Chaos on Destiny (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television).
Chaos on Destiny (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television).



Up to now, we’ve busied ourselves with spinning, story breaking, scriptwriting, critiquing, prep, post, and watching of the various dailies, cuts, and mixes but yesterday, we got down to the really important business of football. Yes, it was time make our Dark Horse and Reverse Dark Horse picks for the upcoming NFL season. The Dark Horse is the team with a below 500 record last year who you believe will surprise by having the best record this year. My pick: the once lowly 7-9 San Francisco 49ers who I predict, under head coach Mike Singletary, will turn it around this year in impressive fashion. The Reverse Dark Horse is, as the title implies, the team with an above 500 record in 2008 who you believe will disappoint by having the worst record this year. My pick – sorry Atlanta – but I foresee lean times ahead for the once high-flying Falcons.

Sgt. Ronald Greer (Eagles fan Jamil Walker Smith) armed and ready.  Photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television.
Sgt. Ronald Greer (Eagles fan Jamil Walker Smith) armed and ready. Photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television.

Some interesting picks from my fellow prognosticators. I chose the Browns two years ago as my Dark Horse picks and won. Last year, Carl chose them as his Reverse Dark Horse and won. Paul has decided to ride the streak by choosing the Browns this year to turn it around, win the Dark Horse, and make it three straight money finishes. In another intriguing selection, Paul is counting on Brett Favre to drive the new look Minnesota Vikings (his Reverse Dark Horse pick) into the ground. Brad took the Vick-timized Philadelphia Eagles to crash and burn which should make for an interesting season given that actor Jamil Walker Smith (aka Sgt. Greer) is a die hard fan of the team. Brad also took my Raiders as his Dark Horse pick. Would love to see it happen but, realistically, I don’t hold up much hope.

Lieutenant Matthew Scott (Brian J. Smith).
Lieutenant Matthew Scott (Brian J. Smith).

To those wondering, PG15 informs us that Canadian viewers will be able to watch the premiere of Stargate: Universe on the same day, October 2nd, that it airs south of border on SyFy. We’ve also got the show premiering in Australia on October 9th. Thanks to Chevron 7 for the tip. 

Some discussion on Incursion I and II this afternoon (episodes #19 and #20 – As if you didn’t know!).   Brad will be taking over duties on both scripts as he’ll be producing the episodes.  We discussed, among other things: clarifying who is where doing what (a special request from Paul), the challenges of guest casting, and the workings of alien tech.

Carl was in and out of the office all day.  He claims he was on set to oversee production of his episode, Pain, but I suspect he was really off trying to catch a glimpse of Zac Efron who was rumored to have stopped by the lot.  That guy is  such a fanboy.  

On the Destiny set with Director Andy Mikita, Camera Operator Greg Fox, and Director of Photography Ronn Schmidt (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television).
On the Destiny set with Director Andy Mikita, Camera Operator Greg Fox, and Director of Photography Ronn Schmidt (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television).

Another reminder to get your questions in for actor David Blue (Stargate: Universe’s Eli Wallace). 

And some pics from the past –

Devastation - Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
Devastation – Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
A Tight Spot - Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
A Tight Spot – Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
For all you Lorne whumpers - Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
For all you Lorne whumpers – Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
Rodney in a bit of a pickle - Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)
Rodney in a bit of a pickle – Search and Rescue, Stargate: Atlantis, Season 5 (photo courtesy and copyright MGM Television)


DasNdanger writes: “About those trade paperbacks. Well, I might be a bit biased, but I thought Origin was pretty good – had a gothic feel to it (as in Wuthering Heights, not as in melty black eyeliner, spiderweb tats and sweaty leather coats).”

Answer: Just read it last night. While I really enjoyed the script by Paul Jenkins (his Marvel Knights Inhumans series is one of my Top 10 favorite trade paperbacks), I had a few problems with the story. Now, granted, I’ve been out of comic fandom for a while but this story would imply that Logan is – what – about 100 years old? One of the things that always appealed to me about the character was his grounding in the here and now amid the wild galaxy and time-spanning heroes and villains around him. What gives? If it’s a result of his mutant abilities, why did he follow a normal growth period up until the events of the book? Also, the “copping the identity” surprise was too reminiscent for me of Joe Kelly’s brilliant reversal in his last issue of his run on Deadpool (a brilliant series).

DasNdanger also writes: “I don’t read Vertigo and Dark Horse or any of those, and those publications seem more your speed. I’m totally stuck in basic superhero mode – I just enjoy them better than the books that feel like they’re trying to be the next Watchmen. Right now the only books I am really enjoying are Amazing Spider-Man, Invincible Iron Man, Dark Wolverine, Weapon X, Wolverine Origins, X-Force…and that’s about it.”

Answer: Actually, our reading tastes run very similar. My list: Amazing Spider-Man, Invincible Iron Man, Dark Wolverine, Weapon X, Wolverine Origins, Ms. Marvel, Dark Avengers, and Deadpool. I gave X-Force a shot and, while I liked it enough, I had no idea what was going on, even after three issues.

Belouchi writes: “You forgot me buddy.”

Answer: You’ll have to repost your question.

Major D. Davis writes: “So have you shot lost yet, or are you waiting to shoot it after you finish pain?”

Answer: We’re shooting out of sequence. We’re shooting Pain and prepping Lost.

Patricia Lee writes: “I saw on ABC’s Defying Gravity credits that the VFX are done by STARGATE Studios! Is that Mark Savela and his gang???”

Answer: Nope.

Audrey writes: “So when do you start prep on Incursion?”

Answer: Not for weeks.

PG15 writes: “I can bigify the SGA pics just fine (and they are great, by the way; thanks!), so I’m not sure what you mean when you say that they are “down-rezzed versions”; how huge are the originals?!”

Answer: Same size, different quality (resolution and pixel dimension). But if you’re happy with these versions, I may not bother.

Chevron7 writes: “So why is everyone wearing masks on the ice set?”

Answer: To avoid breathing in the particulates of the fake snow.

Trish writes: “How is Jelly doing?”

Answer: Just got the results of her last test today. The doctor says it’s nothing terribly bad. Some benign nodes. Some degeneration that could be the result of the metacam she is taking or indicative of crohn’s disease. However, since I haven’t noticed any marked changes in her eating or drinking habits, we can discount the latter for now. As for the metacam – well, she needs it because of her deteriorated hips, so I’m just going to try dialing back the dosage a little.

Oneill2Ls writes: “From what I’ve seen of the Destiny pics, it looks very Steampunk. Is that the look they are going for?”

