetooth speaker. Crank it up! Is that Commander Traffault on the Raza bridge?

    @TamDixon: the last couple of weeks have been brutal here with the forest fires (smoke/smog) everywhere and our fires were helped along just like the ones in Gatlinburg. Arsonists, should be shot! Then last week we had a deadly school bus crash locally, 37 elementary children on board, 5 dead on scene with one dying later at the hospital, several critical with over 20 “walking wounded”. Then last night was fraught with all the tornados, the EMS system was going off…I was getting phone calls at midnight then again at 1:40 a.m. to make sure I was “seeking shelter”. Camped out in the laundry room (safest place in my house) with my purse and shoes, fully dressed of course. You may laugh, but a guy in the Valley was found in his field this morning, naked, home destroyed. He lived.

    I hope the torrential rains we had last night made it to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge. Such devastation.

  3. You know Christmas is on its way when the blog snow is back!!

    That blink drive doesn’t look that complicated to make. I should do one for the car. Should really speed up the commute.

    The 3D thingy looks like two stacked garbage cans. Probably not that, though.

    Commander Truffaut!!

  4. Hi . Hi! 🙂
    Sorry so am so late guys!

    Gary and I were in the middle of a rather interesting
    email conversation earlier
    when my internet suddenly went out.
    Bet he felt insulted eh. ! 😀
    Had asked him a kinda deep question
    but then didn’t respond. Yikes!
    Terribly sorry my friend. I promise
    lack of response wasn’t at all
    what I felt or intended for reply.

    But am back!

    Ok undeniably sexy hombre amigo, Joe!

    Ready for your Grand finale 10 year blog anniversary gift?

    Its time to play that awesome 70s tv show game:


    Okay this gift is fairly heavy in details and there are two parts to it.
    Thus, upon gforces generally sound, helpful advice,
    I am only going to release
    the main part of the gift here for now.
    Albeit, rest assured,
    all legalities have already been taken care of,
    everything is in place, ready to go,
    and ALL details will be emailed to you for inspection and approval
    before any action is commenced.

    Your only participation
    needed for this gift is:
    *To vote for 5 of 10 awesome
    aspiring writers from our blog family in February,
    *To read and approve the voted upon writers work at the end of 2017
    *And to begin playing the role of the hero
    springing the most desperate prisoners from jail in 2018.

    Yup! That’s right Joe! You guessed it!
    For your 10 year blog anniversary
    I pulled some strings within the NS101 education community
    to get you certified as a bail bondsman! 😀 😀 😀

    (what’s that you say? – You want to trade in that donkey gift behind door #3
    for what’s in the box! In that case see and unveil next Comment box marked:


    Joe, in congratulatory celebration of
    your 10 year daily blogging achievement

    I am gifting you with an awesome minimum 3 series book deal!!!

    Yes, That’s Right Joseph Mallozzi.
    Whoo-hoo! Yippie skippy! By golly!
    You ole son of a gun!
    You are finally gonna get to be an actual book author!!!!!!!

    And better yet, The books are each going to be titled
    The Best Of Joseph Mallozzi vol.1
    The Best Of Joseph Mallozzi vol.2
    The Best Of Joseph Mallozzi vol.3

    And you wont ever regret writing these books
    because the magic script elves have already
    taken care of it!

    Ok Get ready now
    details are coming your way in next 3 comment boxes!

  6. Gift Details.

    Beginning in Mid January and running thru mid Feb
    Applications will be accepted from aspiring writers
    (in any genre) from amongst the regular readers of your blog.
    These applicants will compete for a one year volunteer internship
    on the Joseph Mallozzi Magic spript elves & faeries team
    via submitting a small sample of their work that demonstrates
    they have have a good grasp of prose.
    A blind judging committee, already in place,
    consisting of professional educators, authors & journalists
    will screen the submitted works and select 10 aspiring writers.

    In mid February your job will be to select 5 writers to serve a one year internship on team Joe.

