Ivon considers his menu options.
Ivon considers his menu options.

Last night, I went to dinner with Special Features Producer Ivon Bartok and actor Brian J. Smith (SGU’s Lt. Matthew Scott). We ended up at Quattro (now Q4) on West Fourth for an Italian extravaganza. We ordered and were immediately presented with a wonderful little amuse-bouche of bacon-wrapped sablefish (?) served with a sundried tomato pesto.


Then, we moved on to our first course – the house antipasto platter that included, among many other things, a heavenly grilled radicchio-wrapped mozzarella and proscuitto in cherry vinaigrette.


Then, we moved onto a second course served family style – a double pasta portion – the house special Spaghetti Quattro (black beans and lots of garlic!) and the not-on-the-menu-but-you-should-ask for it-anyway Fettuccine Tartufati (Portobello mushrooms and truffle cream). The latter, by the way, has the Carl Binder seal of approval.

Fettuccine Tarufati (left) Spaghetti Quattro (right).
Fettuccine Tarufati (left) Spaghetti Quattro (right).

 Speaking of Carl – the first few times I took him out to dinner, he would ignore my recommendations, much to his regret. Eventually, he got into the habit of actually listening to me when I said “Try the crispy duck!” or “Get the squash agnolotti with black truffle butter!”. Last night, both Ivon and Brian went with my suggestion for their mains – the Galleto al Mattone (marinated de-boned Cornish game hen grilled with Riviera herbs, garlic and pepperoni), another house specialty. Needless to say, no one regretted the choice.


For dessert, we decided to go with a platter comprised of four selections: house tiramisu, warm chocolate cake with home made ice cream, a vanilla crème brulee, and the sour cherries with phyllo and mascarpone cheese. After seven long sugarless weeks, I finally partook.

Ivon is stunned!
Ivon is stunned!
Brian is overwhelmed!
Brian is overwhelmed!
I'm armed and ready!  Note the crazy eyes.
I’m armed and ready! Note the crazy eyes.

All around, a most satisfying and delicious meal. I believe I counted about a half dozen “Wow!”’s from Brian.

Brian J. Smith is hankering for a fan Q&A.
Brian J. Smith is hankering for a fan Q&A.

Anyway, in addition to food and the wine, we talked – about the show, the franchise, and the future. Yesterday, I mentioned that the people who worked with Zac Efron described him as “very professional, incredibly focused, grounded, courteous and kind”. Well, the exact same words could be used to describe Brian as well. Thoughtful and well-spoken, he’s also surprisingly low-key, not at all interested in the trappings of celebrity. Rather than partying it up, he prefers quiet time spent reading, watching a good movie, or working out. He expressed a desire to do some stage work this winter. I’ll keep you all posted should you find yourselves in the New York area in late 2009 and early 2010.

Brian, by the way, is super keen to do his own fan Q&A on this blog.  So, once I’ve organized and sent off the questions for David Blue, I’m going to start taking questions for SGU’s very own Lieutenant Matthew Scott!  So, what would you like to ask him?

Julia Benson (Lt. Vanessa James) - photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television.
Julia Benson (Lt. Vanessa James) – photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television.

Speaking of our impressive cast, I want to make mention of yet another recurring player who has really stepped up over the course of this first season. Julia Benson (formerly Julia Anderson – She claims the name change was the result of her recent marriage but I suspect it has more to do with that whole fugitive from justice thing. But I digress.) plays the role of Second Lieutenant Vanessa James and, like much of our supporting cast, impressed early and continues to do so with performances that have won her the respect and confidence of the entire writing-producing team. I mention Julia because we were watching the director’s cut of Pain the other day, an episode in which she delivers one stunner of a scene. I’m also looking forward to her nice, meaty moments in an upcoming episode.

Running through a scene with stunt coordinator James Bamford.
Running through a scene with stunt coordinator James Bamford.

