









Long before this script was outlined or we had even sat down to spin this story, I had two scenes in mind for Beckett’s return to Stargate Atlantis. The first, was the final scene of part one. The second, was the final scene of part two. Aside from those two scenes, I had know idea how the events leading up to this episode would dovetail and pay off. I knew we wanted to bring Carson back (The groundwork had been subtly laid way back in Season 3’s Vengeance in which, after some discussion with Carl and Martin, it was decided to go back and layer in a clue pointing to Michael’s involvement in the seeming resurrection. Isn’t it funny how Michael’s made so much progress with the retrovirus? It’s like he’s taken our research and made it his own.). We wanted to solve the mystery of the missing Athosians. And we wanted to bring back the Michael and pay off all of his nefarious planning with a big, galaxy-wide scheme. Sure, there were other elements that we wanted to set up/include/pay-off, but those were the big goals. Goals, clearly, too big for only one episode. So we spun both stories and I took part one, while Alan headed off with part two. What follows are my (now hazy) recollections of the writing of Kindred I –


Kanaan’s Funeral

Poor Kanaan. We hardly new ya. In fact, this opening scene of the tease was very different from the one that appeared in my first draft. In the original version, there is no funeral, simply a run-of-the-mill trudge back to the gate from an off-world mission that takes on a very bizarre twist:


The team makes its way through a heavily forested area.

SHEPPARD: Gotta say – it’s great to have you back.

TEYLA: Back? I don’t recall ever having left.

SHEPPARD: Well you know what I mean. Back on the team.

TEYLA: I assumed I was always part of the team.

SHEPPARD: (sighs) I mean –

Teyla gives a little smile.

TEYLA: I know what you mean – and thank you. It’s nice to be off-world again, with all of you.

RONON: Yeah, well don’t get too comfortable. First sign of trouble and you head straight for the gate.

MCKAY: Don’t worry. We will.

Off Ronon’s look –

MCKAY: What? There’s no point in all of us staying behind to lay down cover fire. Besides, she may need help. What if she falls down and can’t get up?

TEYLA: Rodney, I’m pregnant, not incapacitated.

ON Teyla.

TEYLA: Athosian women are known for their fortitude in battle as well as pregnancy. My own grandmother was reputed to have given birth to my father while in the midst of an off-world trade negotiation. She returned to Athos the next day carrying her newborn, a sealed agreement, and two bushels of eldarran musk root. Her people were so impressed that…

She glances back –

There’s no one behind her. The rest of the team is gone.

TEYLA: John?

She glances about, panic rising. The surrounding area is deserted.

TEYLA: Ronon?!

She heads back the way she came, frantically scanning the area for any sign of her teammates.

TEYLA: Rodney?! Where are you?!

She stops. A shadowed figure moves in the trees behind her, in and out of sight. Somehow sensing it, she turns –

Too late. It’s gone. Beat. Another shadowed movement, again behind her, darting quickly in and out of hiding. Again, sensing something, she whirls around – Again, too late. Nothing there.

Wide-eyed and frightened, she starts to back away when suddenly her radio comes alive, a whispered voice fighting the static –

KANAAN: …us…(static)…he-…(static)…us…

The figure moves behind her again and we see it more clearly now. An Athosian – KANAAN – staring back at her as he moves, ghostlike, from one tree to the next. She turns again, and this time, just catches sight of him. She starts toward him.

TEYLA: Hello?!!

She draws her weapon, circles around the tree – But finds no one there. Again, her radio comes alive. The static fades and the whispered voice becomes clearer –

KANAAN: …us…help us…help us…

Teyla, totally freaked out by this point, quickly turns to flee – And runs right into the arms of Kanaan who is suddenly behind her. He appeals to her –

KANAAN: Help us. Please. Help us!

Beat. And, suddenly, he is yanked away by some unseen force, beyond the trees and away – VFX.


At which point she wakes up. Yeah, I know. Very different. I’ve always enjoyed writing scenes in which the team members good-naturedly poke fun at one another, and this was a great opportunity to do a little of this. Ultimately, however, it was decided that we had already covered the issue of Teyla’s pregnancy as potential off-world problem, so we went with the funeral sequence instead. As many of you noticed, I seemingly let slip the concept drawing of Kanaan’s funeral pyre, drawing the wrath of one poster who was incensed I’d unwittingly reveal such a major spoiler. Heh heh. Some of you weren’t fooled at all. Still others adopted a cautious wait and see approach. Yes, I did it to throw you off. But I also did it so that the next time I do unwittingly release a picture containing a spoiler, you’ll all hopefully be less inclined to buy it.

Act I

Keller discusses the plague

It’s always fun to be able to back-reference an element from the show’s past. In this case, I thought – Well, since Michael has Beckett, he has access to all of Beckett’s research. What’s something he could use as part of that master plan? And the idea of his using the Hoffan virus to taint the wraith’s food supply seemed too obvious and deliciously evil an opportunity to pass up. Of course, the suggestion is that through Beckett’s help, Michael has managed to refine the process, lowering the death toll of those infected from 50% down to 30%.

McKay presents Teyla with a pre-baby gift

We got to see everyone but Rodney’s reaction to Teyla’s pregnancy, so I thought it might be nice to do this little scene. Awkward, but still hopelessly egocentric, he presents Teyla with a present that is trademark McKay. This scene remained more or less as it was in the original, except that Paul had the brilliant idea of seguing into the next scene with Rodney’s…

Sheppard and McKay discuss Teyla

“I doubt very seriously it was a vision.” Brilliant. In the original version, Sheppard and McKay’s roles were reversed. Sheppard was the dubious one while McKay, coming off the preceding conversation with Teyla, was the one willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. But after some thought, it was decided that this version made more sense given that McKay is the man of science and, in the end, Sheppard will make the call to head off-world and follow up on Teyla’s presumed vision.

Teyla second dream-vision

More or less as scripted. We went back and forth on some visual effects ideas, at one point pitching out the possibility that we see the leaves whip up and into a mini-whirlwind that collapses to reveal Kanaan. In the end, we decided the scene didn’t need it.

Sheppard’s discussion with Carter – the walk to the gate

In the first draft, this was just one very different scene –

Sheppard leads McKay and Ronon down the corridor toward the gate room.

Teyla, dressed for an excursion herself, turns into the corridor in front of them. The guys hold up.

TEYLA: Where are you going?

SHEPPARD: I was about to ask you the same thing.

TEYLA: You first.

SHEPPARD: Well, we’re about to follow up on your lead and check out that planet you told us about.

TEYLA: Then to answer your question – I am going with you.

SHEPPARD: (sighs)

He throws a look to McKay and Ronon.

MCKAY: We’ll, uh, wait for you at the gate.

McKay and Ronon press on, leaving Sheppard and Teyla to have their chat.

SHEPPARD: Do we really have to have this conversation? Again?

TEYLA: My people are missing. They may be in danger.

SHEPPARD: Then that’s reason enough for you not to come with. Let us handle it.

TEYLA: I have visited this village countless times in the past. There is nothing for us to fear there.

SHEPPARD: I’d rather not take that chance. Not with you.

Teyla steps up to him, resolute –

TEYLA: My fellow Athosians need me and so long as I am capable, I will do everything within my power to ensure their safe return to New Athos. And nothing will keep me from doing so.

Beat. Sheppard throws up his hands.

SHEPPARD: Well, guess we’ve got us a stalemate then.

Teyla stares back at him, resolute.

Which of course segues into the scene where they’re off-world, including Teyla, headed for Croya. I love sassy Teyla and this was a fun scene to write but, like the conversation in the Tease, it was felt that we had already covered the subject in previous episodes.

Off-world walk and talk

This scene remained pretty much unchanged. The one interesting thing about it, from a behind the scenes perspective, is that it was very nearly cut for time. The episode was running long and losing the scene wouldn’t have hurt the story. But it did have that fun Rodney-Ronon exchange, so we kept it and made up the time through some dialogue trims in other scenes.

Croya – Teyla comes up empty

This was not scripted to be the end of Act I. The scene in which Keller makes the connection to the Hoffan drug and reveals its victims were intentionally exposed was supposed to be the final scene of the first act – but we ended up shifting the act breaks and decided to end it with the revelation that Teyla’s quest had come to a seeming dead end (literally!).

Talk about coincidences. I was at my local fish shop this afternoon, picking up some scallops for dinner, when I spotted the actress who plays the merchant Teyla speaks to. I introduced myself and thanked her for doing the show, told her she’d done a great job. Unfortunately, I don’t have her name handy (help me out fans), but she auditioned for me last year and just missed out on the part. She was great, however, and I made a mental note to bring her back. Second time was the charm.


Keller makes the connection to the Hoffan drug

Pretty much unchanged except for the fact that it is no longer the act break moment.

Sheppard scrubs the fact-finding mission to Croya

Pretty much unchanged. What I like about this scene is the conflict between Teyla’s desperation and Sheppard’s frustration, culminating in Teyla’s “#What is it you’re questioning, John? My interpretation of the vision, or the vision itself?”. While it’s easy to understand Teyla’s desire to do everything she can to find her people, it’s hard not to sympathize with John here who has extended himself by okaying this seemingly suspect mission in the first place.

Keller gives everyone the lowdown on the virus

Pretty much unchanged. But there’s a scripting oversight that just drives me nuts every time I hear it. Carter states: “The random nature of this drug’s distribution is clear and calculated…” Huh? If it’s random, it can’t be calculated, can it? No. This one’s on me. It should have read: “The seemingly random nature of this drug’s distribution is actually clear and calculated…” Most won’t notice, but I do. But then, I’m sensitive that way.

Another dream vision

Another scene that remained pretty much unchanged from the original version.

