Well, even if it isn’t officially summer, my dogs seem to think it is…

Fondy left us this synthetic grass box for the dogs to relieve themselves on rainy days. On sunny days, Lulu likes to lie in it.

Jelly doing the usual: sitting down to watch the action.

Maximus doesn’t like the look of you.

Jelly surveys the scene.

For some reason, guests just seem to looooove goofy Bubba.

Maximus does his best Clint Eastwood.

Lulu stares you down.

Bubba ponders life's mysteries.

Jelly strikes a pose.

Hey, how did you guys end up doing what you’re doing?  Back when I was in elementary school, I had my heart set on being a writer.  And not just any writer.  I wanted to write short stories for a living!  When I hit high school, I revised my aspirations.  Clearly, I’d be hard-pressed to make a living writing short stories, so I set my sights on the far more lucrative career, that of the novelist.  Much to my mother’s horror.  She always made it a point to tell me that writing, while wonderful, was not a career.  It was more a hobby that people did to pass the time when they weren’t busy with real jobs like those held by doctors, lawyers, and parking lot attendants.  After much arguing back and forth, mom and I reached a compromise career, one that was both half-legitimate AND allowed me to continue my writerly pursuit.  It was decided that I would be a journalist.  Until I actually spent time with some journalists and decided against it.  I got off easy.  During one of those career day field trips, one of the girls in my class who wanted to be a vet was made to take part in a cat spaying procedure.  I believe she’s an accountant now.  But I digress.  Anyway, after much short story writing and soul searching, I finally decided what I wanted to be – or, more to the point, what I didn’t want to be much less than other things I didn’t want to be: a lawyer.  For about two months after which I realized most real lawyers didn’t make the type of money t.v. and movie lawyers made and if that was the case, what was the point?  No, I know, there would be the satisfaction of a job well done but, at the end of the day, if I wasn’t going to make any money doing what I was doing, why didn’t I, at the very least, do something I enjoyed.  And teaching was it!  Until I actually did some teaching.

Eventually, I wrote a terrible novel that a friend suggested would make a great movie.  So I picked up a book, learned the craft and, in a few short months, transformed that terrible novel into an equally terrible script.  Which was followed my another terrible script.  And another one after that.  Then, a good one I co-wrote with a friend and fellow creative writing classmate, Paul Mullie.  We went to L.A. and pitched it around town.  Many people loved the script.  Not enough to actually produce it, mind you, but the positive reinforcement fueled us.  Like would-be suicides emboldened by supportive “Jump! Jump!” chant of lookers-on, we took the plunge – into the wonderful world of television.

Actually, it was less of a plunge and more of a toe-dipping.  I went first.  Using our feature and a couple of t.v. spec scripts as my calling card, I secured my first paid writing gig, scripting for animation.  I’d found my calling.  Finally, a career that allowed me to write AND be immature.  I went from freelancing to an actual staff position at what was then Canada’s premiere animation house: Cinar (which took a mighty and spectacular tumble not long after I’d moved on.  But that’s a story for another blog entry.).  I was their Manager of Animation Development and, in addition to tracking down potential properties, developing shows, writing bibles and pilots, I also wrote scripts and, eventually, story-edited several series.  It was stable work, but it wasn’t exactly lucrative – certainly not in comparison to what some of the freelance story editors were making, freelance story editors who, on many occasions, I’d be rewriting for a third of their salary.

So, I quit and became a freelancer.  Needless to say, mom and dad were less than thrilled.  Their conservative upbringing dictated that the security of a job, no matter how menial, trumped the uncertainty of the unknown.  And there was no bigger unknown the wild and wonderfully frightening world of freelance writing, where you could be inundated with work one month, then go years without.  Fortunately, I was able to swing a deal with the company I had left, swapping out my full-time office position for that of a writer-for-hire.  I store and story-edited for them.  And wrote and story-edited for many other animation studios (Toronto’s Nelvana was one of my favorites for the type of shows produced and the people I dealt with on a daily basis).  My father wasn’t buying it, until I told him how much I would be making, roughly four times my previous salary.  He still didn’t buy it.  “You’ll be making more than the Prime Minister?”he challenged.  I shrugged back and honestly responded: “It’s not my fault the Prime Minister is underpaid.”

Using those spec scripts and animation work as a stepping stone, Paul and I ended up as writer-producers on a couple of teen sitcoms, then parlayed that into a couple of writing assignments on one hour adventure shows, one featuring mysticism and dinosaurs, another, far more bizarre, featuring strongly-accented foreign actors pretending to be Americans.  We used our one hour drama experience to get us an opportunity to pitch for Stargate, wowed ’em (or, maybe I should say “didn’t disappoint ’em!”) with out first script, Scorched Earth, were offered positions on the writing staff, adopted a siege mentality and have been entrenched in the far corner offices ever since.  I want to say it’s because we do good work but I suspect it could be because no one knows we’re back there.

Anyway, a two year gig (“The Stargate series will wrap after season five.”) turned into an eleven year run…and counting.


Annie from Freemantle writes: “What do you think of Michael Crichton’s books?”

Answer: Haven’t read any.  No particular reason why not.  I’m simply inundated with books.  Rob Cooper is a big fan though.

Kelsey writes: “So after seeing “Lost” and a close up the Kino Remote, has any consideration bin put in to making a Kino Remote iphone app?”

Answer: It certainly would be cool.  Someone at MGM needs to get on that!

Jeremy writes: “Has the idea been discussed of keeping a copy of any long cuts of the show which the director is happy with before it has to be cut down to fit the allotted running time and the DVD being those long versions and not the broadcast ones? Or what are your thoughts about that if it hasn’t?”

Answer: My thought is that the director’s cut, like the subsequent producer’s cut, is one very important part of the overall process.

Tim Lade writes: “Any word on the re-cap music friend?”

Answer: Damn.  Remind me on Tuesday.

Arctic Goddess writes: “Please, Joe, photos of bouncing Carl? Can he do air somersaults yet?”

Answer: Can he!  During hiatus, Carl attends several Renaissance fairs.  His medieval persona is a circus tumbler!

aaroNIGHTS writes: “How was a standard Stargate located at Icarus Base able to locate and dial Destiny? […] How was it possible for a standard Stargate to make these calculations in order to connect to the Stargate aboard Destiny? How could the standard Stargate used possibly begin to know where Destiny could be?”

Answer: Given he fact that Destiny has been on the move for as long as it has, dropping in and out of FTL over the course of its lengthy journey, a MUCH greater distance than the effects of stellar drift, it’s clear that the onus on recalibrating the destination gate rests with Destiny once its particular address is dialed.  While the address dialed may remain consistent the gates location is not.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “Where do the strange looking glyphs for the ‘prototype’ Stargates come from? Are they a purely abstract symbol? Do these Stargates communicate with each other over subspace to give their position out before dialing? In one of the most recent episodes (UNI:‘Lost’) a dialing remote were shown to know all of the valid Stargates in range – including Destiny. Why do these prototype Stargates have the ability to determine what addresses are viable before dialing? It seems unfeasible that these prototype Stargates would have such advanced features yet subsequent Stargate networks constructed several million years later do not.”

Answer: We’ll be learning more about the gates as the series progresses but to answer your second question – yes, the gates communicate with Destiny. While the remote has the ability to determine what addresses are viable before dialing (those we are capable of securing a connection to), Destiny is also able to determine whether those viable gates should be locked out.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “Why do these prototype Stargates use relatively small handheld touch screen dialing devices, yet the far more modern Stargates in the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies require far larger ‘Dial Home Devices’?”

Answer: Unlike the Milk Way and Pegasus galaxies, the Ancients weren’t looking to – for lack of a better way of putting it – “set up shop in the neighborhood”.  It would appear they weren’t interested in fostering a gate network similar to the Milky Way and Pegasus where DHD’s allow for interplanetary travel.  Also, the puddle jumpers were fitted with DHD’s, and I’d say that’s more advanced than any handheld remote.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “Why were Destiny and the seeder ships launched with prototype Stargates? Why would such a great and long mission be placing possibly millions of Stargates that are an inferior, prototype model?”

Answer: Because, clearly, that’s what they were working with at the time.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “It is a fact, then, that the majority of Destiny’s lifetime has existed before the Ancients ascended to a higher plane of existence. So much so that much less than 1% of Destiny’s life has been without the Ancients. If this is the case, then why is Destiny so far out and incapable of dialing home? Has that last 1% of its journey put it past the threshold of a viable solar powered Gate trip home? More over, if Destiny is such an important ship in the Ancients plans, why is it still running outdated technology? Atlantis had been around for Millions of years, but no Ancient ever thought of upgrading the technology aboard Destiny? Did they just abandon it?”