Answer: I’m not sure if that was the intention but, yes, definitely Steampunk in design.

Major D. Davis writes: “What’s the difference between a cut and a mix.”

Answer: A cut is an assembly of scenes that tells the story of a particular episode. The editor will put together his cut, then the director will work with the editor and his cut, replacing or making changes to shots, scenes and sequences, to arrive at their Director’s cut. The producers will watch the Director’s cut, then go back to editing and make their own adjustments to the shots, scenes, and sequences, and eventually put out their Producer’s cut. The studio and the network will then weigh in with notes. Further changes will be made and then the cut will be “locked” – the implication being that this will be the final cut and no further changes made. A mix is the locked cut with music and sound effects.

Ahem writes: “Joe: Thanks so much for the SGA photos. However, I’m curious as to why now, when the emphasis is on everything SGU?”

Answer: 1. I didn’t have access to this archive of Atlantis photos until recently and, 2. I’d like Atlantis fans to be welcomed into the Stargate: Universe fold.

Crayonbaby writes: “Why does Jason always have a smile on his face when he’s not filming SGA? Kind of like Chris Judge?”

Answer: Yep. Both very jovial fellows.

Thunder writes: “ Is it Jelly’s birthday today?”

Answer: Nope. Early February.

Major D. Davis writes: “Is Andy Mikita directing Pain?”

Answer: Will Waring is directing Pain.

Liz writes: “Well if they didn’t want the fans to be all negative about it, maybe they shouldn’t have cancelled SGA only to begin with Universe the season directly following it. Just a thought.”

Answer: Universe was in the works and would have gone into production regardless of Atlantis’s fate. It’s kind of silly to have expected us to observe some sort of period of mourning.

Christine: “The desperation to get fans to watch SGU is becoming pathetic.”

Answer: Actually, it’s called promotion. New shows do it all the time. Even established shows do it. Ultimately, those who give the Stargate: Universe a shot and tune in to the premiere are in for a treat. And those who choose not to watch because “their feelings were hurt” will miss out.

83 thoughts on “September 1, 2009: Football Picks and Stargate Pics!

  1. Joe – What’s your take on the purchase of Marvel Entertainment by Disney?

  2. Hey Joe,

    Have you thought about the injection substitutes for the Metacam? Scruffy seems to be going along just as well with the injections without the side effects of the Metacam. He’s 18 and still nagging my Mum for a daily walk. Ok, so he runs into the odd tree and I found him trying to work out how to escape from Mum’s thigh master when I was over there on the weekend, but you just have to remove him from whatever he’s managed to get himself into and point him in the general direction of where you think he was heading. He may be blind and deaf, but certainly still active.

    Have a good night!

  3. I love the pictures of the set at White Sands. I have been there myself and know the area. That will be a beautiful setting for the stargate as the pictures show. I am excited about it!

  4. Probably a stupid question, but if Destiny is seeding the far side of the universe with Stargates, is there some kind of robotic stargate installer that sets up a platform prior to gate installation? or is Destiny strictly a gate address quality control device?

    Speaking only for myself, I think it would have been a lot easier for me to have been persuaded to like SGU had not so many comments from cast and production members seemed to denigrate the series that went before. I adored SGA, and reading comments that seemed to suggest that anyone who didn’t recognize SGU’s inherent superiority and unique brand of special could not possibly call themselves a fan of the stargate franchise really put my hackles up. In hindsight, I recognize that this is not an accurate reading of what was being said by various folks, but at the time that’s the message I was getting. Well, and a sense that the pro-SGU contingent felt anyone who still cared for the old shows was obviously stuck in the past and afraid of change. You know, I agree that change is good a lot of the time, but there are times when sticking with the status quo brings one greater pleasure.

  5. The guard rail on the observation deck … what is it keeping them from falling into? Does the Destiny land on planets?

    Oh, well, the actors look cool with something to lean on while they stare into the vastness of green screen.

    After the premiere, will there be a way to get supplies from Earth to the Destiny?

  6. The pics of Brian J Smith are my favorite! I have been studying biology all day today, getting ready for a test. What a treat to read your blog and see him! Thank you! I love the promotion hype! I am very excited for SGU to start. The promotion from your blog as well as all the information on the web are exciting reminders of what lies ahead of us, very soon.
    October 2nd can not come soon enough for me and my family!
    Great news about Jelly. Also, I predict the Cowboys are going to suck and the Raiders will finally get to the playoffs! How bout them picks!!!
    Thanks again!

  7. Awww, it would’ve been funny if Andy Mikita was directing Pain. Pain, Mikita, get it? Hahaha. Good stuff. Good times.

    Wait, no, please bother with the high-rez SGA pics! Last thing I need is to be responsible for denying rabid Atlantis fans some eye candy. 😉

    Thank you for the SGU and SGA pics! They’re awesome!

    On a completely unrelated note, we have a countdown going for SGU on Gateworld, and there’s been sort of a running joke where someone will say something like “alright! We’re almost at the 40s!” i.e. we’re almost 40-something days until the premier; and then I’ll say “Ah, the 40s. It was a simpler time. It was a better time.” – I do this for pretty much all of the decades. We’re almost at the 20s now and I chose to do…something more; to change it up a bit, you know? 😉

  8. Jelly is beautiful. That picture of her on Twitter shows how gorgeous she is. She could be a model for pugs. All her features look perfect. Glad she is doing good.

  9. Joe,

    Thanks for answering my question yesterday! However, I do have a follow up question. I know that you mentioned before that the Destiny is a much older Ancient ship then the ships seen on SGA, but can you tell us how much older we’re talking?



  10. I know it’s been a long time, no see for me, and you probably were relieved that I was gone 😛 Since that is likely the case, I won’t ask if you missed me. 😉 I’m recently married now 😀 We just got back from our 2.5 month long trip to the US.

    Thanks for the news of the SGU premiere here in Australia. We’ll check it out.

    And thank you very much for the Atlantis photos. It’s great to see them. I won’t lie, it still saddens me that it was cancelled. In fact, I still miss SG1 at times. The stories are always awesome, it’s the characters (and how they’re written) that I really miss. I know own all of SGA’s box sets, I’m still working on getting a few more box sets of SG1.

    I’m sure the movies will be excellent. I can’t wait. Any details that you get on their time line and progression is greatly appreciated. (As are set photos when they are shooting! lol)

    P.S. Please tell me that Kanaan gets the proverbial “red shirt” role in the upcoming Atlantis movie? Just kidding. lol. No. Seriously. 😉

    Actually the main question that I do have is…did I miss Joel Goldsmith’s responses to the Q&A?

