






“Hey,”I greeted Rob as I walked by him chatting to Ivon Bartok.

“Hey,”he replied before turning to resume his conversation.

A seemingly innocuous exchange, but one I found somewhat odd given the circumstances. After all, I hadn’t seen Rob in days and, at the very least, I figured he’d want to catch up. But no a big deal. I figured he simply wasn’t in a talking (to me) mood and moved on. About an hour later, my cell phone rings. It’s Rob, phoning to apologize. Apparently, when he’d seen me this afternoon, he’d assumed we’d already caught up. I had told him all about the fan dinner at Fuel, working on my producer’s edit of Broken Ties, and running the camera test for Whispers. Except – I hadn’t. It wasn’t until he was home that Rob realized he didn’t, in fact, speak to me. He’d actually read my blog instead.

Which is one of the nice things about doing this. You rarely have to repeat yourself because once it’s an official entry, all you have to do is direct the curious over to josephmallozzi.wordpress.com. “Hey, Joe, how was your weekend?”asked Kerry one morning. “It’s all on the blog,”I replied. “So, what did you have for dinner last night?”my mother once quizzed me. “Haven’t you been reading the blog?”I countered. “Morning, Joe. What’s new?” “Just read the damn blog!”

So for Kerry, Mom, and Rob – no need for conversation. Here’s the update: I’ve finished my producer’s cut of Broken Ties. Paul came in to take a look at it and, after much discussion, we both agreed we’d need to re-shoot the cafeteria scene (Paul is particularly fond of the bath gag). We’ll also need a pick-up of Ronon drawing his sword, the warriors falling back (rather than looking like a bunch of downcast extras shuffling off to the catering truck), and the B-side hits. I’m very close to completing the pink pages on Whispers and, now that the script is almost bulletproof, my concerns switch to prep – and specifically the fog. We had an impromptu fog meeting yesterday afternoon to discuss the options open to us which included tenting, shooting through smoked glass, and having the VFX department help out with some visual enhancements. Also, got the first audition streams for Teldy and Dusty, and am very, very pleased with the candidates so far. Round two tomorrow.

Hey, if anyone is interested in reading some of the Hugo Award nominees for Best Novel, free electronic editions of four of the five nominees are available to members of this year’s WorldCon. Head over here for the details:


Thanks to Lou Anders for the heads up.

Rob, by the way, also dropped me an email to let me know about a very kind gesture on the part of one of my favorite Vancouver restaurants. For the months of April and May, Bistrot Bistro will be donating 5% of their Tuesday evening revenue to help local kids struggling with juvenile arthritis. Info here: http://www.cassieandfriends.ca/events.shtml

Off to one more fan Fuel dinner tonight. Marty G. is so excited, it’s all he talked about today!

Today’s blog entry is dedicated to birthday gal Allie.

Today’s pics: More snaps from the fog creature camera test for Whispers.

65 thoughts on “April 3, 2008: Just read the damn blog!

  1. Is whoever’s cast as Teldy going to be let in on the reasoning behind the character’s name?

  2. While “just read the damn blog” is ok for those of us who don’t actually *know* you, those who do but are far away, and your mildly curious co-workers, if I may give a bit of advice? PLEASE don’t start conversing with Fondy via blog! Just a helpful tip 🙂 is all…

    Wish I were at the big dinner! Thinking our next vacation needs to be Vancouver…thought the exchange rate isn’t too great for us south of the border folks.

    wams352 ***tgif!!***

  3. hey Joe,

    I’m really excited about Whispers! especially after the talk about the fog and the pics. thanks for those by the way 🙂 I hope you have another fun evening, wish I’d be there

  4. Joe’s mum

    Hello. I am glad that you read the blog. Joe told us that you are a fan of Paul McGillion/Carson Beckett – the poor wee soul murdered in the cause of ratings – you have good taste in men. (So okay they did reincarnate him).

    Did you know that your son is a supervillian?

    Best wishes to both you and Felix. 🙂

    Susan from Scotland. 🙂

  5. I read the damn blog – and didn’t see a damn thing in it about the damn Wraith! DAMN! (unless, by “warriors…looking like a bunch of downcast extras shuffling off to the catering truck” you actually meant ‘Wraith’….then… 😆 ) How else are they supposed to look, seeing as how they’re all gonna be Ronon fodder anyway? Poor fellas… 🙁

    Thanks for the piccies!!


