
My earliest memory of Don S. Davis is of a charming, bigger-than-life individual who greeted me with a hardy handshake and a boisterous “Hellooo, Jooooe! Welcome to Stargate!” on one of my very first days on set. This was back in season four, sometime between our second script (Window of Opportunity) and our third (Point of No Return). In those early years, Paul and I spent most of our days in our respective offices, writing, spinning or, in one inspired afternoon, creating the lyrics to the Stargate SG-1 theme. We were busy and, most important of all, we wanted to look busy. The last thing we needed was to be seen hanging around set, gawking at the actors when there were scripts to be written, brilliant ideas to be spun. But several weeks in, it became apparent to me that sitting alone in my office (or, occasionally, Paul’s office for a little variety) would inevitably drive me nuts – and the loss of my sanity would no doubt be reflected in the quality of my work. So I decided to start taking little walks. Pitch document or outline in hand, I would pace – up and down the corridors, in and around the building, and through the empty sets.

Except for one afternoon when I inadvertently strolled onto an active set where they were setting up for the next shot. Realizing my error, I immediately turned on my heels, prepared to march right back out when Brad Wright spotted me and called me over. “Joe,”he said, “I’d like you to meet Don Davis. Don, Joe is one of our new writers.” Don, who’d been standing by, waiting for that next shot, threw me his trademark ear to ear grin, gave me a firm handshake and bellowed “Hellooo, Jooooe! Welcome to Stargate!”

“Hellooo, Jooooe!” It was a greeting I’d come to associate with the man, a good-natured, self-deprecating southern gent who always had a story to tell but, more than anything, always wanted to hear how YOU were doing. “Hellooo, Jooooe! How’s that script coming along?”. “Hellooo Jooooe! How’s your beautiful wife?” “Hellooo, Jooooe! How was your weekend?” Meeting actors for the first time can be a little daunting, especially for a newbie writer on his first big show, but Don’s down-home warmth and cordiality put me instantly at ease. And it was no different when he met the fans. I’ve seen convention-goers approach him with trepidation, perhaps fearful of overstepping their bounds and imposing upon him. But Don was never the type to be stand-offish or put himself on display. When you met Don, you weren’t meeting a t.v. star – you were meeting a regular guy. A regular, modest, kind-hearted guy who genuinely cared for his fans and the people he worked with. And, inevitably, those convention-goers who had, moments before, cautiously approached the man they knew as General Hammond would, moments later, be sitting, chatting and laughing, in conversation with good old Don.

Don loved his fans. He loved life. And he loved food. So I suppose it should come as no surprise that we enjoyed many a dinner together. At first, it would be just Don and I but in time, as Fondy got to know the man, she started to join us. Fondy has always been quick to bow out of any work-related outing, but Don worked his magic on her, putting her instantly at ease so that, in time, she would eventually ask after him. “What’s Don doing? We should go out with Don again.” Eventually, Don found Ruby and our dinners for three became dinners for four.

If there’s one thing I’ll always remember about the man, it was his willingness to put others before him. Back when Rick was reducing his workload to spend more time with his young daughter, and the writing department was scrambling to come up with in-story reasons for O’Neill’s off-world absences, Don came up to the offices and offered a solution. “Have Hammond step aside and let O’Neill be General,”he suggested. I was floored. Here was a guy, perfectly willing to walk away from a plum role as a regular on a hit series, just to (in his mind) make it easier on everyone else. Of course we thanked him for his kind offer, but we weren’t willing to let George Hammond go just yet.

Ultimately, the decision was made for us when health issues curtailed Don’s involvement in the show. But even so, he continued to maintain a presence in the Stargate universe, popping up in occasional episodes and then in his final appearance in Stargate: Continuum. And every time he was on set, he would always make it a point to drop by the office to say hello.

As the years wore on, I saw less and less of Don as he focused his attention on Ruby and his second love, art. Still, I’d run into him now and then and whenever I’d inquire about him, he was always upbeat. There was never a trace of bitterness or remorse that he was no longer a regular presence on the show. “I have no regrets,”he’d told me on more than one occasion. And, always: “I’m the luckiest man in the world.” It was a wild, fun-filled ride and, finally, it was time for the southern gent to settle back and enjoy his retirement.

The last time I spoke to Don was about five months ago when he called me up out of the blue after being tipped off that I’d mentioned him in a previous blog entry. In answering a fan who wanted to know why I didn’t keep in touch with Richard Dean Anderson, I responded: “We don’t talk a lot for the simple reason that he no longer works on the show. I don’t really talk to Don Davis that much and I love the guy. It’s nothing personal.” Less than twenty-four hours later, I got the call. As I wrote in my January 15th entry: “I answered my cell phone today to a low, southern drawled: “Ah luuv yoou tooo.“ What the hell? It took me a couple of seconds to realize who it was – none other than Don S. Davis, General Hammond himself. He‘d been tipped off (by blog regular Gilder) to what I’d said about him in my previous blog entry and wanted to touch base. “It’s always great hearing from my fellow gourmand,”I’d written. “Apparently, 2007 was a busy year for him (which is great to hear), and he’s now enjoying some much-needed downtime. Hopefully, once things settle down for both Fondy and I, we’ll be able to get together with him and Ruby for another culinary excursion.” It’s bitterly disappointing to know that day will never come.

In my many years at Stargate, I’ve worked with actors whose company I have greatly enjoyed, but only a few would I actually be bold enough to call my friends. And among those few was the magnanimous southern gent who used to greet me with that familiar “Hellooo, Joooe!”, the always affable Don S. Davis.

He’ll be missed.

235 thoughts on “July 1, 2008: In Memory of Don S. Davis

  1. Thank you so much Joe. This is a great tribute to the man, he’ll truly be missed.

  2. I met Don once, and it’s true, he wanted to know about you… when he learned that I was from Venezuela he started talking about the country, about our president and before I knew it I was sitting down with him, having a conversation talking to Don, who was speaking with General Hammond’s voice, it was strange, but it was very nice…. his voice mesmerized me, I would have loved to hear his voice one more time.

  3. Thank you, Joe. A beautiful tribute. Again, my condolences on the loss of your friend and co-worker.

    Wishing you the best, Morjana

  4. Having been gone all weekend I opened my Laptop this morning to find the sad news of Don’s passing awaiting me a rookie fan, it touched even me deeply. I may not be as well acquainted with his work(s) but I was truly saddened by his passing.

  5. Don will be missed, maybe you should include an in memory of…. in the credits of an atlantis epidode, or in the next movie, have sg-1 attend hammonds funneral in the beginning, something special for him..

  6. Reading a eulogy at a funeral is one of the most overwhelming tasks you can ever take on. Not because of the public speaking aspect, but because you are responsible for trying to summarise that person’s amazing life into such a short time. How can your words do justice to what that person brought to not just your life, but to all who met them?

    Your entry today reminded me of that.

    Smile when you think of him, hope that a stranger sees that smile and smiles back. It continues their legacy of happiness.

  7. thanks for sharing your memories of this fine man. I never had the pleasure of meeting him or even seeing him at a convention, but I’ve never heard anything but high praise from those who had. I’m still a bit suprised at how much his passing has gotten to me. I think part of the reason is the whole feel of “family” that the stargate franchise conveys, and the fact that we fans get to be a part of that family, however small that part is. I’ll hold off my questions for Ms. Kage until tomorrow, and will mourn the passing of another bright light in this ever darkening world.

