Dark Matter Goes International!


“LONDON — TV series “Dark Matter” is going global on Syfy following its U.S. premiere on the channel on June 12.

It will air on Syfy in 86 countries, including the U.K., France, Germany, Spain and Australia. Regions where it plays on the channel include Asia, Central Europe and Latin America. […]”

Great news!  This means that the next time I travel to Tokyo, I’ll be able to stay in and watch Dark Matter on Universal Channel (Japan)!

We’re still a ways from finished visual effects, but there’s some very positive early buzz on the show.  People who have watched the rough cuts of our first two episodes are very excited by what they’ve seen.  The feedback has been fantastic and we keep hearing the same things: “Great characters!”,  “Great sets!” and, most importantly “Fun!”.

Let’s celebrate with the final instalment in our Four Days of Tabor Calchek feature:

April 7, 2015: Dark Matter Worldwide!

I saved the best for last.  This one’s going to be my new desktop wallpaper!

April 7, 2015: Dark Matter Worldwide!

Can’t wait to see the Tabor Calchek cosplayers at Comic Con next year.

April 7, 2015: Dark Matter Worldwide!

The awesome Bruce McDonald was in the ship’s underbelly this morning, shooting his final scene for episode #107.  Love this guy.  It was a pleasure working with him – and an equally great pleasure watching his director’s cut of same episode (minus that outstanding scene).  It’s going to be great.  But don’t take it from me.  I screened it for Akemi the other night and she couldn’t stop talking about it.

Another director I’m a huge fan of is Ron Murphy who followed Bruce today, shifting the action to the mess – and episode #109.  It was a festive atmosphere. Especially after we broke out the party favors:

April 7, 2015: Dark Matter Worldwide!

Tomorrow: Editing!  Infirmary!  Bridge battle!  Jay’s notes on the season finale! And rum cakes!

Not necessarily in that order!

25 thoughts on “April 7, 2015: Dark Matter Worldwide!

  1. Cool!

    Although, I’m not sure I want to know what that green lighted thing on the darkened set is supposed to be.

    What is the lithium oxide for? As far as I can tell, it’s main use is as a flux used in glazing ceramics.

  2. Bridge Battle, ALRIGHT!!! Seriously, the premiere can’t come soon enough. Argh, can’t wait… … … need trailer… … must see… preview….

  3. I’m not sure I should be commenting on David Hewlett’s robes and pajamas…so I’ll error on the side of discretion…

    Great news!  This means that the next time I travel to Tokyo, I’ll be able to stay in and watchDark Matter on Universal Channel (Japan)!

    Great news indeed! We’ll have to tell our ESL Teacher friend in Tokyo to be on the lookout for it.

    And are you tying in the Lithium Oxide into android batteries, or will you all be playing with ceramic glazes?

  4. Wow! In that photo, David Hewlett looks so thin! You’ve been feeding him, right? Right?

    I love the blue props. They look like mines – the kind you do not want to accidentally stand on and have to get pulled off of by your best pal, only to get your bum blown off….like that, right? Right?

    So glad that Dark Matter will be getting seen around the globe. However, I noticed that Canada is noticeably absent in that list of countries… I am getting worried.

  5. Great news on the international availability of Dark Matter!


    And I was thinking lithium batteries, too, but they seem kind of bulky for your slim, trim androids.

    Does Calchek ever wear real clothes? No? Eh, I didn’t think so. The man runs his stable from the comfort of home.

  6. I am wondering what is Tabor Calchek’s power? He looks like such a sleeze that you would be able to squash him like a bug. Does he have henchmen who do his dirty work, or is he just a powerful “business man” that everybody needs him? I’m going to like this David Hewett!

    I’m really looking forward to Bruce McDonald’s direction too. You’re right, he is awesome! Peace, love, rock ‘on man!

    I’m going to go on Akemi’s site and see if I can make her “spill the beans” on what she knows about Dark Matter. Don’t tell her I said that, she won’t understand what “spill the beans” means. Would she?

  7. @ DP – Until Dark Matter comes on, may I suggest going to The Animal Planet’s website (right now!) and watching a live feed of a giraffe giving birth. At APL.TV. I have been watching and waiting on baby for 2 days now.

    Also, I have been watching giant baby panda Bao Bao growing up for over a year now at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo live cams. That has been great entertainment.

  8. great news I wouldn’t doubt it if before long we hear the show has been given a second season before the premier even airs.

  9. Tomorrow: Editing! Infirmary! Bridge battle! Jay’s notes on the season finale! And rum cakes!

    Not necessarily in that order!

    have the rum cakes (with extra rum) first & the rest of that list will go easier.

  10. Hmmm..
    First downside I’ve had of getting rid of Cable TV!! Can’t seem to find a way to pay for just SyFy, without being roped into a costly £6,000,000 p/m multi-channel bundle…

    Are there any streaming options showing up, yet? I’d happily pay for the season on iTunes.

  11. Can it be June 12 now? lol. It’s good that the pieces are falling into place for Dark Matter to be a success worldwide. I’m sure we’ll be reading about the show here come 2020 🙂

  12. David Hewlett, je la savais !
    SyFy = Space au Canada ? J’espère. le 12 juin aussi ?

  13. Hey Tabor, love the robe. Who’s your taylor? (homage to the Muppet Show) Joe, Nice that the show will have some international out reach, but traveling over seas I rarely have time to watch TV. What I find interesting is how well they do the translations. I got a laugh out of the movie “Patton” when translated into Thai.

  14. Oh I am so guessing wardrobe had a blast dressing David, Lets hope the robe is tied,, or maybe not….Nice sinister look there!. and rum cakes!

    and who knew you could post that way….

  15. David looks great! I am happy to see him back on TV. I can’t wait for this show’s premiere. June seems too far away, now.

  16. Lithium oxide: “Lithium metal might be obtained from lithium oxide by electrolysis, releasing oxygen as by-product.” Perhaps the crew needs oxygen for some reason?

  17. so great to hear the news about the release date and that it will go international! wow! bril! and congrats!

    As to David! wow! i had no idea he could be so hot.. wait till Carter see this picture of him, and his biggest dream will become a reality! 🙂

    take his robe off, and mine will be too 🙂 !!

    So enjoyed Rodney McKay! missing the man!! so glad to see Tabor soon! 🙂

    ps: that trailor totally rocks!! can’t wait !

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