1. Joseph Mallozzi

    Yep. Dis be de place.

  2. I think I’ma gonna need a drink…or three. :) (Joey, make sure to bring some chocolate!! :D )


  3. I might be out with a friend, Stargate fan Tiffanie. I have some serious catch-up to do. Went to high school reunion (best trip of the century!) then got back and had full-on Patrick 24/7 from Aug 1 until today when he went back to school. And he was NOT in a great mood. Raging even. And today my business launched. So busy, busy, busy. I likely will be home all day tomorrow, so I’ll catch up. Sorry I will miss this Q&A (unless Tiffanie cancels on me because she has 1-1/2 hour drive ahead and she is stuck where she is and it is 5:45 now. Not sure how late she wants to be out).

  4. Hey, Joe!

    Between Cookie Monster’s movie reviews & your Food Truck taste testing I think you are gradually affecting my subconscious. Last night I had a dream about the Muppets having their own food trucks! Various Muppets were in pairs of 2 working their own various themed food trucks, but the catch was they were in a race from N.Y. to L.A. with the winner being a combination of 1st to arrive/truck that sold the most. And the whole time various Muppets or bad guys would sabotage or steal the food trucks. The dream itself was actually a whole lot funnier than the past few Muppet movies, and in essence it did seem like a real movie.

    So here’s my question: Should I thank you for inspiring such a great dream, ..or should I be worried that your blog is affecting me this way???

  5. I’m just gonna watch .. This should be interesting.

    Q: Can you or Akemi share some of your favorite rice dish recipes? And what makes a really really good movie to you and Da Cookie Monster?

  6. Hi Joe!

    My son David wants to know if you’re a Canucks fan…

    I’ll try to come up with my own question in a few minutes.

  7. on August 15, 2012 at 4:25 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    See you in (about) 30!

  8. Hey Joe and all the others gathered around the monitors.


  9. So we leave a message here… and then what happens? I may say more here than in the last three or so years.

  10. T minus ten minutes and counting

  11. Q: What are the approximate odds, that we’ll be seeing something sci-fy from you like a miniseries, series or movie, in the next year to 2 years? Thanks. :)

  12. Hey…Joe! :) This is cool! :) So…how’s it going with Akemi’s immigration?

  13. on August 15, 2012 at 4:58 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Evening, everyone. How goes? Akemi just made some delicious beef curry and home baked chocolate chip cookies for dinner (well, the curry was for dinner; the cookies for dessert). So I have plenty of energy.

  14. Hi Joe, how the heck are ya?

  15. on August 15, 2012 at 4:58 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Lewis – you should be worried. Very worried!

  16. Hey Joe, How’s Akemis arm/hand feeling?


  17. Speaking of Akemi’s immigration. What happens if you and Paul decide to move to LA to pursue opportunities there? Do you then have to start over? Some sort of waiting period before anything can be done?

  18. All this refreshing is probably going to freak out WordPress! Here’s a question – I was reading on GW that “Delete” is casting, but it also said they they have started filming. It is unusual to start filming before all the roles are cast?

  19. Since chocolate is its own food group, I would have had that…

  20. on August 15, 2012 at 4:59 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Hey, Chris. I’ll ask Akemi to offer up one of her best recipes and post it in an upcoming entry. Maybe with pics.

    As for what Cookie Monster feels makes a good movie – well, I think we’re in agreement on this one: a smart script or, at the very least, a script that doesn’t assume the audience are a bunch of idiots.

  21. Haha, Lewis, that is awesome. And probably an excellent script idea!

  22. Hey Joe,

    Are you making plans to drop in at Dragon*Con at the end of the month?

    I’m still hoping I can make the trip to Atlanta. If not, there’s always next year!


  23. on August 15, 2012 at 5:00 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Hey, Jeff. Can’t say I’m a huge Canucks fan – or a hockey fan in general. I’m more of an NFL guy. I’m a Raiders fan! (Much to Carl Binder’s chagrin).

  24. Q: Are you allowed to comment on the “Delete” miniseries yet? Do you have any further involvement or just wait to see it on TV like the rest of us?

  25. on August 15, 2012 at 5:01 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Maggy K writes: “So we leave a message here… and then what happens?”

    Chances are I may answer your question.

  26. I’m here. Kinda’ hard to come up with a question for a guy who I’ve been reading a little about every day for years.

  27. How long did the SGC have the Atlantis Moon base in operation before the opening of Extinction?

  28. Go Oakland!!!!! RIP Al Davis.

  29. SGA question: In Instinct, why did Carson bring the retrovirus with him when, by his own admission, it was no where near ready? Was there a valid reason, or was it just to set up the events of Conversion?

    And FTR I’m still not buying how Carson managed to blow up.

  30. on August 15, 2012 at 5:03 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Hey, Sue – Akemi’s immigration process goes slowly. We were hoping to have an answer by July but the embassy in Tokyo is no longer screening so we have to go through the Philippines which will add several months to the process. I’m hoping to have an answer before October 18th which is when her visitor’s visa expires.

  31. I am lurking in wet and cold Scotland. I will probably not join in but will be reading the posts.

    Funny dog and cat stories would be appreciated.

    Tartan Turtle

  32. So what did you think of Ready, Player One?

  33. Thank you for being a part of the creative team that gave is Varro, bra’tac and my fav vala mal doran.
    How is both Brad and Robert doing? Why have they not been given other opportunity?

  34. Delete sounds scary, especially considering this is an entity that learned all its social morals from the internet.

  35. on August 15, 2012 at 5:04 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “In Instinct, why did Carson bring the retrovirus with him when, by his own admission, it was no where near ready? Was there a valid reason, or was it just to set up the events of Conversion?”

    Hmmm. Don’t remember the particulars of that one. Would have to rewatch the episode.

  36. on August 15, 2012 at 5:04 pmfor the love of Beckett

    Lewis — I’d watch that Muppet/Food Truck road race to L.A. Would make a great movie. :-)

    Joe, can you tell us anything about the super secret project you were working on with Ivon?

