February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – Behind The Saturday Scenes!

Today saw a wrap on two different directors and their respective episodes – Steve Dimarco (Episode 203) and John Stead (Episode 204).  I dropped in for about an hour in the morning for the alley scene.  Two (more like three) outstanding scenes will find their way into the pre-existing director’s cut of 203, a dynamic episode that the diehard Dark Matter fans will appreciate.  Then, later this week, I’ll receive the director’s cut of our epic western, 204.  Much like Stargate, what I love about this show is the fact that we produce thirteen mini movies a year, each one unique and independent and yet, simultaneously, narratively linked to a greater arc that builds throughout the season.

I gave you all a look at the concept drawing in yesterday’s blog entry.  Today, here’s a glimpse at the set – prior to atmosphere and lighting…

February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – Behind The Saturday Scenes!

Had a very Blade Runner-esque feel.  The blue screen off the back will allow VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson to work his magic.

February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – Behind The Saturday Scenes!

A cleaner look.  Production Designer Ian Brock and his team have really wowed this year and, on this day, delivered three exceptional sets.  More on the other two in the coming days.

February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – Behind The Saturday Scenes!

A couple of looks from the other side.

February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – Behind The Saturday Scenes!

My camera doesn’t do it justice, but the other cameras that were capturing the action certainly will.

February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – Behind The Saturday Scenes!

Setting up a stunt.

Production on Dark Matter’s second season is going fast.  In a few short weeks, we’ll be hitting the halfway mark of the schedule.  And we still have scripts to write!  And this blog to update with oodles of stuff, from on set pics to concept art, crew Q&A’s to live periscopes.

You are all in for a treat!

18 thoughts on “February 6, 2016: Dark Matter – behind the Saturday scenes!

  1. That set looks amazing. And, I think we’ve already been treated quite a bit! Can’t wait to see more though.

    By chance, I noticed that the mini-series from your “Delete” script was on Space Channel tonight! Didn’t catch the first part but overall it looked pretty interesting. Not sure how close it is to your original vision, but I plan to check out the last half whenever it’s on.

  2. hmmmm…. on second thought … that gen pop area turned alley doesn’t look quite so forsaken or bad, after all….

    Yes, indeedee! The lighting, extra plastic and those questionable looking characters talking to Five sure does make for a big difference! 😀 .

    Hope you and Akemi Enjoy Your Sunday. xo

    ***Happy New Year!!***

  3. Awesome alley design! Very dingy, sketchy and intriguing all at once. It’s the little details that bring it to life. Deckard would fit in perfectly here. Which led me to think of Roy Batty & our android…hmmmm “do androids dream of electric sheep?”

    Looking forward to seeing how this scene plays out? And did you say “western”? Can’t wait!!

  4. Wait a minute. That alleyway is Hyperion 8 jail cells re-worked. Drea is wise to ya. Did you already discuss this and I missed it? General jail population one minute, an alleyway the next minute. What else do you have in store for this monster set. I couldn’t believe you would build something so nice for just 2 episodes. A few false walls here and some blocking there and you could make that set into anything. It’s magic!

  5. The guy shown standing in front of Jodelle…DM crew or DM character?
    …and how exactly can you ever really tell the difference anyhow?

    Thank you VERY MUCH for sharing/(teasing) all of the DM Season 2 BTS
    information, pictures and videos.
    Please know that all of your many blog and DM BTS efforts are always GREATLY appreciated!

    PLEASE…more of everything!…and especially shots of the DM cast.
    Please keep up all of your interesting and fun work.

    Dark Matter…Season Two….intrigue..squared.

  6. Oh, I had a question about your different directors. (I’ll try to remember for the next mailbag.) Talking about how each episode is like a “mini movie”, do you think your directors are trying to out do each other and make their episode the best of the season? If so, you are an evil genius Joseph Mallozzi!

  7. Hi Joe
    Yes, lots of exciting things for us to look forward to.


  8. …. ‘dynamic’ …. oooo….
    … shoot-outs! …… oow!…
    ..atmospheric alleyway set…. very tasty!
    Five…yay! …..
    blue screen…. (yesss!)….
    …stunts…. And there’s more!!! Phew!!! 😌
    ……And I thought Christmas finished in December!
    Thanks Joe.You just keep giving! 😎

  9. Yet again, brilliant photos of a fab set.
    Almost half way through – wow! That means it’s getting closer for Season 2 to air on our TV schedules – bring it on 👍

  10. Those sets look amazing! I agree with Ponytail, Your blog is a treat everyday Joe. It’s something to look forward to.. {{{Hugs}}}} to you Ponytail!

    I’m adding another resolution to my New Year’s list, “Organize my tax paperwork during the year”. Our taxes aren’t complicated, but it would go much easier if I were better organized. It’s also very disappointing that our son’s college apartment rent isn’t tax deductible…. Grrrr!

    bambamfans: Good luck on your blood tests!

    Dr Jo still doesn’t know if the Memphis Radiation Dr will take her case. I pray he will. When I took Lucy in for an ear recheck/shots Friday, it was so touching to see how many clients came in and hugged Jo, wished her luck and such. Jo needs to be home during treatment to get all that support. Please keep her in your prayers.

    I hope all your crew are well Mr. M. and you all get to sleep late!

    I’m feeling a little down and am considering a little retail therapy…. 😉

  11. @Ponytail: Joe mentioned about the gen pop area being turned into an alley in the last periscope session. It was just so surprising they put in all that time and expense to track down and purchase actual prison beds for the sake of authenticity only to see it covered in plastic, graffiti and bags of trash a couple episodes later, eh!

    @Tam: Hope it all works out for Jo. Definitely keeping her in my daily thoughts and sending more warm hugs & energy her way today. xo Hugs to you and Lucy as well! xo Have fun shopping! 🙂

    @Chev Hope you feel better soon. 🙂

    @Joe How’s Lulu doing?

  12. The sets look phenomenal. And once again I am shaking my head in frustration that I’m this far behind again.

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