Well now, this is odd.  A huge batch of photos I recently uploaded to my hard drive have mysteriously vanished.  Hey, Mac users, is that supposed to happen? Also, for some reason, I’m unable to download pics from my digital camera to my laptop.  Seriously, what’s up?  While you’re figuring that out for me, enjoy some of the pics I still do have…

NFL Playoff Saturday at Rob's. Lookit Carl go! He actually body-checked me into a potted plant in order to be the first one at the pigs in a blanket.
Sure, the sushi was good but THESE chorizo thingies were the hit of the party. My compliments to the chef!

Lulu can't decide between sprawling on the floor or the doughnut bed so she elects to go with both.

Today, we watched the Day 1 mix of Incursion I.  Magnifique!  An episode full of action, anguish, intrigue and suspense.  And Joel’s score is phenomenal.  Can’t wait to watch Incursion II to find out how it ends.

Hey, weigh in with your thoughts on the Top 5 Anime Film Of All Time over at SFSignal: http://www.sfsignal.com/archives/2010/01/mind-meld-anime-film-favorites-the-top-14-anime-films-of-all-time/.  I did!

Mom was transferred from the hospital to a rehab center yesterday where she has started using the facility’s equipment on her way to what we hope will be a full recovery.  According to her, the place has treadmills, stationary bikes, and “the epileptic, just like you.”.  Uh, I assume that was a reference to the “elliptical” trainer in my basement.

Mom checks out your blog comments.

The SGU season two episode list.  Only one more title to guess…





#5: C****R****

Don’t forget to post your questions for actor Patrick Gilmore (SGU’s lovable Dale Volker)!

Today’s blog entry is dedicated to birthday individual GrapesofWraith.


Deni writes: “So, we’ll see what the day brings, hopefully only good things”

Answer: Give Elway a big kiss on the nose from me.

JimfromJersey writes: “How fared the pasta dishes? Pasta is typically a restaurant’s profit leader due to how inexpensive it is.”

Answer: Everyone enjoyed their pasta.  And, let me say again – the chicken was very good.  But not worth the $20!  That experience alone ensures the restaurant will not be making our regular lunch rotation.

Maddog316 writes: “Its just Earth can’t dial Destiny because of the power generation needed right?”

Answer: Correct.  It’s a power issue on both sides.

Bryan M. White writes: “The script has been completed since May for Extinction. You probably have vis-effect crews working on pre-viz right now.”

Answer: Definitely not.  We would have to be in prep for the anyone to be working on the movie.

Bryan M. White also writes: “Is it more cost effective to pay for something that does not give you return on investment, or make a movie for $8,000,000 that if it does decent will atleast earn back its budget it revenue?”

Answer: If a studio was “guaranteed a decent return on its initial investment” then, yes, it certainly would make sense to move ahead on production. However, nothing is guaranteed in this business.

Ian writes: “Joe Mallozzi, what do you think of the new Stargate Resistance video game?”

Answer: Sorry.  Don’t know anything about it.

Dodoalda writes: “1) Will Robert Cooper direct Aftermath?

2) When will the actors recieve first S2 scripts?

3) If you could say, which S2 episode looks the most interestingly now (from ep 1 to 5)?”

Answers: 1) No. 2) Sometime in February. 3) Right now, they all look equally interesting.

Iamza writes: “Couldn’t help noticing you had read Azzarello and Lee’sSuperman: For Tomorrow. What did you think of it?”

Answer: While, like you, I enjoyed the art, I honestly preferred Azzarello’s Lex Luthor: Man of Steel.

89 thoughts on “January 20, 2010: Ghost Haunting Texas Holiday Inn Tires of Continental Breakfasts, Now Frequenting Nearby Denny’s

  1. Mom looks GREAT! *Waves!* 😀

    Busy, busy busy…gotta run! Have a good evening, sir! And mom! And sis!


  2. Sorry one more post, I love the picture on the wall behind Rob, awesome. He has kind of an evil smile, what was he up to?

  3. Glad to hear your Mom is starting rehab. That is a good sign. All the best to her.

    I wish I was better at word games, I have no idea what the title of episode 5 could be. I look forward to reading everyone else’s ideas.

    I’m getting a cat. I’ve never had a cat. This one is roughly 15 years old, a friend has to get the cat out of her house as her daughter is highly allergic to the cat. I offered to take the daughter, but she said I could only have the cat. I tried 😉

  4. So, any picks for the playoff games this weekend? are you willing to go out on a limb and predict the super bowl winner now?
    Very glad your mom is doing better. She’s tracking very well for full recovery, and we’re looking forward to seeing her up and moving around and giving you what for in the future. Thanks for the early post, as I can now go to bed without worrying about missing your post, and tossing and turning all night until I breathlessly hop out of bed to check on your latest post…ok, I sleep like a rock and sometimes forget to check online till lunchtime. Just wanted to make you feel appreciated…

  5. Sheesh….nagging and raising my voice at you in a blog comment. Sorry for my poor manners.

    Continued best wishes to your mom. Good to hear she’s left the hospital for a rehab facility.