Answer: Yes, they did just abandon it.  Destiny was part of a very long-term project that was put in play millions of years ago.  What its mission way and why the Ancients abandoned it remains a mystery.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “Do these seeder ships fly into Stars and almost magically construct Stargates out of solar power?”

Answer: It’s safe to assume that they replenish their capacitors in much the same that Destiny does.  As for how it constructs Stargates – we’ll have to wait and find out, but it certainly would make sense that the ships possess the capability to source material from the planets it passes.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “Why didn’t the database have any information at all on what Destiny is? Did the Ancients in all their intelligence and glory just not bother to write anything down about it?”

Answer: Either that or the mission was of such a highly sensitive nature that its true aim was a closely guarded secret.

AaronNiGHTS writes: “Why would a race of people so heavily devoted to Science and “The systematic understanding of the physical world through observation and experimentation…[and] most of all, freedom of will” (‘Stargate: The Ark of Truth’) name something ‘Destiny’?”

Answer: Great question – which you’ll have to wait to find out the answer to.

Kevin writes: “I just realized that “Subversion” is airing on SyFy tonight but isn’t running on Space in Canada..we have to wait another week to see it when all along we’ve been watching it at the same time…”

Answer: Since SyFy is taking next week off for Memorial Weekend, I’m guessing Space decided to pre-empt a week early since, here in Canada, we’re celebrating St. Ignatius of Coca-Cola Day.  Two weeks from now, I’m sure they’ll all be back on track to simultaneously air the first part of the season one finale.

Joan0001 writes: “If the Destiny is a seeder ship, then presumably it reaches planets that don’t have stargates.”

Answer: Randomness already answered the question but, just in case you missed it – Destiny is not a seed ship.  Multiple seed ships were launched well ahead of Destiny and have been seeding planets with stargate in preparation for Destiny’s trailing journey.

ancarofl writes: “where do they get all the stuff that couldn’t have been on board of Destiny? Like leather couches, trainers, make-up, baby clothes?”

Answer: The furniture came with the place.  They look like leather but they’re of a highly advanced material that withstands breakdown.  Also, Destiny was featured in season two of Home Makeover and the entire place was redesigned.  As for the baby jumper Chloe gave T.J. – she made that out of shipboard material.  I snapped a pic of it – and the truck Riley made, also out of pieces from the ship.  I’ll scour the archives and upload pics of both in the coming days.

BoltBait writes: “When Eli and Chloe are looking at the wrecked ships computer and she points to the symbol that leads to the map, Eli asks her why she chose that symbol and she basically says, “I don’t know.”  Why?”

Answer: Why indeed?   There’s a reason – and you won’t have to wait quite as long for the answer…

dasNdanger writes: “Since the Wraith don’t dismember their victims or anything (that we know of), why does the Commander’s sword have a serrated edge?”

Answer: It’s more a weapon of incapacitation than a feeding utensil.

89 thoughts on “May 21, 2010: The Dogs Days of Summer. How I got here. And some mailbag.

  1. Hi Joe, only halfway into it, but this is the best episode EVER of SGU so far. Holy shit! Oh yeah, my Daniel aint too bad, either 🙂 Too many commercials, as usual, and that shaky camera stuff is getting on my nerves big time, but great stuff nevertheless. Back to watching! Thanks!

  2. “Hey, how did you guys end up doing what you’re doing?”

    I’m still working on that… always liked writing, tried taking English Literature in University. I learned that if you say what the teacher likes you received good marks. Essentially you become a parrot.

    I dropped out and got a job in the steel industry for seven years 🙂

    Recession arrives and the steel industry craps out. Now I’m back in school working on getting a trade. All those night shifts I worked while everyone else was asleep I’d be writing. Never made anything of my stories and I’ve shown almost nobody. Perhaps they suck for all I know.

    Anyways, I’d like to recommend the book “Stranger Suns” by George Zebrowski.

  3. Arrggh, another commercial, gimme a break! You know something I’d love to see gone from Stargate? The “my people” bit! Enough already! I love that you brought the alliance into this one, feels a little like the good ol’ days! Oh yeah, my Daniel aint too bad, either 🙂

  4. Hey, Joe.

    I just want to thank you and Alaina for answering my questions and I’m also looking forward to the answers from Mike Banas.

    I have a couple of questions:

    1.) Are we going to get a Ben Browder (Cameron Micthell) appearance on SGU or in ANYTHING Stargete-verse related in the near future? I happen to be a huge fan of the character and actor and I was pretty disappointed to learn that he’s apparently not going to be appearing in Stargate: Revolution. Will we be seeing any more Browder/Cam any time soon?

    2.) Are we going to get a fun, Riley-based episode any time soon? Sgt. Riley is AWESOME. He’s my favorite nerd character next to Eli and tied with McKay. Are we going to see a full Riley-centered episode where he does something epic and hilarious? It would be cool to see you or Robert Cooper write it (hell, why not BOTH of you write it?). You know, something in the vein of ‘Window of Opportunity.’

  5. Joe thanks sooooo much for the puppy fix, I vote for Bubba ponders life’s mysteries. I know, there was no contest and really they are all winners. So give them all a hug from me please.(the indoor/outdoor fake carpet works,) It is summer-like here in Fl, better than the chilly winter of last. I do like the sunshine (warm).
    Glad to know you are doing the job you really like, dad would have surely been proud.
    I believe I was happy with my chosen career.
    and thanks for mailbag..
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Great “how you got started in the biz” story, Joe…thanks!

    After college, I was looking for a job. I was driving around Chicago and happend to drive past a place called the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies. I kinda thought “WTF?” to myself even before knowing what “WTF?” meant.

    I went inside and asked them what it was all about (you can look up CUFOS if you want to know). I told the guy I’d just graduated college and was looking for work, when the phone rang. It was a woman calling from a small production house looking for consultants for a documentary about alien abductees. The guy at CUFOS connected me to the woman on the phone and that ended up being my first job, co-producing the documentary.

    She eventually quit, having convinced herself I was in fact an alien (I’m not making this up) and I took over that project, then started a multimedia division there to leverage the company’s vast stock footage archives into CD-ROM titles, mostly for educational use.

    A meeting with a client there led to my next job producing video games for a small studio in the area.

    While there, I built the company’s web site and had a lot of fun with it, so I started a web company in ’98 with a co-worker.

    I met my wife in ’99 (although we didn’t get married til a few years ago) and she introduced me to a high school friend of hers who had just helped get a small toy company off the ground, and I got involved in that for a while too.

    (the toy company was a lot of fun, save for a very unfortunate experience involving…Stargate)

    The web company specializes in Content Management Systems and portal development, and that’s still my full-time gig, and I also started voice acting professionally about 6 years ago through a friend of a friend.

    So pretty much all of my professional career has been a string of good luck, timing and right-place-right-time circumstances. And of course hard work. 🙂

  7. Fantastic episode, the stuff that Stargate is made of. Can’t wait to see the next one, but bummed because it’ll be the end of the season. Not that I’m blowing sunshine up your bum, but damn Joe, this was good! Thanks again!

  8. “Answer: It’s more a weapon of incapacitation than a feeding utensil.”

    Ooooooo…like…for hamstringing??! How deliciously nasty! 😀



    Do you REALLY wanna know how I got to where I’m at???

    Okay, long story not-so-short…

    I hated school. H.A.T.E.D. Graduated 4th in my class, but hated school from kindergarten through 12th grade – there wasn’t a year that wasn’t an ordeal for me…in my head. Mostly I hated the social aspect and the ‘beautiful people’ – the jocks and cheerleaders and other popular kids – but I also hated the tests, hated the structure, hated gym. I only like the learning part, and lunch…especially the pizza. 😀 I hated peer pressure and bullies and so avoided most of the other students, and hung out with the ‘outcasts’ – the gay guys, nerdy chicks, and ‘greasers’ (I think in today’s terms they would be the emos and goths…and gay guys 🙂 ).

    Despite the pressure from teachers and guidance counselors, I decided I was not going to college. I mean, WHY would I want to take more tests and plunge myself into a social environment that was totally contrary to my nature? Soooo…after graduation I took a job at my high school as a library assistant – and lo and behold – I loved it! Best 4 years of ‘school’.

