Ever see that South Park episode where Cartman and the gang visit an amusement park?  We discover them in an incredibly long queue where Kyle complains about the fact that they’ve been standing in line for almost an hour.  Thankfully, as Cartman points out, they’re almost there.  Seconds later they finally reach the end of the line where a park attendant asks them if they enjoyed “The Line Ride – a real live simulator of a long line.”  And then: “That’ll be five tickets, please.”

Today, Akemi and I felt a lot like Cartman and co. when we attended the Van Dusen Garden Annual Waiting Festival.  Okay, it wasn’t advertised as the Waiting Festival but I suspect that was only because they were afraid of scaring off potential visitors.

Anyway, after driving around for some twenty minutes looking for parking, we eventually gave up and parked some six blocks away.  By the time we finally arrived, we were hungry and looking forward to sampling foods from the various Japanese vendors.  Unfortunately, lunch would have to wait.  We were greeted by an impossibly long line-up that snaked beyond the parking lot.

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Line-up #1

Rather than walk the six blocks back to the car, we elected to stick it out.  And, thirty minutes later, we were rewarded with entry tickets. Finally, it was lunch time!

That’s what I thought anyway.  We stepped through the entrance and into another line-up, this one for food.

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Line-up #2

After waiting for some fifteen minutes, a volunteer informed everyone that we were waiting in the line-up to pick up food.  If we wanted to order food, we had to line up in a completely different queue.  Half the line dispersed, including Akemi and I, electing to take our chances with another, hopefully less busy food stand.

Fat chance.

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Line-up #3

Pictured above, the line-up for takoyaki – those half-cooked octopus balls, served searingly hot, that are de rigueur at most any Japanese-themed outdoor event.  While I waited in line, Akemi scoped out the area and came back with some pre-lunch appetizers = cute macarons:

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!

Alas, they were a disappointment.  As was the gyudon (beef bowl) she also picked up during my interminable wait for these:

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Inferior takoyaki

Sadly, another disappointment.  They lacked the cabbage filling and other ingredients that usually accompany the octopus – in this case, a tiny piece or two per ball.

We moved on and, since I was still hungry, braved yet another line.  In this case, I had about a half dozen to choose from and passed on the longer lines for Japanese hot dogs and yakitori in favor of the much shorter line for ramen.  Alas, while the line may have been shorter (a mere ten minute wait) the actual wait for the food was about three times longer than any of the others – a ridiculous thirty minutes!  I will say, howeer, that the ramen was actually quite good – really the only good thing we ate on the day.

In addition to endless lines, the Van Dusen Garden Annual Waiting Festival also offered the following:

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Origami dinosaurs
April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Cherry blossoms (Akemi: "That's it?")
April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Sakura fashion
April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Akemi, dressed for the weather.
April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
The garden maze - which we attempted, this despite my tale of the two Japanese tourists who wandered in last year never to exit. I informed Akemi that their skeletal remains were recovered during the spring thaw.
April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!
Akemi salutes the topiary bull.

Speaking of waiting, if you want to check out the fourth and final issue of the Dark Matter opening arc, you’ll have to wait until Wednesday to pick it up at your local comic book store.  In the meantime, allow me to tide you over with a preview of issue #4’s first three pages:

April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!April 7, 2012: Akemi And I Attend The Annual Waiting Festival!  Dark Matter #4 Preview!  Mailbag!


astrumporta writes: “…resisted the reading glasses as long as possible, because the doc said once you start using them, your eyes get weaker.”

Answer: Aha!  I figured as much.  Back in the drawer they go!

Marsha_R writes: “Yes, I do owe you corn tamales, because we failed to find them in San Diego!”

Answer: Marsha, aka Texas Lady?  Yes, I do reall – no corn tamales.  But plenty of bail bond offices!

dasndanger writes: “…he said it was okay, and he flashed a badge and said he was a fireman (like that makes a difference), and I flashed my bigass digging knife and said I’m armed (like that makes a difference).”

Answer: Damn.  Wouldn’t want to run into you in a dark alley.  Stay safe!

Blake Linton writes: “…the Constellation Awards nominations for 2011 have recently been announced, and Stargate Universe received a whopping eight nominations, including at least one nomination in every category for which it qualified.”

Answer: Great to hear.  Thanks to both you and Kelley Hirst for securing the nominations.  Now it’s up to Stargate fans to get the vote out!

Ponytail writes: “I am already sad Dark Matter 4 is the final copy written. Don’t just stop there. Are you going to continue the paper comic?”

Answer: Would love to – but that’ll be up to Dark Horse.

Migzy writes: “Have you ever thought of becoming a food critic?”

Answer: Nah, I’m not serious enough.  I just like what I like.

sparrow_hawk writes: “Hey, have you read Ready Player One yet? I think you’ll like it.”

Answer: Funny you should mention it.  Only yesterday, I was reading the book’s blurb on amazon and thinking I should pick it up – along with The Freedom Maze.