Well, with my Tokyo trip a mere two months away, I’m putting the finishing touches on my travel plans. On past visits, I’ve relied on the city’s cab drivers to get me where I want to go – with varying degrees of success. On this visit, however, I’ve decided to be a little more adventurous and hazard the Tokyo subway. Last time I was in town, my friend Jessica took me through the paces (http://josephmallozzi.com/2008/12/01/december-1-2008-tokyo-travel-day-9-my-big-subway-adventure-checking-out-the-iron-chefs-dark-digs-and-i-take-the-day-off/) so I sent her an email today requesting her input. I wrote:

“I’m thinking of using the subway and wanted to now about that all-inclusive card you had. Does it allow you to travel everywhere in the system? For how long? What is the cost?



P.S. Tokyo Times article, February 12, 2010 = “Remains of Tourist Found”: Yesterday, transit officials discovered the desiccated remains of a Canadian tourist almost two months after his mysterious disappearance. It is presumed he got lost on his way to eat some matcha opera cake at the Sadaharu Aoki Patisserie in Roppogni and perished after getting stuck in a turnstile on the Hibiya line. Next of kin have been notified.”

Hey, check it out. Stargate: Universe made the list of TV Guide’s 10 Most Anticipated New Falls Shows: http://www.tvguide.com/News/10-Anticipated-New-1009428.aspx

Pics of Zac Efron with actress Ming Na (SGU’s Camile Wray): http://twitpic.com/gcrz4

Some on set photos from Stargate: Atlantis’s fifth season:

Actress Leela Savasta (Captain Alicia Vega) at gun school with armorer Rob Fournier.
Actress Leela Savasta (Captain Alicia Vega) at gun school with armorer Rob Fournier.


Today’s entry is dedicated to DemonHunter’s niece Hannah (Happy Birthday!) and Netty (Happy 1st Anniversary!).

53 thoughts on “September 5, 2009: Dinner with Ivon and Brian! Julia Benson! Braving the Tokyo subway system!

  1. Regarding the Q&As with SGU personnel, it’s a bit difficult for some of us to come up with questions before we’ve seen the actual performances in the actual show. Is it possible that some of these actors etc. will be willing to do a second Q&A down the line?

  2. Hey Joe,

    The dinner…the pictures of the food are the best. I like the desserts the best I think. Bartok was moaning over how full he was..went looking for tea. Brian is even quite on twitter. Tweets, but is very reserved in comparison to others. The Q&A will be interesting. Have no idea what to ask? hmmmmmm

    Brian: You were in theatre…did you have hopes of TV or movies while there? Do you find yourself missing it? Loved the poster, did you know you had been chosen for the center, or did it come as a surprise?

    That’s about as good as I can do for not knowing SGU. That will change and then I will give you more questions, with or without a Q&A. hehehehe

    Thank you for the pictures. It was a light and fun blog.

    Best to you Joe,

  3. very nice meal. The dessert tray made me gain 4 pounds just looking at your pictures. And I have to admit to becoming hooked on creme brules after eating at Fuel. Luckily, there arent that many place around here capable of serving such fare, so my wallet and my beltline might be able to maintain some balance.
    I also agree with RebeccaH. While I can IMDB or google the actors, it’s hard to decide on questions for someone whose performances I’ve not seen on screen. This is especially true of your generally younger cast. Of course, others in here do an excellent job of generating questions, so any I come up with tend to be redundant anyways.
    As far as the subway system. I managed to navigate it solo as a child. On the other hand, my adoptive mother got lost on her second day taking me to school(luckily I had already memorized the way). I have every confidence you’ll manage to find your way out of the maze. And there is always the cabs for when you get lost,frustrated, and run out of time. And besides, you fail to post for a day and the Tokyo police will be overwhelmed with missing persons reports from overseas.

  4. Love the photos.
    And, so very glad to see Brian J. Smith with a proper and overwheliming feeding! More than makes up for the saimin snack.

    Hope no one’s hands got in the way of the “crazed man’s” fork when the dessert platter showed up.

    Ming and Zac photo – nice! Zac looks different without the long hair covering his face – looks good.

  5. Dinner looks delicious. A friend just moved to Seattle, so now I have a good excuse to travel to the Northwest corner of the US, and it’s just a short hop from there to Vancouver – and Fuel! Maybe I’ll get to try it eventually.

