I feel like my head is about to explode.  And it’s only Tuesday.  I’m juggling revisions and rewrites on six different scripts, casting, prepping, and trying to figure out the most efficient way to schedule a bursting-at-the-scenes action-heavy Episode 202.  Also, fantasy football.

But mostly fantasy football.

Anyways, before I resume script revisions on Episodes 201 and 202 (while simultaneously trying to swing a deal for a Tier 1 QB), I thought I’d take a moment to show off some of the graphics that will adorn the monitors in same episodes.

November 24, 2015: Dark Matter Graphics!

November 24, 2015: Dark Matter Graphics!

Graphics by First Assistant Art Director Kelly Diamond!

November 24, 2015: Dark Matter Graphics!

November 24, 2015: Dark Matter Graphics!

Graphics by artist Victor Mare!

Can’t wait to see them up and running in glorious HD!

9 thoughts on “November 24, 2015: Dark Matter graphics!

  1. Victor victorious! Joe you have got the most amazing people working for you on Dark Matter! Such talent!

  2. Way to go Victor! That seems like a dream job, graphic art for a great show.

    Now I need to hop in my time machine and have a little talk with 15 year old me.

  3. As an Alpha Geek and 40 year IT Guru I always look at the graphics/user interface and even switches. So this post hits my happy buttons!

    Thank you!

    Your show is so delicious that I’m doing a rare for me, second watching to soak in all the goodness!

    I noticed what appeared to be an off the shelf portable qwerty keyboard on the ships console. Sadly I was alone and couldn’t share my geek moment with anyone. Ha!

    I’m very picky with my SF consumption. Keep up the tight writing, dry humor, fabulous direction and most of all sublime acting.

    Season one isvan instant classic.

    Thank you for this gift and good luck!

  4. Still loving the behind the scenes for the upcoming season. They look awesome. Wishing you, Akemi and the pups a very Happy American Thanksgiving as I will be off line the till next week.

  5. I see Victor is a Star Wars fan…. 😉

    I noticed he put his name(and his wife’s name, assumedly) in Aurebesh in that info bubble on the Warden’s screen graphic. The pic was a little too low res to make out what the rest of that stuff said, but I was able to translate “Victor Mare Rose Mare”. I figure he probably put a fun little message in there to someone. 🙂

    You should have him look up the font: Anquietas. 😉

    Let the record show, though, that I am not a huge Star Wars nerd. I know tidbits here and there, but that’s about it. I like the originals a lot and I was ok with the prequels, but I’m still undecided if I’m even going to go see the new one in theaters. Something about the fact that Disney owns it all and has full control over it and JJ Abrams at the wheel, I’m just not sold on it all. I have yet to see a JJ Abrams movie that made me feel, “Holy cow that was awesome!”. He already ruined the Star Trek universe, I’m afraid he might do the same for Star Wars. I’m not so much skeptical, I’d call it cautiously hesitant.

    -Mike A.

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