Paul enjoys some Christopher Elbow chocolate

Nicole enjoys some too

About to kill the camera man

Paul and Nicole

The discussion

Looks like trouble


Some truly awesome news to kick off today’s blog entry. Authors Jennifer Pelland and Kage Baker have kindly agreed to come by and field your questions and comments as part of our July Book of the Month Club discussions. Kage will join us the week of June 30th when we’ll be discussing In the Garden of Iden, while Jennifer will be joining us the week of July 14th for our discussion of Unwelcome Bodies. That gives you all plenty of time to track down the books, read them, and come up with some exceptionally brilliant insights to share with the rest of us. So put down the video game console, turn off the t.v. (There’s nothing to watch anyway. Atlantis doesn’t premiere for another month.), and get on it. Past participants have won signed scripts, lifetime subscriptions to Apex SF & Horror Digest, and best wishes for an absolutely swimming weekend.

Well, I was back in the editing suite with detective Mike Banas today, looking to complete my producer’s cut of Whispers. As I mentioned yesterday, the director’s cut was five and a half minutes over, but once the obvious trims were made, it was down to three and a half minutes over. And once the not-so obvious trims were made, it was only one and a half minutes long. At that point, it became a slow-going, incredibly frustrating, agonizingly lengthy process of line-cutting, dialogue shifting, and scene trimming to finally – finally! – get it down to a mere 35 seconds over. And THAT is when things got REALLY tough. Yes, losing that last half minute or so nearly killed me (either my heart would have given out or I suspect Mike would have strangled me with his bare hands), but I did it. The producer’s cut is out. And, I’m very happy with the result. It’s a nice, tight, creepy little episode with a dozen or so great scares. All it needs is an exceptionally horrorific score – and that’s where composer Joel Goldsmith comes in. I have a feeling he’s going to have a blast with this one.

I returned to the production offices late this afternoon – anxious, exhausted, slightly nauseous, and more than a little combative. In other words, I was in a the perfect mood to give a fellow writer notes on his latest script. Today, that writer happened to be Alan McCullough. The script: Outsiders. Alas, I got to do very little screaming/script-throwing/couch-jumping. Alan wrote a solid first draft of what is going to be a really good episode. Damnit! And I’d made it a point to wear my couch-jumping shoes today too.

Today’s photos: Whispers


David: “Are you doing any special features content on SGA S4 or Continuum?”

Answer: I’ll be putting in an appearance on the Whispers feature. I’ll be playing the part of the overdressed on-set producer.

Thornyrose writes: “When the season five dvds come out, is there a decent chance you’ll be able to do the commentary?”

Answer: I’ll definitely be providing commentary for my episodes. And your cousin Martha’s wedding video.

dasNDANGER writes: “But how does it make you feel when fans dump hate on a particular character (which can be also seen as a criticism of the actor)?”

Answer: It used to annoy me but, over time, my reaction to this type of criticism has evolved to a heartfelt “meh”.

Sylvia writes: “Is that Maximus or Lulu? I think Lulu’s ears don’t relax much so guessing it is Maximus?”

Answer: Yes, that’s Maximus.

Christin writes: “His turtles are named Michelle and Jeffrey? Seriously? You’re pulling my leg (the left one, please, as I’m still having a little trouble with my right knee). I hope there’s a good reason for that. “

Answer: Yep.

Hachi writes: “I am wondering about how much actual footage is filmed for each episode in order to provide material for you to work with? There must be hours of film, different shots of mist and smoke, for example, so that you can choose the best ones. What happens to the excess footage?”

Answer: You guessed right – hours of film that is archived for future reference. Just in case.

Narelle from Aus writes: “Was at the book store the other day and saw a new Iain Banks book titled Matter. Read it or heard any reviews?”

Answer: Haven’t read any reviews but I’m a big fan of Banks. I’m presently reading his Feersum Endjinn.

Cathie writes: “Have you read The Day of the Triffids?”

Answer: I have, and I enjoyed it immensely. I have Wyndham’s Chocky and The Chrysalids sitting on my To-Read pile.

AMZ writes: “Did you ask the actual Mike how he’d feel about being made in to a P.I. character?”

Answer: No, but he seemed fine about it this morning. Although he did have some reservations concerning the casting of William Conrad.

Mary writes: “Joe – I know Jennifer Pelland. Do you think that folks would be interested in her coming by to talk about her stories? I can contact her and ask, or send you her email.”

Answer: That’s very kind of you to offer, but I was able to get a hold of Jennifer’s email and send her an invitation. To my delight, she has accepted and will be joining us to discuss Unwelcome Bodies.