    Last trip to Tokyo we took the subway which then became an elevated train (kind of like in Chicago) from the stop near Tokyo station out to Akihabara. It was quick and easy. Just remember to retrieve your ticket when you put it in the little turnstile gate – you need it to get out at your final stop. Or you may ride forever ‘neath the streets of Tokyo and be the gaijin who never returned!

  6. I’m always so jealous, the food you seem to pick always looks so good, now I’m really hungry, shame it’s 2 o’clock in the morning here all good food places are closed and I have already had tea/super 🙁

    Quick question, what are the dimensions of the Destiny?, I don’t think it has being stated, is it a secret?

    Night all


  7. Wow that meal looks nice. I think you make the best food critic ever, particularly with those photos. The presentation alone made my mouth water! Although I probably would have liked some greens with the main meal.

    I’ll be thinking up some questions for Brian Smith just as soon as I’ve finished work for the day! I’m really enjoying all your blog features at the moment, by the way!



  8. The food looks great but beyond my budget. Thankfully I have an Italian restaurant near me that prepares delicious meals I can afford. 🙂

    I have to say that you guys are all gorgeous! (Special wink to Ivon!) 😀 (Don’t worry, it’s just a wink, I’m the wrong generation to be making a pass! LOL!!)

    I have just one question for Brian, since, like the others, I don’t know what to ask:

    Have you decided on a Cavalier King Charles or is that still an open question?

  9. Beautiful food pix, as usual! I have to know, what is the orange garnish on the tiramisu and the sour cherry/ mascarpone Napoleon? Professional hazard…

    The new foster husky is settling in well, so far. Hasn’t stolen anything yet and carted it out the doggie door!

  10. Alicia Vega! I loved her. Sorry we didn’t get more time with her on Atlantis. Ah well.

    Hey, am I the only one who is often hungry after reading this blog?

  11. Yeah, the food looks great. BUT! Look at the lights that shine above Ivon’s head, I mean come on. He is really cute.
    Brian is so crazy for food, I imagine he was in awe.
    Thank you so much for the blog tonight. I’ve got a Question for Brian: Where the hell is my poster?

  12. Mmmmmm…tiramisu… I recently said getting stuck between Elric and Zenith was like being the ladyfingers in the tiramisu. It’s a long story, involving an inn, pole dancing, whips, and too many spirits.

    Sparrow will understand… 😉

    Everything on the menu looks delicious!!! Including Ivon and Brian!! 😀 Oh, ha!! I thought that pic of you was Ivon…you look so young there, Joe, crazy eyes and all. I guess then you all look delicious, in a totally non-creepy kinda way. (Todd thinks so, too… 😉 )

    So, hey!! Guess what I just did??! Well…see…it’s been a craptastic week. C.R.A.P.T.A.S.T.I.C. I even had to go to work today to catch up on some stuff – and it was a gorgeous day too – 80 degrees, sunny and low humidity – clear, deep-blue sky and a gentle breeze. Perfect. And I had to sit in the trailer of horrors. So, after work I did what any normal person would do – I had a couple glasses of wine out on the deck of a local bayfront restaurant, then had a few bites of dark chocolate…and finally had my hubby drive semi-numb me over to our urgent care facility, where I bravely (and for the first time ever) got a steroid shot in my shoulder. Yes…yes…I finally caved and sought treatment for my ‘keeps me awake at night and I can’t even lift the milk carton’ shoulder.

    Hopefully the steroid will work, but I dunno – thing still hurts like the dickens. I am determined not to take pain pills unless absolutely necessary…but it’s looking like I might have to if this doesn’t work. I live with so much pain that my tolerance is very high, but this is finally wearing me down. He also is sending me to a pain specialist…just to see if I have ‘we don’t know what the hell’s wrong with you’, a.k.a. fibromyalgia. I really hope I don’t, seeing as how doctors just lump everyone they can’t diagnose with anything else into the fibromyalgia category. But I do know if my cat just steps on my thigh, it about sends me through the roof…so…yeah…there’s something going on, so I better find out what it is while I have the medical insurance.