Teyla appeals to Carter

This sequence played out only slightly differently in the first draft. Originally, I opened the scene in the control room where Teyla is arguing with an clearly anxious Chuck who is refusing to dial the gate for her. Carter arrives on the scene, defusing the situation, and invites Teyla into her office where they chat. In the first draft, the first thing Carter does is contact Lorne – and then gets into the conversation with Teyla, a conversation that is a little more clipped and less understanding. After Teyla argues her point, Lorne arrives and Teyla assumes Carter is putting her under guard for fear that she will attempt to head through the gate. Instead, Carter instructs Lorne to escort Teyla off-world. The scene ends as shot, with the ladies on a first name basis.

Sheppard and McKay encounter the scavengers

Pretty much as is except that, as scripted, this scene ends Act II. To be honest, I went back and forth so many times that, at this point, I don’t even recall if it ended up as the second act break.


Teyla and Lorne back in Croya

I moved around a lot of scenes in this third act, but what follows is the order in which they were scripted. This scene survives pretty much in tact from the original. And to all the Lorne fans who’ve wondered where the heck he hails from – he’s a native of San Fran.

Sheppard and co. get word from Todd

Pretty much as is except for a funny little bit I had to lose. As scripted, Carter informs the other that they have been contacted by Todd:

CARTER: Wraith subspace tracking device. It’s our old friend.

MCKAY: “Todd”.

RONON: Guess he wants to parlay.

McKay and Carter throw Ronon curious looks. Sheppard explains –

SHEPPARD: I let him watch my Pirates of the Caribbean DVD.

MCKAY: You’d think you would’ve learned your lesson after that Lord of the Rings fiasco.

A funny exchange, but the reason I had to lose it is that Jason delivered his line as Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow. In every take. “It isn’t Ronon,”went the counter-argument, so I lost the bit – but look for it as part of the season four outtakes. And, yeah, Jason is a huge fan of the Pirates movies. Surprised?

Teyla takes down the trader

Even though that village looks mighty spacey it is, in reality, pretty cramped and the location didn’t exactly lend itself to the most dynamic of chase sequences. In the script, the trader is supposed to make a run for it, find one way cut off, find another way cut off, see Lorne coming and up-end a bunch of crates to block his progress, dart off – and get taken out by Teyla. After much tweaking and cutting and hair-pulling, the once thirty some second sequence was trimmed down to a much more acceptable ten seconds or so.

Sheppard and co. encounter Todd at the wraith lab

Pretty much unchanged although its placement changed. As an aside, one of the things I loved about this episode was the various elements coming together: Teyla’s pregnancy, the mystery of the missing Athosians, Michael, Todd, the Hoffan virus, Beckett. This two parter pays off a number of the balls we set in play earlier on in the season. If you thought part one was fun, just you wait until next week.

Lorne and Teyla question the trader

A fun scene in that we glimpse a side to both Lorne and Teyla that we barely get to see. This scene remained pretty much unchanged except that, in the first draft, Teyla’s contribution to the interrogation played out slightly differently.

TRADER: And if I don’t tell you? What are you going to do? Hurt me?

LORNE: No. I won’t hurt you.

Lorne backs off and throws a glance over to Teyla who unsheathes one of her bantos rods.

LORNE: But she may.

As Teyla takes a threatening step forward, the Trader breaks –

I love the thought of a pregnant but pissed off Teyla advancing on someone, bantos rods in hand. But Paul thought it would be more fun (and certainly more visual) to have her give him a nudge and tip him back on his chair instead, leaving him with the news that they’ll let the villagers deal with him. THAT brings him around.

Todd requests our help

This scene was pretty much unchanged for the original draft. However, the following exchange was lost for time:

TODD: Our food supply has been so randomly tainted we have no way of knowing if our next meal will be our last.

MCKAY: It’s like a box of chocolates. You never know if you’re going to get the one with the mint filling.

Beat. They all throw him a look.

TODD: If by “mint filling” you mean a toxin so powerful its reward is a certain and very painful death, then yes, I agree with your analogy.

The dart nabs Teyla

As scripted. And, if you haven’t figured it out yet, this clue from the season 5 teaser poem: “An old enemy sweeps down and gains the upper hand.” refers to this sequence.

Todd and Sheppard strike a deal

Originally, there were three scenes, but I ended up marrying the last two in editing. Todd’s “There can be only one.” – Hello to you Highlander fans. The wraith are big fans.


The scripted end of act. Michael has come a long way since his introduction way back in season 2, and we loved the idea of his constantly tweaking his physiology. When we see him here, he is even more human looking than the last time we saw him.


Carter, Keller, Sheppard, and McKay discuss Todd’s offer – Lorne returns with bad news

The only real difference between this version and the original is that, in the original, Sheppard makes no mention of Michael. After some discussion, it was felt that, by process of elimination, Sheppard should have put two and two together by this point.

Michael reveals his plans to Teyla

Finally, after years of careful experimentation, Michael’s plans are seeing fruition. He has tainted the wraith food supply, perfected the hybrids, freed himself of the need to feed, and has manipulated the final piece of the puzzle into his hands. Damn, I knew he was smart, but how did he make so much progress so quickly? In the script, Michael informs Teyla: “I had help from a most unlikely source.” In the final cut, we figured “I had help.” was enough of a tip-off.

Sheppard and co. pay Todd a return visit

Pretty much as originally except that we added McKay’s “This tablet contains the address of an off-world relay station. If you leave us a message there, we’ll get it.” If we’re going to pursue any sort of alliance or partnership with Todd, it makes sense that we provide a much easier means of communicating.

Michael pays Teyla another visit

Holy crap! He wants the baby!!! A terrific scene between these two thanks to Rachel, Connor, and Paul who added the bit in which Michael suggests that, when it comes right down to it, he and Teyla are not all that different.

The Cafeteria – Sheppard and co. get word

In the original version, this scene takes place in Sheppard’s quarters:

Sheppard grabs a seat on his bed and grabs the book sitting on his night table: War and Peace. He eases back and flips to the page bookmarked – somewhere around chapter three – and resumes reading.

Beat. He sets the book aside, readjusts the pillows at his back, makes his comfortable, picks up the book and resumes reading.

Beat. He considers, sets the book aside, then picks up the latest issue of Popular Mechanics and starts flipping through it. He is interrupted by a knock.

He gets up and answers. Carter is there.

CARTER: Looks like Todd came through for you.

And she fills him in.

A not-so-happy family reunion

Finally, the real Kanaan revealed. And Teyla realizes she’s been played. Can it get anymore hopeless than this? Of course it can! We’re not even at the end of part one!


Sheppard and Caldwell onboard the Daedalus discuss the situation

We were long, so this scene didn’t make the cut – but part of the discussion related to the Midway station found its way into season 5’s Whispers. The short strokes – Caldwell is kind of bummed because with the Midway station gone, he’s back to being a glorified bus driver.

The Daedalus enters orbit, the retrieval team beams down


The retrieval team encounters some resistance, the Daedalus comes under fire

We lost a sequence in which the team comes upon a cell, open it up and find a couple of what appear to be prisoners inside. When Ronon approaches, the prisoners – who turn out to be hybirds – turn on them. Ronon takes them down – with McKay’s help. We ended up losing the sequence because: 1) The episode was running long, and 2) When Ronon first walks into the cell, the two prisoner look like they’re just awkwardly standing around, perhaps sharing a smoke.

“Finally! It’s about bloody time. What took you so long?”

Like I said – way back when, before we even sat down to spin this story, I knew how I wanted Part 1 to end. And if SciFi hadn’t spoiled it in their promo, it would have been perfect.

136 thoughts on “February 23, 2008: The Kindred, Part 1 – What the hell was I thinking?!

  1. I know that Season 6 depends on sci fi but I have to agree. I waited the whole episode to see Carson and the only bit of him in it..was shown in the preview!

    It would have been better (Sci fi hope you’re reading this) to show the door opening.. then the surprised looks on Sheperd’s and Mckay’s faces. With some dialogue like ..”with the surprise of the Season” (heck even that spoils it).

    None the less loved the episode and chuffed to see the Heart of Atlantis back on my screen 🙂

  2. Stargate Atlantis, how do I love thee?
    Let me count the ways.
    I love thee to the depth of the Machiavellian plotting in this
    and the heigth of Ronon in all his glory (and that his soul can
    When I’m feeling out of sorts
    for the ends of entertainment and ideal joy
    I have thee, Stargate Atlantis, to brighten my week!
    For the ends of being ideal TV fare
    I love thee to the level of Friday’s
    Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light, and electricity
    I love thee freely, as men strive for right in the Pegasus Galaxy.
    I love thee purely, as they turn from praise (mainly from the cursed
    media critics).
    I love thee with the passion put to use to protect Teyla and all whom
    the Lanteans love and vow to protect.
    In my old grief with unfulfilled promise of TV joy (Firefly) , and
    with my childhood’s faith (in Star Trek: The Original Series)
    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose (for a few moments)
    With the cancellation of Stargate SG1.
    I love thee with the breath,
    Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
    I shall but love thee better during SEASON TEN!

    (With all due apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

    And wow! Peter Woeste was back to direct this episode! We missed you


  3. Great episode! I did find the “There can only be one!” line quite humorous especially since Sci-fi had a Highlander commercial airing prior to the act.! Keep on suprising us! Thanks for the deceptive spoiler…the funeral pyre. I was kind of bummed whe I saw that posted but was pleased when I saw the episode.

  4. But Joe… “Keller makes the connection to the Hoffan drug” WAS the act break in the aired version. Did someone not get your note?

  5. Scifi – how we hate thee and love thee. Replicators in the promo – wherefore art thou? wtf? Spoiler humongous – what were they smoking? I bet you wanted to choke them to death!