Michelle writes: “Not to seem pitifully self-absorbed or anything, but is it possible the names of Carson’s turtles were inspired by the leaders of a certain save-a-character campaign, SaveCarsonBeckett, led by MICHELLE, and Tara JEFFREY?”

Answer: Hmmm. Isn’t that an interesting coincidence? Incidentally, Zelenka has a pet iguana named Kirk.

Jennifer Pelland writes: “Thanks for selecting my book! I’ll be keeping an eye on my Amazon sales rankings over the next few days.”

Answer: Oh, my pleasure. Do you have plans for all the extra cash? I’d suggest investing in a condo, then putting the rest toward a big party for your friends and family.

Mgsmsu writes: “Are you editing “Whispers” because you wrote it, or because it just happened to fall to you in the producing rotation?”

Answer: I’m editing Whispers because I produce my own scripts.

David writes: “One more…who is the “head writer”? Who is above all the other writers???”

Answer: It depends. At the beginning of every week, we compete in a physical challenge – not unlike the ones you see on Survivor – but instead of immunity, it’s the “head writer” title that’s up for grabs. With it come bragging rights, final say on all creative matters, and first choice off the dessert tray. This week, Carl Binder is head writer. The week before, it was Larry from the transport department.

Terry writes: “I’ m curious if you’ve read all three previously or are any of the selections new to you?”

Answer: They’re all new to me.

Linburk writes: “I was wondering, since it will be my first time, when and where you will be having this book discussion with Joe Abercrombie.”

Answer: Right here on the blog the week of May 19th.

67 thoughts on “May 14, 2008: Breaking BOTMC news + updates on my impending nervous breakdown!

  1. Great news about the participating authors Kage Baker and Jennifer Pelland. On impulse because the excerpt was very intriguing, I ordered the Horror selection Unwelcomed Bodies with the other two. So it is a bonus that Jennifer will be discussing with us. Otherwise, you know “easily creeped out me” avoids the horror. I think your extra description of “Dark SF” also helped in the decision making impulse.

    Now what to do with Whispers…full house lights ablazing…sigh.

    Thanks for more pictures…nice!

  2. Joe writes: Damnit! And I’d made it a point to wear my couch-jumping shoes today too.

    You and Tom Cruse! Ha…. get it…

    Hey are you ever going to get that new Male Pug and name him Kobe?

    Your answer to David about the Head Writer physical challenge made me laugh out loud…a lot! You crack me up!

    Thanks for the pic’s…. wonderful!


  3. Joe

    That photo is not of Lulu? It looks like a baby pug. Wow he’s beautiful whichever.. RE Joe Abercrombies third novel in the Blade series. I hope it’s not disappointing.. There is nothing worst then when an author of a series betrays the people who have gone on this journey with him. Have you read any of the Wheel of Time books Robert Jordan? After ten books I gave up .. I felt that the author was stringing us along just to have a new book every year. It was quite disappointing..


  4. Mailbag’s back! In that case…

    1. Martin Gero reportedly said that the “mythology” of Sheppard’s Ancient Gene won’t be explored anymore because a lot of people now have it. Is this true? Will Sheppard’s Ancient gene be important to any stories this year like it was in Travelers? Will the fact that Shep’s gene is more “powerful” than anyone else’s be explored somehow?

    2. Is Ladon Radim returning?

    3. Are the Genii returning?

    Naming the turtles like that is great. I hope you find a way to put them in another script (or…maybe convince another writer to put it in theirs? Is that possible?)

    In other news, the Stargate marathon continues. I’ve got The Fifth Race coming up in a few minutes, and I can’t wait! Let the mini reviews continue…

    Message in a Bottle: A nice little bottle episode, I’d say, though it’s hard to tell with early SG1 episodes which are bottle eps and which are not. The friendship moments between Jack and Teal’c were great, and so was RDA’s portrayl of extreme pain. I felt the ending wrapped up way too quick though. Whatever happened to that Lieutenant that had the hots for Sam? What about the bacteria that were in the walls behind Jack that didn’t get sucked back into the orb when the spike retracted to let him go? And so forth.

    Family: Awesome episode. Seeing Teal’c suffering so much emotional whumpage was heartbreaking, while the stratagem of both Apophis and our team were mighty complicated and facinating to watch. The ending was very sweet.

    Secrets: I’m a sucker for parental stuff, so I was pretty emotional watching the Sam-Jacob scene near the end. I was so hoping Sam would tell him the truth then and there. Oh well. The rest of the episode was basically setup, and didn’t entertain me as well as the Sam-Jacob part. Carmen Argeniano is ridiculously talented.

