The other day, Akemi and I happened across a small dessert shop in Vancouver’s Strathcona district.  It’s called Crackle Creme and it specializes in creme brûlée – oh, and waffles.  Real Belgian waffles with pearl sugar, not those other ones!

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!

The place is a one-man show run by Daniel Wong and, what he lacks in restaurant experience he more than makes up for in passion and sheer enthusiasm.  On the afternoon we checked out his place, there were 12 different varieties of creme brûlée available.  Since it was our first visit, I decided to go simple – straight vanilla bean creme brûlée.

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!
Daniel Wong = proprietor, creme brûlée master.
September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!
Layering on a fine crackle.

The brûlée was perfect – neither eggy nor overly sweet with a nice thin caramelized sugar covering.

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!
Check out the vanilla beans.

As if often the case when I can’t decide between two desserts, I get both.  And so, in addition to the brûlée, I also ordered a Liege waffle with “adult nutella” (Pssst. The secret ingredient is booze!).

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!
Studded with pearl sugar that he imports for his waffles.
September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!
Golden crisp with a nice chewy center.
September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!
Topped with the adult nutella.

A terrific waffle – which I thought could have been even slightly more so with a dollop of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.  But I’m no waffle purist.

September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!

Check it out the next time you’re in town.

Crackle Creme

Opens Wednesdays to Sundays, 11:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

245 Union Street (Vancouver, BC)

13 thoughts on “September 3, 2014: Crackle Creme!

  1. Quick update on my daughter Katie’s service dog. This is a quote from her facebook:

    She is out of surgery and all went well. He said we caught it early enough and she didn’t ruin the “cartilage” between the bones, which is good. I get to pick her up end of the day tomorrow, they want to monitor her through the day and make sure everything is good for recovery. Gus is freaking out a little wondering where his big sister is but other than that everything is good.

    (Gus is her pug puppy.)

  2. interesting that you post about creme brûlée, i tried that “creme brûlée” shake at arby’s yesterday. blech! i should’ve known better.

  3. Never been a fan of creme brûlée…or its relative, phlegm…I mean, flan.


  4. Ooo! I may have to check this place out in October!


    I’ve got a partial post up. Due to a power outage on Tybee Island this morning, I’m having to use the iPhone WordPress app (instead of my Tablet). Unfortunately, after the post reaches a certain size, the iPhone app starts doing funky things, so I’ll have to wait until later tonight to complete the post.

    But you can look at the draft post here:

    It should be the first post up…check back tomorrow for an update.

    And as of 11;30am EST, the power is still off so we’re skipping Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room for lunch today. I need to make sure the power and A/C is back on before we leave our dog Lucy in our camper. I might try for Mrs. Wilkes again tomorrow.

  5. Oh great. ANOTHER place I have to go the next time I’m in Vanc! It looks delicious.

  6. @das: I love flan and creme brulee. Is it the whole custard thing you find nasty? I have a wonderful flan recipe from Rick Bayless’ cookbook that I make every now and then. My kids fight over if.

    @JeffW: I’m glad you have power again! And thanks for the food reviews. The desserts looked especially good. And the shrimp and grits, too!

  7. @ Sparrowhawk – It’s a bit of everything – I don’t like the texture (esp. flan), I don’t care for the flavor (or lack thereof), and I don’t like the texture (esp. flan).

    Also, it’s not chocolate. 🙂


  8. Now those things I would definitely try. Yum. Except, I’d have to have regular nutella. No booze for me.

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