  37. Joe what TV shows are you currently watching?

  38. Do you in Vancouver “spring forward” for day light savings time? Just noticed the time stamps are an hour back.

  39. Have the SG movies gone by the boards or is there still some hope on the horizon?

    Also, I have a theory about what the ultimate endgame for SGU was supposed to be. Am I right? :-)

  40. on August 15, 2012 at 5:06 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joe, can you tell us anything about the super secret project you were working on with Ivon?”

    I’m actually working on two super secret projects with Ivon. The first is a horror script on which we share a story credit, the other is a genre series we are developing with Paul and Rob.

  41. Hello Joe,

    Thank you for doing the Live chat/mailbag…

    I have some questions for you… answer whichever one(s) you would like and ignore/delete the rest…

    Have you tried avocado fries? Good or bad…

    Have you eaten at French Laundry yet?

    Is there something you haven’t eaten yet, that you really want to?

    A couple of weeks ago you did a 100-point rant (kudos on being able to do that by the way). This question pertains to one of the points. Why does it bother you if someone else eats his or her meat medium?

    You’ve been thinking about the move to L.A., how would the move affect Akemi’s citizenship request? Would the dogs have to be quarantined for a period of time?

    Seth Green was cast in your mini-series Delete. When you write do you picture a specific person/voice (even though that particular person may not actually be cast in the role). Is that part of your process? Do you know what I mean?

    Delete is shooting in Vancouver, will you visit the set?

    Thanks, again!!

    Have a good one…


  42. RE: your reply about the miniseries: w00t!

  43. Hey Joe

    On August 11th’s post you had Sean, I believe his last name is Koo. And he’s also in the background of one of your San Diego pics.


  44. on August 15, 2012 at 5:08 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Have the SG movies gone by the boards or is there still some hope on the horizon?”

    Unfortunately, it looks bleak for the Stargate movies we had planned – Revolution and Extinction.

    “Also, I have a theory about what the ultimate endgame for SGU was supposed to be. Am I right?”

    With absolutely no knowledge of your theory, I’m going to say….yes, that’s it!

  45. Hey! I made it. Didn’t think I could drive so fast. And I hurried a 15 year old up. My major accomplishment of the night. :)

  46. How are the children…er…dogs?

  47. Ok, here’s my question. What part of the United States that you haven’t been to would you like to visit? And what kind of food would you eat there?

  48. Is there an individual with NCIS responsible for all the former Stargate actors that have been cast?

  49. Hi, this is a list of some the questions ive had about stargate, if you could answer some of them that would be great!

    In be all my sins remembered after the replicators were sucked down to the planet why didnt they beam into some of the ships and have a fleet of ancient warships to fight with?

    Why did it seem like atlantis shields were never that powerfull, when the ancients lived there 3 zpms powered the shield it lasted for years, but one only lasted our people a few days whenever they were attacked.

    In the ancient database was there no information on how to build zpms?

    In auroa what do you think the weakness was?

    In travelers the people had guns like ronans but they had to reload, how come ronan never does?

    Why did you kill of beckett, i loved and hated that episode he was my second favorite character?

    In the last man why didnt they tell of what happened to beckett?

    In unending when the as guards killed themselves didn’t they have any ships they could have given to earth?

    When some Asgard went to Pegasus why did they lose to the wraith? In the milky way their ships were the most powerful.

    Do you think the furlings would have looked like ewoks if you ever made an episode about them?

    How many bc-304 ships does earth have by the end of the series because at the End of SGA there was Daedalus, Apollo, Odyssey, then in enemy at the gate the sun tzu, was mentioned(Chinese ship? Why would we give china a ship?) And the Phoenix/Hammond. By the end of sigh there had go be quite a few more ships right?

    Do you think earth would have made a ship larger than the bc-304 to fight larger ships?

    Who do you think is smarter McKay or Carter?

    In SGU if they had managed to get a supply line in seizure do you think McKay would have gone?

    Will you ever release the script for extinction?

    Is there any hope for stargate coming back in some form in the next few years?

  50. on August 15, 2012 at 5:09 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Hi Joe, how the heck are ya?”

    Fine. A little stressed. Last night, I dreamt I bought a shoebox house and there was somebody hiding in the basement. Not sure what was on the hider’s mind (murder, mayhem, or surprise birthday party) as I woke up before I had a chance to find out.

  51. “Have the SG movies gone by the boards or is there still some hope on the horizon?”

    Unfortunately, it looks bleak for the Stargate movies we had planned – Revolution and Extinction

    Well, that just sucks!

    “Also, I have a theory about what the ultimate endgame for SGU was supposed to be. Am I right?”

    With absolutely no knowledge of your theory, I’m going to say….yes, that’s it!

    I knew it! Thanks for confirming it for me!

  52. This is all very exciting. I keep trying to come up with a question, but instead all I have in my head are statements like: Vancouver looks like it’s a great place to eat! And then I follow it up with rhetorical questions like, “Why isn’t Minneapolis that awesome?” :-/ I’ll settle for watching I think LOL.

  53. on August 15, 2012 at 5:11 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Are you making plans to drop in at Dragon*Con at the end of the month?”

    Alas, no plans to visit Dragon Con. The dogsitter is on vacation. :(

  54. G’day Joe

    I had my first maracon today. It was hazelnut, I was expecting something a bit sweeter. Was very yummy though.

  55. Was researching for Delete what had you concerned that your Google searches would draw the wrong kind of attention to yourself?

  56. hey, joe, any chance for that combo movie of sg1/atlantis/sgu?

  57. on August 15, 2012 at 5:12 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Q: Are you allowed to comment on the “Delete” miniseries yet? Do you have any further involvement or just wait to see it on TV like the rest of us?”

    I’m holding off on commenting for the time being. It was a very tight schedule but Paul and I are very proud of the script. We broke the story in a week then wrote the four hour miniseries in a month – which is the equivalent of a Stargate script a week. It’s shooting now but Paul and I aren’t producing so I can’t offer any further insight.

  58. You’ll have to talk to Marin Gero about the con. He was there in 2010.

    Have you done any conventions besides the Stargate ones in Vancouver?