    Now I’m gonna go curl up with Wolverine, or Elric…haven’t decided which. Take care, Joe – and everyone – and have a good evening!


  13. I went to Tokyo for the first time this summer – I speak about 3 words of Japanese and recognize about that many characters, and I managed just fine. It is well organized and most things are posted in English.

  14. Wait…I can’t remember…is Sherry Harris somehow related to Brian??

    If so…I meant the boys looked delightful

    So, I’m reading this thing the doc gave me. Might have ‘frozen shoulder syndrome’…which can take over 6 months to see improvement, and up to 2 years for it to get better on it’s own.

    Oh, yeah…THIS is gonna be fun. 😛 Of course, I got over the plantar fasciitis in 6 months, without steroids, when they told me it would take at least a year. Of course, I had come down with pneumonia, and I think it was all being off my feet and in bed so much that really helped me heal up from that.

    Joe – do you suffer from any chronic pain (besides that caused by disgruntled fans and annoying smilies)? If so, how do you cope, and if not…count yourself lucky, old man. 😉


  15. ‘…its own’. I’m not only smilie-happy, I am also apostrophe-happy. 😀


  16. @Das: No kidding “bravely” – oi. Flu shots here today, and while Mr. Deni is like nothing happened, my arm is aching and red and on fire. Re your shoulder pain, I went through it for YEARS and can relate to what you’re going through. I’ll email you tomorrow with something I found works absolute wonders (no pills or drugs) if you’re interested. Feel better!

  17. Is that chocolate dribbled in weird designs all over the dessert plate? Mmmm.

    Oh YAY!!! I have so many questions for Brian as well! I pretty much love him and David! Hopefully there are no repeats…

    Questions for Brian Jacob Smith:
    1) I have heard you are a classically trained stage actor (at Juilliard!). What is your favorite part of being on stage/performing before a live audience?
    2) I’ve heard of your exploits with Crossfit (differently fun, but effectively painful). Do you workout because Lt. Scott is a buff person, or for your own reasons, or both?
    3) Have you had any adventures in Vancouver you can regale us with?
    4) How do you get into the mindset of your character? How much research did that require?
    5) What is your favorite kind of cookie? How about your favorite kind of candy?
    6) Have you had any experiences where you overhear people talking about Stargate and they have no clue you’re an actor in it?
    7) What is a “corpser”? Or is that something I hafta wait until the show premieres to find out?
    8) You are living every fan’s dream. Were you (like David) a fan of Stargate before you got the job?
    9) Which do you prefer: Star Wars or Star Trek?
    10) You and the rest of the cast all seem like best friends. Did you know any of the cast members before you got the SGU gig?
    11) Does Cassie come to work with you every day? Does she hang out in your trailer or come to the set with you too?
    12) Having puppysat Cassie, do you now think you will be getting a dog?
    13) Just out of curiosity: are you single? ;-D
    Seriously: thanks for answering our questions, and for the pictures and updates on Twitter, and for being so awesome to your fans so far!!! It’s people like you that make us so excited about SGU!!!

  18. Probably a good idea to look into the pass for the subway, if you want to give it a shot again. Might be cheaper. (good luck)
    Weather wise for your trip,(temps) cold, hot?, not sure I remember if you said.
    Man that cornish hen and all those food pictures, wow, thanks, looks soooo delicious. Making me hungry, as usual. will grab my bottle of water and head far away…such temptation. and all you fellas too!! (**heavy sigh*) Good night Joe.

  19. @ Deni – Oh, yes! I would be very interested in the information! When I was a toddler, my shoulders used to dislocate quite easily – I’ve had weak shoulders all my life since (which was a real pain when I used to do weight training, because I couldn’t do any shoulder exercises without suffering for weeks afterwards ).