    However, during my 4th year I started getting sick – like a constant upset stomach from nerves, or something. I figured the social aspect of the job had finally caught up with me, and so I quit. WHAT A FREAKIN’ MISTAKE!!! It wasn’t ‘nerves’, it was caffeine. I can’t have caffeine. I quit my job because of tea and Coke and coffee. 😛

    I took a year off, and then slowly – but surely – got sucked into the family business. I never wanted to work full time – I’ve always wanted to be a domestic goddess and do volunteer work – the stuff I like – gardening, art, decorating, helping the community and environment. I also never wanted to work for my dad. We – for lack of a better word – butt heads (to put it mildly). My brother was out of the house before I was even in school, my sister was the golden child, and I … I was the millstone around my father’s neck. 😛 According to him, everything that’s wrong in the world is my fault. Yeah. We have a great relationship. Don’t get me wrong – he’s a GREAT guy…generous, funny, loved by all…but I still cannot do anything right in his eyes. And so I’ve worked for him for 25 years, 20 of those years fulltime. My sister was smart, she moved away, but I stay – and stay with him – because I have this really screwed up sense of loyalty. I can’t leave the job, because I don’t want my mom to worry. So, I stay.

    Now…WHERE do I work? I work in an old trailer, on the edge of wetlands. We get snakes in the file cabinets, I have something (mice? birds?) living in the ceiling above my head, and I just saw that some critter has pulled open the bottom of the trailer and gotten in the floor (I’m thinking a raccoon because we just had one in the dumpster). Paper wasps (and this year carpenter bees) fly around my head, and spiders are everywhere, and some summer days it gets up to 85 degrees in the trailer, with the AC cranking. My dad calls me a goddamn kid and throws stuff at me, something ate all my rice crackers (again, I’m thinking raccoon), and I am the lowest paid employee…hell, I think illegal Mexicans make more money than I do.

    WHY do I stay?

    I not a goddamn kid, I’m a GODDAMN MASOCHIST!!!!

    (Plus, I get to play on the ‘puter all day. 😀 )

    And thanks, Joe…for making me relive all of that. I’m really depressed now. 😛


  9. wow…..a baby shower……why………..why…..who writes this stuff. Good thing they brought i-pod docks and electric shavers in their survival gear!

  10. Fantastic ep!!!!!! We were on the edge of our seats the entire time. Liked how the plot was so well-knit together and really looking forward to Incursion in two weeks.

  11. An excellent job by everyone involved with tonight’s SGU! I was riveted!


    I always loved science. I read every science-related book in my elementary school library by 4th grade. I became a medical technologist and worked in hospital chemistry labs for 10 years. After moving from S. Florida to Kentucky I started working in university research labs. Immuno-chemistry labs kept me busy for the next 10 years with short breaks to birth my 3 kids. After the 3rd was born I returned to college and got my master’s in education. I wanted a more flexible work schedule with little kids. I became a high-school chemistry teacher. My kids are all grown now, but I’m still teaching chemistry (and other sciences).

    I’m not sure what my next career will be.

  12. Hi Joe,

    Hmm, how did I end up doing what I do? This is long – get comfortable.

    Well, I majored in Music, vocal performance, specialty in opera – I’m a coloratura soprano. But I already knew I didn’t want to do that for a career – those women are MEAN! And what else can you do with a music degree – teach? Oh, no – much of my family were teachers and they said, no, don’t be a teacher. So I graduated and began my Five Year Plan (read with an echo effect) of working wherever I could just to get job experience.

    As it happens, my aunt was a realtor and there was an opening at her office for a weekend receptionist (nepotism is great, ain’t it?). Within one month I went from weekend, to weekday to Office Administrative Asst. I pretty much stayed within the related fields of real estate, escrow and lending for the five years and then the markets turned sour and I was back where I started; unemployed.

    Someone suggested working for a school district; I was wary – this was close to the dreaded teaching career. I started in 1996 as a playground instructional assistant for my home district and gained the official title (given by the children) of Mrs. Recess Teacher. I found that my previous job experience stood me in good stead in many ways; realtors are a lot like children. I only worked 3.75 hours a day; not enough to get benefits and not enough to live on, so I kept applying within the district for additional hours and took an assistant position with an in-district program for before- and after-school care – the Shoreline Children’s Center. The following year my lead teacher left and I moved into the lead postition and became, of course, a Teacher. Hadn’t I been trying to avoid this eventuality?

    Fourteen years later I find myself wondering why I ever did anything else – I’ve seen hundreds of children come through my classroom and I delight in bringing new experiences to them, watching them discover the world around them and seeing them blossom and grow year by year. For seven years of their lives, K-6th grade, I get to be parent and friend, guide and student – the only thing that’s really hard (and is coming up very soon, again) is saying good-bye when they graduate 6th grade and are gone – with the promise of the occasional visit, of course. Understand, no one gets into education to make money and things have been tight over the years, but in the long run, I wouldn’t want to do anything else.

    Thanks, Julie

  13. Sooo…



    Why does it have to be Telford who makes the ‘what gives us the right’ speech? And…ya know…that speech of his sounds a lot like the pro-Wraith arguments I’ve made here. So…what gives YOU guys the right to steal my ideas??! 😡



  14. So I guess next season (I know there are still two eps left) Telford will end up stuck on Destiny with the main crew, and a bunch of Lucian Alliance members?

  15. Talk to you on Tuesday Joe.

    I became a Residence Life Coordinator because I couldn’t think of anything else to do and I enjoyed being an RA. I went to film school at Western and realized I sucked at making movies so when I graduated I got into student affairs. Good. Times.

  16. Hey Joe,

    I’ve been enjoying the second half of the season, great stories, although I’ll have to wait until next week for Subversion (and avoid spoilers here!).

    I hope you don’t mind answering a question about “Sabotage” – Colonel Young says that if they don’t get the FTL fixed, they’ll all be going back to the planet where Scott, Chloe and Eli were stranded. Then, when they use the kino and find the alien ships there, he says that they’re cut off and have to fix Destiny. That seems to imply that the only planet they could dial to was that particular planet, but aren’t there usually several planets within range whenever Destiny stops? When Scott, Chloe and Eli were on the planet, there were several addresses that showed up on Eli’s remote. I guess it’s possible that this planet was right at the edge of the galaxy and no other planets were close enough to Destiny to dial, but that means Destiny’s gate must be really short-range. Can you shed any light?

    Have a great long weekend,

  17. awwww, thanks for the puppie pix.

    No spoilers.
    Subversion = awesome! And, arrrgh, wait for “conclusion” next epi. Then, the last 2 epis and wait, wait, wait.
    We gots lots of practice waiting, and waiting…did I mention waiting? LOL.

  18. @funnypeople: Why not a baby shower? Considering everything else they’re going through, it was nice. Geez, any woman in that situation would love it. Who writes this stuff? Joe does.

    @Das: Ok, you and I need a vacation. I’ll come get you and we’ll head somewhere tropical for a couple of weeks. Just not Florida. 🙂

  19. I’m hopin’ you hose off that little patch o’ grass, every once in awhile. *pee ewe (sp?) hahaha* The dogs are so cute and funny, although I guess the humour is yours, isn’t it? They are just the little hams.

    I thought Eli & Chloe were making it up (that she had been studying Daniel’s Ancients’ work). I figured she just wanted to go off-ship, so she and Eli were spinning tales, they were like two little kids (hence Young’s indulgent smile after they left). I presumed she knew about the symbol because it was abduction related. As I have said before, something is not right with her.

    Joe writes: “Hey, how did you guys end up doing what you’re doing?”

    Answer: I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. That’s why adults keep asking children what they want to do/be when they grow up. They are looking for ideas………..

    It’s funny you should be asking this question, as I am experiencing career angst right now. In my area, the corporation where I work is considered to be somewhat akin to winning the lotto (not the jackpot, but rather The Plus), but I hate it. In fact, I call it my gilded cage…… So I can understand your earlier dilemma of job you like/love for less pay, or one you hate strictly for the money. I’m currently living it, although I have found that there have been some unforeseen ramifications of doing it long term. Vague, I know, but that’s about as detailed as I can get. Perhaps my reaction to conflict may explain it a little better.

    I think it has a lot to do with being a risk taker or being risk adverse. You were able to take that leap of faith. It remains to be seen whether I can or not………

    Have a good one!

  20. @Subversion: Was the tel’tak taking off not shown to save money? That looked horrible.

  21. @ Deni – Uuuum…uh…I like you, Deni…really. But…erm…I am really NOT quite ready for the whole Thelma and Louise thing just yet. 😉 Unless, of course, we head to Vancouver, and drive our car right through the Stargate! Wooo!!


  22. I wanted to be a writer since some time in high school. I’m still working on it. (That is, I’m still working on being able to make a living writing. I don’t think I could stop being a writer if I tried, even if I never again got paid for it.) I’ve got one screenwriting thing in the works (and it’s been ‘in the works’ for a while), but I think my time in LA somewhat disillusioned me from wanting to be a screenwriter as my primary goal. Not that I wouldn’t jump at the chance to do a screenplay or, even better, get a staff job on a great show, but it seems most of my ideas lately have been for novels, so that’s what I’m working on now. If I succeed and get published, I might have to send you a copy in celebration.