    LOL at Carl giving you a body-check. Maybe Rob C. should have sent him to the penalty box, but those Cowboys fans are notorious for advocating the doctrine of “just let ’em play.” (Except for when I give my bro a hard time about Tony Romo’s five-year playoff tradition.)

    Hope the Mac gurus can help you get things sorted without too much more hassle on your part.

  6. Oh, forgot… Of course Carl wouldn’t cross-check. The thought never occurred to me.

  7. Contortion

    I’ll have to add some of those animes to my Netflix queue, especially that Korean one that was suggested by that guy who is listed as the executive producer of a show that’s no longer on the air.

    Hey, Mamallozi. We’ll have to think of some web site suggestions.

  8. #5 – CROSSROADS

    MOM’s still looking *HOT*!! Not to mention brave – my Mom totally freaks when someone wants to take her pic on a good day, never mind in a hospital! And Mommalozzi is sporting such a lovely 😀 *evil* 😀 grin… Has she discovered – on that rather fletching fannyass PINK laptop – some deep dark secret about you Joe…?


  9. Best wishes to your mom for a speedy recovery and rehabilitation!

    My wild guesses for episode 5 title:
    Clever Dogs?

    – KB

  10. …that, or she’s discovered how to charge *ALL* of her medical bills to YOUR credit card!!

    Ahh… I can jest see Mom enjoying a lovely Cruise with that strapping young blonde physio therapist who’s been magically assigned to her case…

  11. Hello Mrs. M.

    Cool to see you around the blog. Great way to pass the recovery time! Hope you feel well soon.!

    Ok Joe one question.

    Is Will directing aftermath?

    Oh and I ordered my air novelization today!
    Soooooooooooooooo excited!
    Thanks so much,
    Major D. Davis

  12. Awesome news about Mom Mallozzi. She looks very comfy and happy as she prepares to do some serioius Internet surfing.

    Waves to Mrs. Mallozzi.

    The game food looks so much better than the stingey serving of chicken. Bring on more of those thingeys…they do look good. Yum.

  13. I’m telling you Joe, your mom needs her own computer. And the next time she gets on one, and is checking out your blog, be sure to tell her to leave a comment. That would be super cool. She can give us her own updates.

    @ Deni – hope Elway is still doing good!

  14. Mom’s in Rehab Bunking With a Guy Named Claude:

    Mom was moved to Catherine Booth Centre for rehab yesterday. Before leaving the Lakeshore, they helped her dress, put on her boots (which was a struggle), and put on her coat so she would be ready for her early morning departure at 9:30. Once she was fully ready and pulling a sweat in her outdoor gear, they informed her that there would be a delay and her pick up which had been rescheduled for 11:00.

    Finally arriving at her new home for the next few weeks, they sat her in an uncomfortable chair in her room. There she sat for the next couple of hours, without a clue on what to do next. She met her roommate, a chatty gentleman several years older than her who proceeded to clean out several drawers to welcome her. In her uncomfortable and supeudol-induced state, she called and asked me to leave work early and go see her.

    Mom’s new place is looks like a wartime hospital room (it is the old Salvation Army hospital); it is dark and decorated in shades of dirty-white and mustard-yellow. Mom was exhausted and looking completely deflated. Soon after my arrival her nurse and physiotherapist dropped by to finalize her admission. Despite the depressing surroundings, all the staff here are friendly, patient, helpful, and downright chipper. They push the patients towards independence, encouraging them to take part in social activities like Bingo or movie night – last night it was Made in America with Whoopi & Ted Danson… or was it Tom Sellek?

    Like Joe in his letters from camp when he was a child, Mom continues to complain about the food. We are a family of food snobs and when the choice is down to bad food or hunger, we choose hunger. Today is a better day. Knowing she would never touch today’s lunch of macaroni & cheese, I went to visit her with lunchtime spread of porsciuto, piri-piri sausages, spicy stir-fired broccoli, and scalloped potatoes with forest mushrooms. Tomorrow, it is roast lamb and potatoes with dry fried string beans.

    As promised, I sent your blog family a picture of Mom checking out your blog.

  15. das and Tammy – It is always a test of character to see how an individual and also a community respond to disaster.
    To quote a mantra from the wise and enlightened one, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you’re not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can’t help that. It’s what you do afterwards that count. That’s when you find out who you are.”

  16. Hey Joe, I switched to a Mac about 18 months ago and had the same problem with photos. It was a big deal since I do lots of photography (some for magazines). Luckily, my sister-in-law is a Mac expert and managed to bail me out. Nothing’s worse than thinking you’ve lost thousands of photos. Mac seems to have magical hiding directories for some stuff. Over time, I found the easiest way to deal with photos (without buying extra software) is to open iphoto and let the software download your photos. At this point, you’ll never find a directory with the photos and think they are forever lost BUT in iphoto you can export photos (from the File feature) to whatever directory you want. iphoto is a great simple way to organize photos into “events” and great for minor/idiot-proof editing. For those of us, accustomed to PC photo software, it is awkward to not “see” the photos in a directory when uploaded to iphoto and having to “export” photos if you want to “see” them in a directory. As with all software, once you get the theory and then the hang of it, it is quite efficient. Good luck!!