  8. I want to express my sympathy to you guys at Stargate for the loss of your friend. I lost an uncle to a heart attack and know how hard it can be. It is very sad that so many people will not get the chance to meet such a good person. I was really looking forward to adding him to my autographs at Dragon*Con this year. I am sad and shocked that this can no longer happen.


  9. A wonderful blog entry Joe. A real testament to friendship!

    Don, you are sorely missed! God Speed!

    Oxford, England

  10. Joe,

    This was a fitting tribute to a great man. Thank you for giving yet another joyous note in remembrance of him.

    The enormity of our loss has yet to sink in, I fear. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, and yet I grieve. I can not even fathom the loss that those who knew him are feeling.


  11. *tears* well put joe. RIP Hammond of Texas *Hand guester over head* RIP Don.


  12. Joe I offer you and his many friends and family the best. Lovely post, thanks for sharing.

  13. Thank you Joe, that was a really beautiful tribute. My condolences to you in the loss of your friend and co-worker.

    I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Davis, but I have always enjoyed his work.

  14. Thank you for such a great tribute to a great man. I never had the oppertunity to see/meet him in person at a convention but he sounds like he was one great kind person. the world needs more people like him…

  15. lovely memories you shared with us, joe, about don. =)

    a few years ago, i met don and amanda at a comic con convention. when i went up to get my autograph, i ended up ignoring don because i was meeting my idol amanda. poor don! 😛 but my mom was with me and ended up talking to him while i totally focused on amanda. lol!

    later on, i was able to come up to don and actually talk to the man. i even gave him a kiss on the cheek and got a hug! 😀 he was *very* sweet and didn’t even comment on my earlier oops. 😛

    don seemed like a sincere and real person. i wish i could have known him.


    sally =)

  16. this was a lovely post in truibute of Don S. Davis. Please send my Condolences to his family.

  17. Thank you Joe for sharing your memories of Don with us… I was moved greatly upon hearing of his passing.

    God Bless Don and family!


  18. A beautiful post and wonderful tribute Joe. Thanks for sharing your memories. It’s fortunate that I’m reading this at home and not in public, also not tomorrow as I’m having a small op on my eye (don’t want the tears flowing then).


  19. Thanks for the great tribute to Don for us Joe. He sounded like a great guy and I’m sad that I’ll never get the chance to meet him. I’m watching the rerun of Chimera on the SciFi channel right now.

    The first thing I thought of this morning when I read of his passing was Master Bra’tac’s reaction to seeing Weir in the gate room in the episode The Lost City and askes, “Has General Hammond fallen in battle?” The look on Tony Amendola’s face I think is on every fan’s face right now. The sadness of knowing that General Hammond has passed with Don.

    He will be missed.

  20. That was wonderful thanks. I hope you guys can put a dedication to Don on either the Continuum movie or SGA s5.

  21. Your entry made me want to celebrate his life not mourn his passing. I was so shocked to read of his death this morning. Thank you for sharing your fond memories of Don. He will be greatly missed but remembered fondly.

  22. That was a truly extraordinary tribute to an extraordinary man.

    Thank you Joe for sharing that with us.

    Indeed, he will be missed.

  23. thank you for posting this. He was such a great actor and from what I’ve heard and even better man. He is already missed.

  24. Thanks Joe for sharing your memories of Mr. Davis. As fans, he touched so many of us, but I know that knowing him personally makes losing him all the harder.

    My thoughts and prayers are with his family, you, and all of you great people who have lost such a dear friend.

    God Speed Sir! You will not be forgotten.


  25. Very touching. He will be greatly missed.
    Love, prayers, and condolences to friends, family and all that knew him.
    Rest in peace Don.

  26. That was a really nice post, Joe. My condolences also. I’ve enjoyed Don’s performances for many years, from Twin Peaks, to The X-Files, to SGA and many more inbetween. Any time I’ve seen him pop up on the screen I’ve been happy to see his face. I even remember his John West commercials from the late 80s/early 90s! It’s a great shame, he was a wonderful actor and by all accounts a great man. It’s a real loss.

  27. What a great tribute to a fine man. The few times that I got to talk to Don, he always was friendly, affable, sincere in what he said, and put us at ease. And at Comic Con, he didn’t mind coming into the Professionals lounge where the ‘common folk’ industry professionals gathered, rather than go back to the suites the studios and networks maintain. And he didn’t mind joining in a conversation just like he was part of the ‘common folk’. Every time I see him appear in anything, playing bad guy or good, he instantly brought a smile to my face. I will miss him, too. My condolences to his widow and his family.

    — Crystal Ann Taylor

  28. Nice, Joe. It’s the ‘regular guy’ that people are going to miss, and that same person people are going to regret not being able to meet.
    If someone can have such a wonderful presence in so many peoples’ lives, he has left behind quite a legacy.
    Condolences on the loss of such a wonderful person.

  29. Great tribute to a great actor Joe.

    My heart go out to his family, friends, co-workers and fans of him.

    RIP Hammond of Texas

  30. I found out when an online SG1 friend IM’ed yesterday. I’ve stepped back from fandom and haven’t even gotten back into my routine of chatting with my SJHW friends.

    What a wonderful tribute to Don. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  31. Great blog Joe, a fitting tribute indeed!

    Just about everything has been said already but I have to add that I never once heard ANYONE say anything negative about Don S David. I never heard stories about him being smug, cocky, arrogant or appearing bored and uninterested around fans. I heard nothing but good things and personally, I was one of those fans who was scared to approach him but within seconds felt comfortable.

    He had a natural friendliness about him. He genuinely cared about others and always took an interest. We haven’t just lost a great actor; we’ve lost a great human being.

    He will be greatly missed, but his memory will live on. He’s left his mark in television history and for all who knew him, he will not be easily forgotten!

    God speed!

  32. Will you be dedicating any season 5 episodes ‘in the memory Don S. Davis’?

  33. Don was a great man. I was able to dine with him over a year ago. A fine man indeed.

  34. Thank you for a beautiful, moving tribute to a fine actor and, by all accounts, a wonderful human being. It feels like we’ve lost a member of our family. We’ll miss you, Hammond of Texas. 🙁

  35. What a beautiful tribute, Joe. Brought tears to my eyes. He will be greatly missed.

  36. Beautifully said, Joe. I never had the privilege of meeting Mr. Davis, but I find myself grieving none the less and I thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us. From what you have told us about him and what I have heard from others who met him, I think he would like Narelle’s idea.

    Again, my condolences to you on the loss of your friend.

  37. My condolences to you, Fondy and the rest of the Stargate staff. I never got to meet Don myself, but I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about him from other fans. I’m glad we will get to see him one more time in Continuum

  38. Joe you always know what to say and how to say it, thanks, Don will be missed. Godspeed Don. Condolences to his family, friiend and fans. 😐

  39. sorry, typo, Condolences to his family, friends and fans and his puppies too.