  11. Hmmm. You’re right. The Vikes were division champs last year. Well, I vote they’ll be a reverse dark horse as well, but not because Favre joined. More because they’re the Vikings and they always suck it up when push comes to shove. And don’t forget–this comes from a Minnesotan!

    On the other hand, I think GBP will be back in a desperate attempt to show they can win without Favre. This, I suspect will make them work extra hard, especially in the rivalry games. I think they win NFC North. What can I say, I’m a fan.

    In the end though, Brady’s back and the pats will go to the Superbowl again.

    Thanks again for the pictures! And I like the promotion. 😉

  12. Christine, you’re wrong, the same could be said for any show on TV to date. Promotion is what draws people who would otherwise would of not known about Stargate into the fold.

    It’s like if you’re a new viewer. Never watched Stargate before and you see a huge advertisement for this grand new series, with exciting stories that would interest you.

    Would you want to know?
    Would anyone want to know?
    Would you want to know who is in the show?
    Would you want to know the basis of the story?
    Who the characters are?

    Of course. It’s called getting the word out.

  13. I think it good (albeit belated) to try to bring some of the Atlantis fans into the fold, so to speak. Many of us have been feeling left behind/left out of this entire SGU experience. (Ex: not a single SGA character so far in SGU but quite a few SG1 folk)
    Whether it will work or not is something that remains to be seen.
    Good Luck!

  14. Favre should have stayed retired, the last time. I just don’t understand the man.

    I didn’t know you never had access to these SGA photos. Then it’ll definitely be a treat for us.

    Good to hear that Jelly is OK.

  15. joe i have been away from your blog for awhile and on my first day back you reward me by picking my niners as your dark horse pick…my team wont let you donw i promise.also im happy to hear work on sgu is going well and i cant wait for the premiere.

  16. @Alexandria: Congrats! I hope you had fun in the US!

    Urgh. Football. Count me out. Unless you’re talking about European football. I was in France during the world cup, and they’re intense over there. None of this sitting on couches with chips and salsa crap. Even for the quarterfinals and semifinals (for which I was in Italy), they were out in the streets all night, dancing and singing and um, imbibing. (I would have traded my whole week in France for the right to have been in Italy when they won.)

  17. Ack…forgot Dark Avengers…I like that one, too. New Avengers is okay, but rather stuck in sorcery stuff right now, and never been a huge fan of that element…one reason I was reluctant to read Elric. But there was so much more to Elric’s saga that the sorcery just faded into the background and the characters took over, something that hasn’t quite happen for me in NA. But I keep reading because I like the book overall.

    I see you’re reading 1985 – I loved that story! It was just something a bit different, and I was satisfied with it from start to finish.

    As far as Wolverine goes, well…he is a mutant. Mutant abilities first manifest themselves at puberty, so he’d just be a normal kid until that moment when stress or anxiety or his first pimple (ya know, anything traumatic for a teenager) would cause his mutation to manifest itself.
    After young James’ traumatic, claw-popping event, then his other mutations eventually started to manifest themselves, including his healing ability.

    First thing it did was ‘heal over’ his memories, making him forget things he didn’t want to remember. That, coupled with the Weapon X mind sweeping and false memories (and meddling by Prof. X) are all reasons why Wolverine couldn’t remember shit – didn’t even know (or remember) he had claws for a portion of his life. This allowed for a reasonable explanation as to why he didn’t use his claws pre-Weapon X back in those old stories before they decided he had the bone claws from childhood (Wolverine #75 2nd. Vol.).

    !TANGENT ALERT! God, I am rambling…

    Anyway, that’s one reason Wolverine was always grounded in the here and now – he had no idea where he had come from, who he was. That changed big-time in House of M, and is the reason Wolverine is now hunting down his past, but personality-wise he’s still the same guy.

    And yes, his healing ability makes him age slower than a normal human being. Still, the character is very much grounded in the here and now, despite being 100+ years old. Daken, I believe, is around 50 years old and is mostly grounded in himself…lol. What a slipperyass li’l bastard!

    There are two fairly good stories that deal with the future, and future Logan: Old Man Logan (Mark Millar/Steve McNiven – part of Wolverine’s on-going title), and Time Storm 2009/2099 (a 4ish arc, with Spider-Man and X-Men one-shots…there may have been one more one-shot, not sure). I just read Time Storm tonight, and really enjoyed it – there was even a couple big lol moments for me.

    Not really sure what you mean by “copping the identity”. Do you mean him taking (well, being given by Rose) the name ‘Logan’? I thought that was an interesting twist, since the story strongly insinuates that he’s Thomas Logan’s son, not John Howlett’s. Or are you referring to Dog showing up at the end?

    And, I’m running out of steam. Wish I was making more sense, but I’m kinda sorta sleep typing right now. 😛 Nite, and pleasant dreams!


  18. Oh…PS: I liked how young Logan picked up traits from Smitty, and how he was first introduced to Japan through the book. Yeah, it’s one of my favorite stories…beautiful art, too.


  19. I know a lot of us pick favorite teams based on things other than geographical ties, but what led to your connecting with Oakland in a “my Raiders” sense?
    Personally, I think they have the best-looking unis in the NFL, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that’s not why you’re a fan. What’s the attraction? Longtime bad-ass rep?

    Agreeing with pg15 that a sprinkling of high-res pics, fans’ choice, would still be great. They work SO well as monitor-screen desktops, or even as frame-worthy pics when printed on photographic paper.

    Is surgery a possible option for Jelly? It greatly relieved the pain for my pooch — don’t know if it works for every type of hip degeneration in dogs. — Or the injections that Narelle mentioned . . . ? Would get around the Metacam/liver tissue breakdown dilemma.

    LOL re. Carl’s fanboy thing for Zac Efron.

  20. Lorne pictures are good. Lorne whump is great. Rodney pictures are even more delicious. I feel almost as if I’m eating an overly rich twelve layer chocolate cake when I’m looking at the photos.
    I think I’m working when Universe premieres. With luck I can watch while working. At worst I guess I’ll come up with some way to record the show. IF it turns out as well as its siblings, I’ll even consider a universe party for the second season premiere.
    So what comes with the football pool pics besides bragging rights? My interest is marginal, what with the Deadskins being the home team here. At least a couple of coworkers have season tickets, which means I may actually go out and catch a few games live. And given the Vikings were my first love, football wise, I have to hope Paul is wrong.
    @Alexandra, congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy marriage. And I hope you enjoyed your stay here. I’ve enjoyed great hospitality in my travels here and there, and take pride in my countrymen providing a similiar level of welcome to visitors.