    Oh well, great episode.

  6. That’s hillarious. Three days ago I ask if Shep ever finished War and Peace and there happens to be an altered scene showing he never has.

    Fantastic episode!

  7. Joe,

    it was an amazing episode. Friday can’t get fast enough for part 2.

    I’m guessing though, you’re not going to hint till then whether Beckett is the real deal, a clone or a repli-Carson?

  8. Thank you so much for today’s blog entry! I noticed th
    “The random nature of this drug’s distribution is clear and calculated…” line last night when I was watching it.

    Again, great episode. I’m looking forward to part II!

  9. Thank you for the breakdown of episode. I love love love love love that you do this for all of us!

  10. Well once again I’m reading about an episode I haven’t seen, realized and stopped reading for fear of getting the the episode without needing to watch it… HA NOT!! (I did stop reading and scrolled to the bottom of your post) I’d still watch and LOVE it.

    How ever I did have a question about what you wrote here:

    “I doubt very seriously it was a vision.” Brilliant. In the original version, Sheppard and McKay’s roles were reversed. Sheppard was the dubious one while McKay, coming off the preceding conversation with Teyla, was the one willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. But after some thought, it was decided that this version made more sense given that McKay is the man of science and, in the end, Sheppard will make the call to head off-world and follow up on Teyla’s presumed vision. ”

    Wouldn’t Rodney be inclined to belive her because of the vision he saw with the Seeer??

    Now I have to wait…counting the hours… What like 36 hours till it airs 7pm Monday night. I’m working till 8:30pm so I’ll have to wait till 9pm to watch so almost 48 LONG hours.

    AH such as life.

    Will be back to chat on Monday with my thoughts of Smoke and Mirrors.. Still tryping all my thoughts out.


  11. Oh forgot to mention I was flicking the channels last night and came across a show called JPod and there was a refrence to Stargate although they called in Moongate and that the fans liked to be refered to as “gaters”… TOO funny.

  12. I have to say it again great episode, I do like that actress that was the basket vendor, she seemed crafty and all-knowing. I love to see Teyla back with the team and with Lorne and Michael.

  13. We watched Highlander *just* before the episode, so that line was possibly even funnier.

  14. As sad as it is that SciFi aired the only segment of Carson, it was still a great episode. Hopefully they don’t do it again (wishfull thinking, I know).
    Thanks for taking out the time to fill us in on your thinking process and the missing/altered scenes.

  15. Btw, you have to give us some Mailbag action some time soon; there are a gazillion questions to be answered….

  16. Nice pacing. Nice use of Sam. I’m gonna miss that chance at seeing a friendship develop between Sam and Teyla. (Still, I’m happy for Amanda.)

    I really did enjoy the story.

    Poor Athosians.

    Beckett! (Though naturally Sci-Fi spoiled that tidbit.

    Worst line: “There can be only one.” Four Highlander fans in the living room were yelling “DON”T say it!” Oops. While it was somewhat funny (though another dreaded homage) it jarred *all* of us out of the story. He talked about it for the next two commercial breaks.

    Looks like SGA is finishing strong!


  17. I absolutely loved this episode. Since the secret was slipped in the previews last week, I was thinking the “other” Replicators were responsible for the Carson that was rescued. So along the same lines of thinking, I thought they would be the responsible party for the Hoffan drug being distributed. That is until I saw Michael. Geez, what the hell was I thinking! Loved it!

  18. Joe,

    It is a sorry shame that they took a awesome wild ride episode and spoiled the climax.

    SciFi totally spoiled the moment! To what malfunctioning human do we send the nuts?

  19. Carter states: “The random nature of this drug’s distribution is clear and calculated…

    I like it better the way it aired and think, maybe, you’re being over sensitive of the line.

    The calculated plan was a random distribution.

  20. At first I felt as a necessary marketing evil showing Beckett at the end of the promo, was to be expected of SciFi. But after watching the episode and seeing the way it was cut, I agree they should have gone with the BAMSR route and kept it a secret.

    I enjoyed the ep, but I have to say, I think I would have liked the original tease better, because it would have added an extra bit of urgency and confusion that I felt the final tease lacked.

  21. If it makes you feel better, I think we could’ve smelled Beckett coming. You guys were generous enough with the hints 😉

  22. Thanks for the breakdown on how Kindred came to be. You definitely weren’t thinking small when you put this together. Galactic epidemics, a threat to human and Wraith populations, tying off a few loose ends, such as the fate of the Hoffans. On top of that you managed to bring in Todd, the Athosians, and a new threat to Teyla and her baby. And you pulled it off, with nary a missed beat. And you addressed an issue I was having about Megalomaniac Michael. It struck me as very odd that the Atlantis crew managed to randomly snatch a Wraith who could be so expert in the biological sciences needed to create his initial army of hybrids, much less refine it into his new band of followers. But having Carson about to assist goes a long ways towards filling in the credibility issue.
    Of course, now we have to wait to see the fallout for Beckett, or psuedo-Beckett, for having helped Michael kill tens or hundreds of thousands. Not to mention what’s been done to the Athosians. I’m guessing the final scene of Kindred Two has something to do with the start of payment for that.
    And just a note. Just because you used the funeral pyre as part of the vision, doesn’t mean we won’t see that as part of of Atlantis “reality”. A double fake with the leaked picture. An actual spoiler you convinced us wasn’t really a spoiler after the opening teaser of Kindred I. Not saying that’s what you are actually doing, but certainly not beyond your devious capabilities. I have a lot of questions concerning season five and hints you’ve dropped, but I’ll wait till my thoughts are a bit more organized to start pestering you on that score.

  23. Sci-fi does suck at promos. Didn’t they mention something about a replicator trap? Last I checked, Michael was most definitely not a replicator. Oh well. Nothing I can really do about it.

  24. What an episode – and such a treat to read the “backstory”. I really appreciate all your effort. (By the way – between the writing, rewriting, producing, picture taking, exercising, reading, dog duties, TV watching, blogging, and, of course, eating – when do you SLEEP?)

  25. It was really interesting to see what your overall plan was for this episode and the many ideas running behind it. I am looking forward to the payoff next week. My only comment/complaint is that with so many pieces, the episode seemed too “talky” to me, because of all of the exposition needed for those ideas.

    (Oops on the Keller comment. I actually did notice it, but mainly because I had the captioning on and it startled me enough to first think the captioning was wrong)

  26. Thanks for the BTS stuff. Very fun.

    Now I really want to know what the “LOTR fiasco” was. Also, it’s nice to see that Ronon’s a bit like Teal’c in this regard.

    “mint filling” LOL. I really wish that had stayed in. Would’a been a great line for Todd.

    That sucks about the ending being given away. And I was hoping it would be longer than just the bit they showed in the preview, but figured it wouldn’t be, which makes it even worse. But look at it this way: years down the road, to people only watching this show as they go through on DVD, they’ll be shocked.

    So, you’re saying that Michael had Carson as early as “Vengeance”. Very interesting. Which means that a) this whole Replicator duplicate thing has been going on for longer than we know, and Michael somehow got a hold of a dupliCarson (perhaps some sort of prototype?), b) Michael did what some are suggesting and beamed Carson away from Atlantis just as the bomb went off (which still strikes me as highly unlikely), c) Michael did something to Carson way back when he held him captive at the beginning of season 3, like clone and replace him or something (which seems an awful long time to be dealing with a potential fake Carson, unless he didn’t make the switch until much closer to “Sunday”), or d)…something else I haven’t thought of. But I just thought of something else. It always bothered me how, in “Vengeance”, Michael always said “your people” rather than actually mentioning Carson when referencing the experiments done on himself. At the time, it seemed like some sort of way of trying to get us to accept that Carson was gone and get over it, like if he’s not mentioned we won’t remember him. But now I’m wondering if, since we now know that Michael had (some) Carson at that time, perhaps it was more his being cautious, to avoid planting the idea in the hero’s heads, which could explain why he seemed to go to lengths to avoid saying Carson’s name.

    I am really, really excited for next week now.

  27. joe: i love love love seeing all about script -> show. so much fun! and heeee at the deadly mint filling! also? whoever is designing teyla’s maternity wear could probably make a FORTUNE selling them. that purple and greeny/goldone was amazing. i watched kindred again and i also love that michael no longer has a feeding hand. O.O and the little half there…what are those little facial vents, some kind of vestigal gill or something? i love when lots of little bits all sorts of plots all get fit together so tidily. in the 3rd picture down, why is the blonde lady with the ponytail standing on a phone book?

    dasNdanger: heeee! self-replenishing food! i can’t picture ronan sitting iwth todd, but i can sure see him watching it in the labs (cause surely there’s a full set of every geeky show ever on dvd in there. there MUST be!)

    maggiemayday: i think todd is the more methos-y one. he seems to have his own code of ethics and doesn’t much care that they dont match the other wraith. i do love michael too, but he seems more… hhmmm. i cant think of an immortal that’s all revengey the same way. but what’s his name, kronos? was he the one who wanted to kill off all the non-immortals?

    maybe michael is a horsewraith of the apocalypse….

  28. Just thought of an adendum to my scenario “c”…Unless he never did make the switch after cloning him and it’s the clone that he now holds. Except for one thing. Even assuming some sort of accelerated aging has been done on the clone, that wouldn’t really explain how it would have Carson’s memories, as those are aquired, like a scar, rather than being an inherent part of a person’s DNA, and so would not transfer to a clone.