  6. Well who’d have thunk the vagaries of smoke and fog needing it’s very own test!

    Who amongst us hasn’t reminisced over the good old days of going to a club with an overly zealous DJ and his unbridled affection for covering the entire dance floor with fog?

    How many of us of a certain decade have inadvertently mislaid partners in the dense abyss of fog on dance floors. To such an extent of going into the club and coming out with some one that vaguely resembled the person you went in with.

    This was a two edged sword as going in with Mr Right and coming out with Mr Oh so wrong could spell disaster on so many levels.

    I my self am still looking for the first love of my life, who when last seen was boogying away to “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees’ before being engulfed in the fog and never seen again.

    I’m sure that’s where Stephen King got the idea from.

    So enough reminiscing how was the meal?


  7. You could have a hard copy (as in someone chips it out of granite *) made of the blog and bury it in the garden – a thousand years from now archaeologists would be endlessly fascinated.

    (* An added bonus of a granite blog is you can also FEEL THE BLOG)

  8. *laughing* It’s good to see I’m not the only one who points people toward their blog when they want to know what’s up.

    Question for you, Joe. Have you ever tried Karen Krasne’s Extraordinary Desserts in San Diego? Some fellow Gate fans and I are going to meet there for dinner and dessert some time during the week of Comic Con this year and I was wondering what you thought of the place.

    I hope everyone attending tonight’s dinner at Fuel has as much fun as the last group. 🙂 I envy you all something fierce!

  9. Guess I don’t post enough for a dedication. *sigh*

    Maybe for my birthday in August.


  10. Again, tonight I find myself wishing I lived in Vancouver!!!!

    Haha I blog for the opposite purpose: I put my ideas on there that I don’t want my family and friends to read…. it’s like a diary, except public… I guess I’m an oxymoron!

  11. According to tvshowsondvd.com, their sources say that Atlantis Season 4 will be released on 7/8, and Continuum will be released on 7/29. They say they don’t have official word from MGM yet, hopefully these dates are correct.

  12. Glowstick zombies! Kewl, cool, and coolio! Heeee … I can tell I’m already prepping for the desert, everything reminds me of Burning Man. Oh. Wait. Everything always reminds me of Burning Man. Nevermind, move along, nothing to see here.

    What, Vancouver doesn’t have fog on demand? I am disillusioned. How often has there been fog when shooting requires a sunny day?

    Have a wonderful dinner … but of course you all will. Mumble mumble mumble

  13. Ok who’s gonna get Joe a tshirt that says “Just read my damn blog”…??? I’d do it but it’d take forever to send from here down under (Australia that is)

    So Rob reads this blog?

    HI ROB!!!! MWAHS!!!

  14. Hi, Joe.

    Hope this evening’s dinner was a success (and delicious) too!

    So…did you decide to go with the glow sticky thingamajobs for Whispers, or are you going to use something else?

    (Just curious, in case I need to fight the dreaded Tule Fog Monster this winter.)

    Best wishes, Morjana

  15. Hey Joe!

    5% of revenue to help against childhood arthritis? Amazing to hear, thanks for letting us know as that is a really good cause to collect money for! 🙂

    How are you folks able to even tape something in a foggy scene like those in your photos? Visibility appears to be almost zero, it seems like it would be difficult to coordinate.

    Hope you had a good fan-fueled dinner!

    – Enzo Aquarius

  16. Hi Joe!

    I’m with you there! Just read the damn blog, dammit! 🙂

    The zombie fog pics aren’t quite as exciting as yesterday’s pics, but I’m “going with the flow,” as much as I can after some wine – not whine. :S

    I finished Timescape – and recommended it to two people – my hubby who has a physics degree and a computer geek kinda guy I know who enjoys this kind of book. Looking forward to the discussion.

    Damn, can’t type right. Wine good – typing + wine = difficult.

    Glad you had a great time with the fans at/of Fuel – very nice of you to do that!

    All the best and have a great weekend!


    P.S. I hope R. Cooper will drop by the blog soon – really loving AoT!

  17. Hey Joe!

    Massive thanks to you and Marty for having dinner with us tonight at Fuel!