    PS My monster/evil German shepherd puppy, Bella, is recuperating tonight at the hospital from spay/hernia repair surgery. Her older “brother” Bilo is enjoying the break and my full attention. Tomorrow will be another story…

  17. Hello.

    Thanks for you reply to my message.

    Glad to hear that your mom is making a speedy recovery.

    I’ll take a guess. Season 2, episode 5: crossroads?

    Thank you. Sincerely,

    Bryan M. White

  18. In regards to your Photos. The most likely place for photos is they have been absorbed into Iphoto. They definitely should be on there. If you know the name of one photo, try a ‘spotlight’ search (top right hand corner, magnifying glass icon) and try searching.

    If you don’t try searching for file extension, e.g. .jpg

    It doesn’t sound like the computer is recognising the camera. Open Iphoto, then connect the camera and see if it shows in there. Otherwise, have a look at the manufacturers website for a driver. Maybe it needs one to be recognised.

    Good Luck..

  19. Hi Joe,

    Glad to hear and see that your mom is doing better. For the fifth episode my guess is crossroads.

    hope i get it right!


  20. Deni – How do you go restraining Elway during his seizures? When Ralph had that possum go all Ninja on his arse, he started convulsing while on the way to the vet. Nath was trying to keep the bleeding under control while at the same time trying to hold a convulsing 47kg dog. Tough.
    Hope Elway is all settled back in.

  21. Hi Joe, consider the kiss delivered 🙂 Almost 1 a.m. and so far, so good! Have a good night, and thank you!

  22. @Narelle: for the most part, there’s really no need to restrain him, we just try to keep him from hurting himself. When we’ve needed to restrain his arm to either start an IV catheter or give him meds (at the vet’s office), it takes at least two people. Elway’s seizures can be terribly violent, so you’ve got to be careful not to get your fingers near his mouth or they will be gone. I guess I’d say if I had a dog bleeding and convulsing, I’d place blankets, pillows, whatever I could find around the dog and concentrate on stopping the bleeding. I remember the first time Elway had a seizure and I had no idea what to do. That was the only time he came out of the seizure and bared his teeth at me, growled and let me know in no uncertain terms that he would kill me should I touch him. Talk about making things difficult! After a few minutes, he came out of it, wagged his tail and acted like nothing had happened. Needless to say, I made it to the vet’s office in jeans and my pajama top, no shoes. Good times!

  23. Riley – Happy Birthday to your Mum!

    Know how you feel, both of my parents are 67. But, but, I can remember Mum’s 40th! However, Dad tells me today that the episode he’s going to be in of Wilfred the Dog airs in March. Dad retires from the corporate world, joins two more bands and ends up on TV. He’s always said life was there to be lived, at least he does practice what he preaches.

  24. Campground
    Canterbury (unlikely)
    Censorship (been guessed already, I think)
    Chartreuse (eh, not so much)
    Chondrites (unlikely)
    Ciphertext (er, no)
    Classrooms (Destiny = Mallory Towers for a whole new generation! Which comment will make no sense to people who have not read Enid Blyton 🙂 )
    Clostridia (not)
    Cloverleaf (complete with giant monsters and damaged spaceship(s))
    Crossroads (definitely been guessed already)

  25. Questions to Patrick Gilmore:

    1) Which actor or actress on SGU would you like more screentime with (if you had a say in the process)?

    2) Would Volker sit in the ancient chair for the sake of Rush’s research? (Before knowing what happened with Franklin).

    3) If you (the actor) could use the communication stones with anyone on Earth (modern day), who would you choose and why?

    4) Is Volker happy, sad or indifferent to Rush being gone?

  26. Deni – Ah yes, the rocking up to the vet looking your best routine. When it’s an emergency you just bolt out in whatever you have on.

    Ralph started convulsing while we were driving to the vet. We had a towel and the dog covers wrapping him as tightly as possible.

    Elway sounds so well cared for. You’re a kind Mum 🙂

    Now I’m going to leave your blog in peace Joe.

  27. Poor Mom — very nice of your sis to visit and bring her edible eats.

    Re the Mac, do you use iPhoto? Can you see the images when you browse on iPhoto?

    If you want to see what’s inside your iPhoto library in the hard drive, go to your Pictures folder, then right-mouse-click on “iPhoto Library” and select “Show Package Contents”. This will show you what’s really in there in terms of folders and files. Go to “Originals” then “2010” or whatever year you’re missing. It’s all arranged by dates. Don’t mess with those folders, or iPhoto will get confused. But you can see the pics.