    Bane: Poooor Teal’c. Being let away in chains? Yeah, I hate Maybourne now. The “real life punks” who were involved seem to not fit the Stargate universe very well so I didn’t like them that much. An ok episode. Poooor Teal’c. I think it would’ve been better if they delt with how Teal’c felt dealing with being sick for the first time in his life, instead of the manhunt we got instead.

    The Tok’Ra: Again, awesome, awesome stuff. Jacob was just great in any scene he was in, and I teared up twice during his and Sam’s scenes. Jack was hilarious. An overall very solid episode and a great intro on the Goa’uld resistance.

    Spirits: An alright episode. I didn’t like the attitude Sam and the others had with regards to the Salish’s beliefs though. Too…holier than thou. Tonane was pretty funny. Again, I think this episode could’ve been better too…not sure how though.

    Touchstone: Another setup episode. Pretty good, though nothing remarkable. A lot of X-Files stuff going on here with vague answers and shadowy developments.

    There you have it! Onwards to The Fifth Race!

  5. No kidding there’s nothing on TV. What with SGA not starting up for a couple months and now news of Moonlight being canceled (not a super-fantastic show, but for some reason I can’t seem to get enough of heroic-vampire stories), and with my tendency to wait for such shows as Monk and Smallville to come to DVD before I watch them, there’s nothing left to keep up with but House (which remains one of the awesomest and consistently fresh shows on TV). And here I’m already through with the first season DVDs of The Invisible Man (which was simply a fantastic show…with a great cast [*hint*hint*]). Good thing I’ve just bought the entire Highlander TV DVD collection. I suppose the largely-cheesy trip to nostalgia-land should at least last me until the new SGAs start showing again.

  6. Hi Joe,
    I am really liking your “whispers” piccies so much! I am so looking forward to watching the episode! Thanks for posting them!

    Thanks for answering my question! I think I will get the other book you mentioned & read it too. I like Wyndam’s books! I really like Day of the Triffids too!

    Take care & happiness always!


  7. I’m starting to write a PSA on quake preparedness and really tempted to talk to an editor, once I find one, to discuss my ideas.

    I never understood before how much an editor contributes to the different ways a story can be told. It’s an insight I think I need since I’ve only got 30 seconds to convey the information (story) and hopefully convince people to take action.

    As you wrote “Whispers”, were you also thinking as an editor, or were you able to completely separate those creative processes?

  8. Its a pity you couldn’t have borrowed the storm we had last night for sympathetic background purposes, it was a cracker, the dogs hid behind everything, the cats came in soaked, I happened to be dropping off a book at my friends down the road and had to swim upstream, sorry paddle up a flashflooded road to get home.

    BTW Yesterday’s photo was especially creepy and reminded me somewhat of my old chemistry teacher. I always wondered what happened to him, great that he got a job on Atlantis!

  9. Thanks for answering my question, Joe. My roommate Carrie pointed out that perhaps I shouldn’t be so judgmental of your animal naming skills since I once had a cat named Flipper Foot. She’s probably right, but I’m not going to tell her that.

    Anyway, I’m sorry to hear that you were robbed of your couch jumping. I suppose you could have jumped on the couch in satisfaction, but that probably wouldn’t have been as much fun.

    And, if it wasn’t for the “brilliant insights” part, I’d participate in the discussion for BOTM. I used up all my brilliant insights in Honors English in high school. Damn shame they had to be wasted on “Wuthering Heights”.

  10. Narelle from Aus writes: “Was at the book store the other day and saw a new Iain Banks book titled Matter. Read it or heard any reviews?”
    Answer: Haven’t read any reviews but I’m a big fan of Banks. I’m presently reading his Feersum Endjinn.

    Thanks Joe. Hoping to pick up “Matter” on the weekend. Reading my first Terry Pratchett at the moment – “Going Postal” – saw the title and immediately related ;), but feel like reading something more along the lines of Banks. Really enjoyed Consider Phlebas.

    For the Aussies wanting Garden of Iden – I saw that Angus and Robertson can have it delivered in 10-14 days. Chev, you would have better access to resources than I do, so feel free to correct me 🙂

    Fantastic news about the authors dropping by!
    Have a restful night.

  11. Hmm. I haven’t ordered my BotM club selections from Amazon so far. I wonder how much this could bump up an author’s rating? And congratulations for a) once again hitting over .500 on getting authors to participate and b) wrapping up the producer’s cut of Whispers. Cousin Martha nee Martin is very excited about you doing her wedding commentaries but requests you not mention the “procedure” she had done; I don’t think she’s mentioned it to the groom yet. Based on your answers in the mailbag, you are either enjoying a very good day, or reached a new level of sleep deprivation. If the former, I hope it lasts through the week. If the latter, well, I understand its a long weekend coming up north of the border. Does that translate into a day off of production, or is it a case of the show must go on? And thanks for the yummy pictures.