    I want to thank you also for keeping Allie company while I was patching up Kassandra’s poor knee in the bathroom. That was very sweet of you and I’m sure it made Allie’s day.

    You and Marty are so gracious and made us all feel at home. Thank you so much for doing this with us. I know I’m very spoiled to be the fan of a show where the writers, producers, actors, and all involved truly care about the fans.

    About the “cute” comment at dinner… I had said the picture of you and Allie was cute. When I told you that I wasn’t calling you “cute” I didn’t mean that you aren’t “cute.” I think it came out wrong. Sorry about that! I actually don’t call men “cute” anyway. I will say that you looked handsome in your suit. Hopefully that makes what I meant to say more clear. I would not want you thinking I was being mean.

    If you are ever in Tampa hopefully I can point you in the direction of some great restaurants and return the favor.

    Many thanks,


  18. Joe,

    I love that your friends, family and coworkers read the blog to keep in touch! As someone who has just begun blogging, I’m still fairly hesitant as to what to include and am not sure if I should invite family to read it. Most of them know of the geeky side of me, but, perhaps, not to the extent that I reveal online.

    I’m having a cosmopolitan to toast your dinner tonight…it’s the only way to prevent the green-eyed monster from popping it’s wretched head up. (sigh, maybe one day…)

    Have a wonderful Friday!


    BTW A couple quick questions, one of which was asked repeatedly, but I don’t remember it being answered…Will we ever find out anything about John’s mother? Or what exactly was at the root of the disagreement with his father? Thanks, as always!

  19. Hello Joe,

    A thousand times thank you for the wonderful time at Fuel tonight. The food was amazing and the company outstanding. I was sad thinking I would have to sit alone and low and behold, as soon a I sat down, I took chance; leaned over and whispered to the three ladies next to me, “excuse me, are you here for the dinner with Joe?”… You bet, said Kassandra, a.k.a, Mackeziesmomma, Trish and her lovely daughter Allie.

    Trish and Kassandra then said almost simultaneously, “are you alone?” Yes, I replied, “why don’t you join us” and there began a wonderful evening of laughter, mucho pictures, batting of eyelashes and all around fun filled conversation … at least I thought so! You and Marty were great! Magnanimous and gracious for sure; handsome and funny unquestionably, and without fail you & Marty made my weekend. I am looking forward to the Tour on Saturday and I hope I can get in Marty’s group!

    Enjoy your 787 Mug and Thermos and don’t forget to give the recovering Lulu the squeeze toy in trusted to your care for delivery to your cute puppy! …NO Joe, it is not for you to play with…meh!

    All I can say is I’m happy, exhausted and satiated…in more ways than one… night, night!

    Patricia Lee

  20. It took me a long time to get used to that – you start talking to someone at an event and they know a lot about you and start to discuss things..then you realise they read your blog! I still feel slightly uncomfortable – having strangers or friends read is one thing, but that middle set of people you’ve just met is another.

  21. Thanks for the terrific time at Fuel tonight, Joe! It was great to meet you and Martin, and ‘talk shop’. Fuel is as fantastic as you always say it is. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to visit with us. (Even if you couldn’t keep your eyes open. *g*)

    Good luck with the fog!

  22. Joe enjoy Fuels and post some pics of the dinner and fans please. MY Birthday is April 5 HAPPY BITHDAY TO ME!!My friends are taking me out to Krums Bistro its a pretty good Steak House.

  23. tiger’s eyes Said:

    Chev, I didn’t see that, so thanks again for posting the link. That is just too funny! I’m seeing a holographic image of Cab Calloway or Duke Ellington, in white tux with full tails, playing and singing “Minnie the Moocher” for those working on the project. – Sorry you don’t get to go; but then again, who would want to work with a bunch of fruitcakes?

    On the next page (from the page you linked):

    “Imagine discovering not only alien attempts at communication with Earth, but also such heretofore unavailable cultural treasures as Pink Floyd’s 1968 appearance on the BBC and the tragically lost first season of ‘Iron Chef’.”

    Tell you what, I might not want to go to Mars and eat algae, but I think I could have a great time working at Google. 😀

    Yeah I was thinking of that song too.