  29. So, let me ask a question. The Shep whump ep is, supposedlk, just pushed to the second half for a fantastic Teyla ep. Right? So when do we get a FANTASTIC Shep ep? Cause, as a Shep fan, I’m not seeing any reason to tune into season 5. I see ARCS and GREAT EPS for every character BUT Shep. Heck…seems like even Vega is going to get more focus. As a Shep fan, if all he’s going to do is play sidekick to everyone else’s Arcs and fab storyline eps, would you please be honest and let us Shep fans know? Cause this Shep fan has ZERO interest in watching Seasobn 5 if everyone else gets all the good stuff. Course, I should mostly be used to this. Since season 1 I’ve been waiting for teh great Shep arc where we see him and his Gene and Atlantis. The whole reason I first tuned in to SGA. But we get Teyla and her Wraith DNA, which doesn’t interest me. But Sheps reason for coming, his gene, which was supposedly a special thing cause no one has it stronger…we’ve got nothing. Anyone can light things up or fly things with the gene. And now even Shep’s fed on by Wraith ep isn’t nothing. Ronon will get that and teh whump. So, really. As a Shep fan, do I have any reason to bother watching in season 5? I know a huge chunk of us who want to know if there’s any reason for us to bother.

    Thanks. Even though I’m sure you won’t answer.

  30. Gotta defend SCIFI here on the big Beckett Reveal in the promos. Would it have been nice to keep it all secret, yes but if anyone looked at any of the press, most knew that Carson Beckett was coming back in these episodes. The promos did not really give any plot points away, you didn’t know who was holding him or what he was doing just that he was there. I understand that the die hard fans are mad that they revealed this spoiler but if you really think about, the marketing and advertising is aimed at getting the casual tv watcher to tune in and anything SCIFI can do to boost ratings i am all for. If it were not for SCIFI, there would be no Stargate Atlantis. No matter what people think of SCIFI’s promotions, some promos are better than no promos. If SCIFI doesn’t get decent ratings, the show will not go on no matter what the international ratings are.

    My 2cents

  31. Joe-

    Just a simple thanks for bringing Carson back. Even though I knew it was coming (obviously) and even though Skiffy spoiled it in the promo, it was a good reveal. Would have liked more, but thats a cliffhanger for you I suppose.

    Jen 🙂

  32. also? whoever is designing teyla’s maternity wear could probably make a FORTUNE selling them. that purple and greeny/goldone was amazing.
    How funny – I was just coming over to give my props to the costuming folk, and suggest they might seriously want to think about going into maternity-ware. Rachel looks lovely, and the clothes are functional, flattering, and beautiful.

    Loved the Highlander reference, too – cracked me up. About the only thing that would have been better is Ronon having some rebuttal for it (since he does seem to be such the movie buff).

    And as someone who didn’t have SciFi spoil things, gotta say, that ending was fabulous.

  33. The opening scene I think would have been fantastic as orginally scripted. But the episode was still awesome. Some of the extra bits and cut out parts were funny. Like Ronon with Pirates of the Caribbean and Lorne saying he won’t hurt the man but Teyal may.
    And even though SciFi ruined the ending, it was still perfect!

  34. Well, it seems Michael has gotten in touch with his inner Baron Destructo!

    By the way, I really like that you had Kanaan posses Wraith DNA. It seemed obvious to me that Teyla’s vision had to be coming from a Wraith so I immediately said “Michael is tricking her”. But then you revealed Kanaan has Wraith DNA as well and then I couldn’t be certain. Love that. Keep it up.

    Shawna wrote:

    Now I really want to know what the “LOTR fiasco” was.

    So do I! 😀

    Anne Teldy

  35. I didn’t feel the Carson moment was spoiled because we all knew he was coming back. It still excited and surprised me – I kept waiting for that moment. (Those last moments, they offered so many chances!)

    I LOVED this. So fast-paced and kept my head constantly turning. I LOVE the turn with Michael (not needing to feed) – such an interesting element! Michael is quite possibly one of my favourite characters of TV I’ve ever seen. I love that you are pushing through that murky grey area.

    This was great and I’m going to spend most of the week waiting for Friday. 🙂

  36. 1)Will the aftermath of Kanan’s fate set Teyla on a destructive path in season five?

    2)In The Last Man, will Sheppard discover/face some harsh realities about himself on his journey to the future?

  37. Honestly I thought the actress who did the scene with Teyla telling her the guy died was less than excellent.

    I actually thought about that to myself as I saw the scene…


  38. joe,
    does this mean that there will be bloopers/outtakes in the season 4 set of DVDs????

  39. Great episode! Though I didn’t actually enjoy the ending as much since that was already given away.

    Anyways, I wanted to ask if we would get more of “karma coming back to bite the Earthers’ ass” stuff? I really enjoyed the development of the Asurans wiping out humans. I do like seeing the terrible consequences that comes to haunt them as a result of their past hubris. (Hubris because they essentially used a whole race as a weaspon.) Todd is probably the only instance where they didn’t screw up (Sheppard upholding his bargain in Common Ground) and their current relationship does reflect that. And if they hadn’t held Todd captive and treated him with a benefit of doubt and good faith, Midway would not have happened. (I do like these karmic repercussions.)

    I’m also having a hard time sympathizing with the Lanteans. Every time Michael shows up, I sincerely do not believe that they’ve learned their lesson.

    Bear with me for a bit… The Kindred really made me think about my feelings towards the Expedition and the SGC.

    This is why I like seeing karma on the show:

    I know there are arguments about the ethics and what rights the Earther’s have to commit racial genocide. Personally, I believe the humans have no right in changing the Wraith into humans. And I really wish that they would instead try to find an alternative food source, or help the Wraith sustain themselves with normal foods, or to not depend on human life force as much. This is another galaxy and not their place. I find it arrogant how much they’re imposing their value system on other worlds. Especially those that have found workable ways to exist in Pegasus.

    I can accept that they *assume* co-existence with Wraiths is impossible, and therefore want to kill them all off. But I find it short minded that they would play god. (notably: Michael, Allies, Misbegotten) It makes it hard to root for the Lanteans when they’re acting like that.

    Yes, I know it’s war. However, some lines shouldn’t be crossed and it’s for the greater good. And one of those lines is the use of bio-weapons.

    Even through practicality, I’m still disliking the Lanteans whenever they involve themselves with bio-weapons. These are weapons that uses “life.” How can they expect to control it? That the virus/protein/etc won’t mutate and have other consequences, or that the two different strains (one by Atlantis, one by Michael) will mutate each other, or that the affected people will give rise to new diseases? It’s an arrogant and careless belief. With the darker tone of S4, I’m wondering if we’ll be seeing other side-effects from the retro-virus or Hoffman plague in the future. Whether it be cause by the Lanteans or Michael.

    And then what do the Lanteans do? They share their research on their bio-weapons with the enemy. Again, I might add. Who, as far as we know, haven’t learned a lesson about meddling in things that they shouldn’t. Unless they have learned, since a Wraith did work in genetics with Teyla’s ancestors?

    I did notice that there may be a slight difference in Todd’s attitude towards the Hoffman research. He sees it more as a cure, and not to be used as a bio-weapon. Hopefully, that means this instance of sharing biowarfare intel won’t come back to haunt them.

    And I think that’s part of the reason why I root for Todd so much. Here is a Wraith who is the messenger of how the Lanteans have affected Pegasus, and who is trying to fix the massive collateral damages that the Lanteans have, directly and indirectly, caused for both Wraith and human. And how the Lanteans react to him and his news, shows us how much they’re willing to shoulder their mistakes. Which in turn, redeems the Lanteans.

    It doesn’t redeem the SGC though. That they don’t have some oversight and are not holding themselves culpable to how they damage and destabilize other worlds that are not as advance as them makes me hope that, in the end, they decide to pull out and leave Pegasus alone.

    So that’s why I liked The Kindred so much. And S4 in general. The past is back and now we’re seeing if they’re going to make the same mistakes, or if past experiences will cause them to make wiser choices.

    And that’s why I would really love it if we saw more of their past actions coming back to haunt them again.

    P.S. If you get all the way down here… Thank you!

  40. So if this is the real Carson, Then who in the hell got blown up in “Sunday”?

    I hope Kindred part 2 explains it, Because I’ve totally lost track now 🙂

  41. Thanks for making yourself such work. It’s a funny and interesting look behind a script/the scenes.

    O.k., SciFi spoiled the end, but it was not so bad since many people already knew Carson would come back. Although the effect would have been much better without the spoiler. Hopefully such things won’t happen in the future again.

    I just hope the explanation for Carson’s comeback isn’t too silly or implausible. But nevertheless I’m glad for the opportunity to see more from him in Atlantis.

  42. Hey Joe,

    Maybe you or one of the posters here could answer this. McKay mentions that he’s met “not one, but two different versions” of himself. I know one was in McKay and Mrs. Miller, I assume the other was in an episode of SG-1? (not having seen all of them myself.) I know there have been some alternate timeline McKays, but has he actually met any?


  43. Joe-

    Just had to stop in and say thanks for three things. First, the massive Lorne dose. Not only did he get to shove his weight around some, but we got some back story. I love getting little snips. Thank you so much. (My friend from the bay area was very happy as well. ;))

    Second- The Michael and Teyla scenes. So utterly happy with them. I can’t even begin to express how much so. As a Michael fan, I was thrilled to see him being played out like I think he would be.

    Third- You brought in mentioning “Poisoning of the Well” continuity AS a reason for Carson. It’s probably one of my top favorite SGA episodes, so to see it come back in a way was brilliant.

    Thanks for a great ep! ^.^

  44. MCKAY: It’s like a box of chocolates. You never know if you’re going to get the one with the mint filling.

    I just have to say, I totally agree with this sentiment. I’m so glad my box of chocolates had a picture guide, but I still had to eat them because I couldn’t let good chocolate go to waste.. despite the mint creme filling. BLECH.