  40. Long ago Leonard Nimoy wrote a book and in it he said “anyone who does not know today that I love them may never know.” I have tried very hard to live my life so that everyone I love knows it. I am glad you got to tell him, even if 3rd handed/blogged, that you love him. But I wonder if the loss makes you want to make more effort to stay in touch even if you aren’t WORKING with someone?

  41. Thank you for sharing your memories of Don. I always loved the characters he played in the x-files and stargate but from what I’ve read everywhere he was a truly genuine and nice person.

  42. I saw Don S Davis once.. he was getting a mocha frappucino from Starbucks and I was just off to the side sitting down with my own drink. I was going to go up to him but I thought he wouldn’t want to be bothered by fans when he’s trying to go about his day. So instead I just sat there and listened to the conversation he had with the barista fixing his drink. Now I’m kicking myself for missing my only chance to have met him.

  43. Joe,
    I would have had the opportunity to meet Don for the first time in August in Chicago, but it was not meant to be. By coming into our homes via the entertainment medium, I feel as though I’ve lost a friend. Your heartfelt words are a comfort to all of us mourning his loss.

    American Journalist Chuck Palahniuk wrote: “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”

    Whether through acting, sculpting, or writing, both you and Don have done just that. We are all richer for the experience. With deepest sympathy on the loss of your friend and colleague.

  44. I think that it would be great if somewhere in season 5 there could be a memorial service for general hammond. I too was deeply saddened when I learned of his passing.

  45. Joe,

    I’m a regular reader of your blog. When I saw the report on gateworld I headed over here – thanks for such a warm and tangible memory of Don. His fans (and most importantly, his friends and family) will miss him.

  46. Thank you, Joe, for sharing your memories of Don Davis. I’ve never met him, nor have I had the privilege of hearing him speak at any conventions. I have, however, enjoyed his dry, understated acting for years.

    As Captain Scully on the X-Files, he was wonderful as the taciturn, strict father of one of my television heroes, Dana Scully. As “Hammond of Texas” he was in turn commanding, caring, charismatic and always concerned for the well-being of those under his fictional command.

    Don made me believe that General Hammond was a real, wise soul, someone with whom I could serve with honor and pride. If there were a real SGC, I would want to work there for him.

    I have been quite surprised at the depth of loss I’m feeling over the passing of this man, this actor, whom I have never met, but whose work I so admired. I feel as if a beloved uncle has left me, or a longtime family friend. For eight years Don spent his Friday nights in our living room, leading us through disaster after disaster, his calm voice and steady presence always something we could count on…come home to.

    So, I mourn the passing of a great character, but more importantly, a wonderful man. From all that I have read and heard, Don was a warm, vital presence in the lives of those lucky enough to know him. My prayers are with his family; his actual family and his television family, all of whom are undoubtedly greatly grieving this tremendous of loss.

    As for the rest of us, we’ll have to be content to mourn with our online families a man whom we only know through the illusory closeness of the television screen.

    Requiescat in pace, Don.

  47. Thank you Joe for sharing some lovely memories of your friend. I was shocked and saddened this morning with the news of Don’s passing. Snippets of General Hammond moments flitted through my mind and tugged at my heart – for me, General Hammond is like “the beloved Carson Beckett” of SG-1. He was a great character brought wonderfully to life by Don. My condolences to his family and the Stargate family, we will miss him.

    I’m looking forward to Continuum even more now.

  48. Hi Joe,
    As a fan of the Stargate franchise from the beginning, I have to say that General Hammond was always one of my favorite characters. When I saw Don Davis in Miracle, I can only say that I loved the fact that I got to see the man behind the character of General Hammond in other things. I was only 15 when SG-1 started, so my parents were the ones who told me that Don Davis had actually done other things besides Stargate. I only wish that he was still going to be around to do more, as I think he was a great actor, and from what you have said about him, a great man. The Stargate franchise and the world have lost a wonderful person and thank you for the wonderful tribute, it could not have been said better.

  49. Thank you Joseph M. your mention of Don Davis made me feel both sadness and delight. Sadness at the life that has left us, and delight at the life that was lived.
    Thank you, thank you.


  50. My condolences on your loss.
    Set a place for him next time, he’ll be there.

  51. Joe,

    All I can say is, amazing tribute to an amazing actor. He will surely be missed by many. 🙁

    I’m glad you got to know Don off the set and had many great moments with him. That was, truely, a touching tribute.

    Thanks as always,

    – Enzo Aquarius

  52. A beautiful post Joe. I smiled and cried at the same time.

    I had the honor of meeting Don at a few conventions, and chatted with Ruby at one as well. He was always so warm and genuine and told the best stories, and Ruby was such a sweet, charming lady.

    I was stunned and saddened when I read the news. My heart goes out to those of you who knew him well. I know all of us fans are feeling the loss, but it does not compare to what you, his friends and family, must be feeling.

  53. Great actor… Great artist, and from what I have read here and on other blogs from fans, a great man. I was very sad to hear that he passed away, when my brother sent me a IM about the news. I was really hoping you (Joe) would write a entry of your memory of him, and I’m glad you did. Thank you.

    Rest well Don S. Davis.


  54. Dear Joe,

    Thank you for your beautiful words of tribute for your friend. It seems everything I thought of writing in comment has already been said. Condolences to his family and friends. Saddened by the loss of a wonderful actor and man. Grateful for the opportunity to have met him briefly at the 2007 Vancouver convention.

    Over the last couple of days, I have found it very interesting to observe how his death has touched so many of us in a profound way. In a way, not only is that a tribute to Don S. Davis, but also to what you all have worked so hard to create in all of the Stargate franchise. As Thornyrose mentioned, that feeling of “family” has been extended to all of us fans in the way we have been welcomed to the sets, in the way the actors and others have participated in conventions, in the way folks like you let us have a peek into your daily lives through your blogs, and in the quality programs you have generated.

    I’m not entirely sure where I’m headed with this comment, but I just wanted to say: Thank you. Your efforts are appreciated; you’ve brightened many of our lives through the entertainment you’ve provided. Thanks for including us in the Stargate extended family.

    Jennie 🙂

  55. Thank you, Joe, for giving us a little more insite into Don. He was such a great man, and I held such respect for him. He made me laugh, he made me cry…he was phenomenal. And yet, through it all…he was so unassuming. A true gentleman, through and through. I will never forget meeting the man, and while I cried my heart out…again…reading everything you’ve written here, I wouldn’t have missed reading it for the world. *hugs to you and Fondy*

  56. I share your sorrow, Sharon Sigl. I too, was looking forward to having met him for the first time at the convention in Chicago this August. His presence will be missed, but I’m sure he’s in a much better place.

    Thank you Joe for the wonderful words, and the candid photo. He seemed a great and friendly man, devoted to all his endeavors, both in work and out.

  57. Hi Joe,

    Thank-you for that beautiful tribute. Also, thanks for the link that appeared on your blog to his wonderful artwork on .

    He was a talented and well-loved man.

    Peace to his family and friends.


  58. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.

    I believe the best tribute Don could have are all the wonderful stories being shared about him. And through them, even now he makes me smile.

  59. I can only add my thanks for such a heart-felt tribute to a great man, and my condolences for the loss of a friend. He will be missed.

  60. Been reading the blog for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve posted.

    Just had to say that was a nice tribute to a great actor and more importantly a great man.

