November 26, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Teasers!

Presenting : our Dark Matter season 2 mystery concept sketch of the week. What’s going on up there?  Who are those guys?  What is that room?  What’s the deal with those green things?  Any guesses?

Today was a day fraught with audition screenings, tattoo discussions, and much spinning of creative wheels on this script I’m trying to complete before next week. I have been battling this scene for going on three days now and the usual breakthrough methods haven’t helped.  They are, in order of efficacy: 1) driving around, 2) bourbon, 3) ignoring the problem until the solution arrives in a panic-fueled inspiration.  Tick tick tick.  Meanwhile, every other aspect of production continues to speed headlong toward next week’s start of official prep!

Speaking of every one being incredibly constructive – in this case, literally – check out the work-in-progress modeling being done on the Hyperion-8 Galactic Detention Facility by VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson and the gang –

November 26, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Teasers!

They’re, to refresh your memories, the same people who brought you…

November 26, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Teasers!

And –

November 26, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Teasers!

And –

November 26, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Teasers!

Set walk-thru today!  Pictures tomorrow!

17 thoughts on “November 26, 2015: Dark Matter season 2 teasers!

  1. Mmm……..prisoners going through a decontamination chamber?
    Can’t have nasty viruses in the prison, wouldn’t want the prisoners dying of sickness instead of being killed by torture methods! 😙

  2. Are food adventures a way to shake the ideal lose?

    Did you see that Jewell Straite is about to pop?

  3. I find that your number 3 approach usually works very well for me. Although, the inspiration part is usually wanting, but what are you gonna do?

    That modelling of the prison looks great so far. Can’t wait to see in it’s final state.

  4. My guess on the sketch at the top is that it has something to do with the pocket universe technology, like maybe a transfer tunnel between dimensions/universes. It’s based on nothing more than my desire to see more about the only hinted-at tech and because I’m 12 inside. Thanks for keeping us pleasantly entertained and informed!

  5. Could the mystery concept sketch be a decontamination cubicle? The green tubular structures look like they could be blowing in or sucking out air. AM I close? My second thought is a possible “group” hair styling cubicle. And the folks standing there are prisoners, visitors, guards?

    What program/system are the models rendered with and to what scale? The details are spectacular.

    As for the writer’s block, I find forcing myself not to dwell on a sticky bit works. Go to bed thinking of something entirely different, meanwhile your subconscious is working away, free of your conscious mind’s frustration. This is why I keep a paper pad and pen bedside, to capture the solution as I awake. Or, you could run the part by Paul?

    Much success!


  6. Thanks for the teasers. But it’s akin to the wafting aroma of a gourmet meal that on must wait months to dine on. Not that we don’t appreciate the fix. Don’t know what I’d do without them. The show is looking beautiful. Gotta love your hard working crew.

    To all of you in the States celebrating the holiday, Happy Thanksgiving! To all those not celebrating this particular holiday make the day special in any way that pleases you.

  7. With 16-18 hour work days these past 10 weeks on all too little sleep challenging my sanity and the busyness of the holidays + visiting relatives adding to the load, This year I give thanks most of all for all of you. Your warmth and laughter greatly eases the stress and makes all the difference in the world! ~Happy Holidays To All!~

    Joe: Don’t panic. You got this. Just go grab yourself a few pistachio macarons. Go for a quiet walk alone without the fur babies. Clear your mind. Let everything go. Then go sit somewhere taking in the sights and sounds of life all around. Allow your mind to drift all the way back to when you first conceived the DM story and the inspiration you need will come.

    And if that doesn’t work … -> Kentucky bourbon serves as a wonderful substitute for milk on ones breakfast cereal. 🙂

  8. I’m on a 15 minute break… The pecan pie is out of the oven, the layered pudding cake is in progress, the pumpkin pie just went into the oven, the eggs are cooked and I just need to put the devil in them 😉 then next is the pasta salad. Need to make a cooking schedule for tomorrow’s turkey, ham, corn casserole, sweet potatoes, and stuffing. Only immediate, in town, family coming for Thanksgiving, which means after the big meal everyone just goes home. No overnight, stay all weekend guests! 😆 That means Friday is a day of complete rest. Can you say “awesome”!! Happy Thanksgiving USA!!

    Lawren Bancroft-Wilson and the gang is at it again. Beautiful models. The mystery concept sketch to me looks like an interrogation room maybe? Is that bright lights or maybe it is gassing them with something.

    Well, gotta to go back to work. Timer just dinged!

  9. Well if you do 2 (as I slowly sip my ginger ale and vodka) you would not be able to do 1. And if you do 2 that could lead to 3. So with a process of deduction, 2 seems to be the catalyst to drive every thing.

    Could the green gas be an homage to the Get Smart movie-“the naked bomb”? As the people enter the room to be showered and disinfected, the mist also dissolves any material leaving the person unable to hide any contraband.

  10. Love the models and sketches, amazing group of talented folks! Re: breaking thru block or glitches, taking a long walk usually helps me. Can’t think too hard when you are shepherding three rambunctious border collies thru the neighborhood, and the ‘not-thinking’ part seems to help trigger a solution to a problem scene. The walking makes me ‘get out of my own way.’

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone (or Happy Thursday if you’re not celebrating) from Pienza, Val d’Orcia, Italy!

  11. By the way: To everyone who helped out in round 2 at radio times tv show matchups. Thank you! xo

    Though we did not win, it was a glorious epic battle and you were all tremendous! We started out ahead at 66%. The other team fought back while we were all at work the next day and knocked us down to 41%.. But we fought back hard thru the night to bring us back up to 54%.

    Unfortunately the other team pulled a Trojan horse move in the final 2 hrs of the round revealing an army of 10 players that had been sitting quietly in waiting all along. Oh well. No worries eh. We’ll get em next time eh! 🙂

  12. Happy Turkey day or lasagna day or turducken day or eat too much day !! The rolls are raising, the coffee is perked. My feet are up and posting this morning.
    Joe you can try thinking about what to get Mom and Akemi and sis for
    Christmas if you want to get distracted, that is if you don’t already have those presents taken care of. I have yet to actually start that particular activity, behind b4 I start. Not that you don’t have enough to fill your mind with, yes mine would have exploded by now, but you are a great multi-tasker. and such cool detail in those models for the detention center, thanks for sharing.

  13. Sorry to hear/read you’re a tad bogged down! 😐
    May I suggest a peruse at:
    . it may revitalise you 😊
    As for todays tease…
    Are those guys 3 and 1 in the decom tunnel? ( I’m thinking 1 never gets let off, as was previously expected).
    … and on the mention of tattoos, I did notice one on ‘Towel man’s’ (!) arm and concluded therefore it couldn’t have been 1 as he has none. So, does everyone, guards included, have special or unique tatts?

  14. OK so, I’ve been thinking… That probably isn’t One with Three, in the decom chamber. I’m now thinking he’s assigned to the laundry. In a high security prison they would separate prisoners. It would be more degrading for a former CEO to work there plus its one more thing that would irk Three and result in the two of them becoming more separated from each other… in theory.
    … Am I wrong? ….. Oh, most probably 😉

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