Work progresses on Dark Matter season 2.  Today brought a fresh round of auditions – and a handful of very strong candidates.  Casting the part of Nyx is going to be especially challenging because our casting director, Lisa Parasyn, and her team have assembled some truly terrific talent.  Some great choices among the candidates who auditioned for Devon, Misaki, and Arax Nero as well.

Construction on our new sets begins next week and we have some pretty amazing plans in the works (but you already know that, don’t you?).  I’ll be sure to snap plenty of “Before” pics so that you can compare once the show airs next year.

Yes, with Dark Matter‘s second season still a ways away, here are a few visual tidbits to tide you over – a sneak peek at what we have in the works for you compliments of  Production Designer Ian Brock, Art Director Russell Moore, Set Designer Doug Slater, and Concept Illustrator Sanford Kong…


October 22, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Sneak Peeks!


October 22, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Sneak Peeks!


October 22, 2015: Dark Matter Season 2 Sneak Peeks!


Thoughts and theories on the above?

20 thoughts on “October 22, 2015: Dark Matter season 2 sneak peeks!

  1. The top one looks like a sick bay, either on a space station somewhere, or as a not-yet-discovered room on the Raza.

    The bottom two? Wraith hibernation pods. Wait, too soon for a crossover episode? 🙂

  2. Claustrophobia comes to my mind, small space for any extended stay on the bottom 2 pix. But they are all cool looking!

  3. The first picture definitely has some kind of medical purpose. Perhaps a quarantine/study room for the Raza crew because they’re from another universe courtesy of that schmancy planet-killing, pocket universe tech?

    The other two look like a prison, or maybe a stasis prison? Somebody needs to put up guard rails on those balconies before people get hurt. One slip and you’ll put your eye out.

  4. I’m on the prison bandwagon, with the first pic being the prison med bay.

  5. The top one looks like more than just a ship’s infirmary. Maybe a big hospital?

    The second two are maybe an alternative to the maximum security prison design? Or maybe a hotel? Public storage?

  6. Agreed. Top pic looks like a med-bay or patient examination room. Bottom ones look like jail cells. Could be a stasis prison like Tom suggested. But hey, who needs guard rails? Depending on how high up the second and third floors are, that alone would be a deterrent to escaping — no way to get down to the ground floor lol.

  7. Hi Joe
    No ground floor if no gravity. The top one is infirmary and the bottom to jail cells.


  8. The last two is a large room of shadow boxes for displaying “clones” you can select for transfer transit shenanigans. The top picture is a bargain transfer transit clinic. And I’m using the term “transfer transit” loosely. You don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to, maybe you’re not even allowed to use it for travel if you’re not wearing your own likeness. It’s more about doing what you want while looking how you want.

  9. Wraith pods?! 😉

    Okay – seriously – first pic is probably a sick bay.

    While the next two definitely look prison-like (and probably are), I am concerned with the lack of security measures. No railings on the second and third levels, at least 65 cells opening into a central courtyard – it just smells of a prison riot scene. Also, I don’t see cots or toilets (which may explain the riot). Sooooo…

    Maybe not a prison. Perhaps it’s a sales floor of some kind, with each ‘cell’ containing some new fashion or gadget. Or, they’re the balconies of a luxury space hotel. Or maybe a not-so-luxurious hotel. Or it’s one of those new Japanese micro-apartment residence buildings. Or…the room isn’t really 30′ high as it appears, but rather only about 8 foot, and it’s a futuristic automat where withered ham sandwiches, soggy subs, and lukewarm noodle soap are served up to many a weary traveller who happens by.

    Oddly enough…now I’m hungry. 😛


  10. The Bottom pics… Your NEW Apartment..? 😀
    Although, I’m sure it’s must roomier on the INside, with an AWESOME “curtained” View!!

  11. In agreement with the top pic as a medical facility.

    Bottom pics – possibly stasis pods, but I don’t see these as stasis prison cells. Why would you want to go to the trouble of keeping dangerous criminals/prisoners alive for a long time?
    Unless – these cells are onboard a bounty hunter’s ship for transport? A lot of cells shown in the pic for that purpose, perhaps? But bounty hunters could be storing their targets for months before collecting the bounty, got to keep the ‘cargo’ alive! 😉

    Or, they could be storage pods – for a new batch of redesigned, advanced types of Androids?

    Loving the concept art and speculating on what they represent – or not! #teasers

  12. @gforce LOL loving that idea! 😉

    First pic really looks like a sick buy. Have no idea what the second one might be, maybe a storage room.
    Joseph, thank you so much for sharing with us news regarding Dark Matter. Makes the wait more interesting and exciting.

  13. I’d say infirmary on the first. The second one looks like some kind of cryo storage? Maybe, for the androids are something. Pretty cool pictures! I hope you get some of those framed.

    Thanks again to Alex and to you, Mr. M. for the Q & A’s. I know they are very time intensive and we do appreciate them!

  14. Over worked, all too verbose and analytical, but definitely cute, science ed geek needs to have more fun. Seeking …oh wait… uh… ooops!. My bad. sorry. wrong web site.

    Judging by the high tech look of the beds. The fact there is only one, ‘non security’, person standing calmly behind the desk in front and That you have not revealed the visuals on ones back story yet, I’m going to guess the top pic is a flash back to ONE awaiting consult and exam for plastic surgery to become Corso.

    Agree with everyone else on next two. Looks like some sort of holding cells with the diagonal mid bar used as a catalyst to evenly distribute a force field. The occupants probably exit via a door-wall on the opposite side of the cell that retracts upward like an auto garage door.

    Albeit, if that’s true,? Like Das said, it makes escape waaaay tooo easy because those ledges appear wide enough to walk on without too much difficulty and even if we were to pretend the surface of the ledgings are shorter and electrified, it still makes escape waaay too easy to figure out and pull off, not quite as much fun. (Though the ‘riot ‘part she suggested might be briefly entertaining). So I’m gonna go with PonyTail on this one and guess the cells are just public storage.

  15. First one looks like some sort of medical thing on the Supermax. The second and third look like the cells of the prisoners with maybe fighting pits at the bottom? Some Mad-Max-like adventures?

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