  21. Hey Joe,

    Wow, football….aaaaa Dark Horse is a team…ah 500 something…sorry isn’t going to stick..Will all be gone tomorrow. But I did notice that all those you mentioned regarding the game, were men. This really is a guy thing, although I know certain women enjoy it…obsessively like my mother. *confused look*

    Pictures, love them always. Love all things Stargate. I say root for SGU and love them all. Love hearing about where the filming is. I keep thinking it might take the magic out of Stargate seeing and hearing so much. Nope, it doesn’t. Make me love it more and you for sharing it all with us.

    Are any of your pups related? Other than being in your family. Brother, sister, mom, pop?

    I know, I am sooo clueless. I hate being the new kid on the block. One day I won’t be.

    Best to you Joe,

  22. Is the UK not a very big market for Stargate?

    You mention the markteting man Grey Munford doing a wonderful job, but I haven’t seen a single thing in the UK, zip , nada, nowt…….

    Apart from your good self telling us when it will be on Sky 1 of course which was nice to know.

  23. 1. I didn’t have access to this archive of Atlantis photos until recently and, 2. I’d like Atlantis fans to be welcomed into the Stargate: Universe fold.

    Thanks, Joe. It’s appreciated. It’s been getting kinda lonely out here.

    Sorry I haven’t been around much lately. Although I have been keeping up with the Blog each morning, real life has kinda got in the way of doing much more. That said, the Stargate Fandom has become a scary place over the past few months. It’s not been the sort of environment i’ve wanted much to do with and I just wanted to say thanks for your post of the other day. Not all of us Atlantis Fans are frenzied maniacs, out looking for a scalp.

    Loved the Sheppard piccies, keep them coming. And as for all the clamour over SGU.. well, i’ve watched the trailers; i’ve seen the piccies, interviews and just about everything else that’s out there on the ‘net. In fact, I feel depressingly ‘overloaded’ with it. I think i’ve said it before in the past, but I will give it a chance.. Will probably watch the Pilot eppi and see how it goes from there.

    Hope you’re okay and glad to hear that Jelly’s doing fine.

  24. Marvel has been bought by Disney!!! Though everything comic that I own is either DC or Darkhorse I still hope that Marvel comics don’t become Disneyified. Anyways, Joe what do you think of the matter as a patron of the comic arts?

  25. First, thanks Joe for the SGA pics. Looking forward to seeing more. 🙂

    Second, I’m among the people who don’t want to become too involved into the whole SGU discussion. Just because I can’t see a reason for it. I don’t like SGU. Period. People who like it already or will like it? That’s fine by me. I wish them fun. There is no reason for trying to convince them otherwise. However, I expect the same for me in return. I don’t need people who keep telling me (not personally of course, in general) that I have to watch it. Or even worse, that I’m in a way stupid or childish when I don’t.

    Unlike Michael Shanks, after watching the trailers I dislike SGU even more. And it’s not – I really want to stress that – because of SGA! That’s what many people apparently forget. Like the Beckett/Keller discussion. I don’t dislike the Keller character because of Carson. I just don’t like her the way she is. Period.

    It’s the same with SGU. Yes, I started to have problems with it because of the whole SGA thing. However, the more I’ve got to know about SGU, the less I like it. There is really nothing so far I’m interested in. Not the main idea, not the actors, not the characters, not the stories. Why should I bother watching it? There are hundreds, probably thousands of TV shows and movies and books I don’t watch and read. Why should I make a difference with SGU? Still, I’m not a Stargate fan. Just SGA. There is no Stargate-automatism for me. Which, by the way, is IMO as childish as disliking Keller just because of Beckett or so.

    The trailers: Trailers are supposed to show the best things. It’s happened a few times that I watched something just because of the trailers. And I was disappointed in all cases. Basically, because I saw all the good things in the trailers. The rest was just meh. So, assuming the SGU trailers show also the best things: nope, it’s just not my cup of tea.

    I admit, all the enthusiasm is too much for me, either. Of course, one is enthusiastic about his own work. It would be odd otherwise. It’s just, for me there is a fine line between being enthusiastic and to overdo it. No offence intended, Joe. But sometimes I have the feeling everything is the best thing ever: Look at that smile from actor A. There hasn’t ever been a greater one. The line in the script which says that the door opens? The best line ever (I’ve also overdone these statements in order to explain what I mean). It’s just too much for me. Especially a TV show has stronger and weaker episodes. Every show has. There is no way everything can always be 100 % perfect. I believe that the actors are great. Why shouldn’t they? The Stargate franchise has always worked with great actors. The set, stories and so ditto. However, I’m always suspicious when people are telling me I must watch or read something and I will like it. I like to make my own decisions based on the information and facts I have. Not based on other people’s opinions. Because I’m an adult woman who knows generally what she likes and dislikes. I also can pretty good estimate which things are worth a try, although I tend to think I might not like them. Some of the BOTM books are a good example. Still, I won’t read every BOTM book.

    And, yes, it makes me feel sad. Admittedly, I don’t know how the promotion for SGA was. I haven’t read this blog from the beginning. Still, I have the feeling, there wasn’t the same enthusiasm for SGA. Maybe I’m wrong.

    Sorry Joe for my rant here. Sometimes I can’t help myself. I really try to keep away from further discussions about this topic.

  26. Glad to hear Jelly is doing well. My parents’ Springer Spaniels (Duke and daughter Bonnie) were on Metacam in their later years. Although the only way you could get them to take it was with a handful of Crunchie Nut Cornflakes. Anything else and the kitchen was pebble-dashed (I believe over there you call it spackled)!

    Anyway, so you’ve picked the 49ers. As a long-time, long-suffering Scottish fan I’ve been a tad disappointed with their performance in the past few years. But you never know, maybe this year will be the comeback and I promise not to hold it against you if they don’t.

    So have you guys come up with any interesting prizes/ forfeits for the picker of the best/ worst teams?

    Any chance of some wraithy/ Michael picks?


  27. ‘Actually, it’s called promotion. New shows do it all the time. Even established shows do it. Ultimately, those who give the Stargate: Universe a shot and tune in to the premiere are in for a treat. And those who choose not to watch because “their feelings were hurt” will miss out.’

    Summed it up PERFECTLY, loving the extra promotion Joe and I’m incredibly buzzed to hear that SGU will be premiering in Aus just one week after it airs in the U.S. Never thought I’d see the day.