  59. What’s Brad Wright working on?

  60. Can you talk about Delete? Are you at the filming? Is it being shot at Bridge? and when is it due out? thanks

  61. on August 15, 2012 at 5:13 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I was reading on GW that “Delete” is casting, but it also said they they have started filming. It is unusual to start filming before all the roles are cast?”

    Somewhat unusual but occasionally this happens if: a) the role being cast will be shot later in the production schedule and b) there are ongoing negotiations in the works.

  62. oops sorry missed thelast coment, thanks

  63. on August 15, 2012 at 5:14 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “What happens if you and Paul decide to move to LA to pursue opportunities there? Do you then have to start over? Some sort of waiting period before anything can be done?”

    I believe that once she receives her permanent residency in Canada, she’ll be able to travel with me. Shouldn’t be an issue.

    I hope.

  64. Hey Joe

    How’s mom and Sis?


  65. Joe, in the SGU ep “Life” (I think it was), where Rush “visits” his ailing wife, the background music with their scenes together was Bach’s “Chachonne”. I was wondering who picked that music (or generally those specific selections that SGU would often use) and did they know that that piece is thought to have been written by Bach in honour of his deceased first wife. Brilliant choice anyway, but if it was with that knowledge, that’s some pretty subtle stuff!

  66. on August 15, 2012 at 5:15 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Hey Joe, How’s Akemis arm/hand feeling?”

    Much better, thanks. She’s very proud of her moisture method of healing that has seen the wounds clear up scar-free.

  67. on August 15, 2012 at 5:16 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “How long did the SGC have the Atlantis Moon base in operation before the opening of Extinction?”

    In the script, the Atlantis moon base has been in operation for a very short time – perhaps inside of a week.

  68. Joe I have one question that keeps coming up as I watch SGA on DVD and stroll with you down memory lane. (Thanks again for doing your memories!) I was wondering if any of the cast or crew ever complained about all those stairs on the Atlantis sets?

  69. Final question: Can you send some of those fresh chocolate chip cookies over here to New Brunswick!? They sound excellent! :)

  70. on August 15, 2012 at 5:17 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “So what did you think of Ready, Player One?”

    Like quite a few books I’ve read of late, I LOVED the first half and then felt it lost steam near the end. Still, a great read – especially for someone who grew up playing D&D.

  71. on August 15, 2012 at 5:18 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “How is both Brad and Robert doing? Why have they not been given other opportunity?”

    Brad and Robert are presently working on their own projects and I suspect we’ll hear some big news from one or both of them before year’s end.

  72. How are your Snow Monkies looking? My son David missed his draft deadline (he got distracted), and now he’s hoping for an upset season.

  73. Saw Mike Dopud on Grimm last night. Apparently Varro has now become some sort of French sabretooth cat type dude. And he’s evil, wicked, mean, and nasty. Probably from losing TJ.

  74. on August 15, 2012 at 5:19 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joe what TV shows are you currently watching?”

    Breaking Bad. Hmmmm. I’ve given a bunch of other shows a try and none have stuck. Akemi likes Masterchef and Hell’s Kitchen, so we watch that as well.

    Have any recommendations?

  75. What has been, if any, your latest chocolate find?

  76. on August 15, 2012 at 5:20 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Do you in Vancouver “spring forward” for day light savings time? ”

    Believe this is a wordpress issue. Here in Vancouver, we spring sideways. For the month of November, Tuesdays and Wednesdays switch places in the week. Weird, huh?

  77. Hey, I noticed “Boat of a Million Years” in your recently read list. Just wondering what you thought of it?

  78. Did you catch any of Continuum? It had Lexa Doig and a few other ex-stargate people in it.


  79. on August 15, 2012 at 5:23 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Have you tried avocado fries? Good or bad…

    – Meh.

    Have you eaten at French Laundry yet?

    – Alas, not yet. That’s on my Bucket List along with visiting Singapore and bare knuckle boxing a couple of individuals I’ve worked with.

    Is there something you haven’t eaten yet, that you really want to?

    – Off the top of my head, can’t think of anything.

    A couple of weeks ago you did a 100-point rant (kudos on being able to do that by the way). This question pertains to one of the points. Why does it bother you if someone else eats his or her meat medium?

    – It just feels as though you leeching all the flavor out of the steak. At least well-done offers you the flavor of burnt fat.

    You’ve been thinking about the move to L.A., how would the move affect Akemi’s citizenship request? Would the dogs have to be quarantined for a period of time?

    – Don’t think dogs would be quarantined. Same for Akemi.

    Seth Green was cast in your mini-series Delete. When you write do you picture a specific person/voice (even though that particular person may not actually be cast in the role). Is that part of your process? Do you know what I mean?

    – It really depends. Sometimes, we write a part with an actor in mind.

    Delete is shooting in Vancouver, will you visit the set?

    – Nope.

  80. I’ve been watch Big Brother. Yes it’s true. They HAD Survivor’s Russell’s brother. He was booted off the first or second week for not playing well with others.

  81. on August 15, 2012 at 5:24 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “How are the children…er…dogs?”

    Almost always sleepy. Except at meal time.

  82. on August 15, 2012 at 5:25 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “What part of the United States that you haven’t been to would you like to visit? And what kind of food would you eat there?”

    I went to take a tour of the southern U.S. and try some real, down home southern cooking!

  83. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for Stargate (all of them) made awkward adolescent years much more bareable. I’ve followed your blog for about a year and a half now, and I wish you luck in upcoming and future plans!
    P.S. RIP Maximus!!

  84. on August 15, 2012 at 5:26 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Is there an individual with NCIS responsible for all the former Stargate actors that have been cast?”

    I do notice a surprising number of former Stargate actors guesting on NCIS. Not sure why that is. I keep meaning to ask. Remind me!

  85. Do you miss working on a TV series after all these years?

  86. @Joe, every time we go out, hubby is almost always commenting that you would like the restaurant we go to. If you ever come near us, we’ll take you to a good one. :)

  87. Ah…so that’s why SF shows are done there … the space-time continuum is odd. Hmm… I see now.

  88. As for southern cooking, are we talking Paula Deen? I’ve visited her outlet store in Savannah…the cheesey grits were good.