  12. Hey! I will NOT put down my games console until you’ve tried Mario Kart Wii. I guess i’ll be here a while then…!

  13. Hi, from Lenas in Sweden!

    Two questions;

    1. Ray Bradbury has always been my favourite author. “The October country” is a masterpiece. Your thoughts?

    2. Can we get a hint if you plan to canonize a ship in s5? I really want to look forward to the next season! A certain ship would really put me of though. And that would be a shame.

  14. The Fifth Race: Yep, still got it. Clearly the best episode on my marathon so far. There were just…soooo many spine-tingling moments in this, especially now that I know how very much important this episode was. My mouth was gaping open throughout the sequence where O’Neill goes to Othalla, and…my God, the music, THE MUSIC. And of course, the moment where Danny makes the connection, the moment where he says “Nou Ani Anquietas; We are the Ancients”;WOW. That was just…wow. The original Gatebuilders, their first mention. Ok, I’m just rambling now, but this episode was just awesome.

    Didn’t Brad Wright once say that this was the quintessential Stargate episode? I agree with him. It had mystique; it had mythology; it had that…epicness, the sense that us humans have…well, great potential; it had character moments, in how Danny stood up for Jack when no one understood anything of him; it had great music; and of course, it had great humor:

    “DANIEL: You just said there’s ‘nothing cruvus’ with you.

    JACK: I did not.

    DANIEL: Yes, you did.

    JACK: No I didn’t.

    DANIEL: Yes, you did.

    JACK: Didn’t.

    DANIEL: Did.

    JACK: Didn’t.

    DANIEL: Did.”

    LOVE IT!!

  15. Hey Joe,

    Will there be any episodes that develop Kellers character more? I quite enjoy the new doc so am quite excited to see how she develops with Carson back.

    Take care Joe!

  16. Answer: It used to annoy me but, over time, my reaction to this type of criticism has evolved to a heartfelt “meh”.

    Thank you for answering my question! Sometimes the hate stuff bothers me, so I’ll try to consider the source and adopt your ‘meh’ attitude as well.

    “Well, I was back in the editing suite… At that point, it became a slow-going, incredibly frustrating, agonizingly lengthy process of line-cutting, dialogue shifting, and scene trimming to finally – finally! – get it down to a mere 35 seconds over. And THAT is when things got REALLY tough. Yes, losing that last half minute or so nearly killed me…
    I returned to the production offices late this afternoon – anxious, exhausted, slightly nauseous, and more than a little combative.”

    And then, after such a stressful day, you come here and have to deal with stuff like my one-woman Save the Wraith campaign…so either you’re a glutton for punishment, or you look at my posts, and give a heartfelt “meh”. 😆

    “Alas, I got to do very little screaming/script-throwing/couch-jumping. Alan wrote a solid first draft of what is going to be a really good episode. Damnit! And I’d made it a point to wear my couch-jumping shoes today too.”

    Wow, this sort of conduct really surprises me, unless…Tom Cruise, is that you? 😉


  17. excellent pics Joe, thanks! I heard rumors that Jill Wagner won’t be able to appear in the mid-season two-parter due to another job on ABC’s Wipeout? can you confirm this and if so is this the reason for introducing Katana? thanks 🙂 by the way are you saying Zelenka has pigeons AND a pet iguana? he must be a Star Trek fan LOL. will we ever see them?

  18. Hey Joe,

    I feel your editing pain!

    Do you have the opportunity to keep the longer version for the future DVD releases? Or are all the cuts deleted and tossed into the digital trash? 😛

    I read Wyndham’s The Chrysalids years ago (in grade school actually) – not because it was on the curriculum but because I was a real sci-fi geek back then (the geekdome didn’t carry over to affect me as an adult, nope, not at all). The book was awesome. As a kid it had concepts worthy of contemplating and luckily my friends were just as crazy so we had some pretty good chats about what-if? In fact, I might just dig it out of my bookcase and read it again!

    Have you ever read The Big Eye by Max Ehrlich?


  19. And here we were so looking forward to the Tom Cruise impersonation. Oh well, there’s always Wayfarers and tighty-whities, no?

    Cue Bob Seger ….

    The books for July sound good, but this is making art season, and I’m committed to getting the Home for Wayward Art open and stocked. Huzzah for Bad Art! Lost Art! Found Art!

  20. Glad to hear you asked Mike’s opinion on the P.I. thing. “William Conrad as Mike Banas, P.I.” dose have a nice ring to it though. So who would Joe Mallozzi, the no doubt clever but concerned seeker of Banas help, be played by? Any picks, or should I offer up some of my own?