    In the mean time, I’m working a desk job in a completely uncreative field.

  23. Loved Subversion and two questions

    1. Is that the same actor that played the bounty hunter that went after SG1 a few years ago? Is he the same character?

    2. If I recall right in the “human” ep the flashback Jackson said their contact in the LA found a good planet for the base. Was that Telford then?

  24. Nice little nod to john scalzi having Rush’s escort reading Old Man’s War. Guess it doesn’t hurt to be a creative consultant. 🙂

  25. A big cliffhanger, Shanks, LDP and RDA? Very cool episode, congrats to all. Was literally at the edge of my seat at the end. I liked that although SG1 guest stars were featured it still felt like a SGU episode.

    One of my fave moments was Eli and his band of techies doing the “busy babble” when Telford went by, and Rush’s “I was stalling!” was priceless.

    Oh and cheers to Mike Dopud, it was great to see him on Stargate again, he did an excellent job.

  26. Just finished watching, I was saying to myself the entire time “That is some GOOD television”
    I notice that one of the actors who plays a lucien alliance guy played a part on stargate atlantis, the runner guy. Is that guy like a spy in the lucian alliance for earth because of his cunning skills as a runner, or are you just recycling an old actor? I can always tell when a show has recycled an actor.
    And how come no body has been trying diplomacy with these guys, i remember daniel in early sg1 always had some good discussions with the baddies trying to reason with them, surely these lucian alliance people aren’t complete evil there has to be some good in them and i think it would be good exposition if somebody tried anyway. could tell us a bit about their motives

  27. Thank you. The doggie pictures are greatly appreciated. They’re one of the more addictive aspects of your blog, though by no means the only addictive componant. Add to that a mailbag and it’s pure joy. And the proverbial cherry on top is the breakdown of your career. Have you considered writing a memoir? At the least you’re guaranteed a few dozen sales, and who knows? Push the academic aspect and you can make it a textbook for those in media related college courses.
    Very nicely done episode tonight. Few minor quibbles not worth going into. Still waiting to see what twists and turns will come out of Telford’s apparant treason. Wondering if Young’s surmise of Telford’s mind being manipulated will still play out, or if you have other suprises for us. Liked the drama in the control room as Young ordered the venting of atmosphere. The only real disapointment is Wray. She’s still reduced to an ineffective, powerless figure who rants and raves but has no influence. This far into the season, I had hoped for more from her. I’m really hoping we’ll eventually see her come into her own as the representative of civilian rule on Destiny. Nothing against martial law and how Young is handling matters, but for a political animal Wray just seems out of her league here. Still, great episode and one of your better works, which is saying a lot.
    Ok, since Das answered your question, I’ll take a shot. Army brat childhood, in junior college for a couple of years trying to figure out what I wanted to do in the future. Then father became seriously ill, and I ended up foregoing school and work for over a year to stay at home and help take care of him. Onto four year college for a year, but my focus was on things other than classes. On top of that dad became ill again, so more time at home.
    Once he stabilized, did a stint as a reservist. Spent most of the next 6 years on active duty, or taking part time jobs like cab driving in between activations.
    Got stupid, got married, and happened to see an ad for recruiting people for a local rescue squad. went there. No one in the building. Returned to my town, stopped by the fire station and asked about applications. Signed up, went off for another month of training. Got back, ran my first call(SIDS baby) and decided I was cut out for this. Worked at 7/11 to pay the bills, signed up for 3 week, 5 days a week EMT class, and was certified a month after I began running calls.
    Got my emt continued to volunteer, eventually got a job with transport company. trained on the fire as well as EMS side, and eventually the fire chief offered me a job. Been there ever since. Essentially a story of right places at the right times and a large dose of luck. And just a wee bit of ability and talent for the job.
    Anyways, thanks for another near perfect post, and looking forward to the season finale.

  28. Just wondering if anyone else has been playing Google’s Pac-Man today? What fun! I still totally suck at the game, though. 😛


  29. Subversion was enjoyable. Thanks to the writers for bringing Jack’s LOL moments back! I look forward to the next episode.

    As for the dog pictures, all I can say (emit?) is a giant, “SQUEE!” They fill the void in my heart that my dogs left. I had to leave my babies with my parents because between classes and work I really have no time. Jelly looks so stoic in that second picture! =)

  30. I have 2 Questions. First Question is this: Now that Carter is Captainig the Hammond who does she Report to (as in her direct chain of command): Homeworld Command or Stargate Command? And second Question is this: does Dr. Jackson still work stargate command and on SG-1 if not what does Daniel do these days?

  31. Subversion was pretty awesome. Props to Paul and yourself here – it was a nice tension-filled ep with some old faces, new faces and hilarious little moments, and then we get the most awesomest baby shower ever! Seriously, Riley’s truck-making skills will no doubt save the world one day.

    Oh, and a big thumbs up to whomever was responsible for Kiva’s leather outfit. Yay! (On a less shallow note, Rhona Mitra was very good at playing baddie here)

  32. @ dasNdanger
    Just wondering if anyone else has been playing Google’s Pac-Man today?

    Of course…and listening to the Pac-Man Fever album by Buckner & Garcia to go along with it.

    Unfortunately, my Pac-Man Fever breakfast cereal has long since expired. I’m aMAZEd it lasted as long as it did…

    The Google game is really hard to play…controls kinda suck 😉

  33. Yay puppies!! Also, why does Vancouver when the midwest hasn’t seen the sun for over a week?? That is just not fair.

    How did I end up doing what I’m doing? Well, does it count if I’m still technically getting there? Or were you referring to my current summer retail job? Because that’s an easy answer: grad school only pays during the academic year. 😛

    Sadly, I have no grand story considering I haven’t had a “career” job yet. Plenty of “real” jobs, just none very exciting. I don’t know, though. Some days I consider completely forgoing my PhD and-rather than running away to join the circus-running away to join TV production somehow. It’s a little like a circus, right? (How does one become a network CEO? I’ve got a business degree…)

    Thanks for sharing your story, Joe! I’m very glad it all paid off for you because it means we the fans got to experience your great work!

  34. Eeek: Must Read Comments More Carefully – last night’s episode for you is next week’s for me here in the UK.

    May I ask a question? I’ve said before, I truly relish this series, it is a genuine highlight of the week for me now, but I do see that there are vocal fans of older Stargate who don’t like it.

    I’m afraid it works the other way too: I’m less engaged by the older Stargates I’ve tried watching since getting hooked.

    So, given that you have made a tremendously different series, were you ever tempted to sever any connections with the Stargate franchise and do something entirely unrelated? I appreciate you may have been explicitly commissioned to do it as Stargate, you may have particularly pitched it as that. And doubtlessly there were many reasons, many pressures to make staying with the name the way you had to go.

    But were you tempted? Artistically?


  35. Hi, Joe.



    Just … wow. Amazing, superb, a joy to watch, thrilling. Funny. Suspenseful. Even ‘Yikes!’ at times.

    Loved Jack! Loved the photo of Jack with Charlie in his office. Loved the fact that Jack went the wrong direction (again) on the Destiny. Loved the mention of Carter.

    Performances were wonderful – Lou Diamond Phillips rocked, Louis Ferreira is IN command of Destiny, Robert Carlyle was stunning.

    Loved the shout out for John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War,’ which, with Jack being in this episode, was kind of touching.

    Terrific episode.

    Only two episodes left in the season?


    Thanks to everyone at Bridge Studios for excellent entertainment.

  36. Re Chloe:

    1. Thanks for the hint about future developments. I THOUGHT something was off with her but was remembering the wrong scene from “Lost”.

    2. Damn, I missed the beginning of the party scene…twice. I take it Chloe has some talent for needlework? (Hooray! Finally my obsession with textile crafts meets my SG passion!)

    I may see Ronny Cox (Sen. Kinsey of SG1, newbies) twice in the next week or so. He’s touring Texas & Louisiana before and after attending the Kerrville Folk Fest.

    How did I end up doing what I’m doing? Short version…I married the only child of an only child of Texas German landowners. Most of our life currently revolves around managing a complicated inheritance.

  37. In “Subversion,” Kiva tortured Rush with that red stun gun, was that brand new or a variation of the Goa’uld Pain Stick?

    Was it in the script for O’Neill to leave the room walking in the wrong direction once he came on Destiny, or was that improv by RDA?

  38. Sorry to repeat Joe 😛

    Answer: Like Oma Desala and Anubis, Morgan Le Fay and Adria are locked in perpetual combat, a timeless stalemate.

    Ah, but Joe, you forget the Ori gain (most) of their power from their followers, and Adria being the only Ori, she engaged in this “Semi-Eternal” battle with Morgan after the AHG were “cleansed”, and after that, they “cleansed” the Milky Way from the Ori worshippers, which means she lost even more of her power.