  89. “In the script, the Atlantis moon base has been in operation for a very short time – perhaps inside of a week.”


    Any chance you could dedicate a blog entry to talking about Extinction again like you did back in summer 2011 or is it at this point a black van will take you away if you reveal too much?

  90. I just got back from buying a lottery ticket. What’s your guesstimate budget for making an Atlantis dvd now that the sets are gone? Over or under 10million?

  91. Hi Joe, Thanks for doing this. I’m glad I checked in early, for some reason I thought the Q&A was for tomorrow!

    Some questions:

    What do you make of the reports about Dean Devlin getting a supposedly almost-OK to do a sequel to his original Stargate film? Is there any validity to this, or is it just loud wishful thinking on his part? Personally, I’m not interested in seeing it made, since it’s not “our” Stargate, but I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts, as well as what Brad, Rob, etc. think.

    Is Brad’s vision of a 3rd Stargate movie completely dead in the water, or is there any hope at all?

  92. on August 15, 2012 at 5:31 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “In be all my sins remembered after the replicators were sucked down to the planet why didnt they beam into some of the ships and have a fleet of ancient warships to fight with?”

    – Another one of those questions where I would have to refamiliarize myself with the episode. Or, ask the episode’s writer: Martin Gero.

    Why did it seem like atlantis shields were never that powerfull, when the ancients lived there 3 zpms powered the shield it lasted for years, but one only lasted our people a few days whenever they were attacked.

    – The Ancients were using nice, new fresh zpm’s while our team had to make do with old second-hand zpm’s.

    In the ancient database was there no information on how to build zpms?

    – I assume there was – but they had yet to find it.

    In auroa what do you think the weakness was?

    – The power of love? Not sure.

    In travelers the people had guns like ronans but they had to reload, how come ronan never does?

    – Ronon may have altered his weapon.

    Why did you kill of beckett, i loved and hated that episode he was my second favorite character?

    – More on this episode when I get there in my reminiscing.

    In the last man why didnt they tell of what happened to beckett?

    – Not sure I understand the question. It was a different time line.

    In unending when the as guards killed themselves didn’t they have any ships they could have given to earth?

    – You would assume, yes.

    When some Asgard went to Pegasus why did they lose to the wraith? In the milky way their ships were the most powerful.

    – Sorry. Which episode is this a reference to?

    Do you think the furlings would have looked like ewoks if you ever made an episode about them?

    – Absolutely.

    How many bc-304 ships does earth have by the end of the series because at the End of SGA there was Daedalus, Apollo, Odyssey, then in enemy at the gate the sun tzu, was mentioned(Chinese ship? Why would we give china a ship?) And the Phoenix/Hammond. By the end of sigh there had go be quite a few more ships right?

    – They should have had quite a few, yes, and were in the process of building adding to the fleet.

    Do you think earth would have made a ship larger than the bc-304 to fight larger ships?

    – Eventually, yes.

    Who do you think is smarter McKay or Carter?

    – I think they’re both equally brilliant – but McKay’s ego sometimes gets in the way.

    In SGU if they had managed to get a supply line in seizure do you think McKay would have gone?

    – If he wasn’t busy on Atlantis, sure.

    Will you ever release the script for extinction?

    – MGM owns the script. It’s not up to me to release it.

    Is there any hope for stargate coming back in some form in the next few years

    – Can’t say but I doubt MGM will shelf one of their most successful franchises for long.

  93. on August 15, 2012 at 5:32 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Why isn’t Minneapolis that awesome?”

    I’m sure it is.

  94. I just thought of another one:

    Did you guys think of including RDA in “Unending”? Why didn’t this happen?

  95. on August 15, 2012 at 5:33 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “What’s Brad Wright working on?”

    A couple of things. Hopefully, we’ll hear some interesting news on his end in the coming months.

  96. on August 15, 2012 at 5:34 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Have you done any conventions besides the Stargate ones in Vancouver?”

    Outside of Comic Con and a couple of local cons, nope.

  97. on August 15, 2012 at 5:34 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “hey, joe, any chance for that combo movie of sg1/atlantis/sgu?”

    Sorry to say, it’s unlikely.

  98. I forgot to ask this before you re-visited McKay and Mrs. Miller — at the end, did y’all intend to be serious about the team liking Rodney better than Rod? Or was that meant not to be taken at face value? I really couldn’t tell from the episode.

  99. You mentioned before that you don’t like “You Gotta Eat Here!” Can you tell me why? It’s styled a lot like Triple D. Is it because the host is not a chef or foodie?

  100. Its summer, tv is dead right now. I just started watching scrubs and always sunny in philadelphia, both are pretty funny bit nothing outstanding. I tried watching breaking bad after all my friends told me it was awesome but i couldnt get through the first episode, way too much old man in tighty whiteys for my taste. The only thing I am looking forward to this fall is Dexter, which should be awesome judging from where it left off and the casting news. I have been intermittently watching The LA Complex, its ok but I feel like I am a bit older than its target audience. First time since high school I tuned into the muchmusic channel…

  101. Do you have any food allergies?

    Any news on the Akemi front? Are they going to let her stay?

  102. on August 15, 2012 at 5:35 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Was researching for Delete what had you concerned that your Google searches would draw the wrong kind of attention to yourself?”

    Yes. I was searching everything from Homeland Security and hacking to vulnerabilities in infrastructure. I’m surprised nobody paid me a visit.

  103. Where’s das with those drinks? I hope she didn’t trip into the spam folder.

  104. on August 15, 2012 at 5:36 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “How’s mom and Sis?”

    Oh, they’re fine. Mom is entertaining a guest from Italy – for the foreseeable future. Sis is taking care of her husky, Aspen, who hasn’t been well.

  105. Oh! I thought of a question. It’s random, but what vegetable do you think is under appreciated by people? On the flip side, which one do you think is overrated?

  106. on August 15, 2012 at 5:37 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joe, in the SGU ep “Life” (I think it was), where Rush “visits” his ailing wife, the background music with their scenes together was Bach’s “Chachonne”. I was wondering who picked that music (or generally those specific selections that SGU would often use) and did they know that that piece is thought to have been written by Bach in honour of his deceased first wife. ”

    Interesting. I didn’t know that. I suspect Carl Binder did, however, since he wrote and produced that episode.