  21. Joe, any plans on “Director’s Cut” episodes?

    I can understand shaving off a minute of too slow pacing in a episode to make the story flow better.

    But some of those minutes it seems by your words are things you’d really want to be there, but has to go to meet the air length.

    DVD or Blu-Ray releases would be perfect for this.
    Yeah I know, there’s always a possibility of Deleted Scenes extras but…those can rarely be played “in place”. DVD’s etc allows two movie tracks to share segments. But music and more might have to be re-done to fit scene changes however. So a potential technical mess I guess.

    I can imagine “Director’s Cut” episodes potentially being very interesting, with no worries of whether a ep. is a few min too long.

    Just wish there was a way for the fans to see the episode before the “air” cut if you know what I mean.

    Other than that, really looking forward to your episodes in a month+ (and those by the other writers too I guess, but they don’t have a web journal so they don’t really count as much as you *laughs*)


  22. I can’t wait for the July BOTM! And so exciting to have the authors stop by. I really appreciate all the coordination you do for us. Your BOTM will also be my saving grace from mass boredom this summer. I won’t have a working internet connection which means finding time to go sit at the little town general store (yes, general store) in between work shifts–when that isn’t feasible, I’ll be reading books.

    Loving the Whispers pics. Paul looks like he’s having a blast.

    So, I have a small question. You said you had to shave off that extra minute and a half. I notice (when watching time stamps on the DVDs) that most episodes range from 42 minutes to 45 minutes (SGA seems to usually fall in at 43 minutes). So how does the cutting go? Is 45 minutes your absolute most, so that Whispers is 45 minutes exact (with that 35 seconds down)? Or does SGA have a different time limit? Or is it really just getting it to fit in somewhere between 42 and 45 minutes?

    Hope you have a good day!

  23. The mental picture of you and Carl in a deathmatch is going to stick with me all day 🙂

  24. Ahh, more cool pics. 😀 Very nifty. And very nifty that all these authors are willing to show up and do discussions, etc. Seems like it’s been awhile since I’ve actually had some time to sit down and do some real reading.

    And, a belated happy squeal of delight over a new Joel Goldsmith soundtrack (AoT). 😀 Music is something that I pay attention to in the things I watch, oddly enough…it’s a powerful thing and those that master it…bring on the soundtracks. lol I semi-collect movie soundtracks as a result. John Williams, IMO, is The Master; I adore his work. But Joel’s work is also among my CD’s and I’m pleased as punch to be able to add another. 🙂

    Just as a curious question: Who are some of your favorite composers?

  25. Good pictures Joe!

    What series do/did you like writing for more so than the other: SG-1 or Atlantis?

    Any chance of some Teyla pictures soon?

  26. Narelle from Aus said:

    For the Aussies wanting Garden of Iden – I saw that Angus and Robertson can have it delivered in 10-14 days. Chev, you would have better access to resources than I do, so feel free to correct me 🙂

    I did a search for Garden of Iden at Library Link, which simultaneously searches all Victorian public library catalogues, and found it at Darebin, Moreland, Moonee Valley and the Swift Consortium.

    On the book store front, Dymocks ships in 1-6 weeks, Reading has no stock, Collins is within 15 days, or you can go to Book Depository which is a UK site and has FREE SHIPPING worldwide. It is £7.38 ($15??).

    Cheers, Chev

  27. pg15 said:

    “DANIEL: You just said there’s ‘nothing cruvus’ with you.

    JACK: I did not.
    DANIEL: Yes, you did.
    JACK: No I didn’t.
    DANIEL: Yes, you did.
    JACK: Didn’t.
    DANIEL: Did.
    JACK: Didn’t.
    DANIEL: Did.”

    LOVE IT!!

    Dialogue just doesn’t get any better than this. It’s so simple and yet so brilliant. I love the Jack/Daniel banter, much like I love the Shep/McKay banter.

    Hey Joe, what are the chances for some really cool Shep/McKay banter Season 5? How about McKay/Lorne banter? What about McKay/turtles banter?

    Maybe if you have that nervous breakdown we’ll see some Joe M/Joe M blog banter or you could fight yourself Doppelganger-style.

    Cheers, Chev

  28. Will there be any episodes that develop Kellers character more?

    Please, spare us the horror of dealing with the worst character in the entire Stargate universe. I used to think that distinction was reserved for the robotic and unlikeable Dr. Lam on SG1, but Keller is far, far worse.

  29. Hey Joe,

    I love John Wyndham’s books. My favourites are The Chrysalids and Midwich Cuckoos. If you haven’t read the latter, you should definitely add it to your pile.