  61. Great tribute Joe. I was one of those lucky enough to meet Don in NZ back in 2002, and while I was very new to this whole sci fi convention thing, Don really left an impression. Such an interesting, interested, and warm guy. Very very funny too.

    My condolences to his family, friends and other fans.

    RIP ~ Don S Davis.

    Beth ~ CarterMackenzie in NZ

  62. There’s a line in the second episode of Sg-1 where O’Neil and Kawalsky are debating trading planetary assignments and Hammond interrupts their banter with “How ’bout ya go where I tell you!?”

    Well for some reason my family and I loved that line…and we’ve said it to each other many many many times….in our best possible….Hammond voice.

    A year ago, we had the pleasure of seeing Don in person her in Wellington NZ and we all wondered if there was any chance he’d say that line for us in person…but we worried….is that stupid? would he remember the line? would he be annoyed that we asked?

    Don not only remembered the line but he remembered the characters involved and the situation in the story. He laughed and grinned saying it loud and clear! HOW ‘BOUT YA GO WHERE I TELL YA!?

    What a moment! I’ve been to many conventions but rarely have I seen SUCH a genuine person speak to a crowd of folks with such ease and SO genuinely. He really made you feel like he was sharing himself with everyone.

    Don was an absolute jewel in my entire family’s Stargate experience and we will all miss him tremendously!!!

  63. Thank you, Joe, for that beautiful and moving tribute to a man we all loved. Thank you for sharing your memories with us. My Condolences to you and Fondy as well as everyone else who knew him, for the loss of your friend and a truely wonderful person.

  64. Wow I had no idea untill I read the post, very well said Joe I don’t know if anyone could have done better.

    I have to ask…could you post the lyrics to the theme song, I am very curious now.


  65. Thanks Joe is a very beautiful tribute
    He really will be greatly missed T-T

  66. *tries to hide behind 24-inch monitor so boss won’t see my tears*

    Dear Joe

    That was a lovely tribute to Don Davis. Thanks for sharing such wonderful memories of him. I never had the honor to meet Mr Davis, but reading/hearing about other fans’ experiences with him and how they all spoke so highly of him makes me sad that I will never get the opportunity to join those ranks of admirers. All I have to go on is his work, and that in itself is a fitting monument to him.

    Stargate won’t be the same without General Hammond. I salute him, and the man who brought him to life.

    RIP Don S. Davis.

    – Dana

  67. Thank you for sharing those great memories with us, Joe. I wish I had been as lucky to know that wonderful man.

    Godspeed, General.

  68. Thanks for the post. I always did love Don Davis as General Hammond. I didn’t get to know what a great person he was until I started listening to commentaries way back. I always wished I could have met him at a convention. It’s good to know that we’ll get a chance to see him this summer in Continuum.

  69. Thank you for such a wonderful tribute. It is by how we are remembered that we are truly judged, and he will clearly be remembered with love by all who knew him.

    I once had the good fortune to hear Don Davis speak at a convention. I left there knowning that I had been in the presence of a true gentleman – both a gentleman, and a gentle man. I have never seen someone with such openness and emotion. His love of his craft, his art, and his family shone through.

    Please add my voice to the chorus of condolances to yourself, his family and all his friends at both shows.

  70. Very sad news to hear. I always thought Don was great as General Hammond. He was perfect for that role. That was a fantastic tribute you gave him. From what I have read about him, he sounds like he was truly a great man and the kind of person that makes a great friend.

    It most likely is too late in the process, but hopefully a tribute of Don could make it onto the “Stargate – Continuum” dvd.

  71. When I heard about Don S. Davis’ death I thought of that blog entry so many months ago. Thanks for sharing how you met him and what he was like.

  72. I add my condolences and mourning to those of the grieving community. And thank you for this beautiful tribute.

  73. I’m in tears now. Thank you for sharing those memories with us, Joe. I wish I’d had the chance to ask him about his artwork. When you mentioned him back in January, I checked out his website — he was very talented in that arena, as much as he was in acting! Anyway, I don’t doubt someday you two will share a dinner again (but I hope it’s not for a long, *long* time!).

  74. Beautifully said Joe. Being from the “older” generation I have seen a many characters Mr. Davis played over the years. Although I have never met him I surely will miss him on the screen. To say it with Gandalf’s words:

    End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.

    I hope his loved ones soon will overcome the grief.


  75. I haven’t seen any episodes with General Hammond in them, as I only became a fan of the Stargate franchise during the middle of season four of Stargate: Atlantis and I have yet to see any of SG-1, but from everything I was fortunate enough to see with Mr. Davis in it(the Look Who’s Talking films, Hook, X-Files, NCIS, Psych, Supernatural and Flash Gordon), I wanted to see more of this man who was obviously a wonderful actor. Now, reading this post and all the comments before mine, it’s obvious that he was deeply loved, as well.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Davis, and know that you are loved and mourned by so many, even those who did not have the joy of knowing you.

  76. Lovely post. Thank-you Joe.
    Tears are running down my face.
    R.I.P. Don.
    A great man, you will be missed.


  77. Thanks for the lovely tribute!

    Hopefully someone will try and put a quick message on Continuum unless they have done the run already…bit late in the day or even ask the TV stations to put up a message at the beginning of the screening…

    Kriss 🙂

  78. Thank you for sharing this lovely memory of him. I am truly sad that I never got to meet him. Condolences to his family, friends and all who knew him. We’ve lost a very great man.

    Jade 😥

  79. If the Dictionary had more pictures in it, the one under “gentleman” would certainly be a headshot of Don!

    I once had the honour and pleasure of meeting him oh so briefly at the first GATECON in Vancouver over a decade ago. Of all the memories of that weekend, the one that stands out as being the most fondest for me was during the charity auction. The event had reached a fevered silliness point where people were bidding on everything that any of the guest actors had personally handled. Amanda Tapping was looking to auction off a napkin with her lip print on and was asking for some lipstick – my favourite one managed to volunteer itself for the task! However, whilst she was seducing money from the eager crowd, Don had “borrowed” the stick… Burnt into my mind is the sight of “Gen. Hammond” squatting by a table on stage trying to peer into a little mirror to properly apply dark burgandy LIPSTICK like it was something he did everyday! I believe his napkin went for a good chunk of change! And I don’t remember seeing him wipe anymore of it off…

    The man was truly a Master of his Craft! He has ascended!

  80. Hey Joe. I was very saddened when I breifly checked GW today and saw the latest headline.

    Rest In Peace Don S. Davis. And Joe, this is a wonderful blog entry!

    On a side note, some has stolen my previous alias, “David”, so I have changed my new name to “Davidd”, with 2 “d”s.

    Thank You Joe, and I am truly sorry for your loss of a friend.


  81. A truly heartfelt tribute. Thank you.
    My thoughts and prayers are with his family and all who knew and loved him.

  82. Well said, Joe , I think you summed up everyone’s feelings on Don – they loved the man, not the ‘star’.

    Don will be sorely missed by everyone 🙁

  83. I just stopped crying when I got here. But reading you post made me cry again. I believe today will be a day the sun don’t shine.

    Thank you Don for beiing a part of Stargate. rest in peace.

    my thoughts are with Don’s family.