  107. on August 15, 2012 at 5:38 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    ” I was wondering if any of the cast or crew ever complained about all those stairs on the Atlantis sets?”

    Ha. To the best of my knowledge, nobody ever did. It was quite a climb though.

  108. on August 15, 2012 at 5:38 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Can you send some of those fresh chocolate chip cookies over here to New Brunswick!? ”

    Akemi is one her way to the mailbox now.

  109. How about putting together a cookbook of your and Akemis creations, and giving them away as prize gifts?

    on August 15, 2012 at 5:39 pmJoseph Mallozzi

  110. “How are your Snow Monkies looking?”

    My Snow Monkeys are last year’s Fantasy Football Champions. Our draft is in a couple of weeks and we aim to repeat.

  111. on August 15, 2012 at 5:39 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “What has been, if any, your latest chocolate find?”

    We are loving a local chocolate shop in Vancouver called Beta 5. Their aerated chocolate is fantastic.

  112. on August 15, 2012 at 5:41 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Hey, I noticed “Boat of a Million Years” in your recently read list. Just wondering what you thought of it?”

    I enjoyed it but probably would have enjoyed it more if it was a little tighter. Still, a million years is a lot of ground to cover.

  113. Dude. You said 9 pm…and I just got back from dinner! So, do I have time, Mr. Early Bird?


  114. on August 15, 2012 at 5:41 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Did you catch any of Continuum?”

    Watched the first episode.

  115. on August 15, 2012 at 5:42 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Hey, just wanted to say thanks for Stargate (all of them) made awkward adolescent years much more bareable. I’ve followed your blog for about a year and a half now, and I wish you luck in upcoming and future plans!
    P.S. RIP Maximus!!”

    Thanks, Marshall.

  116. on August 15, 2012 at 5:42 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Do you miss working on a TV series after all these years?”

    To be honest, no. I’m enjoying working from home. That opinion may change in time but, right now, there’s a lot to be said for sleeping in.

  117. on August 15, 2012 at 5:43 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “As for southern cooking, are we talking Paula Deen?”

    I’m thinking something a little more homey.

  118. Oh, I can’t follow a thing! I hate being late to the party. :(


  119. on August 15, 2012 at 5:44 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Any chance you could dedicate a blog entry to talking about Extinction again like you did back in summer 2011 or is it at this point a black van will take you away if you reveal too much?”

    I’m going to cap off my trip down Atlantis memory lane with a blog entry in which I will talk about Extinction.

  120. on August 15, 2012 at 5:44 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “What’s your guesstimate budget for making an Atlantis dvd now that the sets are gone? Over or under 10million?”


  121. Joe, have you ever read the books by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (Relic being the first of the Pendergast series, but they have written other books, both together and solo)?


  122. Hi guys out with Lauren eating ice cream and buying baby stuff, sorry I missed it!

  123. After working in the entertainment business for years, do you still get star struck? If so, by who?

  124. on August 15, 2012 at 5:46 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “What do you make of the reports about Dean Devlin getting a supposedly almost-OK to do a sequel to his original Stargate film? Is there any validity to this, or is it just loud wishful thinking on his part? Personally, I’m not interested in seeing it made, since it’s not “our” Stargate, but I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts, as well as what Brad, Rob, etc. think.”

    – I have no way of knowing what the studio has in the works. I can see how doing a feature might be attractive to them.

    Is Brad’s vision of a 3rd Stargate movie completely dead in the water, or is there any hope at all?

    – As I said, things look bleak for a 3rd Stargate movie.

  125. “I’m going to cap off my trip down Atlantis memory lane with a blog entry in which I will talk about Extinction.”

    Can you talk about the 3rd SG1 movie, too? I know you’ve said before that Brad should talk about it, but since he’s not here….

  126. Any recommendations for miniseries or movie length comics similar to “Dark Matter”?

  127. Joe, no questions, just saying hi. :-)

  128. I think your Stargate time-travel episodes are great, but I’m confused about what happens when a character goes to the future and then comes back ala The Last Man. Did Sheppard’s time travel forward and back erase 45,000 years of time that would have happened if he hadn’t been brought back?

  129. on August 15, 2012 at 5:47 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Did you guys think of including RDA in “Unending”? Why didn’t this happen?”

    I’m sure some consideration was made since he had been a part of the show from the very beginning. Ultimately, it didn’t happen – and I’m sure it wasn’t simply a creative decision. Scheduling and budget were the probable overriding factors.

  130. on August 15, 2012 at 5:48 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I forgot to ask this before you re-visited McKay and Mrs. Miller — at the end, did y’all intend to be serious about the team liking Rodney better than Rod? Or was that meant not to be taken at face value? ”

    I suspect they were being nice to Rodney. I mean, come on. Rod wore a leather jacket!

  131. on August 15, 2012 at 5:48 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “You mentioned before that you don’t like “You Gotta Eat Here!” Can you tell me why? It’s styled a lot like Triple D. Is it because the host is not a chef or foodie?”

    No, it’s because I’ve already seen this show. It’s called Tripe D.

  132. on August 15, 2012 at 5:49 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I just started watching scrubs and always sunny in philadelphia…”

    Oh, yeah. Add It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia to the shows I’m watching.

  133. on August 15, 2012 at 5:49 pmNarellefromAus

    Hey Joe. Not sure if you’re still around. I head off for Thailand in 7 days for a week of not doing much at all. I’m struggling to find a new Urban Fantasy series to get into. Can you recommend any?

  134. on August 15, 2012 at 5:50 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Do you have any food allergies?”

    – Pineapple makes my taste buds bleed. Does that count?

    Any news on the Akemi front? Are they going to let her stay?

    – Still waiting for word.

  135. Have you watfched these shows?
    – Falling Skies
    – once apon a time

  136. on August 15, 2012 at 5:50 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    ” It’s random, but what vegetable do you think is under appreciated by people? On the flip side, which one do you think is overrated?”