  30. That had to be hard to edit out five and a half minutes from “Whispers”. However, I’m glad you’re happy with the producer’s cut. I’m still ‘gutted’ everytime I watch “Ripple Effect” and think of all those wonderful scenes that you had to edit out. I know that, unfortunately, you can’t keep everything in. *sigh*

    I’m really enjoying all of the pictures that you have been posting. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you will be able to post some of Michael when he is on set to film the 2-parter. I LOVE the picture of Maximus that you have at the top of your blog. Such a cutie!!


  31. scammers beware

    Narelle from Aus
    I went to your blog and saw your little boys. Ralph is so cute and cuddly looking and Jack (the not-rottie) looks lovely too. My first dog was a bullmastiff/GSD and he was like Scooby Doo.

    Jeffrey and Michelle are, now that the SCB link has been fully explained to me, good names for the wee turtles. It was a kind thought.

  32. Hi Joe,

    As usual, thanks for keeping us entertained daily with your behind the scenes look into the world of high entertainment. That and the sarcasm, too…the food reviews are pretty good, also, though I’m not sure when I’ll make it to Vancouver.

    Anyway, I was wondering about the editting process for the show. Does the director come up with his/her own version as well as the producer? Who’s version is the one we see on TV, or is it a community effort?

    Also, when does the discussion begin for The Blade Itself? I’m about half way through and loving it so far.

  33. Hi Joe !

    Thank you very very much for the pictures about Nicole de Boer !

    Thanks, thanks, thanks !!!

  34. David writes: “One more…who is the “head writer”? Who is above all the other writers???”

    Answer: It depends. At the beginning of every week, we compete in a physical challenge – not unlike the ones you see on Survivor – but instead of immunity, it’s the “head writer” title that’s up for grabs. With it come bragging rights, final say on all creative matters, and first choice off the dessert tray. This week, Carl Binder is head writer. The week before, it was Larry from the transport department.

    This reminds me of the King of the Lab contest that Zac and Hodgins hold in the TV show ‘Bones’! Of course, there’s no physical challenges involved in ‘Bones’, wusses that they are compared to you big and tough SGA writers!! Hmm, King of the Writers has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?!

    Thanks again for the pics! Ah, Carson…mmm….

    It must be really difficult having to cut dialogue and scenes – and on top of that you didn’t get to do any screaming etc! That Alan needs to think about your needs first, not about writing a solid first draft… *tsk, tsk* No King of the Writers for him nexgt week!! *grin*

    Hope you day improves.


  35. hey joe!!!!!!!

    gah all the excitement!! i finished my college exams if you ever need a personal trainer or sports massage ..look me up!!

    on a chocolatey note……what chocolate has paul got in that pic?????gah im a sucker for the white chocolate!


  36. Coucou =) sa va Joseph? Oh il n’y a plus aucun francais qui mettent des commentaires, je me sent seul..

    Waaouu O_O j’adore ces photos!! Merci, Merci, Merci. Je suis toujour tellement contente de voir Paul.

    Plus que demain et c’est enfin le week end! ^^

    J’ai commencer un mini régime…pendant les vacances j’ai fait quelques excès , je n’est que 2 kilos a pérdre..mais 2 kilos c’est 2 kilos de trop!!!! (et oui je suis un fille je me trouve toujour grosse lol)


    1)Avez vous deja fait un régime? combien avez vous perdu?
    2)Aimez vous le Hockey sur glace?

    Voila =) a Bientot^^ Bisssouuuu!!!!♥

  37. Well I’ve just finished The Android’s Dream, having already read The Blade Itself and I have a copy of The Etched City kicking about somewhere having read it a few years back so all in all I’m ahead of the game. Now I just have to justify spending even more of my dwindling finances on the rest of the BOTM choices.

    And if you would be so kind a quick questions regarding Atlantis. If I recall correctly a while ago you said that Martin Gero would be directing an episode in the second half, is that still the case? And, if so, which episode will it be?

  38. Answer: …I produce my own scripts.

    Wow… you answered my question before I could ask it!!! Now that’s impressive!!!

    Don’t you sometimes produce other people’s scripts, too???

  39. Hi,
    can I be really selfish and ask for a blog to be dedicated to me please; I just finished my final exam for my degree, and it went surprisingly well (especially compared to Monday’s one) so I feel like celebrating. Thanks.

    Also, I know in the past you’ve said that DVD and marketing and all that stuff isn’t your area, but the prices of the boxsets for Stargate here in the UK are going to put people off buying them. Every once in a while you get somewhere that prices them reasonably, for instance amazon, but here’s a prime example for your viewing pleasure: HMV want £60 for season 3 of Atlantis. That’s CA$116.92! Season 3 was epic, but I’m sorry there’s no way I’ll pay that much for 5 DVDs.