  84. Thanks Joe! *sniff*
    I feel like we have all lost a friend. Even when I was looking at the photos of Don, I smiled. His smile infectious even through them.
    Unfortunately I did not get the pleasure of meeting him on his last trip to New Zealand, but my friends did and they say is was a wonderful man!

    NZ will miss him…I will miss him


  85. Les fans français de stargate sont tous en deuil. Don était un grand acteur et un pilier de la série. Nous attendons tous avec impatience Continuum pour pouvoir apprécier une dernière fois , l’immense talent d’acteur de Don.

    Repose en paix, Don

  86. Wow, this comes as shocking and sad news. Not being around much online lately, this is the first I’ve hear of it. What a tragic moment for all his fans. I remember first liking and seeing him on The X-Files and when I spotted him in Miracle, I was a very happy girl. Discovering him as a key role in Stargate was a pleasant surprise when I began watching the show. He will indeed be missed. Thanks for this lovely post, Joe.

  87. Thankyou for the happy memories, it made me smile. My condolences to his friends and family.
    ~ NeKo

  88. In Science-Fiction, there’s is no Death… He’s gone, far beyond the known gate systems…

    Fly High, Général Hammond.

  89. Coucou Joseph,

    alalal c’est tellment triste, c’est arriver si soudainement.
    J’appréciais beaucoup cette acteur, il est partie trop tot, c’est dommage..

    Nous sommes née le même jour, sauf que lui ne fêtera plus son anniversaire a présent..J’aura une grosse pensée pour lui le 4 aout.

    Je lui envoi pleins de bisous en direction du paradis.

    Kiss, a demain Joseph et merci pour cette article hommage

  90. I never got to meet Don S Davis in person, but I have been deeply touched by his work and his beautiful artwork.

    I did know General George S Hammond however, as he visited me every week for many years along with his friends in SG1.

    I know that he was a good man, a widower – his wife having died of cancer – with 2 grandchildren, Kayla and Tessa. I know that his best friend was shot down in the Vietnam war, in which they both served their country, but that he never gave up the hope that he was still alive. I knew that he planned to retire once, but didn’t and was forced into it once, but that he came back in support of his friends, where he stayed until he knew they were ready for him to step aside. I knew that he was offered a promotion and a place at the Pentagon but he still hankered for his chance to experience an offworld adventure, just as I knew that he eventually got that chance.

    I knew Hammond of Texas to be a good man and an honest and true friend and I have missed him like I’ve missed all my other friends in SG1. The difference is, I still hope to see more of them in the future and I know that I can’t see more of George.

    Thank you to Don S Davis and to everyone involved in the Stargate universe for giving me General George S Hammond and could someone please tell me what the ‘S’ stood for?

  91. I was sad to hear that Don S. Davis had passed, I liked his character Hammond a great deal, and it was this portrayal I was introduced to him.
    R.I.P. Don S. Davis, you will be missed.

  92. Hi again Mr M

    With regard to your Don S Davis tribute, I can only say : well done and thank you.


  93. A beautiful tribute. I know in my heart he will be joining yourself and fondy for many dinners in the future.

  94. This is the first time I’ve been moved to tears by one of your blogs and I haven’t been laughing.

    Thank you so much for sharing your memories of him with us. I was unfortunate never to meet him but through other people’s stories about him I can tell he was a wonderful man.

    My condolences to you and the crew for losing such a treasured friend.


  95. A fantastic actor who has always had the adoration of his many fans.

    He will be sorely missed by all.

  96. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful man and an amazing actor. My condolences to all who knew and loved Don.

  97. Oh no. I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I never had the pleasure of meeting the man, but he was such a larger than life part of the Stargate world and I always enjoyed seeing him there. It will be bittersweet to see him in Continuum — something tells me a number of fans will have tears in their eyes.

    My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  98. Hi Joe,

    This is a lovely tribute to the brilliant talented actor Don S Davis. I am so sorry for your loss of a wonderful friend.
    My deepest sympathy to you, Fondy, Ruby & all of Don’s family & friends.
    He will be missed greatly!

    Take care


  99. Oh, it’s sad. I love Don. He was THE general..
    Doing re-run of SG1 now… it’s the best way to pay respect.

  100. Hi Again Mr M

    Greetings from Tipperary.

    Have kept meaning to ask if you had seen this video? I was lucky to meet the girl who created this wonderful piece of Video, during my trip to Vancouver. I must say that having shown this to non-SGA viewers they are now all clamouring to watch it!! What a great promo.


  101. My sympathies to you, Mr Mallozzi and to all the Stargate SG1 and Atlantis cast and crew and Mr. Davis’s family. Having lost my father a few years ago, my father-in-law,recently and last week my uncle, I know how hard it can be to lose a family member. Mr. Davis, I’m sure felt like a family member to you all.

    God bless.

  102. Thank you so much for this wonderful write up about Don, Joe. Don was the guest of honor at a convention my friend helped put together. She went on for days about how friendly and nice he was. It always seems like the good ones go first. He will be sorely missed.

  103. Well that made me cry.

    Thank you, Joe, for sharing all of that with us.

    Without a doubt, Don S. Davis was a great man. Stargate will not be the same without General Hammond.

  104. Thanks for this lovely entry, Joe. I was looking forward to meeting Don for the first time in Chicago at a convention (as at least one other person has mentioned here). I’m sad I won’t get to do that now. I had always heard how kind he was from other convention-goers.

    As others have mentioned, I think it would be nice for there to be some sort of tribute to Don on SGA or a future movie.

  105. When I received the RSS feed update I was shocked to read the title of your blog, at first I thought you intended something else by it until I read your entry. I was very sorry to hear of his passing, for at least one hour a week for the past several years Mr. Davis helped me escape from reality, he will certainly be missed.

  106. I’ve read my fair share of tributes for famous people I’ve admired. Joe, yours for Don Davis is one of the most touching I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing a “behind-the-scenes” glimpse into your friendship with a great guy.

    We miss you ….

    *touches top of head*

    … “Hammond of Texas.”

  107. A wonderful post, Joe.
    When I saw the news on Gateworld, I was surprised to catch myself almost in tears, and when I passed the news on to a fellow SG-1 fan and friend, she had the same reaction.
    Hammond of Texas will be greatly missed.

  108. Sharon Sigl said it beter than I ever could.

    My thoughts and prayers are with Mr Davis’ friends and family.

  109. Wow. I didn’t realize how much of an impact losing “General Hammond” would be on me personally. I feel like I lost a “father figure” and although saddened by the news the other day, your wonderful tribute and reflection of the man broke me.

    I’m glad I’m alone with all of you cuz I’m blubberin’ like a baby here, I guess the realization of losing another great talent and a wonderful human being just hit me.

    Thanks for pulling us all together Joe and letting us share this time with you and with each other. It’s true, Stargate is synonymous with the word family… thanks for giving us a place to pull together.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Don’s family and friends.

    – JS

  110. Thank you for that wonderful Tribute Joe. I was very saddened at the news of his passing 🙁 He was a wonderful actor and by your tribute even a better man.

    My heart goes out to his family, friends and co workers…. He will be dearly missed

  111. I couldn’t read all the way through this without a few tears — and I’ve never met the man! But he always struck me as being precisely how you describe him.