  45. Joe –

    Was there a conscious decision to make Todd the only Wraith with a sense of humor? Or has it just sort of worked out that way in the process of writing/acting/editing?

    Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy. He’s hilarious. It’s nice that in the race of evil space vampires there’s at least one who can make with the funny now and then.

  46. I don’t know if this has been asked or not but isn’t there something you guys can do about the promo’s scifi puts out? Like asking them to not put in spoiler’s like Carson coming back??

  47. I guess I’m sensitive too, because I noticed that “random but clear and calculated” line the first time I noticed it. Ah well, these things happen.

    Anyway, great episode! My heart was racing a mile a minute near the end, BECAUSE I knew Carson was going to show up. Funny things, those spoilers. Anyway, my usual review is here:


    Thank you for your write up! It’s much appreciated. 🙂

  48. I enjoyed this episode so much, and can hardly wait till next week to see what happens and how it is that Carson is alive! I was already spoiled by various sources on his return, but it was a fabulous moment anyway.
    I have a question about the script for the various scenes that you posted. When you use the term “beat” what exactly does that mean? Is it a stop in the action, the camera changing angles? Just wondering, as I’ve seen that term before and never could quite figure it out.
    Thanks again for a great ep and a great season!

  49. The big picture in the lobby the one you said you need a truck to move are you guys going to auction it off???Has anything come up on that yet.

  50. Hey Joe,

    thanks for the recap of The Kindred Part 1. I thought it was one of the best eps of s4! I enjoyed seeing everybody (except Zelenka :(): Keller was the good doctor, Sam’s behaviour was that of a leader and Shep, Rodney and Ronon were brilliant as usual. it’s great to see some more character development for Teyla, especially if it involves Michael (Connor Trinner was awesome!). also I really enjoyed seeing more of Lorne and his team. I hope this won’t change with the introduction of yet another team in s5?

    also I’ve been thinking about ‘The Kindred Part 2’, ‘The Last Man’ and the season 5 premiere ‘Search & Rescue’ and I have a theory. ok here it goes:
    Teyla’s missing at the end of The Kindred Part 2 and Rodney gets shot. then Shep somehow gets to the future where a hologram of Rodney tells him what has happened. Sam, Lorne etc are supposed to die at the end of S&R and Rodney’s the only survivor. he obviously can’t go offworld since he’s already injured. once Rodney realizes what has happened he makes the recording which Shep’s gonna find in the future. the only way to save everyone, bring Teyla back and resurrect Rodney is for Shep to change the past. so what do you think?

    oh and thanks for the pics, I’m especially fond of the one of Paul McGillion. probably because I just rewatched The Kindred and was so excited to see Carson again! speaking of this ep, do you know the live +same day rating? thanks 🙂 once again this was a great ep and I’m eager to watch Part 2

  51. First – @ boo: Oh, I can’t REALLY see Todd and Ronon watching a movie together…unless, of course, both were bound with chains and straps to their chairs… on opposite sides of the room…with Sheppard sitting in between them. No, better yet – Teyla. 😀

    Speaking of movies…

    @ JM: Thanks SO much for all the yummy script tidbits!!! ESPECIALLY the POTC thing – that would have made me laugh out loud for sure, especially since I was JUST discussing with a friend that I bet Ronon gets his hair-styling tips from Jack Sparrow. Can’t wait for the DVDs now!

    Also love the ‘mint filling’ – that would have been great to hear, too…I can almost see Todd wrinkling up his little green nose as he says it, too. 🙂

    Joe – with your comment about the tablet, you give me hope that Todd will be around for a while. I am just loving this character, love how he is right now, playing these little ‘I scratch your back, you scratch mine’ games with the Lanteans. It’s very exciting and I want more, however, I don’t want it to become so played out that it no longer entertains.

    So, is it possible (through Todd, preferrably) that instead of just wheeling and dealing – we can see further into the lives of the Wraith? For instance, something as simple as the Lanteans being true ‘guests’ on a hive ship for a few days could shed light into such things as: Are there Wraith and/or guest ‘quarters’, do they have any form of entertainment, are children aboard, do they produce organic material from their own bodies (such as ‘silk’) and….MOST importantly – what about toilet facilities? 😀 I can just imagine Shep & Co. as guests of a hive – the Wraith proudly offer them their BEST beds made of gooey membrane and umbilicals…they can’t find a bathroom anywhere…and to top it off, there’s nothing for Rodney to eat but giant camel heads (or whatever that thing was in The Rising). There is still much about Wraith we do not know and so small glimpses every now and then are great, especially when seen through the eyes of the both species at the same time…similar to what we just got in Kindred when the warriors were removing the dead body. It was a subtle moment, but a great contrast in the different reactions of humans (let’s shoot ’em!), and Wraith (what’s all the fuss?), to the same situation.

    Love stuff like that.

    OH, OH, OH!! And just ONE last thought about Kindred – totally LOVED – how Todd dodged the computer-hacking bullet. The ‘I stole from you – they stole from me – let’s not split hairs now’ thing was great. Todd suggesting that they both suffered as victims in this case brings us right back to the sort of reasoning he used in Common Ground. Just a nice touch – and entertaining how he breezed riiiight over the issue. Hee!

    Thanks for all the insight into Kindred – really appreciate it!


  52. Okay – I can’t let this one slip by:

    Panna Cotta Said: “….Anyways, I wanted to ask if we would get more of “karma coming back to bite the Earthers’ ass” stuff? I really enjoyed the development of the Asurans wiping out humans. I do like seeing the terrible consequences that comes to haunt them as a result of their past hubris. (Hubris because they essentially used a whole race as a weaspon.) Todd is probably the only instance where they didn’t screw up (Sheppard upholding his bargain in Common Ground) and their current relationship does reflect that. And if they hadn’t held Todd captive and treated him with a benefit of doubt and good faith, Midway would not have happened. (I do like these karmic repercussions.)

    I’m also having a hard time sympathizing with the Lanteans. Every time Michael shows up, I sincerely do not believe that they’ve learned their lesson.

    Bear with me for a bit… The Kindred really made me think about my feelings towards the Expedition and the SGC.

    This is why I like seeing karma on the show:

    I know there are arguments about the ethics and what rights the Earther’s have to commit racial genocide. Personally, I believe the humans have no right in changing the Wraith into humans. And I really wish that they would instead try to find an alternative food source, or help the Wraith sustain themselves with normal foods, or to not depend on human life force as much. This is another galaxy and not their place. I find it arrogant how much they’re imposing their value system on other worlds. Especially those that have found workable ways to exist in Pegasus.

    I can accept that they *assume* co-existence with Wraiths is impossible, and therefore want to kill them all off. But I find it short minded that they would play god. (notably: Michael, Allies, Misbegotten) It makes it hard to root for the Lanteans when they’re acting like that.

    Yes, I know it’s war. However, some lines shouldn’t be crossed and it’s for the greater good. And one of those lines is the use of bio-weapons.

    Even through practicality, I’m still disliking the Lanteans whenever they involve themselves with bio-weapons. These are weapons that uses “life.” How can they expect to control it? That the virus/protein/etc won’t mutate and have other consequences, or that the two different strains (one by Atlantis, one by Michael) will mutate each other, or that the affected people will give rise to new diseases? It’s an arrogant and careless belief. With the darker tone of S4, I’m wondering if we’ll be seeing other side-effects from the retro-virus or Hoffman plague in the future. Whether it be cause by the Lanteans or Michael.

    And then what do the Lanteans do? They share their research on their bio-weapons with the enemy. Again, I might add. Who, as far as we know, haven’t learned a lesson about meddling in things that they shouldn’t. Unless they have learned, since a Wraith did work in genetics with Teyla’s ancestors?

    I did notice that there may be a slight difference in Todd’s attitude towards the Hoffman research. He sees it more as a cure, and not to be used as a bio-weapon. Hopefully, that means this instance of sharing biowarfare intel won’t come back to haunt them.

    And I think that’s part of the reason why I root for Todd so much. Here is a Wraith who is the messenger of how the Lanteans have affected Pegasus, and who is trying to fix the massive collateral damages that the Lanteans have, directly and indirectly, caused for both Wraith and human. And how the Lanteans react to him and his news, shows us how much they’re willing to shoulder their mistakes. Which in turn, redeems the Lanteans.

    It doesn’t redeem the SGC though. That they don’t have some oversight and are not holding themselves culpable to how they damage and destabilize other worlds that are not as advance as them makes me hope that, in the end, they decide to pull out and leave Pegasus alone.

    So that’s why I liked The Kindred so much. And S4 in general. The past is back and now we’re seeing if they’re going to make the same mistakes, or if past experiences will cause them to make wiser choices.

    And that’s why I would really love it if we saw more of their past actions coming back to haunt them again.

    P.S. If you get all the way down here… Thank you!”

    (Wish I knew how to quote, etc here….)

    Anyway – ALL OF THE ABOVE – I couldn’t agree with it more. Especially this:

    “I know there are arguments about the ethics and what rights the Earther’s have to commit racial genocide. Personally, I believe the humans have no right in changing the Wraith into humans. And I really wish that they would instead try to find an alternative food source, or help the Wraith sustain themselves with normal foods, or to not depend on human life force as much. This is another galaxy and not their place. I find it arrogant how much they’re imposing their value system on other worlds. Especially those that have found workable ways to exist in Pegasus.

    I can accept that they *assume* co-existence with Wraiths is impossible, and therefore want to kill them all off. But I find it short minded that they would play god. (notably: Michael, Allies, Misbegotten) It makes it hard to root for the Lanteans when they’re acting like that.”