  28. DP – lt’s not very well documented so far but the Ancients had some seriously tough workplace health and safety laws. Michael for instance had a very solid case… If he had survived the fall.

  29. G’day Joe

    I actually saw an add for Universe on my telly today. How AWESOME is that!!!!!!!!!!!! We folks down under usually have to wait years for anything decent (especially a sci-fi show). I am so excited.
    Thanks for the heads up for when Universe will premiere.

    Happy for the good news on Jelly.


  30. @iamza.

    I have to agree that some comments such as “doing it right this time” etc did annoy and have given me a negative view on SGU though in all honesty i had no good feelings towards it to start with.

    @Joe M im confused thats the first time ive seen a definate “atlantis wouldnt have continued anyway wether SGU was made or not” Im becoming really confused with the different quotes ive seen floating about “creative decision” (MGM) is another one out there also “moving to movies” and “not prepared to do, two shows at once” (B W) implying that there was the possibility to do so. Sometimes i wonder if i would have been happier had i not read anything on line.

    As for the promotion MGM & SCIFI seem to be hitting it harder than they ever did for SG1 or Atlantis. They must be hopping for extremely high viewing figures. I wonder what figure for them will = success?

    I do not see how though, Im being left behind if i dont tune into SGU? its more a walking away with my Atlantis box sets, my hope for a movie and saving £40.00 a month on not having to pay SKY anymore.

    SGU’S premise just does not appeal. im not a sci fan in general (Atlantis being the only scifi ive watched consistantly) so i probably wouldnt have been swayed what ever form the promotion took. Those who are not interested in SGU but still want to watch any SGA clips or photos just have to flick through to them like i did i dont see it as a problem, im just greatfull for any Atlantis pics or vids that appear.

  31. Hey Joe,

    Aw! I’m glad Jelly’s doing well. I really and truly hope she doesn’t have crohn’s disease. I’ve known a couple people with it and it’s pretty terrible. I didn’t know dogs could have it, too.

    And I think with the Lorne pic that Mackenziesmomma’s head exploded somewhere out there in Washington. 😆

    I am loving all the pics! For some reason a Stargate out in the desert is a beautiful thing.

    My brother told me for the movie (as in the one with Kurt Russell) they had painted the Stargate pitch black. Once it was up in the desert everyone realized it looked like a giant tire. 🙄 So they had to change the paint color. I’m not sure if that’s true. It’s hilarious if it is, though.

    I’m off to Dragon*Con tomorrow! And I’ll probably be without a computer. 😯 Scary thought, I know.


    @Deni: I need to e-mail you! Your time out in Chicago sounded like a blast! 😀 Glad you had so much fun.

    @suziesbluefeather: I fixed my deoderant dilemma (say that three times fast). I’m biting the bullet and checking a bag. One checked bag is $15!!! And watch, they will probably *misplace* it. I’m sure they’ll be happy to give me my 15 dollars back.

    @Tim Gaffney: Uh heck yeah the Steelers will win again! :mrgreen: After all, they have to finish up the other hand.

    @crayonbaby: I’ve heard someone say before that at the end of the world we’ll be down to a cockroach, Cher and Favre saying he’s coming back for one more year. 😆

    @Alexandria: Congrats!

  32. Hi Joe!

    Thanks so much for the SGU and SGA pics. They make a nice early morning thunk. 🙂 I totally love the new Gate design!

    I’ve been keeping spoiler-free for SGU (still Uverse-less, so going to have to Unbox or iTunes it, when available), but have enjoyed the photos you’ve posted and the Eli Wallace SGU trailer on MGM’s SG site.

    I’m working on my question for David B. I follow him on Twitter; don’t know if that helps or hurts my question forming.

    Guess I’ll start with the question I asked Nathan Fillion.

    David: How the hell are ya?


  33. Coucou Joseph! ça va ?

    Moi super! Ma rentrée c’est bien passée! J’ai de bons horaires et je suis déja en week end (alala elle est belle la vie^^)

    Merci pour ces trés belle photo!
    Le Canada et l’Australie pourront voir les épisodes trés rapidement! Quel chance!!!

    Passez une bonne journée!

  34. First time poster, with a question I hope you might be able to answer. Is it known yet if SGU will also be available on Hulu, like the wonderful Warehouse 13, and if so, will it be closed captioned (again like W13, but not like the SG-1 eps, which makes me sad)?

    Thank you for an entertaining blog and all the wonderful pictures. I came for the SGA info and I stayed for everything else!

  35. Question for David Blue:

    As a Stargate fan yourself, what appeals to you about SGU? Do you think it’s continuing the franchise in a recognizable way or is it striking out in a totally different direction?

  36. Nice football picks! I think you have a shot with San Fran, but there is always the Crabtree issue, I don’t get those first rounder’s! I think Atlanta is an interested call, Matt Ryan is in his second year now and unless he gets a case of the “sophomore sucks” then I think they will play moderately well (not Super Bowl well but you get the idea).

    Paul has great picks! Favre is already damaging the locker room chemistry (actually I’m pretty sure that started when he signed since Childress EXPLICITLY stated to his team in a locker room meeting that Favre will not be signing with the team…). Favre will single handedly destroy the Vikings (regardless of Peterson). As far as the browns are concerned, well they brought in a lot of talent during the off season; I guess we will see if it works.

    I’m thinking the Browns are a good choice for the Dark Horse and I would go with them. As for the Reverse Dark Horse I am torn between Baltimore and Tampa Bay, but I think I would go with Tampa Bay. As for an 8-8 team who will take a nose dive, Denver.

    I knew I liked Jamil Walker Smith! E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles!

  37. I just wanted to say how excited I am by the imminent arrival of Universe. I’m loving the look, the cast look like they’re having a hell of a time, and it sounds – more importantly – that you writers have upped your game if the details we have are anything to go by. I for one cannot wait. I think Air is going to be awesome, perhaps more spectacular than either Children of the Gods or The Rising. I cannot wait to see how far you guys are going to push the envelope with this series. October cannot roll round soon enough.

  38. *rugby tackles Perragrin*

    Yo, lady!! Where ye been a-hidin’??!! Great to see you back around these parts. How’s the shoulder? Mine’s horrible…can’t raise my one arm above shoulder height. I have really bad shoulders (since childhood), and between lifting things I shouldn’t, doing overhead work, sleeping ‘wrong’, and other stuff, my shoulders are shot, especially my right one. I really need to get to a doctor, but I do not want to hear ‘rotator cuff surgery’. A couple weeks back I think it dislocated and popped back in – at least something popped in and out – and ever since it’s been a real bitch. Of course, being the masochist that I am, I haven’t taken any pain meds, or even used the sling I’m supposed to for times like this. And don’t feel sorry for me – I’m an idiot who should know better!!