    One small point, do you know why the boxing for the boxsets has changed. We used to get a simple and cool transparent plastic cover that housed five individual DVD trays which looked cool, and now for some reason we’ve gone over to one giant DVD case. Kind of destroys the look I’ve got going on my DVD shelves.


  40. Hmm, seems like an iguana named Kirk actually kind of fits Zelenka.
    Great pictures, thank you! It just seems to me like the more emotional or action-y a scene is, the better the music for it is, probably a bit more to work with, and since your episode seems like it’s going to be crazily frightening as well as more than a little bit action-y, I’m sure the music is going to be terrific. Still looking forward to it.

  41. Maddog1995 Wrote:
    “Hi Joe,
    …Anyway, I was wondering about the editing process for the show. Does the director come up with his/her own version as well as the producer? Who’s version is the one we see on TV, or is it a community effort? …

    Hello Maddog…
    Joe answered this question in his blog, dated May 9, 2008: My Stargate Memento Wish-List…

    Here is what he wrote:

    “AMZ writes: “I was wondering, roughly how long does it take to edit an episode of Stargate Atlantis?”

    “Answer: The editor starts assembling his cut after the first day of production. Once his cut is complete, the director will go in and work on his cut for a couple of days, then output a director’s cut. The producer will then go in and, over the next couple of days, fashion a producer’s cut. The network and studio will watch the producer’s cut, provide notes, and its back to the editing room for the producer who will incorporate said notes and then lock the cut.”

    Hope this helps!

  42. When an episode is Edited for times sake in this case Whispers does the unedited verson make it on the DVD??

  43. Sorry if this is sorta old news, but just read why Torri Higgison declined to participate in season five. This is her answer:

    Interviewer: Have you heard any more about whether you’re going to be asked back?
    Torri Higginson: Honestly, well actually, I’ll just come out in the open now, so I think I can say it. I’m not coming back. They did come to me and ask me to come back this year, but it was very unclear as to what it was going to be, what they’re going to ask you to do, and it was unclear as to if it was going to be a tidying up of her or if it was gonna to continue to be a vague ‘is she here, is she not there’. And so that, mixed with other contractual things, I chose not to do it. And it was sort of tough, because I felt a sense of responsibility, mostly, to be honest, towards the fans. I wanted to give them a sense of closure. And I felt that I was sort of being betraying by saying no to do it, but I didn’t feel it was going to be a closure, I wasn’t convinced it was gonna be, it was gonna tidy it up. So I felt, well then if we’re just gonna continue this sort of vague dragging it on every year, and I wanted a clarity. And I thought that at the end of the day, however much the fans might be disappointed and not have her do it for another episode, I think they would appreciate my reasons why. I hope so.

    IMO, I bit weird reason, but, well, ultimately it’s her call. Any thoughts, any possible clarification, Mr. Mallozzi?

  44. 1) Besides the floppy ears, there’s another obvious way to tell it’s not Lulu… no tattoo! D’oh.

    2) I will be graduating from GradSchool in 3 short weeks. I think I will finally stop reading about Information Management and start reading something worth wild. Here I come BOTM July!

    3) Speaking of Grad School. Thanks for this blog and for an almost constant string of SGA, it’s a very nice distraction.

  45. @ Joel413… It’s great to hear that people actually GRADUATE from Grad School. I’m in the middle of it myself, and, well, sometimes finishing seems quite a long ways off. Congrats on your achievement!

    Joe, you chose not to address this question yesterday, so I’ll try again: have you read The Carpet Makers by Andreas Eschbach (SF)? I just finished it a couple of days ago. I liked how the writing itself represents one of these carpets as the author weaves his readers in and out of the characters’ lives. By doing this he gives the reader both small and large scale perspectives of the universe he created.

  46. About Whispers… I’m already starting to get cold pickles up and down my spine from your hints and descriptions about it. Just how many night-lights should I invest in before I watch this episode? Say, will one per room be enough?

  47. Hi, Joe.

    Just a random thought – is any explanation given in Whispers as to how the all-female team came about within the context of the story? Do the team leaders get to pick their team members, a la Sheppard, or was the team put together by someone in charge like Carter or Sheppard? Or was it a random “Hey – there’s three girls on this team: lets add another?”

    Not that I’m complaining: from what I’ve seen of their previous work, you’ve put together an awesome quartet there!

  48. i would just like to thank all the star gate writers again…i posted a few months ago how my 1yr old loved the themetune to both SG1 and SGA and how from crying one second he’d be glue to the TV from the moment he heard either tune…anyway…SKY are showing all the SG1 episodes thru again in the evenings and at 15 months old now he’s just noticed the Asgard…and he LOVES them…absolute fits of laughter…thank you for wonderful characters that even appeal to little ones

  49. John Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids” is a fantastic read! I teach the novel, and you can read it in a night. It almost reminds me of the video game “Fall Out”–Distopian/Post Apocalyptic. Excellent for generating ideas. Do you play video games? –They definitely induce relaxation. Coincidentally, “Fall Out III” is coming out very sooon.