  112. Beautiful tribute, Joe. Don leaves behind a marvelous legacy–people who loved him and whom he loved, wonderful works of art, and an unforgettable television character. Would that all of us had lives so full.

  113. Thank you so much for today’s entry, Joe. These were the kind of words that I wanted to hear today. It sounds like he was a great guy. Remember him with a smile on your face. He was a happy man, it seems.


  114. That was a deeply moving thing to read and I can honestly say it brought tears to my eyes. If we, the fans, can be so deeply affected by the loss of this wonderful human being, I can just imagine how deep the grief and sense of loss must be for those who actually knew him in the “real world.”

    Please tell me there are plans to memorialize him on the show? (And I don’t mean a few words on the screen, dedicating an episode to him.) Even if it’s only for a 3 – 5 minute funeral/memorial scene – I can’t imagine that any of the players – current or former – who would refuse to put in an appearance to honor both Don Davis AND General Hammond.

  115. Hi Joe – Thank you so much for sharing your kind and touching memories of Don. He was a gift to our world and will be sorely missed. I met Don at a convention and received a huge “bear hug” and a “thank you” when he found out I was retired Air Force. It left me speechless! He was a true gentleman in every sense of the word.

  116. Don will be greatly missed there is not enough people in this world like him.

    Your thoughts are appreciated and touching.

  117. ditto for just about all of these. esp 57 Sharon Sigl.
    I’ve never met him and I miss him.

  118. Thanks, Joe, for sharing with us. It’s a beautiful Tribute to Mr. Davis.



  119. That was a lovely tribute that brought tears to my eyes.

    Thanks for sharing it with us.


  120. A beautiful and moving tribute Joe.

    Sadly, I was never fortunate enough to meet the man but I always heard nothing but good reports from those that did.

    Strange isn’t it, how the passing of someone who’s been in your life, yet you’ve never met, can have such a profound effect on you.

    No matter what the future holds, I will always remember “Hammond Of Texas” with great fondness and affection.

  121. A touching tribute, Joe.

    By the numerous messages and tributes I’ve read in the last couple of days Don S. Davis was obviously held in great affection by many. He was a true southern gentleman.

    My thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.

  122. Thank you for the lovely post in Don’s memory. I am heart broken to hear of his passing. Don’s portal of Gen Hammond was one of my favorite Characters on SG-1.

  123. Thank you so much for your kind words of Mr. Davis. He will be sadly missed. General Hammond of Texas!

  124. Such beautiful words have been written about a great man.
    I echo them 100%.

    For Ruby:

    Death is Nothing at All
    by Henry Scott Holland (1847-1918) Canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral – sometimes referred to as ‘What is Death?’

    Death is nothing at all.
    I have only slipped away into the next room.
    I am I and you are you.
    Whatever we were to each other,
    that we still are.

    Call me by my old familiar name.
    Speak to me in the easy way
    which you always used.
    Put no difference in your tone.
    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

    Laugh as we always laughed
    at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
    Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
    Let my name be ever the household word
    that it always was.
    Let it be spoken without affect,
    without the trace of a shadow on it.

    Life means all that it ever meant.
    It is the same that it ever was.
    There is absolutely unbroken continuity.
    Why should I be out of mind
    because I am out of sight?

    I am waiting for you,
    for an interval,
    somewhere very near,
    just around the corner.

    All is well.

  125. 1)Will insubordination amongst Sheppard’s team play a part in Season Five?

    2)Does the past continue to haunt throughout the entirety of this upcoming season?

    3)Are there harsh words between team members this year?

  126. That was a beautiful tribute Joe! I only met Don once, but I’m so glad I was fortunate enough to get that opportunity. He was a wonderful man, to you and all of his other friends and family, I am so so sorry for this loss.

  127. Joe,

    It was mentioned in the statement that instead of gifts/flowers, they would prefer people to send donations to the American Heart Association.

    Do you know if anyone has set up/asked permission for a tribute/memorial page for Don? (I imagine fans haven’t due to the nature of the form process)

    It would be nice if everyone could leave their tributes in place in memory of such a brilliant man.

  128. I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. I hope you are able to find comfort with your family and friends. Thank you for sharing your friendship with Don S. Davis with your blog readers.

  129. Thank you so much Joe for sharing your memories of Don.
    I never had the priviledge of meeting him,but have read reports from fans that have..who said he was one of the kindest and nicest men they had ever met.
    He was also one of the best things about SG-1….commanding yet kind,and a fabulous actor.
    My thoughts go out to his family and all his friends.
    He will be missed by us all.

    RIP Don S Davis

    **salutes** …. and God Speed “Hammond of Texas”


  130. I wish to thank you Joe for those nice words of remembrance of a great actor and person, Don S. Davis. I have been a fan of the show from the very beginning and it was a shock to have gotten the news. My heart and thoughts go out to you, the Stargate cast and crew, and especially Don’s wife, Ruby.

    Don you will be missed.

    Love Karen

  131. What a wonderful tribute to a great man. I started crying the minute I read the title of today’s entry but had to smile at the picture of Don. He will be greatly missed! My thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family during this difficult time. Godspeed Don.

  132. Oh no! This is the first I’m hearing of Don Davis’s passing. I am so, so sorry. His General Hammond was my favorite Stargate general: “Hammond of Texas”. I understand he was also quite the artist as well. The world has lost a valuable, good man.

  133. Hi Joe

    Thank you for that lovely blog about Don. He will be missed by all of us.

    (((((((((Group hug for all of us DSD fans)))))))))))))))

    John Sheppard is my happy place

  134. Oh, no! I just found out. How sad… wish I’d gotten to meet him–he always seemed like such a great guy to me. *sad sigh* It’s hard to believe he’s gone.

  135. Hi Joe:

    Your epitaph for Mr. Davis was very touching. Thank you for that. After reading through all of the other posts, and marveling at how many there are, it is indeed a testament to the man, Don S. Davis.

    I suggest that you gather these together to submit to Ruby. I think she would feel proud to know how much her dear husband was loved.

    My sympathies to you, the cast and crew and especially to Ruby and the Davis family.

    Patricia (AG)

  136. Thank you for sharing your memories of working with Don and the friendship you and Fondy shared with Don and Ruby.

    Those are great memories to have – I wish I could have met him. Don was one of a kind that you don’t often come across.

    All the best MCH

  137. That was a great tribute. I was so sad Monday after hearing the news. He really will be missed.

    RIP Don S. Davis

  138. Continuum leaked, it sux. RDA is back (for all the 10 minutes) but BW forgot to bring back Jack too. You must either be a liar or a bigger SJ shipper than me ’cause I couldn’t find the ‘nice Sam/Jack moment to take solace in’. Pretty glad right now I didn’t preorder…

  139. Riley I liked your John West reference 🙂
    When I told Hubby about Don’s passing he was searching for a reference point.
    As soon as I mentioned the John West ads (which were from his childhood) he immediately remembered him.
    He was walking around last night saying in his best Don S. Davis voice, “The Fish That John West Rejects.” Then he’d quickly follow it with, “That’s sad.”