Orderofolde writes: “That people are still writing because they want more seasons more than a year after cancellation should tell people something. Maybe do a mini-series as a feeler, then commit to more seasons when you see your “Ratings” go up to 3.5 million which really is more like 5-7 million actually watching and following the series!”

Answer: Among the stops I’ll be making on my whirlwind tour of L.A. will be a visit to our friends at MGM.  I fully intend to ask them what the plan is re: future Stargate.  Will let you know.

poundpuppy29 (Erika) writes: “Hey Joe I searched your blog and I can’t find what you said about Vala was she even mentioned in the third movie script?”

Answer: I don’t recall the specifics for her absence (I read Stargate Revolution a long time ago) but Vala was not in the movie.  As I mentioned in a response to a similar question, in my mind, she was off-world dealing with “family issues” during the events of Revolution and rejoined the team soon after the events of Revolution.

29 thoughts on “April 7, 2012: Akemi and I attend the Annual Waiting Festival! Dark Matter #4 Preview! Mailbag!

  1. There’s just something about “Sakura Fashion” that creeps me out…like a full shudder down the spine kind of creep out. Anyone else creeped out too?

  2. “Answer: Among the stops I’ll be making on my whirlwind tour of L.A. will be a visit to our friends at MGM. I fully intend to ask them what the plan is re: future Stargate. Will let you know.”

    Not sure how hopeful I should be about MGM doing anything with the Star Gate franchise any time soon, however Thanks A Lot for asking. 🙂

  3. Give me a break: even though I like Game Of Thrones a lot and also Supernatural & The Walking Dead, why are those on the ballot (question #3) of the Constellation Awards for Best Science Fiction Television Series of 2011? Those are as much sci-fi as the Sy-Fy Channel is sci-fi these days. LoL 🙂

  4. @jeffw: it’s not just you. The first time I saw that I was totally “like, WTF??”

    I do not. Like. Lines. And, I will avoid them at all cost. You guys are made of sterner stuff than me. Akemi was by far the most pleasant part of that whole thing!!

    Having a great time here in Australia, even getting used to driving on the left!

  5. That would be a great job…to crank out several issues of Dark Matter, then take a break, then write several more, then take a break, etc, etc. If I can’t have a Stargate show on TV (preferrably Stargate Atlantis) then Dark Matter is the next best thing. I’m not a comic book girl, but I would keep buying that series.

    Too bad about the Festival of waiting. Sounds like they did not secure enough food vendors. Where were all those Food Trucks when you need them? Oh and, I hate mazes. When it’s time to go, it’s time to go! Get me out of here!!!

  6. Sorry you and Akemi had such a lousy experience at the Van Dusen Gardens. I agree with Akemi about the cherry blossoms – – seriously – that’s all the cherry trees?

    The Freedom Maze looks interesting. I may check it out. I see you’re reading The Many Colored Land. I read it ages ago and recall liking it a lot.

    @das: That was a little creepy. (but after hearing the full story of the old high school friend from last week, I retract my knee to the groin comment).

    @JeffW: The Sakura fashion is Gothic Lolita style. It takes a bit of getting used to.

  7. With the exception of the Ramen….might have been worth the 6 block walk to the car to go where you could sit and order. Have had a few “experiences” like this and have decided thre is NOTHING worth hours of standing in line.
    Wellll maybe highly recommended (by you) macarons or crispy duck.

  8. Answer: Among the stops I’ll be making on my whirlwind tour of L.A. will be a visit to our friends at MGM. I fully intend to ask them what the plan is re: future Stargate. Will let you know.

    ~send lucky vibes your way!!~

  9. “Among the stops I’ll be making on my whirlwind tour of L.A. will be a visit to our friends at MGM. I fully intend to ask them what the plan is re: future Stargate. Will let you know.”

    Thank you for putting this on your agenda! I would give anything to see Stargate: Revolution, with Amanda, Richard, Chris, and Michael back in their roles. I know you’ve moved on to other projects, but it’s still nice to hear that you haven’t totally forgotten about the Stargate franchise.

  10. @Sparrow_Hawk:

    It’s purely visceral on my part…I think at an impressionable age I watched too many 70’s horror movies with malevolent talking dolls 😉

  11. Oh, yes, the bail bonds offices!

    But not Texas Lady. Angora-Cat-for-your-Villainous-Side Lady. 😉

  12. For once I remembered to sign in first.

    READY PLAYER ONE? Saw someone reading that while I traveled some months back, haven’t made time to find it yet. *ahem* Too busy reading “Castle” fan fic. *ahem*

    Joe, your experience makes me glad that my sensitivities rule out festival food. Will probably skip Fiesta San Antonio completely (again) this year. (For those who don’t know, that’s the local 11-day Waiting Festival, held every April. http://www.fiesta-sa.org/)

    Joe and Marsha, “corn” tamales? I’ve lived in Tex-Mex Central since 1988; corn is the usual grain used for the masa /dough. Or do you mean tamales with corn in the filling?