    Excellent, excellent comments. I, too, find myself disliking the Lanteans – ALMOST as much as I hated Janeway in Voyager for her god-like decisions. Finding a way to co-exist, on some level, is so much better than solving everything with a bullet…or a bio-weapon.

    Thanks for sharing – even if JM doesn’t see them, just wanted you to know that I did, and am in full agreement with you. Great insights!


  53. Hey Joe,

    Wonderful work on this one! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and I missed all of the spoilers so the last few seconds had me picking my jaw off the ground. Brilliant!

    Question: Michael’s appearance has changed so much since we last saw him in Vengeance. He hasn’t been hit by the retrovirus again (that we know of), so I was wondering if you have an explanation for his funky new skin colour (other than it just looks better), or whether we will find out soon?

  54. beckett is comming back! – Curse Australian TV networks that wont show Atlantis.. have to wait for dvd 🙁

  55. I haven’t been able to see the ep yet, as I cancelled my cable when you guys killed Carson off last year. I’ve been waiting for it to come up on iTunes, though, as I intend to buy the eps that Carson is in.

    It’s not worth $50 a month to me to watch the show any more (it was literally the only thing I watched, until the ep before Sunday, which I refused to view), but I’m more than willing to spend two bucks an ep on Paul and Carson Beckett for the ones he’s in this season — and I hope in subsequent ones as well. Thank you for bringing him back.

  56. Can you please explain sci-fi’s insane need to completely spoil the end of the kindred? I mean we knew carson was coming back but so blatant a spoiler was kind of ridiculous even for the Sci-Fi channel.

    ps. Thanks for bringing carson back. I’ve missed him dearly.

  57. Damn damn damn damn damn SciFi, it WOULD have been perfect. I love the episode recap plus the missing scenes, it definitely adds to the whole experience. And thanks for including the Pirates/LOTR joke, had me cracking up. I can only imagine what this LOTR fiasco was. I’m very anxiously awaiting Part II and avoiding ALL commercials.

  58. I have to say sci-fi did spoil the main part of the episode, but lucky for me i dont allow my girlfriend (who i made a huge fan of the show a few years ago) to watch the upcoming episode promo’s. I knew carson was coming back in this and she didnt! all i can say is, if only you could of seen her face! she was shocked! SO happy, she loved him and didnt have a clue! so dont worry the ending of part one still comes as a great suprise to some 🙂

    Hey i also noticed you didnt put out his name on the opening credits. Good job there, since thats what she usually spots to know a major actor is back in an episode and i hate it ruining the suprise. I usually distract her for a second so she misses it!

  59. Heya…

    I was thinking The enemies in Stargate are always getting bigger and badder… So I enjoyed when the Genii could get us back so bad, considering how far less advanced than us they were… Can we expect anything similar to this?

    And does the Atlantis base have a firmly established Alpha site like SG1 did? with it’s own little command centre and F302 out front?

  60. Loved the episode, but McKay’s “This tablet contains the address of an off-world relay station. If you leave us a message there, we’ll get it.” seemed a little wierd. Wouldn’t a piece of paper with the address have worked better?

    Next time I’m in a bar I think I’ll try, “This laptop contains my telephone number. You can leave me a message there”. Hands woman a Dell computer. It might just work!

  61. “Maybe you or one of the posters here could answer this. McKay mentions that he’s met “not one, but two different versions” of himself. I know one was in McKay and Mrs. Miller, I assume the other was in an episode of SG-1? (not having seen all of them myself.) I know there have been some alternate timeline McKays, but has he actually met any?”

    He met the RepliMcKay in “This Mortal Coil”.

  62. Very nice episode, allthough a bit full with everything that is going on.
    Absolutely LOVED the scene between Michael and Teyla where Michael is trying to find back some of the compasionate Teyla he met the last time. And when she didn’t… whenever i fellt the need to Hugg a wraith, it was then, poor guy, nobody likes him or even consideres what they have done to him.

    and I have to admitt i am still looking for “some” hints, or lines which will give away ANY remorse from any of the SGA team for what they have done to him. It is so clearly in violation of all the “human rights.genevea convention thing” we have here on earth, i find it hard to believe that that is so “lightheartly” put aside when in another galaxy with another species.
    If find this lacking every since the episode of Michael aired in season 3.

    So good to have Beckett back at least, if only for just 5 seconds in this episode. I will trust the next episode will make up for that.

    Also a little request. If you indeed plan to keep Keller as a regular for the coming season can you please try then to make her caracter less bland and anyoing? She is not funny, not witty, not even interesting as a caracter. WHY is she there? just for her looks? (and please tell her to do something about her intonation, she has a whining voice)

    If she must stay can we please have SOME dept in her caracter please?


  63. Salut Joseph =) Ahh encors une belle journée qui commence!!

    Merci beaucoup pour ces super photo! Je suis trop contente de revoir Paul!!

    Merci aussi pour le résumer de la Part 1 de The Kindred!
    éhéhé bien fait pour Kanaan! sa lui apprendra!! Pas touche a Teyla c’est la propriéter de John lol!^^

    Bon allez je vous fait pleins de gros bisous et je vous dit a plus tard =D

  64. Joe,
    Thanks so much for the photos of Mitch yesterday. Hope production of S5 goes well.

  65. Great episode and thanks for the breakdown!

    I’m really glad you kept in the scene with Ronon teasing Rodney. I love the look Ronon gave him.

    Rachel was fantastic as always. She’s crazy beautiful with her big baby belly 🙂 And I like seeing Teyla a little fiercer and less patient. I was very sad though about what happened to the Athosians, and Kanaan especially. Poor Teyla!

    I can’t wait for part two. Next Friday is my birthday (and I only get one every four years so it’s quite exciting) and that’s going to be a great present!

  66. Only two episodes to go,*sobs*, but still none I don’t like. I don’t care what some people say, it’s the best season story wise so far.
    I’d love to have had more team scenes/episodes in the second half, but with Rachel pregnant and David and Jason becoming Daddies, too. There really wasn’t a way to make it happen.

    Great job, all around.

    The groundwork had been subtly laid way back in Season 3’s Vengeance in which, after some discussion with Carl and Martin, it was decided to go back and layer in a clue pointing to Michael’s involvement in the seeming resurrection. Isn’t it funny how Michael’s made so much progress with the retrovirus? It’s like he’s taken our research and made it his own.

    My thoughts exactly. Well, at least after rewatching Vengeance in January. Great job on continuity.*three thumbs up*

    All the best, Nicole

  67. Argh! You cut a scene with Chuck and Lorne, a Jason-does-Johnny, a McKay-fighting AND a Shep-in-bedroom scene? *tears out hair*

    Just kidding. (Ish). We got plenty of Lorne so I’m grateful. 😀

    I’m so glad we don’t get SciFi promos in the UK to spoil things 😉

  68. By the way, thanks for the pictures. I can spot Chuck in at least 2 of them 😀

  69. Lol. I had to read todays blog so I’m kinda spoilt for Kindred before I see it but its given me something more to look forward to actually seeing what I’ve read pan out, ideal! Roll on tuesday

  70. You wrote: “I’ve always enjoyed writing scenes in which the team members good-naturedly poke fun at one another, and this was a great opportunity to do a little of this.”

    As far as I can see the team is (once again) only poking fun at McKay. Have to admit that I’m glad that this version of the scene didn’t see the light of day.

    I’m also sad that the scene in which John waits in his room (the W&P progress would have been interesting to see) was changed to the scene in the mess hall, in which they once again poke fun at McKay because of his eating habits. Yes, we get it, McKay likes to eat. Well, Ronon does too, but of course he’s the better human being because he doesn’t eat when a team mate is missing. So would they also refuse to eat anything if Teyla was missing for several days? Ah well…
    And do you know that there are already many people out there who call McKay and hence also Hewlett ‘fat’ just because this whole eating thing is brought up again and again on the show? RM/DH is in no way too heavy. This whole “wrong body image” thing works for men, too, so I don’t see the point in everyone always picking on McKay’s eating habits when he’s not overweight!

    I still enjoyed “Kindred I” even though SciFi spoilt the ending. Funnily enough I never ever found the “Carson will return”-hint in season 3 which you mentioned several times and which turned out to be in “Vengeance” now, but on Wednesday “Vengeance” was on TV here and I although I had seen that episode two times before, I suddenly wondered how Michael knew so much about the retrovirus. I figured he must have been some sort of Wraith scientist before but it still seemed odd to me. Didn’t make the conncetion to Carson though. 🙂

    It was so great to see – and hear! – Paul McGillion/Carson Beckett again! 🙂

    I really liked that the scenes were changed in which they all once again discuss the fact that the pregnant Teyla shouldn’t go offworld although she really wants and feels the need to. As you said, that has already been dealt with enough, and you changed the scenes nicely, the subject was mentioned again but it wasn’t overdone.

    And I really thought that Rachel Luttrell’s acting was brilliant in this ep! Poor Teyla!!

  71. A funny exchange, but the reason I had to lose it is that Jason delivered his line as Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow. In every take. “It isn’t Ronon,”went the counter-argument, so I lost the bit – but look for it as part of the season four outtakes. And, yeah, Jason is a huge fan of the Pirates movies. Surprised?

    Oh AWESOME! My first thought on reading about this cut scene was “Oh please tell me it’s going to be on the DVD extras!” and then you did just that! Woohoo!

    Todd’s “There can be only one.” – Hello to you Highlander fans. The wraith are big fans.

    Yup. Hubby and I both had a little chortle over that line. 😀

  72. Hey Joe, I wanted to add an addendum to my above post about wanting to see the Lanteans face the consequences of their past actions.