    I really don’t mind needles (Mr. Das, on the other hand, nearly faints at the sight of one). When I was young I loved getting tetanus shots because my arm felt ‘bruised’ for days afterwards, and I liked to touch it and make it hurt – I dunno, kinda felt good to me. Of course, if my sister dared touch it, then I went crying to mom that she hurt me. 😈

    @ ytimynona – Oh, great. Well, I’m just gonna shut up now. This is the one disadvantage to the younger cast – we ‘cougars’ really have to watch what we say now with all the moms roaming about, keeping an eye on their boys. 😛 Well, I’ll just keep gushing my imaginary men…Elric, Zenith, Hathaway, Wolverine…

    Speaking of which…

    Joe, just read the Wolverine arc, Not Dead Yet (Ellis/Yu – collecting Wolverine #119-122) from c. 1997. I have it in hard cover, and finally had some free time to read it. Pretty good story…good ending with Wolverine questioning his morality (as opposed to his usual animal/man conflict). I thought it was well worth the read.


  20. Sherry Harris wrote: “I tell Brian all the time that Ivon is hot! Bet this will get me into some trouble, ha!”

    Yes, yes it will… 🙂


  21. Oh man *drool* that food looks amazing!!

    Q’s For Brian:
    – Who has emerged as the biggest prankster on the set thus far?
    – What has been your favourite episode to work on and if you can answer, why?


  22. In conclusion…I would just like to say…Capzasin HP BURNS LIKE THE DICKENS!!!! 😮 AND the package promises that it will do so for… 48 HOURS!!! 😯

    My shoulder feels like a suicide buffalo chicken wing… 😕


  23. Joe, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Matt Volpe’s trailer, here: [Hey, Iamza – Joe here. I edited out the link because when I clicked on it, I had trouble loading the page. Could be just my computer but as a rule I like to confirm all links are working before I allow.]

    I love that it shows characters who haven’t really been showcased before, and I love that we get to see places besides the gloomy ship, and the gate room. I hope we’ll get to see more trailers like this in the build-up to the premiere over the next month!

    Out of curiosity, and without intending to pry, is this what you and Syfy’s Erika were discussing on the topic of more positive exposure for the women of SGU, or is there even more to look forward to?

    The press kits look pretty good. Do all the writers get a copy, too, for, uh, posterity? 🙂

  24. At the risk of it seeming like you have an echo in your blog, I’ll repeat what previous commenters have said: The food looks superb; and you, Ivon, and Brian look even better. And it looks like everyone had a great time — which of course is what counts the most, except for those of us who are just looking hungrily at that Cornish hen. (Or at you, Ivon, and Brian. – What?? I’m just looking. *wicked grin*)

    I defintely noted the gleam in your eye as you were poised to (apparently) take on any and all comers for Dessert Domination. I also note that Brian has really big hands that could probably wreak serious damage on one’s neck. And I’m going to guess that Ivon can’t be counted out of any contest of that kind. I imagine the restaurant management was relieved by a clearly amicable division of the goodies.

    LOL, funny note on your own demise while braving the Tokyo subway system. If Thornyrose and Sparrowhawk hadn’t already assured you that this task is easily accomplished, I would give you props for sparing some overworked and underpaid reporter yet another write-up. It’s just the right thing to do.

    Questions for Brian Smith: I know there are limits as to what you guys can say about SGU at this point, but can you tell us a little about what you and Lt. Scott have in common, and where you’re different? (2) What are you currently reading? (3) Was this role the first time you’ve gotten a military “buzz cut”? If so, what did you think when you looked in the mirror?

  25. Come on, Joe, let’s be honest; those aren’t your crazy eyes; those are just your normal eyes; I mean, you gotta be pretty crazy to post an amazing blog entry everyday, amirite?!?!

    Julia Benson is purty. I’m gonna stop myself now before things get inappropriate.

    That pasta is…oh my; the noodles, the sauce…wow. It looks delicious; and don’t even get me started on that dessert tray! That’s it, time to go to restaurents again. Hey, I ate an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen a few days back, I think I’m ready for real restaurants now! Hell yeah!