    Wraith Cake

  50. Dear Joe,

    It’s been a L O N G time since I’ve been able to do anything more than a quick “read through” of your (or anybody else’s!) blog. Just wanted to send a word of encouragement and gratitude for all the hard work. I’m so excited about the new season. By the time it starts, my life should be a bit slower and I can ENJOY the new stuff!

    I’m sure my questions will be answered as I catch up on your blogs so I’ll get back to reading!

    (Alice Blanchard)

  51. Thanks Chev for the extra info. Angus and Robertson was AU$21 plus $3.50 shipping. The Book Depository pricing I like even better 🙂

    Susanthetartanturtle – thanks for awwwwing over our pups 🙂 I drive around with the dogs in the car and we get the Scooby Doo comments as well. Especially when his ears are flapping in the wind with Ralph’s head out one side and Jack’s out the other. Ralph’s head touches the ceiling of my car now, lucky for the sunroof!

    Did your Bullmastiff ever grow up? Ours is now 3.5yrs, tips the scales at 45kg and still thinks that my lap is a good place to snuggle with Mum. “My legs! My legs! I can’t feel my legs!”.

  52. Hi Joe!

    Congrats on finishing the producer’s cut of Whispers! Wow, twelve scares? You tryin’ to knock off a few blog readers?! LOL!

    Love the pictures – as always. 🙂

    Also really enjoying The Android’s Dream. I’m about 1/2 way through, and I’m looking forward to discussing it.

    I wasn’t immediately grabbed by any of the July selections, but with two authors making the time to stop by, I’ll give’em another look. I’ll be spending a bit of time in an airport, so it’s always good to have a book to read.

    Plus, to slightly alter what you said, there won’t be anything good on in a week or so, once all of my regular shows finish their seasons.

    Have a great night!


  53. well i order all three books for next month and order a copy of Crawlers…hoping i get that one next week so that I can read that right after Android’s dream.

    I was wondering if you have met jj Abrams since he is floating around your fair city filming the new show FRINGE.

    Anne Teldy-I will be mailing you this weekend.

    And I was wondering if you have tried Paul Newman’s chocolate bars…are they any good?

  54. hola!!!!!

    je reviens de vacances, les plus belle de ma vie…..

    je suis partie à seville en andalousie (espagne) es tu déjà allez????

    en tout cas je le recommande à tout le monde!!!!

    voilà, je voulais savoir s’il y a une possibilité de revoir le personnage de weir cette saison ou bien dans la prochaine si il y a!!!

    Pour ma part, je trouve très mais très décevant que Torri Higginson soit partie….c’était mon personnage préféré (désolé pour les autres), elle apportée un plus à la série, elle avait beaucoup de prestance et de charisme….même si la saison 4 était pas mal, je pense que la saison 3 était la meilleur de toute, part son côté sombre et part le rapprochement entre les personnages….

    por favor recontactez là!!!!!! we’ve need her!!!

  55. Hi Joe!

    It’s been a while since I’ve commented, but I have been faithfully reading your blog. Just kinda fell into lurkdom, I guess 🙂

    In response to the weird/disgusting things we’ve found in our food: I once found a dead (and rather squished) mouse in my yoghurt. It had apparently ended up in the yoghurt cart. *shudders just remembering*

    Anyway, I don’t know if you’ll be doing a mailbag today, and if you are, I may already be too late, but I wanted to ask you a couple of SGA questions.

    1. Will there be any sort of epic episodes in S5 with big (space) battles, explosions and the like? Like BAMSR and The Return and such?

    2. What’s the outlook on Shep whump for the back half of the season? Any word on Hexed yet?

    Thanks 🙂


  56. So right now I’m reading the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher. Have you read that, or his Dresden Files? If so, what did you think? I positively devoured the Dresden books, but it took me a bit to get into the Alera books.

  57. So – “Stargate Worlds” has had more than 100000 people apply for beta testing of the game in 2 weeks – not too bad i guess 🙂

    Read more

  58. Just wondering, are the ‘Nation Flags’ still going to be on the character’s sleeves in S5? I always thought it was a great touch, and hope it stays…

    Also, if they are staying, any chance we may see even a fleeting glance of a character sporting a Welsh Flag in S5? ^^

  59. Will You Guys Ever Produced The Episode “Human Error”. it was suppose to Be in season 1 But never happened?

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