    I just realized that it sounds like I’m overeager for Lantean “whump” and I’m overlooking how the Wraith should be affected by their own actions. I think, if the Wraith were able to co-exist and not need to feed on humans, then it comes down to a choice of whether they would or wouldn’t. And if they choose to change their lifestyle, THEN there is where karma really bites them. Because the humans hate them. When the humans become space-capable, the Wraith would be worried if they would seek retribution. They may have to leave the galaxy. (I wondered if Todd would want the Gate Bridge specs more for relocating his own than going after Earth?) So letting the humans live and how they would deal with that (I suspect they would try to control the mentality towards them somehow) would open another can of worms for the Wraith.

    Ok, I sound like I really want the Lanteans and Wraith be punished. I don’t really. Not even the Lanteans, even though I don’t really have sympathy for them in certain situations. It’s more of me wanting them to face the consequences so that they don’t screw up again, so they can clean up their messes, and to evolve better than the Ancients. I think the Ancients became really reductive and judgmental in their views of other life as they became more technologically advance. So they made a lot of decisions out of hubris and with a disregard of the collateral damages.

    So a lot of my current investment in SGA is hoping that the Expedition will end up better than the Ancients by shouldering responsibility. And most importantly, hoping they and the Wraith survive to the end. I like how different Wraith are. Then there’s Todd. Much love for Todd. By the way, is he suffering from some sort of traumatic stress syndrome? I’m thinking that being back in cells again brought back unpleasant memories.

    … I’m totally thinking about the SGA world too much. It got complicated and bigger picture-y. It used to be world by world through the Team’s involvement, but now we’ve zoomed out and got a picture of the whole galaxy. It’s a lot of fun.

    Major props to you all. Thanks for all the sci-fi fodder for fun thinking. Looking forward to Kindred Part 2!

  73. Wow, what a wonderful ep. Todd was hilarious, Michael was great as always and Carson was well… I’d have to wait a week to know ‘what’ he is. Only thing I missed were the Eratus monsters from ‘Vengeance’ – they were great, imo, and deserve to reappear for at least one more time… Perhaps in next weeks ep?

  74. Hi, Joe! Wow…The Kindred was just awesome. Great episode! Carson Beckett appearing at the end was a total surprise to me. I thought he wasn’t coming back till Season 5. Was Carson’s return the biggest secret ever kept? Also, did you have to make sure that there was gonna be a Season 5 before Carson Beckett was written in that last scene of The Kindred?

  75. Thanks Joe for the lowdown, great! Bloopers! I can only imagine the “LOTR disaster” involved something with swords… as there are no horses. And with the dreads I am LMAO right now imaging Jason doing Jack Sparrow.
    Thought it might’ve been more of a comment about LEMON or ORANGE cremes that mint.

    With his name still firmly in first place on the credits, I’m thinking Sheppard is going to get plenty of more than his share of time in season 5, and you are looking forward to kicking his ass. 😉

  76. Thanks, Joe, for posting about the creative writing process for Kindred I. It makes for interesting and insighful reading 🙂

    I really wish the Pirates scene had been left in. Jason doing Johnny Depp sounds hilarious. Also, LOTR fiasco? Do I want to know? 😆

    I also wish I’d been able to see Shep reading War and Peace and then switching to the magazine. Sounds hilarious.

    On a sidenote, I really hope there will be some interesting stories for Sheppard in season 5 – I too am feeling a tad unsure at the moment, though I do know better than to assume the worst here. My instincts tell me that you have something good planned for Sheppard, and some good whump too. You’re just keeping it to yourself, aren’t you? 😉 🙂

  77. pg15 Said:
    “I guess I’m sensitive too, because I noticed that “random but clear and calculated” line the first time I noticed it. Ah well, these things happen.”

    I just thought Joe was being too hard on himself.

    okay, so maybe I’m wrong. It won’t be the first time.

    Here comes the “but”. But “seemingly random” implies a pattern of distribution. If there is a pattern, then eventually the wraith could figure it out. Random distribution would be difficult to nail down and would allow for the quickest reinforcement of the desired behavior – the Wraith afraid of food poisoning anytime they eat.

    Eek – I just turned into the fan who has to analyze a TV show. I’m quitting now before I get an urge to send hate mail because Weir’s gone.

  78. Ok, so this is getting ridiculous!

    What I meant to say was that reading about the writing process and behind the scenes info for Kindred was an insighTful read for me. Not ‘insighful’. 😳

    I hate that there’s no preview option for posts here, because I’m the sort of person who makes loads of typos all the time!

  79. So, you’re saying that Michael had Carson as early as “Vengeance”.

    Nope, we’re saying that he might have had Carson as early as “Misbegotten” and hinting about it in “Vengeance”.

  80. Oh, please tell me that you’re giving serious consideration to including the “Ronon channels Jack” tidbit on the DVD?!

    Thanks for taking the time to give us the insight. Really interesting!

  81. So who is this Carson? Personally I believe he is the real deal.

    Then who was the Carson that died in “Sunday”? More than few option to choose from:

    1 – Carson ascended, came back and was captured by Michael.

    2 – Carson was beamed out by Michael just as the bomb blew up in “Sunday” and has been his captive ever since.

    3 – The real Carson died in “Sunday” but this is an alternative universe Carson.

    4 – Michael replaced the real Carson with a clone who eventually died in “Sunday”. The real Carson has been captive ever since.

    5 – Michael replaced the real Carson with a repli-Carson who eventually died in “Sunday”. The real Carson has been captive ever since.

    Personally, I believe that options 1 & 2 are highly unlikely.

    My guess is that Carson was replaced in “Misbegotten” with either a clone (4) or a repli-Carson (5) and has been held captive ever since. Hence the “It was about bloody time”. “Misbegotten” was 36 episodes ago, so if that is the case then Carson has been a hostage for a year and a half. Off course the only question with options 4 & 5 is where did Michael get the technology?

    Option 3 sounds plausible too but I’d rather have the real mccoy.

  82. Oooh damn SciFi.. But well, it was a fantastic ep. I missed Teyla and Lorne and THE team off-world. Michael was great. Everything was great! 🙂 Ha.. One thing..

    “The random nature of this drug’s distribution is clear and calculated…”… Ha? I thought there was something weird about that scentence…

    Good job!!


  83. I had to come back. 🙂

    Thank you for the Lorne/Teyla moments. I LOVE those two together – the more I see of Lorne, the more I love the guy. He seems to be very good at his job, and though he’s been on Atlantis for quite a while now, he still talks about it as a shiny new place. I love hearing him talk about his home & family.

    That’s all.

  84. Kindred I was a great episode. I was anticipating the return of Michael and Carson so much that I was afraid the episode would dissapoint, but it didn’t (except for Scifi’s preview showing all of Carson’s part). Great writing for this episode – especially the Michael/Teyla scenes. I hope we see a lot more of Connor in season 5.
    And, to echo many comments above, thanks so much for the scene by scene analysis, especially the missing scenes.

  85. WAouh ! I really appreciate The Kindred Part One.
    Very Dark episode, I love it ! And I’m sure that Michael is a very good character and you make very good story with. Congrats !
    And what a pleasure to see Carson Beckett ! I’ve seen the photos before the episode so I knew but I did the same face as McKay when I see him.
    Thanks for the pictures.

    I think the 5th proposition is more real and possible than the others.

    Question : How are your dogs ?

  86. First of all, thanks for your thoughts on the episode. 🙂

    You wrote: “At which point she wakes up. Yeah, I know. Very different. I’ve always enjoyed writing scenes in which the team members good-naturedly poke fun at one another, and this was a great opportunity to do a little of this. Ultimately, however, it was decided that we had already covered the issue of Teyla’s pregnancy as potential off-world problem, so we went with the funeral sequence instead”

    I have to disagree with the decision. It seemed strange to me, while watching it, that they had showed more worry for Teyla’s compromised judgment then for the fact that she was pregnant and off world. I really expected the team to at least say, “First sign of trouble and you’re out,” if only for continuities sake.

    In general, Kindred 1 was a bit of a mixed bag for me. There were some parts I enjoyed very much, such as a pissed off pregnant Teyla, and Lorne’s downcast look when he returns without her. I like how Sam told Teyla to call her Sam, which if I’m reading this right, means Sam knows she can’t take as military approach with Teyla as she can the others. Recognizing, in a sense, that Teyla’s position is different and she respects that.

    Oh, Rodney bringing Teyla such a nicely wrapped gift and looking so sweet and then he gives something that is just so him and self-centered. LOL! Poor Teyla.

    The list of what I liked goes on, but much of it is blinded by the overall feel of the episode. It didn’t draw me in as much as I was hoping. There was a bit of a cut and paste feel to the whole thing that made the entire experience somewhat jarring. Just as I was about to get into one scene, it was already off to the next at a much more abrupt pace than normal.

    But again, I did like the episode. It really helped that I was spoiler free on the appearance of Michael in this.

  87. Hey Joe!

    Thanks for the episode break-down, it’s like a small episode DVD commentary, except you don’t have to wait for the DVD. 😉

    Also looking forward to seeing the ‘Ronon as Jack Sparrow’ scene. 🙂

    Thanks as always,

    – Enzo Aquarius

  88. Hello Joe!

    1. Do you plan to introduce more than one new race in season 5? Can we expect new allies too?
    2. Will you bring such character to Atlantis’s season 5 as a guest star, who can be later a main character in Stargate : Universe series in 2009?
    3. Will there be any Stargate : Worlds related character /storyline in the TV series?



    I still have my doubts that Kanaan is the real father. ’nuff said.

  90. Count my vote for FABULOUS for Kindred I as it was truly wonderfully done! Great script Joe! And thank you for posting the breakdown of earlier scenes, very insightful.