    Anyway, sorry I haven’t dropped you an e-mail…right now I have 60+ unread e-mails…ugh. However, please feel free to drop me an e-mail if I don’t first – I DO read and respond to personal ones from folks I know, it’s just the stuff from on-line merchants and the like I don’t open on a regular basis.

    Take care, P!

    Have a good day, Joe!


  39. Hi Joe – regular reader of your blog, but my first time at posting any questions/ comments. Its great to see all of the pics that your posting – especially the SGA ones – Thanks!

    A few q’s:

    1. How far behind the Seeder ship is the Destiny? Are we talking a few decades/ centuries/ millenias?

    2. Are we to assume that the Seeder ship lands on each planet?

    3. We know it manufactures the gates, but does it also manufactur the ramps that lead up to the gate?

    4. Where does the Seeder ship get the resources from to manufacture all of these gates?

  40. *gets summarily flattened by a flying Das*

    Yorightbackatacha 😛

    Sorry to hear about the shoulder. Wanna come to Scarborough with me this weekend? We’ll sort that pain in nooooo time.

    Actually, things are pretty good right now, ta. I’m back on the board after two heavenly weeks in Barcelona (and before you ask, noooo.. I did not stuff your Frenchman into the trunk of my car :P). I’ve been painting alot – trying to get enough stuff together for a Gallery up in the Lake District; started taking Jenks out for an early morning run, cos the delightful Labby was getting waaay too big for his nice shiny coat; and been doing alot of family visits over the summer months, including a trip that involved cider, canoes and a near drowning in some backwater rapids..

    Aside from that.. it’s been relatively quiet 😛

    Did you catch the Tri Nations match last weekend? W00t! I’m not usually a Springbox fan, but those guys were on fire! We’ve got some internationals coming up here soon too, including England being whupped by just about everyone (could include Canada this time around 😛 ) and the obligatory Wales v All Blacks. I gotta see.. Getting some serious withdrawls!

    Howzat? You want me to email? >.>

    *points at outbox*.. I am SO gonna spam your butt for that 😛

  41. @ Perragrin – WOO! 😀 … :)… 😐 …

    Wait. What do you mean ‘spam my butt’?? 😛

    Yes! Been watching all the Tri-Nations matches! South Africa IS on fire this year…they’ve come so far since I started watching back in 2002ish. New Zealand, however… whew. What’s up with our All Blacks? Well…other than the fact that their best players have gone north, and most aren’t being called back for international play. Regardless, SA has really won my respect. Back only a few years ago they were VERY confrontational on the pitch, often instigating the handbag swinging, and even downright fights. Very unprofessional. But they’ve cleared a lot of that negative aggression out of their game, and are just playing playing really good rugby.

    Kinda proud of them, because I have noticed their maturity and growth. Hope they keep it up, because right now they do deserve where they are.

    Not sure which internationals I’ll get – but Magners League starts soon, and I will be getting that, and probably Heineken Cup, too.

    Ugh. I really better free up some DVR space, or I’ll be missing a lot.

    Sounds like you’ve had a great summer! Too bad about the Frenchman…I’;l forgive you, if you can somehow figure out a way to send Laurence Fox my way. 😉 Wish I could join you, but…alas…I’m stuck in Noo Joisey. 😛

    Take care! Thanks, Joe, for letting us use your dime to chat! 🙂


  42. I have a comment about something @Bailey posted:

    “Many of us have been feeling left behind/left out of this entire SGU experience. (Ex: not a single SGA character so far in SGU but quite a few SG1 folk).”

    I’d like to share a story that my pastor shared. He was talking about people saying that they don’t come to Mass because they don’t get anything out of it. He suggested to them, “What are you bringing to it?” That opened a dialogue for people to ask, “What do you mean, what do I bring to it?” etc. I think people who say they don’t get anything out of this or that are saying that because they haven’t put anything into the experience in order to get something out of it. I discovered Atlantis with the episode Sateda. I had it running in the background while I worked, but that was the first episode that made me stop working and it got my attention. You see, I hadn’t gotten anything out of it. I was watching it, but not watching it. I then decided I needed to put some effort into this and watch the rest of the episodes and I was hooked. Then I decided to re-watch SG-1 from the beginning and bought the 10-season supreme set. This is the first time I’ve been around for a premiere of a new Stargate franchise. I am investing in this, getting into the hype, got into Twitter because I heard David Blue was there, etc. I invested myself into it. The excitement shared by others makes me even more excited. To see Twitter notes left by the actors about how much they love this show helps fuel my excitement. It’s a snowball effect. It just grows.

    I have been where you are. I was extremely upset when SciFi Channel cancelled Farscape so they could purchase SG-1. I refused to watch. The show went on. The only person I hurt was myself because many years later I discovered, hey, SG-1 is a great show. But my mind was so cluttered with negativity, I was just not open to it. It was completely my loss.

    And just another thought: Has it run through anybody’s minds that MGM might be waiting to see what the response is to SGU before they make any decisions about SG-1 or SGA movies? Perhaps if SGU premieres and doesn’t do well in the ratings, the SG-1 and SGA movies will not ever be made, but if they see the fan support of their franchise through SGU with awesome ratings, perhaps they will find the money to make SG-1 and SGA. Just a thought that I haven’t seen anyone vocalize yet. If I was in charge, and it was that much money at stake, I certainly would wait and see what happened with SGU before making any decisions about SG-1 or SGA.

  43. Thanks for both the SGA and SGU pictures Joe! Seeing Lorne there made my day.

    And the use of the word football for different sports has gotten me confused again. I thought that football in Canada was what I call football i.e soccer, but apparently not. Aren’t there also something called Canadian football.

    On the whole SGA/SGU thing. I have to say that I agree with both @iamza and @StClare. But I will definitly watch SGU and am very excited about it as well! It has to be said that I would have been even more happy if I could be along for the ride and the start of a new SGA season (for the first time) as well. Twice the joy as some would say. And as a SGA fan it would be heaven if one of the characters could guest on SGU (if it would make any sense whatsoever).

    I myself started watching Stargate because of Atlantis and the only other sci-fi series I watch is Battlestar Galactica.

    If what I can read here on the comments and in the fanbase in general, many come from my background? I thought the reason (or one of them) for SGU was to find new viewers in the sci-fi world. But didn’t SGA accomplish that already?