    Those writers will then get to work researching, selecting and curating selected sections of your blog from
    2006 – 2016. Once their task is complete they will each write a brief chapter intro/ header for their section
    and all 5 will write a preface for vol 1 and create a cover title.
    One preface & created cover title & design will be selected as the winner.
    All 5 writers will have their names published in the page 1 opening credits.
    The book with then be printed and binded and sent you you for approval.
    before being offered to our blog family ‘at cost’ beginning in Feb 2018.
    The only charge to our family will be reimbursement for the exact cost
    of paper, printing, binding, packaging & postage.

    So which section of the blog will each be researching?

    That’s where our beautiful blog family comes in!

    Also beginning in mid Jan a poll will go out to your readers.

    They will have 4 wks to vote on which section of the blog they want to see turned into a book first.
    For example:

    A. Set Building, props, building/ships schematics/concepts/ VFX, concept art.
    B. The best of celebrity Qn As
    C. Joes, travels, cooking recipeis n weird food purchases.

    Also in Volume one I’ve already decided, because it your prose writing that has most inspired me
    over the years, that the interning writers need to select and include some samples of your best prose

    BUT WAIT! — Theres MORE!!!!

    Part 2 of your gift coming up in a 4th comment box!


  7. Details box 4

    While the books will be sold to our loving blog family completely at cost,

    -For each book purchased the reader/purchaser will have the option
    to pay any amount they choose over the cost of its manufacture
    with all proceeds going into :

    The Maximus and Jelly Eleventh Hour Fund.
    ( already set up – and only requires
    your signature on a quick one page form to fill out )

    You will have sole executor access
    to withdraw from this fund,
    at your leisure,
    to rescue fur babies on death row and help
    get them to safety at a loving rescue org
    The # of dogs you will be able to rescue and the amount you donate
    to assist in that endeavor will depend on how many books our loving
    blog family purchase. xo

    and heading your way in a 5th Comment Box

    (oh No!! .. wait. hang on. …
    I think my carpal tunnel syndrome is starting to act up again
    via all this exhaustive typing)

  8. waiting…… waiting….
    shaking the cramp ouutta me hands!……….

    Ok whew! That’s better. Ok sooooo
    onward into the fabulous grand finale
    gift reveal we go!

    This part of your gift is still in negotiations
    and requires both a wee bit more participation on your part
    as as well as your approval
    albeit if I can seal the deal for certain in the next couple months …
    –.> –> –> How would ‘you’ like
    to be both a teacher and once per month columnist
    at a very major U.S newspaper
    that will not only serve to help teach readers
    about the various aspects of television production
    but will also help attract more readers
    and potential new Dark Matter Fans to your blog?

    What’s that? Speak up eh?
    Do I hear a yes? 🙂

    Well, good! Here’s how it would work:

    One entry per month here on the blog
    would explain in detail about
    some aspect of the making of a television show.
    It could be about anything you’d like:
    From set building, designs, vfx, writing,
    explaining what work goes into being a show runner,
    or executive producer,
    or selling a script.
    You name it – the choice will be entirely yours
    based on whatever you’re in the mood to write about.

    You would then copy n paste to the newspaper column. 🙂

    Well, Joe, That’s it! As me bud Jeffy T and I like to say
    in the land of looney tunes
    “That’s All Folks!”

    As much as I’m enjoying bestowing these lovely gifts on ya…
    I think the writers cramps
    I’m getting in my hands
    must force me to quit givin ya so much! so sawheee! 😀

    Hope you enjoyed
    all our little tributes & gifts this month! <3

    Sending so very much hugs, love, kisses
    and even more gratitude 4 all you do,
    your way, now and always! XO

    And to Akemi & furbabies too! And new addition
    She is an adorable lady .
    and I look forward to getting to now her
    by any name
    you, Akemi or we elect.

    Wonder if she has any idea
    how spoiled she's gonna be
    being in our loving little family??