    Also in iPhoto, do you have it set to open when you connect a camera? Under Preferences in iPhoto, General tab, select “iPhoto” for the line “Connecting camera opens”. Then when you hook up your camera, iPhoto should start up and show you a camera in the “Devices” menu.

    If you already have iPhoto set that way, sometimes you need to start iPhoto first, then connect the camera. Make sure it’s in playback mode. Try turning it on and off or re-connecting the cable. In other words, mess around with it and suddenly it’ll work. 🙂

    If you’ve just been storing your images on your drive by hand, then I’m not sure what’s wrong!

  28. My guess for the last episode title would be “conversion” as well, though I’d love for it to be “cacography”. 😉

  29. @Das — About your comment about Katrina, seems no one thinks we’ve had major hurricanes since then. There was Rita and then Hurricane Ike that hit the upper Texas gulf coast. Hurricane Ike was the third most destructive hurricane ever to hit the United States (Hurricane Andrew & Katrina being in front of it). The 22 foot storm surge that hit before the storm was even close to land nearly wiped out Galveston (along with a county hospital that excelled in burn cases, which served as a regional transfer point), took out everyone’s property on the Bolivar Penisula (some people still missing and some bodies found miles away on the other side of the bay). Those who didn’t get out 24 hours before the storm hit were trapped on the island and most died (on Bolivar in particular). Wiped out other costal communities (like Gilchrist), destroyed our fishing economy. It resulted in the largest search & rescue operation ever in the US (yes, beating Katrina). Hurricane Ike ranked more intense on the hurricane intensity scale than Katrina. Some areas of this city didn’t have power for over a month. We had over 20 inches of rain and had 110-per-hour winds nearly 90 miles inland.
    Here is a link where you can read more:


    No one here, trapped, cut off, little food, little water acted out in the way the residents of New Orleans did with Katrina. One can also look at the other communities ravaged by Katrina in other states and that didn’t happen there either.

    I get upset because just a few month after Ike was over, we weren’t getting press anymore. Even Rachel Maddow noticed the lack of coverage and was kind enough to mention it on her show. The mayor of Galveston had to go to Washington to beg for money, while Ron Paul, a representative in the House for some of these communities devastated actually voted NO on the Ike relief bill. There are people being kicked out of FEMA trailers here while the Texas Wind Commission refuses to pay out on policies that were legitimately covered. People here are still displaced, homeless, their savings wiped out, some of their loved ones still missing and presumed dead. Was it because we had a mayor who knew what he was doing? This is the mayor who organized the massive relief effort for the city of New Orleans and our city welcomed the residents of New Orleans, some families in Houston even taking in families of New Orleans to stay with them instead of Reliant Stadium and other shelters. It may have been that effort that helped our city organize for this storm, but this was one of the worst storms in history and people keep pointing to Katrina. Hurricane Ike was devastating, but for the most part, people did not act up and become lawless in the process. Granted our disaster comes nowhere near the devastation in Haiti, I don’t recall lawlessness in Indonesia after the horrible tsunamis. Perhaps it lies in the leadership or the lack of leadership (i.e., the lack of leadership in New Orleans and the state of Louisiana versus the leadership in Houston, Galveston and Texas versus the leadership in Indonesia and the leadership (or absence of leadership) in Haiti.

  30. Questions for Patrick Gilmore:

    1. What’s your take on the character of Volker? I’m not quite sure what to make of him so far. He has to have brains to be with the Stargate program, but he also seems to lack direction and flounders when he doesn’t have someone to tell him what to do.

    2. Do you think that Volker is simply so far beyond his comfort zone and where he expected to be that he hasn’t really come to grips with the situation on Destiny and is kind of lost at the moment?

    3. When Rush was flipping out on Volker in “Darkness”, what do you think Volker would have been thinking since he was stuck between Young, who was telling him to help Rush, and Rush, who was yelling at him to get out? In leaving, was he picking the “lesser of the two evils” because, let’s face it, Rush was definitely going off the deep end there, and Young’s a lot more mellow?

    4. How do you think Volker sees his role on Destiny?

    5. With Rush out of the picture, at least for awhile since I’m going to assume that some time has passed between “Justice” and “Space” (I am also assuming that that’s when the folks on Destiny retrieve Rush), how do you think Volker would have reacted? Since he seems to take direction from Young or Rush, without Rush around and Young not having a scientific bent, who would he look to for direction, or would the loss of Rush be the impetus to enable him to find his footing?

    6. So . . . saunter or sashay? Inquiring minds want to know.

  31. Sooo… The physio places in Quebec are co-ed…? Huh.
    And not so much “strapping young” as “old strap”? — Well, on the bright side, I suppose it’ll be an incentive to get through her physio as quickly as humanly possible.

    If Claude snores, he’ll be a dead man for sure!

    You know, I *was* wondering how long it would be before the “hospital” food quality would become an issue. Guess the *good drugs* have worn off and the tastebuds are back in full working order, eh?