    Underrated: Jerusalem Artichokes (sunchokes)

    Overrated: Asparagus

  137. on August 15, 2012 at 5:51 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “How about putting together a cookbook of your and Akemis creations, and giving them away as prize gifts?”

    I’ll get Akemi right on it!

  138. YouTube seems to be throwing money around. Any way you can get your hands on some of it? What would you do with it? How about Hulu? (For example, Hulu’s original show Booth at the End.)

  139. Oh yeah continuum was good, forgot about that one. First good original show in a while, and its scifi and filmed in vancouver! You should get a job on it and introduce me to Rachel Nichols :) lots of stargate alumni on there.

    Whenever you get stargate related questions that arent canonical, how much of the answers are stuff you guys discussed in the writers room and how much do you just make up yourself to appease fans?

  140. on August 15, 2012 at 5:52 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joe, have you ever read the books by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (Relic being the first of the Pendergast series, but they have written other books, both together and solo)?”

    I have not. You know me. Would I like them?

  141. on August 15, 2012 at 5:53 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “After working in the entertainment business for years, do you still get star struck? If so, by who?”

    Don’t recall ever being star struck. No, wait. That time I met Stan Lee at the upfronts. What a super nice guy.

  142. on August 15, 2012 at 5:53 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Can you talk about the 3rd SG1 movie, too?”

    There really isn’t much I can offer on that one. I didn’t write it.

  143. on August 15, 2012 at 5:54 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Any recommendations for miniseries or movie length comics similar to “Dark Matter”?”

    Hmmm. I see few SF titles out there. Not sure.

  144. You’re a pickyass sod, so I don’t know. I think maybe you’d like the early ones, but once they become mostly about Pendergast I think you’ll lose interest…unless you’re a hormonal perimenopausal woman. ;)


  145. on August 15, 2012 at 5:54 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I think your Stargate time-travel episodes are great, but I’m confused about what happens when a character goes to the future and then comes back ala The Last Man. Did Sheppard’s time travel forward and back erase 45,000 years of time that would have happened if he hadn’t been brought back?”

    Nope. I believe we’re saying that time travel creates a new timeline.

  146. on August 15, 2012 at 5:55 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I’m struggling to find a new Urban Fantasy series to get into. Can you recommend any?”

    Hmmm. I’m not a big urban fantasy guy.

  147. on August 15, 2012 at 5:56 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Have you watfched these shows?
    – Falling Skies
    – once apon a time”

    Nope – although I am having dinner with Falling Skies EP Remi Aubuchon at some point.

  148. Hey Joe,
    I have gotten hooked on Breaking bad. So lemme ask, what do you think is the best episode and why? If you could change one thing about the show, what would it be?

  149. Joe do you think your mom will ever do a Q&A. You can type up her answers for her (as long as you don’t “accidentally” change any)?

  150. Hey…I came down with strep throat today (trying to nip it in the bud with antibiotics, et al). Any Italian home remedies you can recommend?


  151. on August 15, 2012 at 5:57 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “YouTube seems to be throwing money around. Any way you can get your hands on some of it? What would you do with it?”

    – Spend it.

    “How about Hulu?”

    – Don’t think it’s quite enough money with which to make an SF series.

  152. Joe, last night Netflix pulled Stargate and Atlantis from the que, do you know why? Can you help us get it back?

  153. I just watched “Window of Opportunity” on Space tonight. I think you and Paul wrote this? Did you get your inspiration from Star Trek: Next Generation and The X Files (since they also had time-loop episodes), or were you inspired by something else? That’s my favourite Stargate episode, BTW. Your twist on it was much better than the other two shows; great combination of humour and drama.

  154. When some Asgard went to Pegasus why did they lose to the wraith? In the milky way their ships were the most powerful.

    – Sorry. Which episode is this a reference to?

    The season five mid season 2 parter, the asgards said all of their intergalactic ships were lost in the first battle with the wraith.

    In the last man why didnt they tell of what happened to beckett?

    – Not sure I understand the question. It was a different time line.

    He was rescued the episode before. When Shepard was waiting with old McKay ,McKay told him about what happened in the future to all the major characters. At that point Beckett was in stasis so why didn’t McKay tell Shepard about what happened to his best friend?

    I remember you said you wanted Atlantis to stay isolated from earth, how would they have fought the wraith without ships?

  155. on August 15, 2012 at 5:58 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Whenever you get stargate related questions that arent canonical, how much of the answers are stuff you guys discussed in the writers room and how much do you just make up yourself to appease fans?”

    If it’s something we discussed, I’ll answer the question. If it’s something we didn’t discuss, I’ll usually preface the answer with “I think/believe…” or sometimes make liberal use of the word “probably”.

  156. Have you ever read the book Tunnel in the Sky by Heinlein? If so, do you think it was an inspiration for Stargate?

  157. “I’m going to cap off my trip down Atlantis memory lane with a blog entry in which I will talk about Extinction.”

    Awesome, looking forward to it!

    Was there ever a time when Akemi, your mom, sister or the dogs directly influenced you to add something to a Stargate script you were working on?

  158. on August 15, 2012 at 5:59 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I have gotten hooked on Breaking bad. So lemme ask, what do you think is the best episode and why? If you could change one thing about the show, what would it be?”

    I wouldn’t change anything about the show. I think it’s mighty awesome. As for my favorite episode…I can’t remember the individual episodes. They’re one long, glorious story in my mind.

  159. Joey, do you wear jammies wif feets to bed? (For some reason I imagine that Akemi’s fashion cuteness factor has worn off on you. :) )


  160. Did you take lessons on animal photography? I’ve always been impressed by how great your dog photos are.

  161. on August 15, 2012 at 6:00 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joe do you think your mom will ever do a Q&A. You can type up her answers for her (as long as you don’t “accidentally” change any)?”

    Doubtful. There are times when she has trouble turning on her t.v.

  162. on August 15, 2012 at 6:00 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Hey…I came down with strep throat today (trying to nip it in the bud with antibiotics, et al). Any Italian home remedies you can recommend?”

    Akemi says ginger and black tea.