  140. Beautiful, Joe! *sniffs along with the other fans*

    I only wish I could have met the wonderful man. I was looking forward to Dragon*Con.

    He still lives on and always will!
    {{Hugs}} To all his family and the Stargate Family as well.

    God Bless,

  141. I was looking at the nice picture of Don – is that a report called “lunch reports” on the notice board beside him? No wonder he looked happy in the photograph.


  142. waow!! i was really surprised to read that yesterday on GW page… it came as a shock!!
    when i think about it.. it is so sad and surprising to see someone on a daily basis and suddently hearing this person who was there yesterday is not here today!!! Today i was watching Stargate Continuum and when I saw Don i was happy to see him, but sad at the same moment, because he is not here…!!:S

    Carter: Sir! It’s good to see you!
    General Hammond: (surprised) uh, if you say so!!

    aaawww!! it was a nice scene!! 😀

    i never knew him, but because i saw him on tv… knowing it won’t be therea anymore make me soooo sad…!! snif snif!!

  143. @ Fainne – Very nice tribute to Mr. Davis, thank you for sharing. It made me all sniffly again. 😥 It’s that smile of his…so full of laughter and life, he’s a man and a talent that will truly be missed.


  144. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Don S. Davis. He sounds like he was a wonderful man and that joy for life he had shown through in his characters.

  145. Thank you, Joe, for sharing that beautiful memory of Don with us. He truly does sound like he was a sweet and beautiful man. I really truly wish I could’ve met him. He also sounds like he was fun guy to be with. There is definitely a big hole in this world now without Don. He will surely be missed. I still can’t believe it. Still tear up at thought that he’s no longer with us.

    I will always remember him as General Hammond. He made that character. He really took that role to heart. He made General Hammond a father figure, and I did truly looked up to him as General Hammond. He alway gave good advice. He was sweet and caring. Always thought of those who he had to look after. I love how he treated SG-1, and all the teams and everyone in SGC, like they were his children. General Hammond took them under his wing, and always made sure they were taken care of. He also had faith…a lot of faith in SG-1 and everyone in the SGC. General Hammond will ways be the best general SGC has ever had.

    Godspeed Don.

    Sue Jackson

  146. I feel it is my loss to never have had the opportunity to meet this lovely man. Thank you for sharing your memories, Joe. There’s an empty chair in the briefing room that can never be filled.

  147. Rest in Peace Don.S.Davis
    You’ll never be forgotten by anyone.
    You rocked on Stargate.

    I really hate how good people die, someone like Don should of been around another decade or two 🙁

  148. One of the most grateful moments for me in my life was to have the opportunity to tell and show my father that I loved him two days before he had a sudden massive stroke that killed him three days later.

    You had that opportunity to tell him you care in your own Joe way and although you didn’t actually see the man, Mr. Davis knew.

    That in itself is a blessing.

    Beautifully written and genuinely expressed.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.


  149. Thank you, Joe, for that beautiful tribute to a wonderful man.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Fondy as you mourn his loss, as well as they are with his family and all of his other friends, on and off the show.

    Fate will never hand us more than we can handle…

    …but sometimes it’s a very heavy load to bear.

    All my best,


  150. The Honorable Mr. Davis passed the day after my mother of the very same problem, cardiac disease.

    Mom died suddenly and unexpectedly Saturday afternoon while on an outing with family. My mother’s service was held today in Alabama and I was not well enough to attempt the trip so I must bid farewell to her in spirit.

    In my reflections on the loss of my mom, I will include healing thoughts to the Davis family.

    May Don S. Davis and Annie L. Steadman both, rest in peace.

    Alice Blanchard

  151. Thank you Joe,

    For sharing this tribute about this wonderfull man.

    I sadly never had the chance to meet him. But several of my friends got the chance, and all said the same as yor. He was a amazing man to meet.

    Several of those same friends, were looking forward to seeing him again at Dragon Con in Atlanta in August. Including one, my friend Linda who had had her picture taken with him a few years ago at Dragon Con, and was planning on getting him to sign in next month. Now she will cherish it forever!!

    RIP Don we will always love and miss you!!

    Ann-Marie Sloan

  152. About 2 years back, I won a mystery auction for a genuine autographed Stargate SG1 photo with certificate of authenticity. I paid a rather large sum and my friend were all hoping for Shanks or Judge and quite disappointed when I got Don’s photo. I, on the other hand was thrilled!

    You see, Don S.Davis was more than just a terrific character actor and great human being, he was an artist, a beloved family man and so much more…a true Renaissance Man.

    I will treasure that photo always and many will mourn his loss for many different reasons. I only hope that they remember to celebrate his life and achievements, as well.


  153. That was so beautiful, it made me cry so much, i still am! He was a wonderful man, talented. I got the opportunity to meet him and spend time with him at a convention here in Australia last year, it is still hard to believe this has happened, he was such a healthy, happy guy… I will NEVER forget him!

  154. His work on Stargate alone will serve as a testament to his skill and grace as an actor, and I for one am glad I had the opportunity to experience that.

    Great work, Joe. I’ve never really been particularly good when it comes to responding to these things. All I can really say, as an avid Stargate fan, is RIP Mr. Davis. You’ll be sorely missed.

    “The Universe is a big place.”, eh? Maybe we’ll bump into him again. This is Sci-Fi, after all.

  155. @ SJ shipper: Please don’t post spoilers out of respect for those of us who didn’t watch an illegal download of Continuum.

  156. That was a beautiful tribute, Joe. Since his passing, I’ve seen nothing but words of kindness and true affection written about Don S. Davis, and I regret that I’ll never have the opportunity to meet him in person. My condolences to his family and his many friends.

  157. I was very sadden to here a bout Don Davis. I always thought of him as a big teddy bear with a big bite. Thats how i saw him in the role he played. It sounds like he was a big teddy bear in real life also. He will be missed ‘indeed’. as telc would say. Your tribute to him was a lovely one. Thank you for sharing .

  158. Estou muito triste com a noticia da morte de Don S. Davis.
    Sentiremos muito sua falta….
    Um Abraço.

    Manaus-AM Brasil

  159. I’ve been lurking for a couple of months now and just wanted to say thank you for writing this. It’s always so nice to hear that an actor I admired was actually as kind, considerate and brilliant as I imagined. Sometimes I feel silly for mourning the passing of someone I never actually knew…until I read something like this written by someone who did know them.

  160. Our hearts go out to his family. I believe the world has a lost a person of the highest caliber.

  161. I just want to thank you for a very moving tribute to a great man. Although I never met mr. Davis, I have been a fan of Stargate – and his – since my early childhood. His loss is a sad one.

    My sister burst out in tears when I phoned her just now to tell her…we’re a family of SG-fen, all of whom adore ‘the general who looks like a penguin’ as my six-year-old self put it.

  162. Joe, thank you so very much for sharing your memories of Don.

    Don, as well as his character on Stargate, has always reminded me of my grandfather, whom I lost to cancer at age 87 in March.

    Though I never met him Don felt like another, younger version of my grandfather. His death hits home especially since my grandfather had a heart attack when he was around Don’s age AND the fact that my own father is only 5 years younger than Don was when he passed.

    I am still kicking myself at not making more of an effort to attend a Stargate convention in order to have had the opportunity to meet that wonderful man.