    So on the Stargate front, it looks like things are about to blow up with SGU news, thanks to the press screeners going out. There has been some tweets about it already. Good news is, I have not seen any bad reactions; it seems to range from “this is pretty good” to “OMG CAN I HAZ BRAD AND ROBBIE’S BABIEZ NAW PLZ?!?!”. Bad news is, I don’t have a press screener, which far outweights the good news.

    The reviews for the pilot should be coming out next week! I will read the spoiler-free ones, of course.

    Meanwhile, a 5-minute clip of “Air” that Syfy accidentally let lose on Youtube have taken root; quite a few fans at Gateworld has seen it and so far the response is pretty damn positive. I think you have a winner on your hands, Joe!

    @ das: I love you too, girl. Not in a creepy, hormonal young male sort of way, of course. *wink*

  26. Hey, thanks for sharing the twitpic link! Zac’s looking mighty tan. I’m a little bit jealous.

    Brian looks way different in your picture, I almost didn’t recognize him!

    Your food however, looks AMAZING. I totally want some of that pasta right now.

  27. Coucou Joseph!

    Waou j’ai quelque chose de puissant à vous racontez!!

    Cette nuit j’ai fait un rêve vraiment étrange, qui coincidé avec pleins de choses de ma journée d’hier!

    Alors je suis chez vous, mais vous n’y êtes pas car vous rencontrez le président Obama (la chance). Donc je vous attend mais il s’avére que votre maison est envahi de fantômes et d’insectes rampant. J’attend plusieurs jours mais vous ne revenez pas, ensuite je tombe sur pleins de photos de vous et ensuite ma tante viens à la maison pour m’anoncer que vous n’aller jamais venir mais qu’elle vient d’adopter un petit Joseph qui vient d’Afrique pour me consoler=(

    …le plus drole c’est que chaques événements de cette histoire est en rapport avec quelques choses à quoi j’ai penser séparément. Vraiment le cerveaux est si bizzarre.

    Merci pour ces photos!! (notamant de vous 😉
    Ainsi que celle de Zac.

    Je reviendrais pour posé des questions à Brian.

    Bisou Bisou

    Ps: vous avez une supperbe maison (enfin dans mes rêve lol)

  28. >I’m also looking forward to her nice, meaty moments in an upcoming episode.

    You know… That sounds dirty in a way.

  29. Questions for Brian:

    1. OK, let me get the awkward one in first….why are you blocking me (@imwebgurl) on Twitter? Is it an accident or on purpose? 🙁

    2. What was your first job ever?

    3. What’s more nerve-wracking, the audition process or the first day on set of a new role?

    4. What kind of research did you do for the role? I can highly recommend Jetstream (just for fun), a Discovery Canada doco following a group of rookies through Fighter pilot training in the Hornet. With Kavan Smith narrating.

    5. Is your character tested more emotionally or physically during the first season?

    6. Who do you go for in the NFL, Cowboys? What do you think their chances are this year? Personally I’m a 49er fan and I’m looking for a better season.

    Cheers, Chev

  30. I heard the recruiting session at Dragon*Con, Evil Geniuses For a Better Tomorrow, went very well. They even got a NASCAR driver.

    If someone even hints Doctor Who is “steampunk”, the oh so popular latest catchphrase for what’s been known since Jules Verne, I’m going to kill them. In my defense I will say the TARDIS control room only accidentally veered in that direction in the 70’s, and don’t even get me started about the 80’s costumes.

  31. All of that grub from Q4 looks totally delicious.

    Thank you for sharing all of the mouth watering pictures.

  32. …and speaking of mouth watering pictures.

    Thank you very much for sharing the nice new
    pictures of Julia Benson on the set and in

    (…..hubba hubba……..hubba.)

    I plan on watching SGU for the amazingly crafted
    storylines, the high production values and of
    course..the way fine looking cast.

  33. Does anyone else absolutely despise this term “steampunk”? Just wondering and to make my rant relevant, I see that the ratings for SyFy’s Warehouse 13, which I admit I’ve watched some of it (incl the JF ep of course) in the hope of spotting the Ark from Raiders, has beaten the SGA ratings into dust and has already been renewed for s2. I’m guessing SyFy will be looking for SGU to pull that kind of number range.