    Have you seen the photos of Google Zurich? Check it out at:


    Cheers, Chev

  24. Loving the Fog Testing pics – Zombie crew members, glow sticks and all!

    Hahahaha…bless Rob C. It just goes to show how great your blog really is Joe. 🙂

  25. Geez dude ya shoulda said sumpin. You want fog? WE got fog! tons of it here in darkest Cornwall. and to order!! you want thin and wispy? we got thin and wispy, you want pea-soup? we got dat too! Its our most lucrative export is fog, any time o’ year, any time o’ day just call 0800 FOG!

    Hellooooo! anyone dere? where dey all gone?
    *fumblings and stumblings in fog city*

  26. Monster fogs no sentient mist, you could even go so far as to say it’s the imploding wart next to an exploing tumour on the grand scale of things, but I’m going to go on trust that it’s going to work out.

    By the way, AV Eddy told Morjana who told AnnefromFremantle who told Pauline who told me that Trish totally thinks you’re cute. Or that you were a orange walrus, it was getting confusing there at the end.

  27. Him this blog CAN be a conversation killer, huh. Or a time saver. Now I’ll have to reconsider blogging (thinking about the latter reason).

    I’m SO excited to hear about First Contact 1st half of the mid season 2-parter! New People! Mad McKay! Janus!! DANIEL!!! sounds seriously awesome. Definitely on my list of most anticipated.

    *waves at Trish et al from Tampa* I live in that area too!

  28. Oh, I hope you guys are taking advantage of the fog tests to do some sort of short film using your crew and mocking something…um…mockable.

    And poor Rob. He probably had the guilts for thinking he’d spoken to you already. 🙂

  29. Mr. Mallozzi…I know I’ve made passing mention of this in my ramblings, but never asked you directly – so here it goes:

    Is there any chance we can have the best of both Wraith worlds – discover a way for them to gain nourishment from regular food, without taking away their ability, or desire, to feed on humans (much like a reformed alcoholic still craves a drink)?

    This would allow some Wraith to coexist with humans, while always posing the danger that one might ‘fall off the wagon’ and suck the life out of some unfortunate soul. It would keep the Wraith ‘Wraith’ in both appearance and ability (unlike Michael who’s something else now), while minimizing – but not neutralizing – their threat.


  30. I just read the spoilers on Gateworld for “First Contact” and it sounds FANTASTIC!!!!!! I’m so glad that Daniel finally has some free time that he can go to “Atlantis” for a bit. Also, please tell Marty G. that I think he picked an awesome name for the episode – definitely worth waiting for.

    Thanks for all of the pictures you posted from your first dinner at Fuel with the fans. Sounds like everyone had a great time. Looking forward to seeing tonight’s pictures too.


  31. Hello Joseph=) Sa va , =)

    Moi super! Il fait trés beau aujourd’hui c’est super^^! En plus c’est enfin le week end!

    Merci pour ces photos, gros bisou, je vous adore , aplus ♥♥

  32. I heard that Trish was brave and gave you my hug! LOL
    And, you actually knew who I was!!!*thinks about that* Um…or you were just being very gallant, and lied. *big goofy grin* Either way, I’m happy and feel like I was there…in spirit anyway.

    Good thing I wasn’t really there. I have had a cold now for 19 days. I finally got some antibiotics as it’s turned into a lovely sinus infection. After taking antibiotics for 2 days, my body decides to get a fever of over 101 degrees last night…so I would have been pretty miserable company! But, I feel better this morning…especially after hearing from Trish on here, and in email, about her lovely evening.

    That was very sweet of you Joe to keep Allie company while Trish was patching up Kassandra. You are a very gallant man…and very classy.

    Now Marty…hmmm…I don’t know about him. He didn’t even remember me from myspace. Geez, he friended me and now it’s like….we aren’t really friends. I mean…really…what does ‘friending’ someone actually mean? And, after all my wonderful comments, too! *disgruntled look* I guess you can’t believe what he says on his page…he said he wanted to meet me! Really…he did! Here, I’ll post what he wrote:
    Who I’d like to meet:
    You! Yes, you. I know most people will think: “He can’t mean me specifically”…but I do. “But what about all the other people that read this?” you ask…well, they’re just reading the message I left just for you! Weird, eh? Seriously, let’s meet.