  39. Bad choice of words.
    What I meant was that the Ori get their power from their followers, and after the AHG was “released”, the power of Adria and Morgan were even, so afterwards the Milky Way was “released”, her powers should have diminished further, because unlike the Ancients/Lanteans, the Ori are basically living on only the power the gain from their followers.

  40. Hello =) ça va ?

    Ahahaah XD j’aime trop vos photos!! Vos chiens sont trop fort!! J’adore les têtes qu’ils font, j’ai une préférence pour Clint Eastwood ^^! En tout cas ça fait plaisir de les voirs heureux et qu’ils profitent du soleil !

    O_O waou!! Et bien vous avez fait ou voulu faire de nombreuses choses avant de trouver votre vocation.

    Moi a 7 ans je voulais devenir actrice, à 10 ans présidente de la république, à 12 ministre des affaire étrangère, à 14 historienne ou archéologue…mais j’ai finit par faire des études de comptabilité et maintenant je veux devenir publicitaire XD….je verrai bien se que l”avenir me réserve au final je vais peut être devenir jongleuse ahaha sais-t-on jamais XD.

    Passez une bonne journée!
    Gros bisou!

  41. Okay, this question has been on pose by my mind in the start of SGU. Moments ago, it just popped.
    How in the hell does a Ha Tak withstand Asgard beam?

  42. @Das: Uh, I wasn’t thinking Thelma and Louise, more like margaritas, cool ocean breezes and the spa. But ok, you stay with your raccoons and birds and wasps and 85 degree trailer – I’ll think of you in passing. Maybe. 🙂

  43. Hi, Joe – Thanks for all the pics of your furry gang, and for giving us another installment on what led to you being where you are, professionally. Your reminiscences always make for enjoyable reading.

    Something that’s been special, for me, is getting to read others’ stories about the various roads they’ve traveled down, and where they find themselves now. Long or short, highly personal or not so much, reading those accounts has been a moving experience.

    Learning other people’s stories, especially the parts that deal with stress, conflict, or difficulties of whatever kind, is what kept me working as a psych nurse long after the stress – plus the feeling of accomplishing little – made me hate going to work. The thing was, some people really did get better (to whatever extent), and I got some very touching thank-you’s. I know I was just an average psych nurse, but being told that you’ve helped someone find relief from inner turmoil is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. — I left that job at the end of January for both personal and professional reasons, and don’t regret the decision, but the feelings of strongly relating to others’ distress make me wonder if at some point I’ll want to take on the challenge again.

    How I got into psych is quite a long story, and it’s also intensely personal, so I really don’t want to go there. (Doubt that anyone else wants to either, lol. To borrow from Neil Young, “It starts out kind of slow, and then fizzles out altogether. It’s called ‘Don’t Let It Bring You Down’.” Heh.) At present, I’m sort of treading water by combining parttime home-health nursing (which has helped me relearn some forgotten skills) with classroom observation and aide functions to prepare for being a substitute teacher next fall, at least when I’m in town.

    Every job I’ve ever had has seemed more like a task than a career, and sub teaching will be no different in that respect. But, the environment will be a lot healthier for me, and in a short period of time I’ve already gotten a lot from being around the kids. My dad taught a lot even in the Army, and my bro is a teacher, so I guess there’s a family predisposition. – Anyway. . . Learning a lot in the meantime about maturity (appearances notwithstanding), loyalty, and patience within my own gilded cage. Everyone has his/her own constraints.

  44. My story is a little boring. I’ll try to make it quick. I was a Canadian Air Force brat. I’ve lived all over Canada and Europe. While I lived in various locations, I dabbled in my love for writing and dreamed of going to college to learn to write professionally. But it was not to be. Life happened. I met a guy who convinced me that my future was better served by something more practical. I attended college and got a business degree, that I’m sure I will use some day. A couple of years later, I got married to that same guy and had a son with autism. My world view changed over night. I wanted to be the most help I could be for my son, so I went back to school. I worked with him during the day, and studied to get my masters degree in Psychology at night. As my son and I worked on his disability and he improved, I went back to work assisting people with disabilities to lead more normal lives. As luck would have it, after years of gainful employment as a counsellor and therapist, I burned out in my chosen profession. So….

    I do love writing. Once my son became an adult, I decided that the rest of my life would be for me. So I write. I haven’t managed to become as successful as Joe, but I keep working at it. I have published a training DVD with the province of Alberta, and 2 CD’s with Cliff Simon (Ba’al) as well as a dozen newspaper and magazine articles. I was very fortunate to take part in a Viral marketing campaign for a Vendor responsible for the Continuum movie, back in 2008. The highlight was the opportunity to attend the premiere on the aircraft carrier Midway in San Diego.

    Lately, I throw Fan parties in Vancouver and invite a bunch of my celebrity friends so they can visit with their fans on a more casual basis; the same parties I invite Joe to every year (the ones you never come to, Joe). It’s mainly to raise money for charity, and we all have lots of fun.

    That’s pretty much it. Boring life with a few weird twists and turns. Joe’s life is far more interesting.

  45. Joe, since I can’t re-watch last night’s episode, what was Mike Dopud’s character’s name? It wasn’t Ventrell again, was it?

  46. Loved the show last night! We watched it live, so we count right?

    Question: When one person switched bods with another, do they keep their mannerisms/accent?

  47. Joe, are you guys serious? Did Greer just pummel a commander officer? Again?

    Yes, I realize that Telford had attacked Young and Greer wanted to stop that. But he could have easily have subdued Telford without being shown as some sort of animal without self control. Once he and Scott burst into the room it was 3 to 1 against Telford and any danger to Young was over at that point. Of course since you writers have given Scott a brain it was no surprise to see Scott not lose his wits as he rushed into the room. You also allowed Young to look like a man by telling his two subordinates to get out of the room and let him handle Telford. But with Greer you guys keep emphasizing crazy and unstable and, as a result, unreliable.

    Joe, even worse was during that situation you had Scott once more try to calm Greer down. This is a repeated, tiring routine that you guys use often when Greer and Scott are around each other. Scott is continually having to reel Greer in or instruct him to calm down. He even told Greer to turn off his music during the episode “Time.” You know what that makes Greer look like? A child that needs instructions. You know why this is particularly bad given the race of the two actors playing the characters? Because for the longest time a view was held in America (and Western societies in general) that black people were children who needed guidance from white society. Some folks still cling to this view. I realize that the writers are not intentionally trying to reinforce such a negative stereotype with their portrayal of Greer, but I would think someone in the writing staff or production team would have by now spotted this disturbing trend.

    Some may object to my bringing up race but if bashers of SGU can constantly bring up gender inequities and sexism, then its only fair that I can discuss this topic. There is a reason that many people who comment on SGU on other boards refer to Greer as n angry black man stereotype and that’s in part because he hasn’t been given the dimensions of the other characters. Hadn’t Greer already hit Telford once and gotten in trouble for it? So why have him do it again? Did you guys think it was cool? I love Greer but I too am beginning to think he isn’t worthy of being in that uniform if he can’t keep his emotions in check. He also isn’t learning from past mistakes. No matter how much of a creep Telford has been portrayed as being, there is no excuse from Greer to go all Abu Ghraib on the guy. He simply needed to pull Telford off of Young. Maybe one punch thrown in would have been acceptable. Maybe. But Greer was just wailing away at the man after he had been subdued. Where is the growth in the character, Joe? Why isn’t Greer learning and developing as time passes like the other characters?

    During the whole episode with suspicions rising everywhere you had characters trying to be thoughtful, characters trying to resist their worst instincts and characters trying their best to give others the benefit of the doubt. And then there’s Greer whose only role seems to be to play Young’s thug enforcer. Other than taking commands from his superior officers he appears to have no purpose in life. Maybe if you guys had FINALLY shown us why Greer has such contempt for Telford (and vice versa) Greer’s outburst could have been justified. And don’t tell me that Greer simply hates Telford because Telford is a prick. There are pricks everywhere in the military. For Greer to deck Telford before the whole Destiny discovery suggests something really major occurred. This episode would have been a perfect time to finally explore the incident and what led up to it. Putting Greer and Telford in a room together and exploring their history would have been interesting, especially if now the roles were reversed with Telford being in confinement. But this potential interaction was ignored and once more all the moments of insight went to other characters other than Greer. This tells me you guys don’t think any deeper explanation is needed for Greer. There isn’t any complexity; he is who he is in your eyes. Just a one dimensional bulldog. And I find that insulting.

    Again, Joe, if I’m off track then I hope you will at least give me your take. But the fact that you have never addressed my previous two posts concerning Greer makes me think you feel this topic isn’t worthy or appropriate to comment on (unlike the charges of sexism that you have spoken up about) or that you don’t have much of a defense for why Greer is handled the way he is. A third choice could be that the posts were too long and your eyes simply glazed over while reading them (wouldn’t blame ya).