  34. Me revoila!!

    J’espere ne pas vous avoir traumatiser avec mon histoire de rêve^^!

    alors voici les questions pour Brian:

    1) Etes vous un grand fan de SF? Si oui qu’elle film ou serie aimez vous?
    2) Aimez vous le sport? Lequels appréciez vous?
    3) Que pensez vous de Joseph Mallozzi?

    =P voila!

    bisou, Bisou!

  35. Gasp! You forgot to invite Carl to dinner? :-0

    In this article: http://www.canada.com/entertainment/Stargate+Universe+expands/1927437/story.html Brad Wright says that SGU is going to ease off the technobabble, as if technobabble is somehow a bad thing. This makes me sad! Is this true? (I absolutely adore when Sam or McKay go off on their techno-ramblings! Also, isn’t the science what makes it sci fi?)

    Questions for Brian Jacob Smith:
    What inspired you to pick acting as a career?
    Do you have any advice you’d give to a young aspiring actor?

  36. @ ytimynona – …oh, I think I’ve found something that makes me feel REALLY good. Steroids.

    I woke up at 6:30 this morning, cleaned the entire house (vacuumed and mopped, too), went to services (didn’t fall asleep), went out with my niece (ladyhgiggles) to visit a few people (and eventually to lunch), talked to a neighbor who also happens to be a carpenter and advocate for whole foods on school lunch programs…and I a STILL flying high.

    One of the people I visited today is a nurse…I was so hyper, babbling away about any and everything…and told her about my shoulder. I told her that I think I have all this energy because for the first time in 4 weeks (and especially in the last two), I haven’t been in pain.

    She just gave me this ‘look’, and said, ‘dear, it’s the steroid shot. Why do you think athletes love the stuff.’

    I never thought of it – never thought a little steroid shot in the shoulder could make me feel so good…lol.

    I just hope my heart doesn’t explode, or something. I haven’t felt this great in ages!

    @ pg15 – You never have to worry! I’m a eunuch!!! Ack…I mean, UNIQUE!!! 😀


  37. @Mr M or anyone else on the blog

    Is there any numbers on how many people watching Warehouse 13 not live? Is the non-live ratings anywhere close to the SGA levels?

  38. Bonne nuit Joseph!

    Demain les cours, c’est reparti!
    je vais surement passé plus tard et un peu moins souvent ça ne change pas que je pense toujour autant à vous.

    Bisou Bisou
    A demain

    Ps: je vais essayer de ne pas trop rêvé cette nuit 😉

  39. Joe,
    I can only surmise that I haven’t received my spectacular non-prop rock because of a tragic avalanche/mud slide brought on by all the rain in your area. I imagine the scene looks something like this:


    I know that you’re digging frantically to rescue my rock, so no need to take time out to respond. Just keep digging, man! My thoughts, hopes, and dreams are with you.

  40. Hey Joe,

    I just saw a short preview of SGU and OMG its FANTASTIC!!!
    I cannot wait to see more….you guys have outdone yourselfs.
    Its amazing. You were right, its still Stargate but different and I LIKE IT.

    Here’s the link if anyone wants to check it out (if I’m the first to post about it)

    [Actually, you’re the second to post it but I’m afraid I can’t provide the link until it’s back up on the SyFy site].

  41. The food pics look delish, especially the antipasto. And don’t worry about the subway, it has lighted digital maps in English and Japanese that show what station you’re at, so you won’t get lost, and the Pushers make sure everyone is shoved securely into each train. You’re at greater risk of being squashed than getting lost.

  42. Marvelous blog. Mannnnnn, you’re awesome. plus the food look fantastic. You should have some thing call “stargate” cook book with all cast and crew best food picks. That be awesome. Is there any way you can pass around a list and get everyone to write down their fav foods. Send back to me. Any ways keep creating, people love what you do. I have not been keeping up with the media. Maybe you answered it already so, one question: If you was not making stargate where would you be or what would you be doing? 2 question…lol so sci fi convention.lol Thanks. Appreciate it.

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