    See! I told you…it’s me he said he wanted to meet! I kinda thought he sounded a bit stalkerish when I first read that, and was a bit leery of actually introducing myself…but I figured that if he really wanted to meet me, I would be brave and say “Hi”. *big sigh* Now that he’s a big “film maker” he’s forgotten all of us little people he used to be friends with. 🙁 Now to go leave him a message on myspace. Doesn’t know me? Indeed! *smirk*


  33. dovil Said:
    By the way, AV Eddy told Morjana who told AnnefromFremantle who told Pauline who told me that Trish totally thinks you’re cute. Or that you were a orange walrus, it was getting confusing there at the end.

    (Dovil you totally slay me. Are you sure you don’t write? Or are really a stand up comic somewhere? I love your sense of humour!)

    But, you’re right!*holds up one finger like O’Neill often does* Trish told Patricia Lee who told Allie who told Kassandra who told me that Trish does think Joe’s cute. Um….wait a minute…erm…maybe that was Joe Flanigan they were talking about…oh..never mind. *wonders if the fever has affected her brain*


  34. @Trish/whovian ~ Oh, come now! If Joe gets down this way, we have to take him to dinner at Disney. I’m thinking the Yachtsman Steakhouse, for the best prime rib ever! (*Salivates just thinking about it* We’d all have to go dutch, though, Including Joe. Or else I’d need a *lot* more commissions! XD) Glad you gals had a good time — wish I’d been there with ya! 🙁 Have fun at the con!

  35. drldeboer Said:
    *waves at Trish et al from Tampa* I live in that area too!

    *waves at drldeboer* Hi! I’m also from the Tampa Bay area! We could start a club…..lol.


  36. Yikes! Sorry….didn’t mean to yell that. And, I was certain I put the dang coding in correctly.
    Slightly embarrassed,

  37. A Nice Tale

    A friend of mine who has no interest at all in Sci Fi (she loves English History and Murder Mysteries) says to me tonight, any news on how Anne Teldy is doing?

    It had amazed me how she had got to know of Anne through your blog Joe. I’d told her of the competition when it was still up for grabs…and naturally how super amazing it would be to win. I told her of the person who had won the prize, and how deserving she was of it. I then informed her that she would be missing for a while.

    Her story has touched not only those of the blog but also those around the people of this community.

    Anyone have any news?

  38. Hi,

    I was wondering if the audio stories by Torri Higginson and Michael Shanks are going to be sondered by you guys as a part of the stargate mythology if that makes sense, I think the word is canon, I’m not sure, if they just happen to fit in, like the stargate atlantis fandemonium books.


  39. sorry ‘sondered’ should have read ‘considered’, I didn’t realise the mistake until I pressed submit.

  40. Hey Joe! Had a blast last night. I got in just before midnight(I got lost after dropping off my guests at the hotel). The knee is feeling a wee bit better this morning, and I may possibly be able to walk on it sometime over the weekend. I was just wondering where you want me to email the link to the pictures we snapped? Thanks!

  41. Bath gag! YAY!

    I recently found out my mother reads my blog, and I gotta say I find that a mixed blessing. While on one hand, it saves long-distance money, but on the other, well, my MOM reads my BLOG. I post fangirl squees on there! About Rodney in glasses from SG-1, most recently. Which brings me to my latest question:

    Is there any possible way that we can have Rodney in glasses at some point on the show, ever? I’d take anything from slow advancement of age in season 15 to a crazy not-dinosaur with eye-blurring spit! Don’t make me beg?


    ps. I’d totally beg.

  42. Hi Joe,

    I just wanna let you know that Dinner yesterday was just great. I really enjoyed chatting with you guys. And please could you let Martin know that everyone loves his self-portrait in my book?
    And before I’ll forget it, the steak was fantastic, surely the best one I ever ate in my life. And the desert was just a dream!

    I’ve got here the links of my pictures, feel free to use them if you like.

    You and me
    Martin and me
    My desert

    It really was a pleasure to meet you again (hopefully not for the last time).

    Take care!

    P.S. I’m looking forward to the monkey!!! *lol*

  43. Alright! Alright!

    Joe’s cute.

    Happy now?

    I’ve said it officially.

    *waves back at drldeboer* Howdy neighbor!

    Oh! And Joe, Allie wants me to thank you personally for keeping her company. She said, “He is really nice. I like him. I’m glad he came over to talk with me.” On behalf of Allie, thanks!