  163. on August 15, 2012 at 6:01 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joe, last night Netflix pulled Stargate and Atlantis from the que, do you know why? Can you help us get it back?”

    I heard. Don’t know why. Might it have something to do with MGM’s recent deal with Amazon?

  164. Will you be creating a blog/log for Akemi and her Akemisms?

  165. on August 15, 2012 at 6:02 pmfor the love of Beckett

    Urban Fantasy suggestion for Narelle — “No Peace for the Damned,” by Megan Powell. Just out this summer. It’s a short arc, two books. The second will be “No Rest for the Damned,” I think.

  166. on August 15, 2012 at 6:02 pmNarellefromAus

    Ah well. Back to Google for suggestions. The next person that suggests 50 Shades of Grey to me, I’m going to punch in the face. They may enjoy it if what I’ve heard about the book is accurate…

  167. on August 15, 2012 at 6:02 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “I just watched “Window of Opportunity” on Space tonight. I think you and Paul wrote this? Did you get your inspiration from Star Trek: Next Generation and The X Files (since they also had time-loop episodes), or were you inspired by something else?”

    Originally, the story was very dark and focused on a civilization facing an extinction level event and their attempts to ward off the inevitable by continually looping time. Eventually, it was reworked to the more comical WOW. The obvious inspiration was Groundhog Day.

  168. Last question in midway if carter hadn’t broken up the fight who do you think would’ve won, Ronan or telc? Do you have any extended footage of the fight to share?

  169. This is fun! I’m already looking forward to next time.

  170. on August 15, 2012 at 6:04 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “The season five mid season 2 parter, the asgards said all of their intergalactic ships were lost in the first battle with the wraith.”

    Again, I’d have to rewatch the episode.

    In the last man why didnt they tell of what happened to beckett?

    – Not sure I understand the question. It was a different time line.

    He was rescued the episode before. When Shepard was waiting with old McKay ,McKay told him about what happened in the future to all the major characters. At that point Beckett was in stasis so why didn’t McKay tell Shepard about what happened to his best friend?

    – Again, I don’t recall the specifics of that episode. Will have to reread the script.

    I remember you said you wanted Atlantis to stay isolated from earth, how would they have fought the wraith without ships?

    – Well, that’s just it. They would have been outnumbered, certainly not on even footing. They would have had to rely on hit and run tactics.

  171. on August 15, 2012 at 6:05 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Have you ever read the book Tunnel in the Sky by Heinlein? If so, do you think it was an inspiration for Stargate?”

    – Have it, but have yet to read it.

  172. on August 15, 2012 at 6:06 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Was there ever a time when Akemi, your mom, sister or the dogs directly influenced you to add something to a Stargate script you were working on?”

    Oh, we all put a little bit of our personal lives (and personalities) in those scripts.

  173. on August 15, 2012 at 6:06 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Joey, do you wear jammies wif feets to bed?”

    Do they make those for adults?

  174. I hadn’t heard about a deal with Amazon. Guess I will look into it a bit more. Hopefully we can get it back, we were well in to watching it for the zillionth time. :-)

  175. Hey, Joe!

    So… are your fingers tired from typing yet??

  176. on August 15, 2012 at 6:07 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Did you take lessons on animal photography? I’ve always been impressed by how great your dog photos are.”

    Nope. I just use my iPhone camera. The photos look great because the dogs are naturally good-looking.

  177. Any more news on the dog adoptions?

  178. on August 15, 2012 at 6:09 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Will you be creating a blog/log for Akemi and her Akemisms?”

    Akemi already has a blog. http://peasnatch.wordpress.com/

  179. Have you watched Eureka- if so what do you think? Looking to get into another sci-fi series, any recommendations?

  180. on August 15, 2012 at 6:10 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Last question in midway if carter hadn’t broken up the fight who do you think would’ve won, Ronan or telc? Do you have any extended footage of the fight to share?”

    Ronon, only because he wanted it more. I’m sure extended footage exists but I don’t have it. I do have a box full of old VHS tapes containing dailies and outtakes from SG-1 however.

  181. on August 15, 2012 at 6:10 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “So… are your fingers tired from typing yet??”

    – No, but I am getting dizzy.

  182. To answer the netflix question regarding stargate, netflix continually rotates their available stock of movies and tv shows. It will be back in a few months, i suspect it is to keep people interested since its a subscription service. No sense putting all the good stuff out there so people can watch it all in a month or two and cancel.

    Im off to bed, this was fun!

  183. Firstly, thanks Akemi! I will give it a try. Meanwhile…I taking the chocolate chip cake cure… :)

    Secondly, yes, Joe – they do make Dr. Dentons for adults. How do I know? Because my sister gave Mr. Das and me a matching pair – with little bells sewn all over them in the ‘important’ places – for a wedding shower gift. I think I still have them packed away somewhere. Heeeey, I can send ‘em to you! :D


  184. Footed PJs: https://www.orderforeverlazy.com/ Yes. They make them. And strangely they think people will tailgate in them…

  185. on August 15, 2012 at 6:11 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Any more news on the dog adoptions?”

    I was finally contacted and directed to the site. Alas, Buddy and Junior have found homes. There are a couple of elderly pugs I have my eye on but given my circumstances (not sure whether I’ll be staying where I am) I’m going to have to hold off on making an addition to the pack.

  186. Hi….that is all :) .

  187. on August 15, 2012 at 6:12 pmNarellefromAus

    @For the love of Beckett – Thanks! And thanks for the email earlier.

  188. on August 15, 2012 at 6:12 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Have you watched Eureka- if so what do you think? Looking to get into another sci-fi series, any recommendations?”

    Haven’t watched Eureka. SF series recommendation? Have you tried Stargate? Yes? Okay. How about Firefly?

  189. Okay…I think it’s time to go to bed…I just read “Did you take lessons on animal photography?” as “Did you take lessons on animal pornography?” Ugh. :P :P :P


     on August 15, 2012 at 6:13 pmElminster

  190. Hey Joe, I’ve gotten mixed messages from you over the years about “Moebius”. Did you not like the finished product? I love that episode!