    BTW, keep an eye out on how things are being run at that place, such as the “service” – as in the orderlies, cleaning crews, nursing staff… You might have to get that T-shirt: GOOD HELP, IS HARD TO FIND. And make sure Mom has NO valuables around! And pray she doesn’t sudden “catch” something!

    All sounds harsh, I know, but I’ve been there, done that with a few of the relatives… and let’s just say, I wasn’t impressed by what goes on some times…

  32. Yay! Glad to see Mom Mallozzi is out of the hospital – she can be trendy and tell people she’s in rehab…!

    Just catching up after a couple of days – I really liked District 9. You may want to consider adding Fringe to your watching list, it has a lot of humor and some really creative plots. Also adding a plug for Big Bang Theory, it has some wonderful moments, and the characters are pretty well developed.

    That Italian place must have a HUGE rent payment coming up, or have grossly miscalculated their food costs. What a ripoff! That’s less than $2 of food in that pic – afraid to ask what their wine markup % might be!!

    For Patrick Gilmore:
    FYI, we are using Volker’s trepidatious “Yaa-aay!” (in response to congratulations for being placed in charge of the mission by Wray) as our new quotable expression, family – wise.

    What kind of scenes are your favorite to act in – ones where you are emoting and interacting with other actors, or ones that are more action-driven and you are reacting to FX? Which ones are more fun to shoot?

    What kind of developments/changes would you like to see Volker experience on Destiny? (show more personal relationships, become the go-to science guy, ??)



  33. Hi there Joe!

    My first post. I have a couple of questions.

    1. I’ve seen all Stargate episodes so far except for the animated series, and I’ve been wondering about something. When you dial from a planet, how does the gate ‘know’ when to close the connection? Often we have seen 3 out of 4 SG-1 members come through the gate while the last one is a little bit late (under fire and such), but the gate doesn’t shut down until the last one is through. And often it shuts down the very second that the last one steps through. It can’t be a coinsidence every time, can it?

    2. In most of ‘Justice’ I expected the framer to be Telford, using the stones switching bodies with Young while Young was sleeping and therefore doing his thing unnotised. (To get revenge over the assault in ‘Life’). I later realised that of course the stones had to be activated in both ends, and he would have to have an ally onboard the ship to tell him when it was a good time to strike. Did you ever consider him arranging his revenge like that or do I make him too evil now?

    3. Stargate: Extinction. I understand it’s a money-problem? Can’t you put out a call for donation? I’m sure a lot of fans would be happy to help out paying the producion costs. Many small streams make a big river, you know.

    Keep up the very great work! I’m looking forward to whatever you bring up!


  34. Hello Joseph! =) ça va ?

    J’aime beaucoup les photos d’aujourd’hui, lol votre chien n’est pas un peu flemmard?

    Ahhh la maman Mallozzi!!!! Trop belle sur la photo! La class avec l’ordi rose 😉 !! COURAGE, J’ESPERE QUE VOUS ALLEZ VITE GUERRIR, JE PENSE FORT A VOUS!! BISOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ♥

    Tiens Jospeh!! j’ai une question à vous poser!!

    Quel est la marque de votre parfum?

    Car je voudrais en acheter un pour mon cheri, mais je n’arrive pas à me décider!

    Gros bisous !!

  35. You look a lot like you mom form what i can tell from the photos.. hope she like my gradma …. just keep on keeping on…

  36. Come on guys, you should know better. Both Conversion and Crossroads are already titles of SG episodes!

    Ok, my guess…uh…well, I second tinerin‘s “Consortium” idea; it sounds like something the gang on the Destiny would run into in the 2nd season; an alien consortium of some sort.

    Let not the fact that I barely know what consortium means stand in the way of my guess!

    Oh yeah, and I’m back again! I moved, so I didn’t have Internet for 6 days. Only had a brief Window of Opportunity (teeheehee) to use the ‘net at school each day, but I was busy with schoolwork. DAMN YOU SCHOOLWORK.

    Funny you should mention Joel’s music for Incursion I. I recently rewatched the, uh, music-backed parts of Air III and Light (the latter consisting of basically the entire episode, which was fine by me), and was re-blown away by the incredible score. If the music for Incursion is half as good as the score in those episodes, then I think it’s going to be a blast!

    Happy Birthday, grapesofwraith!! 😀

    So glad to see your Mom so happy, Joe! Sounds like she’s recovering nicely; that’s Awesome. More positive thoughts are on their way from yours truly!

  37. *Waves*

    Hi Mumma Joe!!!!! (from Australia). Good to see you better!


  38. I’m glad to hear your mom is doing so well. She looks great, and she always looks so happy.

    Love the picture of Lulu. She’s so cute!

  39. Centerfold

    Mrs M I hope that is not too long before you are back home with Felix and Baby Cat.

    in chilly Scotland

    Frankie de Tom Cat and Princess Merlin say meow!


  40. Hey Joe, your Mom looks great. Best wishes to her and further on a speedy recovery. 🙂

    And I like Lulu’s picture. Cute.

