Lulu longs for the great outdoors.
Lulu longs for the great outdoors.
Jelly sleeps off doggy daycare.
Jelly sleeps off doggy daycare.
Lulu ready to play
Lulu ready to play
Bubba and Lulu
Bubba and Lulu
Jelly and Lulu
Jelly and Lulu
Jelly and Lulu
Jelly and Lulu
Jelly awaits dinner
Jelly awaits dinner
Bubbba in Great Expectations
Bubbba in Great Expectations
Jelly was Lawren's favorite because all she did was laze around all day.
Jelly was Lawren's favorite because all she did was laze around all day.
Jelly doing what she does best.
Jelly doing what she does best.
Lulu claims her toy
Lulu claims her toy
Bubba sizes you up.
Bubba sizes you up.
Bubba gets serious with his stuffed bone.
Bubba gets serious with his stuffed bone.

Lulu goes to town on the carpet

Lulu goes to town on the carpet




In spite of the fact that the production office is my “place of work”, I’ve been accomplishing very little in the way of actual script work there of late. I’ve been spinning my wheels on a complicated sequence that has been made all the more complicated by the fact that I’m dealing with all new characters with all new agendas aboard on all new ship. And while the obstacles presented are by no means insurmountable, they have proven exceptionally challenging given that whenever I get a bit of a run going, I get distracted and have to start over. MGM needs this behind the scenes feature approved. Back to square one. Did you read Alan’s script yet? Back to square one. What’ll you have for lunch? Back to square one. I finally did manage to tackle the sequence last night and, between 8:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m., actually succeeded in slotting all the pieces of the puzzle together. I was relieved – until this afternoon when I learned that some assumptions I had made based on previous conversations no longer applied. Back to square one. I’ve decided to shelf work on the script until we can all agree on a plan of attack.

Allowing me to shift gears to that super secret project – actually, a short story I’m working on for an upcoming anthology. This one offers a host of very different problems but, at least, at the end of the day, they’re problems I can solve alone while I’m lying in bed wide awake between 2:00 and 4:30 a.m.

Oh, to those of you weighing in with concerns about character ranks and seeming errors in logic – they’re not mistakes. Yet! The character of Tamara is not an inexperienced medic with the rank of Captain. She’s a sergeant. And instead of a medic, we’re considering making her a reiki master instead. Similarly, the character of Brody, the engineer, has been replaced by a super intelligent meerkat, also named Brody. The other characters remain as they are with the following exceptions:

Stasiak is now Greer.

Greerson is now Johnson.

Tamara Jon is now Tamara Young.

Colonel Young is now Colonel Nash.

Lt. Nash is now Lt. Scott.

Longtime Stargate Script Coordinator Scott Timmons has been replaced with Production Assistant Destiny Geldereen.

The name of the ship has been changed from Destiny to McDonald.

Everyone associated with the production named McDonald has been fired.

And that, hopefully, should clear up any confusion.

Finally, since many of you asked nicely, here’s a super pictorial compliments of Lawren who spent twelve glorious days with the dogs while Fondy and I were away in Montreal. Now, merely uttering the name Lulu in his presence is enough to trigger an intense panic attack. Poor guy.