    Thanks so much for the snow! <3 xo
    Ya know I love it. XOXO

    It is my greatest hope
    Life will work out as it was intended in our favor and I can
    make it happen to fly up to Toronto or Van in person soon
    to come give You, Akemi & Bubba n Lulu n Suji
    a big ole HUG and some live n sweetness in person 🙂

  9. @gforce, precisely what I was thinking! Snow on the blog means it’s December.

    I love all the props! I couldn’t help thinking how far we have come from repurposed salt shakers and things from Star Trek.

  10. These BTS pix are all very intriguing and a tad bewildering as I have no idea what Season 3’s storyline is or where it’s heading. (This, by the way, is not a bad thing). Season 2 we ‘knew’ the Raza crew were to be imprisoned and we always knew they’d escape …. but this time ’round? Got no idea 😊

    Has Commander Truffaut developed ESP? (she’s got those floating boxes obediently hoovering, overhead!)

    Sorry to hear the bad weather where some of you guys are. Stay safe!

    Me? I’m collecting mistletoe in the orchard where I work …. Its minus 4 here! 😶

  11. Tori! Big things must be brewing if Truffaut is on deck. Thanks for the great pics, I like all the white and green of that botanical garden/hydroponic bay, and all the drapey tented bedrooms fit for a king. The gorgeous amber and emerald colors in those panels/walls remind me of the Dal.

  12. That neural link device looks evil! Have you finished any episodes in S3 yet? When does Suji arrive?

    Maggie L80: I’ve been following that bus crash on the news. Hard to believe the company hired a 24 year old to drive a school bus. 🙁

    For the fires, do they know it was arson for sure? We have a saying in Memphis “People be crazy”. It’s great how Dolly is stepping up!!!

    Mother Nature is a bitch. I grew up near Nashville and we had some killer tornadoes come through when I was a kid. Pretty scary! There’s one house I go by on the way to my mom’s. They had the house on a hill, it was beautiful and surrounded by trees. Tornado wiped it out and killed one of their kids. It looked like a bomb went off! Trees and the house were decimated. Now the rebuilt house is in the valley below (they have a big plot of land). You can see a storm shelter in the front yard. I get sad just seeing that house.

  13. @Ceresis Yup! you were definitely getting warmer in guesses!

    @2cats Guessed it had something to do with the blog being turned into a book.


    @PBmom guessed it had something to do with pups.


    But no one seemed to guess about the newspaper column even though it was in the very first clue. 😀

    Clue #1:

    Joe: I know you probably have a zillion questions.
    Answers coming via email by end of the month.

    In the meantime guys – Start thinking about which sections of the blog you;d like to see turned into a book.

    I recall someone recently mentioned they hoped to see all the concept art put into a book. Will be sure to put that into the reader poll for everyone to vote on in January XO

  14. @Drea Whoa That was exhausting reading the details of that GIFT!!!! I’d definitely buy one. Sorry I didn’t get to read about it last night but we were exhausted from our all-day event with Patrick’s oral surgery at the hospital. Sounds like a lot of love and energy went into getting all the pieces of that elaborate plan into motion and fitting all together. Great job!

    Loving the props. You are seriously making me want to buy a 3-D printer. And yay Torri’s back.

    @Maggie L80 Crazy stuff going on with weather. I do hope the rain helps the fires. My sister said the air quality in Asheville, NC sucks. One lightning and the rest set by arsonist. I haven’t had time to follow up on all the bus tragedy to see what the investigation has turned up. When I see school buses around here blowing through red lights and exceeding the speed limit, I write down their bus number and report them.

    Gotta run at the moment. Will read the Dec 1 blog tomorrow on Dec 2. Patrick needs to go to sleep and I’m keeping him up. He had a rough 3 hours this morning, but he also went 9 hours without pain medicine overnight. Once we got past those 3 hours, he actually went out to do an errand and also go get him some more soft foods to eat. Can’t remember if I told you guys, but he had 2 infected bottom wisdom teeth, they took out all 4 but none were impacted thank goodness. Now fingers crossed for no dry socket. So far so good. I think if we can get to Saturday, we’ll go in pretty good shape for that to be no.

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