    When I read about your 20$ lunch yesterday, I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if restaurants for to-go have to list how much the selected food weighs? This way, people could get a better idea what they get with their money and if they really want to spend that much on it. I mean, for some food it might be worth it.

    To Patrick Gilmore:
    I like Dale Volker. His kino entry about the genius musicians was fun. And the one kinosode with the APLCR unit is hilarious. Apple Core. Makes me still smiling.

    When I watched “Darkness” for the first time, I was knocked down by the intensity of how Rush dressed down Volker. I know situations like this in real life and I felt for Volker.
    My questions: How was it to play this scene? How can you keep your distance from emotional interactions like this one during the scene?

    And about “Riese – the Series”. Great webisode. I enjoy it pretty much. And the trailer for Chapter 2 looks intriguing and very promising.
    How did you learn about “Riese”? Was it a regular casting or are you part of the creating team?

    Thanks for your time.

  41. Mishmee: fifteen year old cat? Get a heating pad, set it on low with a towel over it, where the cat can find it at will. Older cats sleep more than younger cats. Watch eating habits, also. Hyperthyroidism, diabetes and kidney problems can be common in the older feline. So when you get a chance, get the cat a check-up (labs/Xray) at your local vet. Other than that, a fifteen year old cats are easy. Feed them (a generic diet if possible) clean up the refuse and let them sleep all day 😀 .

    Mr. M, it’s not fair to show your friend’s food and not have a recipe!!!!

    Your mom looks swell! I love the pink computer. I wanted a pink laptop but the boys rebelled! 🙁 .

  42. Joe,

    What are the chances Rob will let you post a full shot of that SG-1 picture on the wall behind him? It’s quite cool. I can make out most of the writing. =)

    And I couldn’t help but notice the Mrs. Renfro’s jar there on the table. They make an outstanding habanero salsa.

    Chorizo in a blanket? Making it this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

  43. Hmmmm….


    Mrs. M is looking right as rain (if rain in fact is right). Sounds like Claude is looking out for her…but my bet is she’ll be wanting her own room in 2 days…If you want something to do while you’re online Mrs M. try Jigzone. They have online jigsaw puzzles from easy to harder. Mega fun.

    My sister didn’t quite understand the Patrick Q&A concept…now everytime we visit a tourist attraction and one of us has questions she says ask Patrick. The latest batch of questions for Patrick includes:

    1. If starfish have no brain how do they walk?

    Patrick could end up being bigger than Google or at least Ms Dewey.

    When you were talking about losing images on your hard drive Joe, was it your Mac hard drive or portable hard drive? I use iphoto to transfer my photos however I have managed to temporarily misplace a couple in iPhoto on my Mac hard drive.

    When I’m editing I find them through Pictures > iPhoto Library and I go through originals and the year etc. Interestingly it won’t let me edit them with Photoshop but I can edit with GIMP. Go figure.

    You could name the photos instead of the default numbers the camera gives.

    Cheers, Chev

  44. Mishmee: 😳 I meant geriatric diet, not generic. You are probably sorry you asked but one other piece of advice for the transition: Confine the cat to one room for a day or so. Give it some hiding places.
    We had two cats when we moved into our new house. One cat immediately came out of the box and explored the new house. The other cat stayed in one bathroom for two weeks.

  45. >> It’s a power issue on both sides.

    I’m surprised the person who asked didn’t know this already. What with the Stargate having to connect to the Destiny gate thats literally half way accross the known universe lol

    Probably safety reasons built into the gate, I would imagine if they hadn’t, wormholes would probably not connect right or be half connected and drop someone off in space or something 😛

  46. @ DP – No worries – I knew you meant you gave up on omgfacts, not Mr. Gilmore. 🙂

    @ PBMom – Wow…yeah, I didn’t even know. I guess I figure no news = everything’s just peachy. I also think the NO got so much attention – not because of the people – but because the nation [selfishly] was only interested in whether or not they could have their big Mardi Gras party, or not. ‘Fun’ often supercedes the needs of the people.

    Gotta run – busy, busy, busy! I’m gonna need a vacation soon! 😛 Have a good day, Mr. M, et al.!


  47. Mishmee – I adopted a cat that was old and it was also my first cat as I had previously had dogs.

    Cats are megalomaniacs :evil:, manipulative 😈 and totally unpredictable. They wake you up at four in the morning demanding food – I get punched in the face – and when you crawl out of your bed to feed them they refuse to eat it and wander off back to bed.

    Never again will you be able to use your computer without a cat ‘helping’ you. Wrapping presents is another time when they will decide to ‘help’.

    You will be known as ‘slave’ from now on – their wish is your command.

    Enjoy your cat – but expect a cat of 15 to be a tad on the grumpy side.

    I hope that you will both be happy – after my old cat died I adopted two siblings, brother and sister. Frankie and Princess Merlin. I love them to bits – when I am not trying to strangle them.