    @wolfen: Maybe, if Joe’s ever brave enough for Florida, we can talk him into Tampa AND Disney eats.

  44. OH! Joe, I almost forgot, I am supposed to remind you(as per you’re request) to “Give the Scrapbook, to David(H)”

    Thanks again for that!

    And just out of curiousity, what exactly was the ‘spare you already gave away’? 😉

  45. Joe,
    Trish just sent me some photos of the “dinner”. Now just WHAT were you thinking about when you had your Baron Destructo face on? LOL The pics are just priceless…you have such a great sense of humour!

    @wolfenm Me too…I wanna take Joe to Disney for dinner, too! *secretly thinks Joe will probably be avoiding Florida after all this*
    Um…did I think that out loud???


  46. Will you guys have any representatives at this year’s New York Comic Con?

  47. I’ve read the info available at Gateworld regarding “First Contact”. I can’t hardly wait for season 5. However, I have to admit that I’m worried about this mid season two-parter, at least based on what little is said in that Gateworld article.

    So far, the mid season finale is the only episode I am not looking very forward to. The same happened to me with Trio and Midway in s4. As things turned out, I loved Midway… and disliked Trio with passion (Trio is the only episode I didn’t like in s4).

    My concerns about “First Contact”, based on the info available:

    1) I hope this is a team episode, with all the cast (like all the previous mid season finales: The Storm, The Lost Boys, The Return I and This Mortal Coil), and not a Rodney and Dr Jackson centric episode (the only characters mentioned in that article are Rodney and Dr. Jackson).

    2) I hope Rodney is written as the Rodney we know in Atlantis, and not the “SG-1 version of McKay”, just to please the SG-1 fans who might watch the episode because of Michael Shanks.

    I also hope I don’t sound like one of those obnoxious posters, because it’s certainly NOT my intention. I adore Atlantis and I think so far you’ve all done a great job. It’s just that, as an Atlantis only fan, I never look forward to episodes with SG-1 characters as guest stars, and I really disliked how Rodney was written in “The Pegasus Project”, which seemed to me that it was a step back into its days as a guest character in SG-1, and not the Rodney we love in Atlantis. So that’s why my main concern about “First Contact” is how Rodney will be written. And the article at Gateworld makes it sound as it could be written again in the “SG-1 way”.

    As I said, I hope I don’t sound obnoxious or anything like that 🙁

  48. *snaps a sharp salute* Request permission to request pictures of dogs again, thats the only reason I’m here. oh and some weird shit called Atlantis something or other

  49. *waves at drldeboer* Hi! I’m also from the Tampa Bay area! We could start a club…..lol. Yikes! Sorry….didn’t mean to yell that. Kimberly

    *YELLS back* HI KIMBERLEY!!! 🙂
    I think maybe you heard me, we probably only live a few miles apart! the area’s not that big
    feel better, I had that dreadful flu-shyte for a month

    PS hope Teldy is feeling better too

  50. Joe, thanks ever so much for my BOTM prize. I loved BAMSR, so receiving an autographed copy of the script just for participating in the BOTM club felt like a wonderful gift. If you wouldn’t mind passing along my thanks to everyone in the writers room for signing the script, I’d be truly grateful. It was a lovely prize to receive, especially as it was so unexpected. Thanks again.

  51. Awesome! I’m just imagining all the crazy cool stuff you could do with that. Tag in the fog, anyone? Or if you’ve ever heard of sardines or assassin…. Was it hard to avoid equiptment and stuff? Or did you hang glowsticks from all the cameras and stuff?

  52. ===ATTENTION===
    Calling Anne Teldy, where are you? Someone nearby just has to grab a laptop and run over to assist! Get that fine lady back on the ‘net.
    We miss YOU Anne! Get better soon… Many, many hugs 😀

    HELLO MR. COOPER! Wu-hoo!

    So, who else from the show reads Joe’s blog, um? Come on now, fess up. Don’t make me come over there and yank you onto the Comments box.

    Can you tell I’ve had an oh so strange, strange Friday? Started a new job Tuesday, have yet to see my assigned laptop but am billing for my time anyway. Trust me, this is *hell* for someone who actually wants to create and work.

    Oh Provisioning Department, wherefore art thou?
    Prithee, come hence and bringeth quickly my IBM T61 fully loaded and ready to roll laptop.
    Forsooth, I canst performeth my job. Woe is me!
    Yet, shalt I charge thee (large company) for my valuable time, attention and commuting costs.