    Joe, I would ship you frozen or canned tamales from one one of the local producers, but they only ship within the USA. Got any friends in Seattle?

  13. Oh you guys went already? I’m going there today/Sunday… though now I’ll probably pack a lunch… I’ll let you know if the line is any shorter!

  14. Hi Joe,
    My name is Martina Kašparová. I’m 16 years old, and I study at high school the field of Information Technology. I know that the actor Martin Christopher (Major Kevin Marks) has visited your blog three years ago. He isn’t very well known with us in the Czech Republic, and I’d like to know more about him, because he’s my favorite actor. I’m writing stories about Kevin Marks and Martin Christopher. (For example: The Perfect cold, StarGate the Czech Republic, StarGate Pegasus…the list goes on. It is too much.) 🙂 And I have many questions for Martin Christopher. I’d like to ask, if you are somehow in contact with him? I’d be very glad if you were. I know that there is also chance that you’re not in contact with him, but still thank you. And if you were in contact with him, I’d be glad if you told him to write something about himself and let me know. I’m very happy that he played in StarGate. I like watching him governed space ship. It is my passion and hobby.
    And Joe, I wish you and Martin good luck in the future. And if will the next StarGate, I will really happy. 🙂 And please give Marks as the Commanding Officer on the new ship Daedalus-class or new X-305, If will be. (The name of ship, for example: “Queenmary” So I named ship in my story.)

    Thank you very much and Happy Easter

    For Martin Christopher: http://nd05.jxs.cz/841/829/b971635019_84722665_o2.jpg

  15. Heh, sounds like any state fair. You want that strange thing fried on a stick? Wait for an hour! I once waited for 2 hours for chocolate chips cookies. That said, they were damn good cookies.

    But hey, the maze looks cool and the trees are pretty! So hopefully, despite the lack of quality food, it wasn’t a total bust.

  16. I just finished READY PLAYER ONE a couple of days ago. I really enjoyed it and wished it was longer. Anyone who lived through the 1980’s and played video games or enjoyed popular culture will probably have fun reading it. Celebrate geekdom and fan life.

    It’s too bad the origami dinosaurs weren’t presented in a nicer way. They look like they are very complex and detailed master works. I don’t do that style of origami myself, but I’d like to see those up-close.

  17. Ever try making homemade beef jerky? Or maybe you had some at one of your sunday football get togethers?

    The price for the stuff in stores is ridiculous for the small amount you get. I’ve found a few recipes online for it, but they take two days or more to do properly. Just wondering if you have any success stories?

  18. Those line pictures look like the lines hubby and I had to stand in at our county courthouse the other day to get our ‘new to us’ car tagged. And insult to injury, we actually got lost on the way home. I was so hungry by the time we got there we ended up going out to eat for dinner.

    Have a great day!!!

  19. Such pretty gardens! 🙂 Love the cherry blossoms! Those cookies look yummy and are adorable. 🙂

  20. I survived a weekend without internet/cellphone! They closed the one consistent Wi-Fi hot spot in that little town my mom lives in. I’ll miss that little coffee shop.

    Das: Wow! I can’t leave you alone for a minute! I’m glad you stayed on your toes girlfriend. A few years ago there was a book called The Gift of Fear. It was about trusting your instincts when you feel the “Hebbie Jeebies”. That was a perfect example of trusting your gut! I’ll say a prayer of thanks on your behalf.

    Mr. M.: I’ve been wearing glasses and going through eye exams since I was very, very young. They have a new glaucoma machine that doesn’t shoot the air puffs. I hate those air puffs! When you blink at the wrong time, they make you do them over.
    I hope you come out of there with a clean bill of health! We’ll be pulling for ya!!!

    Any news on the adoption front? I can’t think of any reason they would turn you down. Unless they have one of those Adoption Nazi’s in charge, that is. You are too perfect, I think even they would clear you as suitable.

  21. @astrumporta writes: “…resisted the reading glasses as long as possible, because the doc said once you start using them, your eyes get weaker.”

    You need a new doctor. Seriously. Any doctor who says that needs to retire or go back to school. The only thing the reading glasses will do is help you see

    better. Not wearing them will not make your eyes worse or better.

    >> (add the http) ces.ca.uky.edu/floyd-files/FCS/September_Parent.pdf
    True or False: Wearing glasses too much
    can make your eyes dependent on them.
    False. Wearing glasses does not make the
    eyes get worse. However, over time the
    problems with the eyes may change due to
    genetics. These changes may require you
    or your child to need a different glasses

    ::Do glasses weaken your eyes?
    … optometrists say you can rest easy about the glasses. Stories that wearing glasses will weaken your eyes or accelerate deterioration of your vision are just that, according to the Optometrists Association Australia.::::::

  22. As for your MGM visit, see if they could at least finish the SGU storyline in a book series or comic book series (now that you’ve written a comic book, you’d be all ready to step in as writer!)
    This would be the least expensive way for them to get some of their alienated fans back on their side with very little commitment. They only need to hire writers and then publish. Which is peanuts compared to a new TV series.

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