    I always wanted to tell him how much I adored the General and seeing interviews with him, not to mention how much joy he brought to me just by being himself and being in this world.

    If I feel this way, having never met him, I can only imagine what you and everyone else in the Stargate family must be feeling, much less how Ruby must be doing right now.

    My heart goes out to all of you during this sad time.


    Jenny M. Finster

  163. Thank you for sharing your tribute for Don Davis with us Joe. It was very sweet and moving. It’s so sad to have him go.

  164. I just found out. This is terrible news.
    I haven’t even read more than a couple of sentences that you wrote about Don S. Davis yet, Joe. I will read the whole thing later.

    I never met Don.
    He was a great actor.
    I’m sure he was a great man in real life.
    My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.
    Rest in Peace, Don.

    “When the final line is over,
    and it’s certain that the curtain’s
    gonna fall,
    I can hide inside Your sweet sweet Love
    – From “The Story In Your Eyes”
    – The Moody Blues

  165. Response #216 won’t make much of a difference but if you should happen to come across this then I want you to know that you made a beautiful tribute to a great man

    Thank You very much

  166. Our lovely General Hammond just ascended to the next level. I hope he will be happy upstairs, those ancients must tell him more about Universe and show high-level stuff, which we cannot see.

    He was a good person on the Earth. His Spirit blessed for ever. This path is unending…

  167. Joe, This was probably one of my favorite posts that I’ve read since I’ve subscribed to your blog. Gen. Hammond was like the science fiction grandfather that i never had. He provided us all with many years of quality entertainment and will most certainly be missed.

    Thanks for sharing your story!


  168. When I first read that Don D. Davis had passed away I was amazed at what loss I felt. I hadn’t met him, but he and his friends did come to visit me every Friday. I along with many others will miss him and his art. I am watching my SG-1 DVD’s in tribute to him. My condolences to his family and to his friends.

  169. Never before have news of an actor’s death hit me this hard. I was in shock to find out that Don had passed away, the 29th of June, and reading your entry caused me to shed many tears. Thanks Joe, for the wonderful tribute towards a great man.

  170. Thank you for sharing your memories of Mr. Don S. Davis.
    Friendships like that are rare and few.

    My condolences go out to all his family and friends.


  171. I recently read that The Great Man, Don S. Davis, passed away! It was a shock to me, when I saw it and I couldn’t believe it and still I can’t. He was a great man, one of the greatest actors that has ever lived and a titan of modern day filming and cinema.

    He will always be remembered in the hearts of his fans all across the globe and in history, where all immortals belong.

    My sincerest condolences to the family and may he be happy where he is now, in a place far better.

    Don, you will be missed!

  172. ….I never have written one of these, and what can I say that has not been said before now?

    it is hard for me to to differentiate between the character and THE MAN, I suppose in his field of endeavor that is the supreme compliment, and the many many comments others have made here…what a lasting tribute to one of the great men of our time…and to the writers who have made the General a real person, with all the episodes that have been made, it will be with great sadness and satisfaction thru the coming years to again relive the Stargate missions with Hammond of Texas…I did recently watch a rerun with tears in my eyes when Master Bratech in the ” Fourth Horseman” came thru the gate and seen Dr. Weir, “Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle?” and in my mind’s eye I could hear the always Stalwart T’ealc intone “Indeed!!!” Hammond of Texas has fallen in battle, and thru the Gate all must go, but none ever save one has returned!! This gives me GREAT HOPE!!

  173. Very well said Joe. He always had a big ear to ear smile and a great big TEDDY BEAR HUG for me… I saw him last year on another show I was on, even after a couple years of not seeing the Stargate crew, he remembered me (even my name lol) I was very sad to hear of his passing, my sympathy’s and prayers go out to Ruby and the rest of his family. (Stargate family included.)

  174. I always felt that Hammond of Texas was a very familar and honest character and I am quite sure that this was not reserved for on-screen. His passing is a great loss and I hope his friends and family seek peace in the knowledge that in life he reached so many people.

    Tek ma’tay D. Davis.

  175. I’m in total shock! SG1 in the early years were the best. The struggle to fight off the enemy, make new friends, and explore the far reaches of the universe….Don S. Davis and his way of making his character on SG1 was unique. He had a way of making being in charge so easy. That’s not easy to do in a sci-fi series, or movie for that matter. He never once came off as a bad actor. He was one of my favorite actors on SG1, and I’m just at a loss for words at this news. I’m just glad to see so many people pay respect to a good man, and a good actor. He will be missed by a lot of people…Ranging from SG1 fans to other things he has been in. My thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends in thier most painful time…… And to Don S. Davis Rest in Peace.

  176. My great nephew has just turned one. He is the only boy of three kids. The first time I saw him i told his parents that he looks just like “General Hammond”. I’m not sure they got it, but Don S. Davis has been my favorite from day one Stargate. I’m sure most people are more favoring (if thats really a word) of the other famous people, but Hammond is what glued the show and really made a sci-fi genre more about the people than the hi tech gizmos. I wish I could try to tell his family the impact he made on so very many and how profound his loss is to all. I know the family’s loss will always be the hardest because of the hole that is now in there lives. I do hope they find a tiny bit of comfort in knowing that the world mourns with them and feel his absence greatly. Its kind of funny that so many were touched by this man who played “make believe” (acted) through out his career; he was just doing his job. But he was so very believable in everything I’ve seen that a lot of people felt they knew him personally. I think that is a rare and true gift and all that had contact with him were well and truly Blessed. To his family, thank you for sharing Don with the rest of us. You will never know how much he was loved and will continue being loved… and missed.

  177. The first time I saw this man on Australian TV was in a John West commercial. He has a look you don’t forget quickly and he looked no different even way back then. It’s funny how a TV show can draw you in and make you feel like part of the family. This is what Stargate did for me and Don S Davis was the patriarch.

    I wish I could’ve had a chance to meet him and shake his hand and thank him for his years of service to the show and entertaining his fans of which I am one.

    Damn this is difficult. Joe, your eulogy was wonderful, mate. I’m a big heavily tattooed guy and I like to think I’m as hard as nails, but you moved me to tears. It’s been over a year now since his passing and I feel as low now as I did back then.

    My deepest condolences to his family, everybody at Stargate and to his legion of fans.

    RIP Don. You’ll never be forgotten downunder.

  178. A great show and a great man. In my adult life I have cried exactly 2 times. When my fatehr passed away in 2005 and when I learned of Don Davis’ death. RIP. I know he was well received at the Alpha site.

  179. I wish I could have met Don S Davis. I really miss him as an actor, the way his character and Jack O’Neill got on as old friends (e.g. when Kinsey is trying to shut down the facility and O’Neill makes a heap of suggestions, car wash, bake sale, etc), that is but one part of him I miss, another is his steadfastness to his job and to his men

  180. I just found out. Man Im out of touch eh? I was just watching an episode on my VCR that I taped off the air a couple of years ago (not from the video store killing company,,,cant remember the name of it) and someone walked in and told me.I was so sad. He was an icon on the show, SG1.

  181. Thank you Don’t S. Davis for portraying a true General. You are missed and will always be remembered each time I watch Stargate. I will see you on the otherwise of gate for new adventures.

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