    That said. I’m so looking forward to Oct. 2! Thanks for making the show. *fingers crossed for SGA and SG-1 movies to be made*

  44. @PBMom
    You have good points. But, as I note, I feel that it is a good thing to have a campaign to make the “old” viewers feel welcome.
    As someone who works in the healthcare field, it is beneficial to have an “Outreach” program for “Under-served” communites.

  45. Is it wrong of me to think that SGU is trying too hard to be completely different to what we all know and love about stargate???

  46. Hello Mr. M,
    Thanks fir the pics and for answering my questions. Oh and a few more MDD directors questions if you don’t mind. 😉

    1. Is Andy Mikita directing Lost?

    2. Is Alex Chapple directing Subversion?

    Thanks so much,
    Major D. Davis

  47. @PG15,

    Ah, the roaring twenties, a more energetic and positive time. Where leakage might be present. :p

  48. A question about Stargate Atlantis.
    In the first season, at the ninth episode, ‘Home’ if I’m not wrong.

    When Dr. Weir comes back home to Simon,
    Simon says that when Weir said she has to go somewhere and she won’t tell him where, he said his first guess was Israel. Why did he think that Weir would move to Israel?
    Because of her job in the U.N or Is Weir Jewish?

  49. @Trish: Well, you know where to find me! Have fun at Dragon con! If any of my hunks are there, you go right ahead and give them hugs for me, ok?

    @Joe: Happy to hear Ms Jelly is ok! We send her squishes 🙂

  50. @Trish: Nah, you know, we checked our bags and no problem whatsoever – much easier than lugging crap around. Of course, the puddle jumper we took out of Gainesville had a smaller compartment, so either you took a tiny carry-on (as in underwear and lipstick) or checked your bag, but I overpacked anyway, as usual!

  51. Me revoila Joseph!

    Avant d’aller au lit je voudrais vous posez quelques questions:

    1) Selon vous, quel principal qualitée doit posséder un bon acteurs?
    2) Au total combient de personnes travail sur le plateaux de stargate universe
    3) Connaissez vous un acteur de Sgu qui parle un peu français?

    Merci, bonne nuit!
    A demain!

    Votre plus grande fan qui pense trés fort à vous.

  52. I can certainly understand those saying that they won’t be watching SGU based on the trailers or the “dark/edgy” description or whatever. I understand because there have been TV shows, books, movies, video games that I have been interested in up upon seeing trailers or reading more come to find that it’s just not me.

    For me what makes me want to watch SGU are the people that are behind it. Stargate SG-1 was made by certain people; it became successful because of their effort, talents, and personalities. They continued this with SGA. Okay I mean look at episodes like The Shrine, Vegas, or perhaps back further to a mid SG1 ep called Scorched Earth. I will assume that they will apply a similar effort and talent to this latest project, and I will also assume that their personalities haven’t changed that much. Will this new series be bad compared to SG1 and SGA, likely no. Will it be different? Yes it seems that will be somewhat the case, but different doesn’t necessarily mean bad. Though as I said I understand the why someone may not watch the series I can’t help wonder why one wouldn’t at least give the first episode a try based upon the track record of the team putting it together. If as it turns out that the series isn’t good I can at least say that I’ve tried it.

    Though I seriously doubt it… I think SGU will be great. Though I hope SYFY really starts promoting it more.

  53. That last sentence may be unclear.

    I DO think SGU will be great, and I’m eagerly awaiting Oct 2.

  54. Trish (aka whovian): Please come back and tell us all about Dragon*con! Have a good/safe trip.


  55. Joe I don’t know if your able to answer this or not but here it goes. In the Stargate scheme of things how old is Destiny since SG1 theorized when they found the ancient in anartica and also was there ever a stargate like SGU ever on earth?

  56. And I’m a fan since the orginal movie was made and seen everything Stargate and I’m looking forward to SGU- long live everthing Stargate!

  57. You’re welcome Joe. Thanks for the present of the Lorne whump – super appreciated.

    49ers eh? Cool, that’s my team. Been happy with the pre-season so far. Looking forward to a great year. I’m joining a fantasy football league this year. Yikes! I’m soooo unprepared. I’ll yell if I need some help.

    Cheers, Chev

  58. Speaking of Kavan…..I watched the first couple of eps of Jetstream. He’s such a great narrator…and when he dropped the f-word (even though it was bleeped)…well that was priceless.

    Fascinating show anyway.

    Cheers, Chev

  59. I was looking at some pictures from SGU two of which included Jack O’Neill so my question is when did he get promoted from Major General to Lieutenant General?

  60. Thanks heaps for the Atlantis piccies. Love seeing them.

    I can’t say that i’m very interested in SGU, and i won’t be watching it when it first comes out. (Trailers haven’t hooked me and the characters don’t appeal.)

    But then again i didn’t watch Atlantis for the first season because I thought it would be like SG1 and when I first watched that I hated it. Luckily I was given the first season of SGA to watch when I was in hospital for an extended period of time because it rapidly became my favorite show ever and then i went back to watch SG1 and found I enjoyed it also despite not liking it the first time I saw it.

    Maybe I’ll watch the episodes that have some of the SG1 guys guesting…not sure yet, I’ll wait and see if my sister and brother-in-law by the seasons. Saving $99 a month since SGA finished by not having pay TV has been good though. lol (Though I’d sign another contract tomorrow if SGA was granted a 6th season-not gonna happen I know)

    Anyways, hope the SGU viewers enjoy their show, meanwhile I’ll buy the novels of my fav show and keep on going back to watch my boxed sets.

  61. Perragrin – Yay to being back on the board!
    I’ve asked Huey for good surf when Joe F and Jason M visit in October. Only fair thing to do for a couple of fellow surfers.

  62. Joe,

    How’s things on your end? Sorry I haven’t been in here in a while, been a tad bit busy. Thanks for the SGA pics as well as the SGU pics too. I so can’t wait for SGU to air, and being from Newfoundland, not used to getting shows the same time as the US, or anywhere else for that matter. We are always the last to get it or not at all. I’ll be sitting on the sofa with some junk food watching SGU, you can be sure of that.

    PS: the pic of Joe in the cockpit of the dart ship holding the baby, which is the sweetest thing, but who’s baby was it??

    I’ll try and keep more up to date with your blogs.

  63. Trish

    Enjoyed your description of Allie. Her apparent fearlessness re. horror movies sort of reminds me of kids who push the envelope in sports/games from an early age. It’s great that you and her dad can just roll with it, and enjoy her unique qualities.

    Have a great time at con!

  64. This isn’t about anything recent, but I can’t see any other way to get a message to you. It’s about how all the writers deal with dogtags.