    Now with that out of the way I do realize the show isn’t called “Stargate Greer”. So I will say that the episode itself was fantastic and the writers need to take a bow for their work. The actors need to be applauded as well. The episode was tremendous. The one negative IMO was Greer’s portrayal, obviously.

    Logan, I got around to reading your response a couple of weeks back regarding my comments on Greer. I disagree with your take but I appreciate your point of view. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on your take sometime soon.

  48. Okay, so I was watching last night’s episode and this thought came into my head – why do futuristic/advanced races have such uncomfortable looking bed sheets? Rush’s were shiny and while I have no doubt they were very practical in not wearing down, I’m not sure cotton (or cotton equivalent) wouldn’t have been nicer. I guess every race could go through a “polyester” faze. Do you know if the material the props department uses more comfy than it looks?

    On another note, reading people wondering about Destiny, I’ve liked it so far because it makes the Ancients seem so normal. Dumping money into abandoned projects (you know how the governments are, let’s spend several billion dollars and then discover later “meh, let’s go play golf” or in the case of the Ancients “let’s go do some ascending”).

    As for what I do – I’m a mom and I work full time doing payroll for small businesses. My husband is working on his doctorate and I actually want to go back to school to get a post-bachelors in physics (and eventually a phD… I wanted to be an astrophysicist when I was 12. Still do actually which is probably why Sam Carter became my favorite SG character). Life sort of became all twisty-turny and I’m only 27 sooooooooo we’ll see if I get there by the time I’m 50.

  49. So, the question on a lot of people’s minds is: “Why does the LS want Destiny? Surely they know they can’t dial back, the ship is falling apart, and aside from the star-recharging nature, there doesn’t seem to be a lot there that would demand stranding a crew on it. They could try just stealing the tech and information from Earth.”

    It’s been hinted that there is something more to Destiny than simple deep space exploration. Something that perhaps the LA knows, that Earth does not. Am I on the right track? 🙂

  50. Good Mornin’ Joe

    Hmmm, well, you asked.

    How did I get into the sign business… Well, years ago, I was young and broke and after a string forgetable retail jobs I decided to follow a friend Out West. So, I jumped on a bus and headed for Calgary, the land of Milk and Honey, anyway after three long, loooong, days on the bus I arrived, to snow. Yes it was snowing on my birthday, May 16, 1979, I had never seen it snow on my birthday before. Things were not looking good.

    I had gotten off the bus with five dollars and some change in my pocket. My friends girlfriend was NOT waiting for me at the terminal and didn’t answer a call. So, I decided to walk, in the snow, in running shoes and a T-shirt to his apt.
    Things were definately not looking good.

    Anyway, after a bit of walking, and asking of directions, it became apparent I was missing a little something from the address. Seems there was supposed to be a little 2 letter bit on the end of the address, like NE NW SE and SW there could be 4 places matching the address I had!
    No, things were not looking good at all.

    Things were completely falling apart. Here I was in a strange city, in the snow, and I was freezing, dragging a suitcase and had less than 5 dollars in my pocket by that time. Then it dawned on me that someone was shouting at me. I stopped and looked over and a guy came up, asked me were my coat was so I told him my story, he laughed and invited me into his shop, gave me a coffee, and we chatted. Within an hour I had a job, my friend got home and answered his phone and came to pick me up. Things were looking up! By the time I left there the sun was shinning and it was 20c out.

    The place was Mark IV Graphics and I’ve been in the sign business or a related field ever since.


  51. Wonderful episode — further developing the “new” characters on Destiny while managing at the same time to perfectly distill Jack’s and Daniel’s characters from the whole SG run, in the little interchange about whether Telford still had rights. So satisfying — put a big smile on my face!

  52. LOVED last nights episode of Subversion, Joe. Seeing Jack O’Neill and daniel jackson was awesome. And I must say, Jack was Jack last night. He had his usual one liners, and once he was on board destiny, i loved how he left the room and turned left out the door instead of turning right, only to see him walk back the other way, was priceless. Typical Jack! I really hope you guys bring him back for season 2, even if its just for an episode or 2.

    Looking forward to the final 2 episodes of the season!

  53. How did you get where you are. I guess you’ve noticed how much people love to talk about themselves, because it’s hard to resist such a question. The nutshell version–

    I got where I am by writing. Fell in love with storytelling at age 8, began writing fiction at age 9. Wrote so much during school that that’s what most of my school memories are about. Thought about majoring in English, but couldn’t see myself teaching it, so I just kept writing. Got married, had a kid, kept writing. Started submitting work for publication well before it was ready for prime-time. (Many thanks to the underpaid intern who wrote on the rejection slip that I was too wordy. It was immensely valuable feedback.) Kept writing.

    The eventual result was three books under contract with Mundania Press. They’re small, but they put out a quality product. The first one is out, and the second, we’re about to start edits on.

  54. @ Deni – But, but, but…all that you describe requires that I do something I REALLY hate to do! Something that I put off as long as I can…something that I find all sorts of ways to avoid doing until it’s absolutely, positively necessary!! AAAARRRGGGHH!!! I hate the time it takes! I hate the process! I hate the way I feel two days later!!! Aaargh. If only I lived in Germany.


  55. How did I become a Kept Woman? I blame John-Boy Walton.

    At age 9, I developed my first major fangirl crush on John-Boy Walton. That’s how writing got on my radar. I discovered I not only loved writing, but also had a knack for it. My teen years were spent writing short stories, poetry and writing for my school newspapers. In my late teens and through college, I was a journalist for the local newspaper. Early during college, I became interested in television. For my efforts, I was awarded a paper that says I am trained in writing (my diploma).

    I did work for newspapers, a stint in radio, and in television, a career spanning almost 10 years. Then, I met this guy who turned my professional world upside-down and caused me to do all those things I swore I would never do — marry, settle down, have children. As we prepared for our first child being born, we crunched the numbers and discovered most of my salary would be going to pay for me to continue working. Plus my hours were not flexible enough to be compatible with having a child. A close friend had her child a few months before, and being in close contact with a baby made me realize that I did not want to send my child to a daycare every day.

    (Yes, I was once the female version of you Joe! 😉 )

    I took the plunge, and gave up everything I thought I had always desired in exchange for being a Mom. I believed I would go back to work someday, and as a paid writer. It’s been a bit harder than I expected to re-enter the working world. Paid writing gigs have been fewer and farther apart than I imagined. I have done stints as a direct marketer and substitute teacher. I explored going back to college and becoming a media tech for schools, but by the time I finished I would be old enough to retire from that field.

    I volunteer a lot, especially for the schools my children have attended. The schools have been glad to have a parent with my particular skills volunteer for them, and I get a lot of satisfaction from still getting to do what I love. Yes, I would like to get paid for it. 🙂

    After spending 16 years as a family in Atlanta, we moved in 2008 to the Dallas area. Currently, I am trying to rebuild all the professional aspects of my life from the ground floor again. One of my projects I am finally getting around to is writing a novel.

    And a note to those of you who are working toward your dream of being writers — Don’t think of yourself as not a “real” writer because you haven’t been paid for your writing yet. A writer writes.

    @Pepper Smith — Congratulations on your publication!

  56. Another good episode of SG-U. Hard to believe that it is down to two episodes.

    When is the first air date of season two?

  57. Hi Joe!
    It’s been a long time since I’ve posted, but I thought I’d just comment on yesterday’s episode, which I loved! I noticed the military officer in the car with Rush was reading Old Man’s War! Did you have any influence in that? Also, Telford’s speech about the Lucian Alliance and earth leaving everyone to fend for themselves seemed quite similar to the arguments of the Conclave in John Scalzi’s The Last Colony (I think it’s the conclave – it’s been a while since I read the book). Was this coincidental, or did Mr. Scalzi have a role in that?
    Also, thanks for sharing some of your own process of how you became a writer. Right now I’m about to head off for college, with no idea about what I want to do. So reading your story has given me a little comfort!

  58. Joe, cracked up when I saw Scalzi’s book held up, very funny. Nice to see RDA again and being so “Jack.” can you tell us why he was limping, it looked like off of his right foot/leg?

    Loved the reference to “Carter,” too, though couldn’t quite figure out why an archaeologist would be following someone a la covert ops.

    How I got here…I’ve written since I was old enough to point the correct end of the pencil to paper and before that, just narrated my stories. I hoodwinked neighborhood kids into badly crafted melodramas on the promise that they could swim in our pool, and parlayed one college summer PA job into a chance to pitch a story to the writers and then got paid for that “story by” which just egged me on.