  48. All right Joe,more food pictures, that looks much better than your lunch the other day. Are there plans for the superbowl party too? How about the chocolate party, looking forward to the pictures..
    Joe, what is your moms first name, not sure its ever been mentioned?
    and Sis, never would have guessed that any of your family are food snobs,lol. But I don’t really know any rehab or hospital food that is better than what someone would bring in…Mom needs her strength to get home sooner, so you are a good daughter. and Claude may be a good thing also to drive her outta there,,well maybe he is a nice fellow..chatty and all. Maybe we can all send cards to her there unless you think the well wishes on the computer(like the color btw) are enough. Mom sure does look great in the picture, thanks for posting.
    and I hope Mom is home and jogging along soon!
    Hugs to you both!! and felix and baby and the rest of the crew.

    @chevron7, yes I agree jigzone is fun and addicting, like pistachios.
    @deni, hope Elway is better today and continues so,.


    But like others I bet Its “Crossroads” Nice song by Bone, Thugs and Harmony also!

  50. Has the idea of one way gate connections from the Milky Way/Pegasus to Destiny are possible? Obviously it is a lot easier for earth to find new resources and it certainly would allow for solutions to many of the interesting problems.

  51. PBMom: Yes, the hurricane damage in other parts of the U.S. are not well publicized. I live in Mississippi and our coast was devastated, as well. People just remember the awful state of the Astrodome in Louisiana.
    One of my husband’s co-workers is from India. He found it incredulous that a government would give refugees a place to stay and have the citizens trash it.
    Plus, that fiasco with the FEMA trailers shows the tremendous waste of tax payer money. What company was paid to manufacture all those poisoned trailers? Who was supposed to supervise the purchase and check the merchandise? Pockets were lined with that deal. I’m sure there are plenty more deals like that we haven’t heard of yet.

    susan the tartan turtle: good point. Older cats can be grumpier. They don’t like change much.

  52. @PBMOM&Das – The NO had nothing to do with attention for Ike waning. Paul always votes NO on anything he can’t find specific, constitutional authorization for the federal government to do. They don’t call him Dr. No for nothing. Anytime you see a congressional vote that went 427Yes-1No, you know who the lone No was.

  53. Throwing my couple of cents in on Hurricane Ike. The main reason the Shriner’s Hospital (burn center) in Galveston closed for a while is because of the massive layoffs at UTMB (Univ. of Texas Medical Branch). The Shriners shared doctors with UTMB, and when the school had to lay off workers (cuz hardly anyone could work/live in Galveston for months), there wasn’t enough staff to keep the place open.

    Luckily, for children in need of burn care, the hospital reopened at the end of last year.

    In the Houston area, there are still many homes, over a year after Ike, with blue tarps on their roofs due to insurance, overall repair cost, and finding a roofer with a moment & supplies to spare.

    I know people seriously affected by both Katrina and Ike. Luckily, I wasn’t one of them. (There but for the grace of God…) Friends and family of friends were out of their homes for months and some permanently moved because there was nothing left to which to return.

    Regarding lawlessness after Katrina, some of that was based upon greed (C’mon, do you need a TV when you have no electricity?), but I think a lot of it was built upon despair. The impression I got from the situation in New Orleans is people felt abandoned, helpless, and friggin’ scared. Put that on top of years of being/feeling downtrodden, led people to do mean and stupid things. I’m not making excuses – if you’re not a thief, you aren’t going to steal except as a last resort to live. But if you’re the type to steal and trespass or whatever (and this is NOT based upon socio-economic standing), an abandoned city is an “open store.”

    As it is, Texas absorbed about 250,000 Katrina survivors who appear to be here permanently. I say to those with a positive spirit, “Welcome!” 🙂

    (The formaldehyde-laced FEMA trailers pissed me off too.)


  54. Hey Joe!

    Y’wanna know something weird? Your blog title “Ghost Haunting Texas Holiday Inn…” reminded me of a hotel somewhere around Ft. Worth that has a small cemetery in the parking lot. There are about 3 graves from the 1800’s.


  55. Playing catch up a little here. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Joe’s Mum. You’ll be running marathons again in no time!

  56. To Sis and Mom Mallozzi:

    I know the food to the hospital routine. When my father was recovering from open heart at Toronto General, he enjoyed the food but there never was enough and he wouldn’t tell anyone because the food orders were for 3 days in advance and he never planned to be there 3 days later (he was there for nearly 5 weeks).

    So everyday I would make him a enormous lunch of all his favourite things and trek it down to the hospital.

    Unlike your family, my father wanted very simple (bland) very plain (boring) food. He didn’t like seasonings or spice. Some days as a treat I’d buy him a baked potato from Wendy’s. Hey he was Irish, food of the goods was a plain baked potato for him.

    So, sorry to hear you had to wait so long to move from one hospital to the next. I bet all you wanted to do was lie down in your own bed and sleep. Considering all you went through, you look wonderful in the photo.

    Let us know if you win the bingo!