    I’m watching Coup D’Etat on SyFy (HATE THAT NAME) and it reminded me of something that bugs me on Stargate. It is my understanding that one removes the dog tags, slams one between the teeth to mark the body and takes one back to be able to track the dead. It seems that whenever dogtags are shown on Stargate, it’s both of them. Now maybe I just read too many fan fictions and it’s not really as many times on the show as I think, but it would be wonderful if the tags were dealt with properly in future. Also, I’m old…maybe things have changed, eh?

    Since there is still military in SGU, this seems still germaine, so I thought I’d finally write [even though you all have finished most of the first year already 😉 ]

    Oh, yes, I AM a bit OCD, so take that into account in case it has never bothered anyone else.

  65. Joe,
    I have to agree with “iamza” and “StClare,” it wasn’t the cancelling of SGA that hurt as much as the comments made. There seem to be so many contradictory comments made by the show runners, studio and network that I don’t know what to believe about why Atlantis was cancelled or who’s decision it was to cancel it. All I know is that my favorite show got cancelled, the promised movie looks like it’ll never happen, and all I hear is how SGU will “get it right” and that if I don’t watch I’m not a “true” fan. I saw the original movie in the movie theatres and have never missed an episode. I planned on giving Universe a try from the beginning, but with all I hear and the look of the trailers, I may not bother.

    Also, the Atlantis pics don’t build up anticipation for SGU, they just piss me off even more that they’ll be no more eps to see.

    A Football Comment:
    One good thing about picking the Eagles to crash, maybe we’ll finally get rid of Andy Reid and Joe Banner. (and Michael Vick can go with them)

  66. Here is the email response that I finally received from SPACE network (I sent my email a couple of months ago). Note I also asked them about Sanctuary as well. So along with SGU and Steve Bacic’s show “The Guard” returning to Global finally Friday’s at 8pm. I will have 3 hours of awesome viewing that night (Sanctuary will air at 6pm PT, SGU at 7pm and The Guard at 8pm PT)!!!

    Hi Ann-Marie,

    Stargate Universe’s two-hour premiere will air Friday, October 2 at 9pm ET. Its timeslot will be Fridays at 10pm ET the following week and onwards. Sanctuary is premiering October 9 at 9pm ET.

    Thank you for your interest in SPACE!

  67. Been quite awhile since last I posted. I’ve changed jobs, moved from Oklahoma toTexas, become a homeowner, and been so busy with life that I’ve fallen wayyyy behind on my blog reading! But I’m back now…know you missed me. With Lou Diamond Phillips in SGU, I’ll be tuning in for a look see. Might be the name, I’m not sure. Keeping my fingers crossed for a SGA movie in the near future.

  68. I think the marketing crew for SGU has not had/will not have an easy time of it.

    On the one hand, there’s the Syfy message that SGU is a new show, different to what’s gone before, something designed to appeal to a broader/younger/different target audience. The first few trailers on Syfy made it seem like the show was designed for/targeted towards the BSG fans, with the doom and gloom atmosphere, the promise of gritty space opera, the greater sense of reality to the show that David Blue mentioned in his recent SciFiWire interview.

    On the other, there’s the later MGM-driven trailers from Comic Con, that seem designed to emphasize that SGU is not really all that different from the previous incarnations of Stargate — that there are touches of humor, and familiar faces, and moments of wonder and hope and action adventure, and that it is not all going to be dark and gloomy and full of despair, come back, ex-Stargate fans, all is forgiven!

    It’s almost like the marketing campaign started out with one message, and then got a re-design/face-lift half way through — presumably because someone told the marketing department at Syfy (or the execs at Syfy realized that SGU is not the next BSG after watching/reading/whatever the first few episodes), or because MGM decided too much press was being devoted to the BSG-lite comparisons, or both.

    Unfortunately, in some respects, I think the shift in focus from Syfy’s ‘all new and edgy, designed for a hipper younger audience’ to MGM’s ‘same old, but darker and sexier, will appeal to everybody incl. old fans’ makes it seem like nobody in the marketing departments of MGM and Syfy are working at odds with one another, and targeting the show at completely different audiences.

  69. Or even: –presumably because someone told the marketing department at Syfy (or the execs at Syfy realized) that SGU is not the next BSG after watching/reading/whatever the first few episodes, or because MGM decided too much press was being devoted to the BSG-lite comparisons, or both.

    Drat, mad copyediting skillz are on the fritz today. sorry.

  70. Mr. M, that picture of Jelly on twitter is great! Love the bars on your windows too 🙂 .


  71. I’m a little behind, since I started back working (teaching). But you mentioned “Scorched Earth” was your spec script that got Paul and you the job. How did it change from a spec script to the version shot? It’s actually one of my fav’s. It introduced me to Brian Markinson and Aessandro Juiliani, whom I’ve caught in many other things. AJ was especially heartbreaking in the last season of Battlestar. Lso Daniel doing what Daniel does best trying to understand and work out a non-military solution. I love the Daniel character. His and Jack’s relationship is my fav (but I don’t ship it), the beats between them just seemed so natural.

  72. Oh and I am anticipating Universe. I’ve been a fan of Stargate since season 2 of SG-1. Then went w/out it for a few years when we got rid of SHowtime. Then caught it again on a cable chaneel. Was in heaven when SciFi picked it up. Really enjoyed Atlantis, but it’s gone. I’m sure Universe will be just as enjoyable.

    I love Ming-Na, btw and can’t wait to see her interpretation of her character. Her episode of SVU is one of my favorites.

    I can’t tell, who the heck is being shot out of the gate at high speed in the promos, and boy that must have hurt!!

  73. @Bailey: I couldn’t agree with you more.

    I very much hope that all of this will wind up being what happened with the BSG fans. I don’t know if you know the story, but when the remake of BSG was announced, the BSG fans rebelled. They weren’t going to watch it, etc., etc. During the press junket before the miniseries aired, EOJ was asked by reporters what they were thinking with all the fans being so negative about it. He said simply, “Don’t watch” or something to that effect. Of course, that made the fans talk about it even more. First night the miniseries ran, the ratings were fair. The second night the miniseries ran, their numbers were higher than the first night which is something very unusual. They obviously had a lot of converts. Of course, there were always hold-outs who either will never watch it or just hated it. I’m hoping that once it airs, perhaps the Stargate fans who haven’t seen anything they like in the traiers will tune in and find something they like about it and maybe ignite that spark in them again.

  74. no extras allowed to the screening…that cut me deep down inside my soul. 🙁

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