    Carol Z.
    Quothing, zoning and boggeying down folks…

  53. Maybe Anne Teldy is lost in that fog!

    Someone better tell her there’s a monster lurking in there or at least Rob with a glow stick which amounts to the same thing!

    Sounds like everyone had a great time at Fuel last night.

    If you ever come to the UK perhaps we could arrange a meal here.

    Then to be fair to the rest of the world you could continue your gastronomic tour in Australia….New Zealand….the world could be your lobster Joe!


  54. Good evening! I hope things are going well and that you have had a great time at all the dinner parties. Just curious about something. I was reading in a couple of places where the show (SGA-specifically) will premiere in July (I know there is no confirmation from SciFi on this), but if that is the case, where are you all in your production schedule? Do you have any episodes in the can – or are they all still in varying stages of production? More importantly, my husband heard a rumor – which I know you will not confirm – but he was telling me that he heard that you all are killing off a “major” character (major being the operative word, methinks). I guess there is always speculation about this sort of thing. The question to ask, I guess, is are any of the recurring cast members going to be wearing a red shirt this season?

    Oh, in other news, we had to go about 30 miles outside of DC to find a copy of Ark of Truth – and we got the last copy at that Best Buy. We were going to order online, but wanted to have it in our hands that night! I have visited the local entertainment store by my house, and they said that they get it in, and it’s gone within a matter of hours. So, congrats. It was an excellent movie, and makes me very excited about Continuum (I so love Ba’al!).

  55. Joe, that fog seems rather um still, almost looks like smoke hanging there.

    Any possibility of hooking up a few tiny air nozzles that is dialed to a very low setting so that tiny jets of air get triggered and thus “move” the fog around slightly to make it seem kinda more alive?

    Would look very good especially when near the camera/viewer.


  56. Bonsoir Joseph,
    Comme je passais dans le coin je me suis dit: tiens, pourquoi pas prendre le temps pour dire Coucou !
    Alors voilà c’est fait !
    Morgia 😉

  57. Yes, as Kassandra said, thank you on behalf of David’s squirrels for taking the scrapbook to David. 🙂

    @Trish & Kimberly ~ Oh, *two* dinners with Joe and you lot? I don’t know if my poor little heart can take that much excitement. 😉 Srsly, though, if he was ever brave enough, we’d have to plan it very far in advance for Disney — the upper-scale restaurants, especially the Yachtsman and Cineralla’s Round Table, are typically booked like 180 days ahead! Ah, for the good old days, when you could get in for sure so long as you made reservations that morning. Then again, the Sci-Fi Dine-In could be a lot of fun, if he’d be willing to slum food-wise for a night, but that would be restrictive, since it’s inside a park …. *cough* Ok, getting ahead of myself, seeing as we’ve never seen him even mention a desire to go to Florida that I can recall … XD But could you imagine dragging him to DisneyQuest? LOL (Hey, speaking of which, we still need to use our other tickets to that! …) We should probably thank you, Joe — if it weren’t for Stargate (and David’s board), I wouldn’t have met such cool gals! Thanks to Trish and Kimberly, I actually get out of the house once in a while! ;P

    *waves at driedboer* Always nice to meet another Florida-based SG fan! 😀

  58. A very belated thank you for the pictures of Connor Trinneer as the character Michael. Were those from the episode Search and Rescue? I hope to see him many times more this season.
    I hope that Lulu is doing well after her eye surgery. A big hug to her and the pugs. A belated thanks for the recents pics of them as well. There can never be too many pictures of them.
    I hope the weather is nice in Vancouver. It was snowing quite a bit in the West Island today. Not a very pleasant site after all the snow we received this winter. It has been slowly melting away and was supposed to be mostly raining today with a bit of snow but it was the reverse with mostly snow and a bit of rain. Though there is a lot of snow still left there is a fair amount that has melted the last few days. My elderly mom decided that it would be a good time to go for a walk yesterday and unfortunately stepped on a patch of ice and broke her ankle. She spent more than a few hours at Lakeshore. What is the weather like in Vancouver? Is there any snow left on the ground? Are the tulips in bloom yet? Desperately waiting for the first bloom here!!

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