  57. Very good to see Mrs. Mallozzi looking chipper!

    @Sis: Don’t let the surroundings get you down. It’s the attitudes of patient, family, and staff that make the difference, IMHO. I’m very glad for you that all are on the same page about rehab work. (My late Mom was in one of the best facilities in town, but hip replacement rehab was stymied by her age and her medical/emotional problems.)

    BTW, please pray for “Lyn’s mom in San Antonio”. My friend’s mother also had emergency hip surgery recently but had a rough week afterwards. Not sure if she’s in rehab yet.

    @mishmee– BLESS YOU for re-homing the kitty. I’m also allergic to cats.

    @PBMom– Are you supporting Mayor Bill White for governor, then? Didn’t Houston have a mayor named Kathy White some years ago? Any relation?

    Chorizos in blankets: If Spanish chorizo, chorizos en mantas; if Latin American, chorizos en cobijas.

    Joe: if you want any tacky Cowboys souvenirs, just say the word. Local grocery has Cowboys shopping bags, for example.

    That’s all for now…

  58. Questions for Patrick:

    1. How did you get into acting? Was it always something you wanted to do?

    2. What’s the most challenging part of approaching a role?

    3. Can you watch the finished product?

    4. Do you enjoy the web series concept? What’s the future for it?

    Cheers, Chev

  59. What’s wacko is we got hit by Hurricane Ike in Ohio! I’m totally serious. Apparently, hundreds of hurricanes pass us overhead and I never knew until one day Ike decided to swoop down at a Cat 1 level.

    It wasn’t really that bad, just wacko. Lots and lots of trees that have never seen such wind fell and our power was out for a week. Lots of food lost, roofs smashed, a tree fell on our kids’ swingset and a corner of our roof. Not that bad, though, good weather, nothing to do but clean sticks, limbs, and trees for a week.

    I don’t want to diminish the effect of the big trees and limbs falling, but the continuous carpet of sticks, everywhere, for miles was surreal and the quiet armies of 1 to 90 year olds out there picking them up for hours and days was a sight to behold.

  60. I think Lost City (1 and 2) was one of the best things on television ever. Since they re-released Children of the Gods as a standalone DVD, any chance they could do the same with Lost City (adding in stuff that was cut for time and the Ben Browder clips shown later in the series)?

  61. Great to see Mrs. M. looking so happy. Also great that Sis is bringing her foodie alternatives. Maybe Mom and Sis can make some new menu suggestions to the hospital chef. Or, maybe they can offer their catering services to the other patients.

    Hey Mrs M. – seeing any cute older gents in the rehab center? Just wondering.

  62. @Everybody who sent Elway hugs, squishes, kisses and well wishes/healing thoughts, he thanks you and I thank you 🙂 He’s doing MUCH better tonight, back to his old sweet self, putting his toys in his water bowl to swim and generally being a pain in the ass. I’m grateful!

    @AV eddy: Your story about the hotel in Ft. Worth reminded me that there’s a grave (or at least a gravestone) on a sidewalk in High Springs, FL. It’s one of those unkempt sidewalks, mostly grass, but I stepped right on it walking the dogs one day. Yikes!

  63. @ DP – I think the ‘the’ before my NO messed you up – I meant ‘that’ – didn’t catch it until I submitted. 😛


  64. @Gilder: I was supporting KBH until she decided to enlist Dick Cheney in her campaign. Perry has to go. Since I am an independent, I’ll go vote in the Republican primary just to get her on the ticket. He is so corrupt it isn’t even funny. He has known for years about the abuses of people with disabilities in the state school facilities and it took an investigation by the Department of Justice to force him into doing something about it (over 1000 people fired in 2-3 years due to abuse). You know, the infamous Fight Clubs where employees made people with disabilities fight each other for their own amusement. I know of several who died. I could email you the entire DOJ report on what they discovered. It makes me sick. That is why it was put in “emergency” status in the last legislative session He was about to lose federal funding for it and whoa, that would have been just awful with an election year coming up. So when you get through the choices, and finding out that Kinky Friedman dropped out of the race, yes, I will be voting for Bill White. You are thinking of Kathy Whitmire who was a previous mayor of Houston. No relation.

    @DP Yeah, Ike never ran out of steam. I was just amazed at all the damaged it caused as it lifted northeast of the area.

    @Tammy: I never forgot the other areas affected by Katrina (or even Rita right after Katrina). It was a shame that the occurrences in New Orleans took away the stories of people in other parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama and Florida, too.

  65. Hey Joe,

    It is nice to see a picture of your Mom! With a laptop…a progressive Mom at that. I’m glad to hear things are looking better for her.

    Love the stretched out version of the pup. Lulu seems quite the character. Squish squish pat pat (for Lulu).

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!

    Best to you Joe,
    Cheryl 🙂

  66. Shout out for poor David Blue who tweets:
    Damn. Stopped climbing in new followers just short of 200,000. I know, I know, it doesn’t matter. But it’s a goal. 😛

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