  191. on August 15, 2012 at 6:13 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    Great! Thanks to everyone who participated. One of these days, I’m going to have to arrange a time to chat with our friends across the pond. Both ponds.

  192. on August 15, 2012 at 6:14 pmJoseph Mallozzi

    “Hey Joe, I’ve gotten mixed messages from you over the years about “Moebius”. Did you not like the finished product?”

    – Don’t recall ever saying I didn’t like it. I though it was fun.

    1. NIght Joe. Thanks for doing this. And I was serious. If your ever get to B’ham or anywhere close, hubby and I will treat you and Akemi to some down home Southern cooking.

    2. Joey, you have to keep going until you break 200 posts! What was the highest post total for a blog, btw?


    3. @Narelle look up “Elizabeth Haydon” I love her series “symphony of ages”.

    4. on August 15, 2012 at 6:19 pmJoseph Mallozzi

      “Joey, you have to keep going until you break 200 posts! What was the highest post total for a blog, btw?”

      Not sure. It may have been one of my rants. Or maybe my farewell to SGU post that received about 20 000 views.

    Thanks to everyone who dropped by to chat!  Good night!

27 thoughts on “August 15, 2012: Our live fan Q&A!

  1. Thanks, Joe. Lots of varied questions/topics. This was an enjoyable change of pace.

  2. ‘Twas fun, Joey! Next time I’ll try to be on time. 😛 Thanks so much!


  3. Thanks for the Q&A, Joe.

    In celebration of Julia Child.


    I’m going to assign positive intent and not believe that is a cheap brand of fish sauce next to her sriracha at 1:30. More likely, the crappy fish sauce around here just mimics the packaging of a brand she would use.

  4. It’s a short youtube suggested videos trip between that Julia Child video and someone wandering by and saying “you’re in the weird part of the internet”.

  5. G’day Joe

    That was cool. Hard to keep up, especially since the techs cut my phone line, hence my internet connection.
    I made a boo boo…macaron, not maracon. Naughty me.

  6. I will be bashing my head against a brick wall for a couple of hours…. Yes, I forgot, and don’t even have a good reason for missing out on the fun. Gloom, despairing, and agony on me….(wondering who will finish the lyric)

  7. Q&A looked like fun! Sorry I missed it. Looking forward to “Delete”. Sounds like a good one!

  8. I guess I missed this.

    Anyway Joe, saw that Hellsing Ultimate Episodes 5-8 are coming out on DVD/Blu Ray in America/Canada November 13th 2012, and its been speculated that Black Lagoon Season 3(The Roberta Blood Trail eps) are out around that time too, probably December.

    Could be an awesome winter for anime releases lol.

  9. I miss my stargate……..

    A nice change of pace on your blog Joe.

    Q: What do you think a good name for a Tauri F-305 battle cruiser would have been? Personally, I think Thor would be a good choice…

  10. Aww! So sorry i missed this!! I just moved back to Philadelphia and I have been so busy that I completely forgot!! Unpacking, finishing my MA thesis, and taking care of my grandfather who hasn’t quite been 100% lately. …I’m pretty sure I was sitting at my computer while this was going too…

    Hopefully you will do another one soon! I also think another round of dog pictures should be coming up soon! 🙂

  11. @ Tam Dixon – Boo has gotten big, hasn’t he? I swear he’s doubled in size in the past 3 weeks. It’s about time to get him neutered, but I think I want to wait until after Labor Day when things settle down for me a bit.

    Glad you enjoyed the video – it’s not the best quality, and my first attempt to put something on youtube, so it is what it is. I think it needs music, or something…I’m thinking Flight of the Bumblebee. 😛


  12. @ Deborah Rose – . . .

    Deep, dark depressing, excessive misery
    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
    Gloom, despair, and agony on me.

    Heeeeee Haaawwwww girl!! 🙂

  13. Damn the timezone difference between Canada and the UK, and damn starting work at 630 am. Damn that anyway!

  14. Suggesting a time for your next live blog thing Joe.

    If you want it available to virtually everyone I would say aim for

    9pm UTC + 0(UK)
    10pm UTC + 1(France, Germany etc)

    Which would be

    4pm – US – 5
    3pm – US – 6
    2pm – US – 7
    1pm – US – 8
    12 noon – US – 9
    (Depending on timezones)

    Which would be 1pm in Vancouver.

    And if you make on a weekend and give plenty of notice you could get a bigger audience.

  15. Mr.M.: I meant “Thanks” for the Q & A. 😳

    Das: Yes, that sounds like a good theme song for Boo. We have theme songs for our three cats. Sammy: (Baby Got Back) “I like big butts”; Ruby: “If I could be sweet” and Harry’s song is: “Oh come let them adore me” (sung to the tune of “oh come all ye faithful”). Yes, sometimes we have too much time on our hands 😉 .

  16. Joe – thanks for doing this real-time stuff….coool and very enjoyable..
    Got behind a bit cause there was so much to pay attention to.
    And, thanks for the reminder of Akemi’s blog. How could I forget or overlook Peasnatch…derrrr.

    Sparrow – Ready player one – great read, enjoyed it. Was trying to remember who suggested it.

  17. Cool chat, señor. I can never think of what to ask until days go by, so I just lurked. I read today that they’re making a US version of Spy, I think you’d be a great showrunner for that project.

  18. So disappointed I missed the live Q&A. Joe, I do hope that you do it again soon. Reading back through the posts it looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I did get some new ideas for shows to watch and books to read, so thank you, this was fantastic! I can’t wait to see Delete and I hope that Dark Matter comes out as a series.

    If you are still answering questions I have a few for you.
    1. How do you balance science and science fiction in your work? I love how you incorporate them both, and was wondering how you decide on which to use and when?
    2. Do you prefer to write the scifi or horror scripts, or are they equally desirable to you?

    Thanks again for doing this and keep it up. I look forward to your blog everyday.
    And if you and Akemi ever have a reason or desire to come on over to Ohio you let me know. I know some great restaurants in Cleveland that I think you’d enjoy, and I happen to be a cook myself so I’d be happy to make you guys the meal of your choice.


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