    Filled in the low time with military service (USAF) and a degree or two and now am a college prof with a book due out in Feb of next year. Still spec write and have recently made a good friend in another writer and we are fiddling with ideas together. Have gotten good, encouraging notes so keep plugging along.

    I can’t NOT write, you know?

  59. How did I get where I am? Basically, I headed west out of Toronto on the trans Canada and stopped outside of Edmonton 🙂

    Seriously, what a great question for your blog followers to get to know each other a bit better.

    I always wanted to get into journalism but everyone figured since I was animal crazy I should be a vet. So I trudged off to university on the pretense of getting into vet school. Wasn’t too keen on the type of folks getting into vet medicine and also knew I wouldn’t be able to deal with pet owners (worked for a vet for a year and couldn’t believe the cruelty of some folks–put a puppy to sleep because it pees on the carpet for starters….). Anyway, a friend of a friend was in a very new program for toxicology and it sounded interesting so I got a degree in it. How I stumbled into my career afterwards is almost comical (involves my dog attacking my budgie and my boss at the time laughing–too long to get into). I ended up working for a tox consulting firm and have been writing ever since. In a convoluted way, I still am writing for a living (as a freelance consulting toxicologist), albeit not journalism, but some pretty interesting science (let’s just say, ever wonder who assesses the safety of artificial sweeteners, fat substitutes, flavours, pesticides, drugs, etc. and, believe it or not, cell phones?). I’ve had the honour of being published quite often in journals and books and to get a journalism-type fix, I occasionally do photo stories for popular magazines. So, all round it kinda worked out.

    Thanks for letting us know what happened to SGU this week.

  60. Oh, forgot to say what great puppy pix. I showed them to my guys and they didn’t think it was fair that there is sun in Vancouver while we have wet snow…..

  61. @ Dodoalda Because he doesn’t have to.

    @ Das & Deni… lemme know if you want to go to Cabo in 2012. It can easily be arranged. Pools and spas assured.

    Ah, puppers!!!!

    Excellent ep. Do I have quibbles? Sure. But I don’t care, it was fun and exciting. Loved the shower, awwww.

    How did I get to this point? I was a Navy brat, went to 14 different schools before I dropped out to go to college. Majored in noting. Had a 0.0 GPA when Animal House came out. Parents refused to keep paying tuition, so I joined the Navy. Ended up as an electronics technician for nine years. Weird how many people serve and are whipsmart and talented at other things. I was good at it, loved being a sailor, but marriage intervened. Tried to be a mom, that didn’t end well. Kinda sad. Finished my BS degree in psychology. Discovered working in family therapy would be too depressing. Became a substitute teacher on base for seven years, high school level, LOVED it. Got my teaching certificate in the US, couldn’t find work. Tried some temp office work, man, I HATED the insurance guys and the “girls” in the office. Bleh. My health interfered and I became a housewife and artist. Surviving cancer twice was a biggie.

    Why so disjointed? I was born in the late 50s, mom and dad raised me to be a housewife, or failing that, a dental tech or teacher. What I wanted to do was be an artist, perhaps an antique expert, a museum director, an archeologist. But I wasn’t driven, nor given the gift of insight to know I could make my life happen, nor encouragement. Life happened to me. These days, I stay at home a lot, I know I can make things happen, but I don’t have the energy. Pathetic. However, Burning Man gives me an outlet for art, and I do interact with amazingly intelligent people. And hippie flakes, but that’s what makes it fun, you never really know.

    Go for it, teach your kids to go for it. As Dr. FrankNFurter says, “Don’t dream it, be-ee-ee it.”

  62. LOL, majored in NOTHING, not noting. Unless you count note taking, which I excel at. I take tests like mad too. I may have had a 0.0 one time, but I graduated cum laude and was chosen to speak at our graduation. An audience of thousands, I did well. That was for the 2nd BS degree, BTW, I have two. Love school, can we tell?

  63. @avabird — Thank you, ma’am! I hope you find all the right connections for your career to take off. And that that novel becomes a best-seller for you. (Especially with what college costs these days…)

  64. >Did Greer just pummel a commander officer? Again?

    Telford gave up his rank and rights the moment he turned against his country and planet, and besides it’s obvious he only attacked Telford because he was attacking Young, in a sense he was defending his commanding officer. Would you sit by and watch a potential traitor beating up your commander?

  65. Joe, in a very good second half of the season, Subversion is easily a new high. Just excellent work from all involved! I particularly loved the inclusion of Jack and Daniel in a way that was completely and naturally integrated into the story. Thanks to everyone there for more great television!

  66. Joe,

    Jack O’neill is made of win. More please. A lot more. Give us that friggin’ movie already!!

  67. Shall have we the chance to see Doctor Mckay on the destiny?
    For a repair of the destiny for example…
    And other characters of stargate atlantis?


  68. “Subversion” was an excellent episode. Esp the end, oh my.

    How much did RDA ad lib for “Subversion” or were all Jack’s jokes scripted? Some were okay, but in the end it was too much. I liked serious!Jack from “Air”, part 3 a lot more.

    Oh, I thought the talk of baby shower scene was a joke, Joe. 😀 It was a good scene and it was great to see that all of the crew supports TJ. I really hope the baby’s gonna be alright.

    It was fun to see goa’uld cargo ship and hyperspace travel with SGU’s filming style, hehe.

  69. Wow, commercials did this episode no justice at all-like so many comments above, my expectations were totally blown away.

    I liked the baby shower scene and other bits of normalcy the crew tries to live out, those are the parts that make any impeding danger more heightened-it makes me care more about the characters. I never really liked the guy that made the truck, but now I think he’s not so bad.

    I also appreciated how smoothly RDA jumped back into his role as Jack, all the little quips and side comments made me feel like the rest of SG1 was just right around the corner hiding somewhere in the cargo hold.

    Alaina’s Q&A rocked, please give her a big old “Hvala” and “Kako si?” from me to see if she understands any of her Croatian heritage.

  70. Hey Joe!

    Don’t write here often enough, will have to work on that.

    First off, as a journalist I don’t blame you for deciding not to become one after spending a day with a couple of them. We can be an ornery bunch. But it is a job I enjoy and I do feel like I make a difference … sometimes. Course there’s all that uncertainty right now but that’s been true for years now.

    Secondly, loved Incursion. I can honestly say, best episode of SGU yet. I was lukewarm over the first half of the season as it felt kind of slow, but I can appreciate now why you guys felt like you needed to spend the time to establish the characters. Now we are starting to see the fruit of that labour as it means more to see these things happening to them. I just hope you guys can carry this momentum through to the next season.

    Third, I was hoping you guys would’ve addressed how Eli, Scott and Chloe got back to Destiny by now. Because of everything else that’s happening I’m worried it’s going to get dropped by the wayside. Say it ain’t so Joe.

  71. When I was little I wanted to work for NASA (which would have been difficult moving to the States as I am Canadian). Once I was almost finished High School I decided I didn’t like physics and calculus enough to actually want to pursue it so I switched to environmental biology. But I didn’t let the space dream die. Right now (and for 3 months last summer) I work at Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama so now I get to teach kids what its like to be an astronaut! Plus I get to meet astronauts and engineers who work with the space program. So I pretty much get paid to go to camp. I’m said because come September I have to get a grown up job 🙁

  72. @maggiemayday…Hello, Twin! 😮 Your story very similar to my long version. Maybe we have the same birthday or some other coincidence…!

  73. Many thanks for the time you take to answer our questions.

    I’m wondering how Aspen is doing. Was the problem with his knee found and did it get resolved?

  74. Joe, looking at the time stamps on these comments makes me wonder if you’ve gotten any sleep at all in the past 24 hours. (BSN = Bachelor of Science in Nagging)

    @Kymm – I think the “Snifty Snakes” creator’s story would be one I *don’t* want to hear about. . . LOL at pic.

  75. I think it just now really hit me how much diversity, strength of character, intelligence, humor, and general good will is to be found in your blog community. What a great reflection on you and your work, and on your friends/colleagues/guest bloggers as well. Thank you for enabling it all to come together.

  76. “We both know you are not going to kill me.”

    Yeah, but we can hope *g*

    Btw the Candian Prime Minister earns what amounts to 301,600 USD a year.
    What was it Tichenor said; nobody is underpaid in the Canadian government – and then he was fired…

    … no wait! *g*

  77. >>>>Telford gave up his rank and rights the moment he turned against his country and planet,

    He was suspected of it. Even if Greer and Co thought he was guilty the fact is it wasn’t proven at that point. Heck, Scott had his doubts about Telford being a spy. But Scott is given a brain by the writers and a true voice and conscious of his own. Even Young probably still had lingering doubts at that point of the episode. So Greer was either the lone person 100% convinced Telford had betrayed his uniform or he simply didn’t care and wanted to take a shot at Telford. That makes Greer either very simplistic in his thinking if its the former or just an unstable human being who can’t be relied on to show the slightest self control unless instructed to by his commanding officers if its the latter. Either one is disappointing.

    >>>>and besides it’s obvious he only attacked Telford because he was attacking Young, in a sense he was defending his commanding officer. Would you sit by and watch a potential traitor beating up your commander?

    No. All I would do would be to push Telford away from my commander and restrain him. What I wouldn’t do is go bat**** and attack the man as if I was some sort of sadistic psycho. How is that type of portrayal adding any layer of depth or dimension to Greer? You see how Scott handled the situation (or how he tried to handle the situation once he realized he had to come to Young’s aid and restrain Greer at the same time)? This wasn’t the time to deliver some butt whipping to Telford. But the writers don’t seem to mind making Greer look mindless again and again.

  78. Thanks for the wonderful pictures of the puppies. I love them.

    Warning: My path to my job is pretty weird and sound depressing, but get through it to the happy ending.

    I was on a premed path and had to make a tough choice at 17 — move to another foster home in NY for senior year of high school or move with my current foster family to Florida. Because I was in accelerated programs in NY and Florida’s education was way behind the normal level in NY, I was going to skip senior year in Florida and go directly to college. Was accepted to University of Central Florida (David Blue’s alma mater). If I had stayed in NY and had gone to another foster home, the state of NY would have paid 4 years of college in full for me at a state university and since I was in the top 1% of my class in NY, I would very easily get into State University of New York at Cornell. But I was tired of being moved most of my teenage life and made a bad choice.

    My foster mother –let’s just say she had some psychological issues. She didn’t tell me I was accepted until it was too late to do anything about it. You see, she didn’t want to have to pay for anything (me going with them to Florida she would not receive any more money from me from the state, which she later told me was the only reason why she and her husband did foster care). Tragic, I know, but at least she came clean.

    So off to the terribly educationally behind high school. I told them to let me take whatever courses I had to as graduate requirements of the state so I could graduate in December. They didn’t like my attitude when I told them how what I would be studying I learned already 2-3 years ago and they were grossly behind the educational standards of New York. They didn’t like that coming from a 17-year-old.

    Flash-forward to November. My foster mother tries to choke me and I walked out (she claims she was drinking a lot then, but whatever). For the next month I home-schooled myself, rented a room in a house of someone I worked with, and worked full-time. Sadly I graduated 2nd in my class which qualified me for a 2-year tutition scholarship to the local community college. I had to pass it up because I had no idea how I was going to manage to live anywhere and go to school at the same time since there was no on-campus housing.

    I continued to work full-time (minimum wage was about $3.65 an hour back then). I was about to move to an office job with better money and I landed in the hospital. While I was in the hospital, my roommate evicted me and dropped all my stuff over to my foster mother’s house. I wasn’t late on anything, but she didn’t want a roommate anymore. We didn’t communicate after that, so I really don’t know anymore than that (i.e., her side of things). Being in the hospital, I lost my office job I was about to start.

    My biological sisters were in Houston and I made a phone call. With my last paycheck, I bought a one-way ticket to Houston. I still wanted to pursue medicine.

    Now, I typed really fast and won 1st place in a typing contest in Suffolk County on Long Island when I was still in high school in New York (using a manual typewriter I might add while everyone else was using electric).

    After a quick stint at a fast food place, I got a job in the medical clinic. I was a dictation clerk, charting the information that was transcribed. They seemed to make a good living, but it was production based. I asked my boss if on my off-hours I could practice on some of the tapes and compare my work to that which was already transcribed so that I could teach myself. She was fine with that. Eventually I got good enough that when a position opened there, I asked for the job and I got it. I got a lot of help from the women in that department.

    I still had plans to go to school, but when I started making more doing transcription (and enjoyed it) than a nurse was making, I decided that perhaps this was what I was meant to do.

    This job certainly played a major part into being able to make a good income and being able to stay at home so I could be there for Patrick, my kiddo with autism (ArcticGoddess–we need to talk). I moved on to other positions within the company (I’ve had quite the number of titles in the 21 years I’ve been here). But the economy fell apart, my position was closed, I was no longer on salary, I had to go back to production pay and I’m sucking at it right now. However, I still need this job because of Patrick. If I had a job outside the home doing something else, they would fire me because of all the time I’ve had to take off for him, especially with these blasted school meetings, another of which is coming up on Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. until whenever.

    If you think the above is interesting, you should read about my life and what got me to my foster home to begin with. Some of the highlights involve polygamy, a hospital for the criminally insane, a trial, a psychiatric ward, running from someone who threatened to kill us, abuse. Jerry Springer meets Sally Jesse Raphael easily.

    What’s the lesson learned from all this: That good can come from evil. I have a wonderful husband (18 years this October), a stable life, a living blessing in my child, a golden retriever, a roof over my head, a pool in my backyard, food on our table, and love abounding (even during the rough spots). I didn’t have much control over what happened to me up until age 17, but I have definitely been the captain of my own Destiny (pardon the pun) since then. I was not going to be a victim but a survivor. I also vowed to be the end to the cycle of abuse in my family from one generation to the next so I surrounded myself with people who I wanted to model as a wife and a parent so I could learn what “normal” was. All the hard work paid off.

    Thanks for the catharsis.

  79. Holloway, I must admit I should of read your whole comment more clearly, in a way you are correct Greer does have some kind of self control issues, I was more trying to define his reasons in some respects for doing what he does.

    >How is that type of portrayal adding any layer of depth or dimension to Greer?

    Probably none, beyond his loyality to Young.

    > You see how Scott handled the situation (or how he tried to handle the situation once he realized he had to come to Young’s aid and restrain Greer at the same time)?

    I did, I think if anything Scott only came to Telfords aid through fear he could be killed by Greer or injured to a point he wouldn’t be able to offer any help to the crew. Not to mention it wasn’t his own body Telford was inhabitting, however if at that point it was 100 percent certain Telford meant to cause them all harm, I doubt anyone would of stopped him.

    > Young probably still had lingering doubts at that point of the episode.

    Though Young clearly dislikes him, I actually agree with you that deep down there had to be a reason such as him being brain washed by the Lucian Alliance and not being in control of his actions, either way it didn’t changed the fact his actions put everyone in danger and I think this if anything had everyone on edge, even Jack wanted Young to do what he had to, to get the information out of Telford.

    > But Scott is given a brain by the writers and a true voice and conscious of his own.

    Can’t agree, or disagree with this I don’t think by any means Scott is perfect, if anything his flaws make him a valued part of the crew. But in general sure, I mean if it wanst for Scott telling Eli and Chloe to leave that Alien pod all 3 of them would be in the Blue Aliens ship.

    For the record, I’m mostly in agreement with your comments, and just addressed what I thought of some of the stuff you mentioned.

  80. The whole Telford as a traitor storyline is by far the most compelling thing that has happened with that character. As I stated in my much belated response to the what aspects of the show would you like to see minimized, I wasn’t a fan of the whole Telford, Colonel’s wife, and the Col. storyline, so
    the recent use of the Telford character was refreshing.
    After the first several episodes I was at the verge of giving up on the show for reasons that have likely been discussed in to the ground, but the last several have been much better in my opinion.

  81. Telford’s brainwashed character is really well done; we are living in a time when brainwashed people commit unspeakable atrocities all over the world.

    Good sci fi serves as a prism that filters out our preconceptions and forces us to think. Because it’s Telford we are willing to search for some reason for his behavior.

    Lou Diamond Phililps did a great job of appearing mad and deluded when he was exhalting the Alliance. Greer, Scott and Young each had a reaction that was different but relatable, from “lemme waste him” to “we can fix you.”

  82. Joe,

    I loved Subversion, but I have to ask, why the decision to use Daniel over Teal’c to follow Rush? It seems Teal’c would have been a better fit for espionage, as well as finally getting Chris Judge a guest spot on the show to complete out an appearance by all of SG1 (the original that is). I had a hard time buying Daniel running around with a camera by himself. It seemed like more of a distraction from the story by craming Michael Shanks into the role, than another character who might have been more suited to the task.



  83. Hey joseph,i know destiny’s destination is so important we will actually faint when we learn the truth behind it.When we will see the truth?
    How many seasons you have planned for sgu?

  84. i have a question regarding the old destiny model of stargate found on the many worlds they have visited,it is established that for the most part that the Pegasus and milky way models of stargates are powered by there D.H.D’s……so my question being is the stargates we see in SGU seem like they have a built in power source inside there ramps because it seem’s like the remote only taps in to the gates system’s to determine what addresses a available and witch ones are not.I am just trying to clarify because it is left unexplaned what there power source is?

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