    Um-m, isn’t anyone else here wondering about the use of that table Joe showed us (photo) in the Feb 18th blog entry? I mean, since we know Michael wants Teyla’s baby for who knows what devilish, egocentric purpose. I, for one, am getting quite nervous about THAT table… GULP… maybe we’ll find out next Friday?
    Cue Twilight Zone creepy music…

    Until next Friday’s ep… I leave you to dwell, as I shall, about that TABLE with the ARM and LEG STRAPS… ARGH-H-H-H!!

    Carol Z

  91. Thank you for doing this – it’s always good to read about the thought processes involved and what scenes got changed, deleted etc (even if sometimes a person is left wishing certain scenes had made it – in this case, Pirates and the LOTR fiasco!). Love the photos as well – they’re great.

    Ah, what would I do without my daily dose of your blog?

    Live a normal life probably, but hey, who wants to do that?!!! *grin*

    Leesa Perrie


    I just found a Kindred 2 promo on YouTube and it confirms my WORST thoughts!
    And it answers, at least in part, the use of THAT TABLE!

    Carol Z
    Now holding onto arm chair with BOTH hands until the knuckles go white.

  93. Um, about the “random” thing (“The {seemingly} random nature of this drug’s distribution is actually clear and calculated…” Most won’t notice, but I do. But then, I’m sensitive that way.): We noticed it. Stuck out like a sore thumb. Sorry! But then we’re sensitive that way, too. We actually listen to the dialogue you write…And we like it!

    Seriously, my children watch and love this show right along with me, so you have a future fan base building. And we basically quit paying attention to the things the SciFi channel does since they added wrestling (it’s fiction, yes, but where’s the science?). Overall, SGA is one of the best shows on television and we’ll certainly continue watching it as long as you can keep it going. THANKS! Denise

  94. I never got around to asking (I don’t think I did anyways) but did you ever watch Hogfather and do you have any intentions of watching The Colour of Magic?
    I must admit to being disappointed with Hogfather but will watch Magic anyways because its what we do.

  95. I am glad you changed the opening to the scene between Carter and Teyla. As written, it would have undermined Teyla’s strength. As shown, it’s a calmly confident Teyla talking to a calm and secure Carter. I am curious why you made the change?

    Also, I enjoyed their discussion as it was a nice ‘beat’ on the path to Sam settling in. It made me all the more sad to know that Amanada is leaving. I remain doubtful that Woolsey is going to fill the hole, no matter how good Picardo is. Ah well.

    Regardless, I look forward to the last two episodes of the season and wish you luck with putting together the next one. Here’s to the continuing adventures of Team Sheppard and company.

  96. Well,what i thought of Kindred……WOW……I couldn’t take my eyes of the screen the whole time….Everyone was just brilliant,especially Rachel…I missed Teyla when she wasn’t there so it was so great to see her back and being all badass,also seeing my favouriet Scots Doctor back was a bonus too:D

    1. Is there gonna be any Teyla whump next season,i’d like to see more Physical whump for Teyla for a change?

    2. You know how the original script for S4 was that Teyla would turn Darker,any plans on doing that in S5,it’d be great to see the darker side of Teyla?

  97. Hi Joe,
    Congrats on another great episode! Can’t wait for next week’s part II.
    And big thanks for your insight into the episode, it’s really nice of you to let us know such twists and turns from within the writing process.
    p.s. That McKay talk from the original tease would have been hilarious 😀 What a pity that you couldn’t squeeze it somehow in off-world walk and talk in actI … 🙂
    But apart from that … amazing episode!

  98. Bon je vais au lit! Un week end s’acheve et une semaine recommence, peut importe je suis en vacance^^!!

    Gros Gros Bisou, je vous adore fort fort! ♥♥♥

  99. Hey Joe,

    while browsing the internet for the latest ratings, I came across an article comparing nielsen ratings to TIVO and snapstream (beyond tv). The later two are obviously not dependent on a nielsen box and probably more representative of a more technically advanced audience. Anyway, on the snapstream website, stargate atlantis is listed as the 8th most recorded of all recorded tv episodes for the week of 2/11/08. Do you know if Scifi takes those things into consideration? Here is the link:

  100. It will be interesting to see the ratings for this episode. I’m wondering if spoiling Carson’s return in the promos actually got more viewers since they knew they were going to see him. As a viewer I would rather be surprised but maybe that was SciFi’s logic. I am getting tired of all the mistakes they’re making in their Atlantis promos, though. Whoever writes these things should be required to watch the freaking show!

    BTW, Joe, loved the episode. I think what you decided to go with for the scene between Carter and Teyla was perfect. Can’t wait for part 2.

  101. Question: The gan at the end of Emmagan, is that somehow connected to the fact that Tagan was her father?

  102. Thanks for the ‘inside look’ at some of what goes on while you’re tweaking an episode. I admit I would have liked to have seen the scene with Teyla talking about her grandmother… it sounds like she would have been a big influence to the kind of person Teyla is today.

    I am glad that you nixed the scenes with John angsting over whether or not Teyla should be going out (and I really liked Teyla reminding Sam that she didn’t need her permission to leave). After all, you’ve already got certain ‘fans’ kvetching that big mean Sheppard telling Teyla what she can and can’t do. How dare he! Oh, plus the respective fates of Cadman (MIA), Weir (gone), Heightmeyer (dead), Sam (leaving), Keller (hardly there) and Teyla (pregnant) means that you and the other PTB hate women. *nods*

  103. Musings of a slow day!

    I think that Kanaan’s/Michael’s ability to access Teyla’s dreams so vividly would have lost something by the use of CGI with swirling leaves and the unseen forces.

    Kanaan’s funeral pyre, please Joe we all know how scheming and down right underhanded you can be, in the nicest possible way of course….but you seldom if ever make a mistake as obvious as that!

    The funeral pyre scene and Teyla’s angst at Kanaan’s death also served to emphasize her commitment to Kanaan as the ‘father’ of her baby.

    IMHO the scene on Hoffan could have been smaller or ditched all together giving more scope for some of the other more deserving scenes to be left in.
    The conversation with the scavenger to me served no purpose. It didn’t drive the story forward at all unless Kindred 2 revisits the planet at a later date and the scavengers make a come back! Just Sheppard and McKay coming back through the gate saying, “It’s all gone, all of it gone. Ah well never mind!”

    Ah! McKay in full two face mode, he is just made for snark. No wonder he lacks a life, what woman could put up with him. One thing you could never ask McKay would be “Does my bum look big in this?” Would he tell you the truth?

    At your peril do you ever piss off a pregnant woman be warned!

    Waking up in bed in a forest, now tell me who hasn’t had that dream…or the going out naked…okay sorry that’s my nightmare. So glad you steered clear of the mini whirl-wind too tacky.

    And tell me please what’s wrong with ‘mint filling’? Now if you said Coffee Cream I would have to agree with you.

    Loved Michael’s return and him telling Teyla that they were not so different and that the baby is special to him!!

    Sheppard sitting on his bed calmly reading War and Peace would not have happened the man couldn’t settle if Teyla was missing the canteen scene was better.

    And the murderer is…… (Sharp intake of breath).
    Poor Beckett has been kept in a cell for months but he still looks healthy.

    I would have liked the scene to end with just a close up of Sheppard’s, Ronon’s and McKay’s expressions and maybe Beckett’s voice saying the same words.


  104. On February 24, 2008 at 3:38 am Lea Said: “And do you know that there are already many people out there who call McKay and hence also Hewlett ‘fat’ just because this whole eating thing is brought up again and again on the show? RM/DH is in no way too heavy. This whole “wrong body image” thing works for men, too, so I don’t see the point in everyone always picking on McKay’s eating habits when he’s not overweight!”

    i totally agree, david/mckay is NOT fat.

    speaking from personal taste, i’d take a guy with a little extra meat than one too thin. i like something to grab onto. 😛

    sally 🙂

  105. I watched Kindred Pt 1 last night, but it was such a poor-quality download that I was much too frustrated to actually take in the episode. I’ve secured a better quality download to watch again tonight.

    However, watching the episode did lead me to have a very weird dream featuring … Mr Joseph Mallozzi. For some, only-makes-sense-in-dreams reason, you lived in Philadelphia. You were doing a community radio show, and I was sitting in the studio with you (but you completely ignored me.) You had a guest in – a blog reader called Mick. You were looking very suave, and then you sang a song with Mick and then disappeared. Congratulations for starring in my dumbest dream ever!

  106. Hi JM!

    I enjoyed the ep very much. I just have to say that I LOVE the lines/references to movies that ya’ll throw into the show. Hubs and I love to quote movies – so it’s a really nice touch for us. Though I’m sure my Mom would just roll her eyes at those scenes…but she rolls her eyes in the general direction of Sci Fi…so OH Well…


  107. “The random nature of this drug’s distribution is clear and calculated.” Dunno, I’m sure it would have gotten redlined in your doctoral dissertation, Prof. Mallozzi; but the intended meaning is still perfectly clear. There’ve been plenty worse mistakes that come to mind – say, the radioed message stating that Allied troop transports had been spotted off the coast of Picardy, when of course the radio operator meant to say Normandy. *shrugs* Everyone makes these little goofs from time to time.

    Now you’ve got me wondering about the intense dislike for mint chocolates. If the mint is a crappy imitation, I can understand. Otherwise, to me it’s a marriage made in heaven. But then, I just love mint. Real mint. Catnip for my inner feline.

    – Okay, really, I want to join in with all of those who’ve expressed their enjoyment of, and appreciation for, your breakdown of where your original script differs from what we wound up seeing. It’s a real treat to get this work-in-progress type of view from the author himself. And it would’ve been SO cool to have Ronon doing Captain Jack, with the LOTR reference following. Still, your description makes me able to imagine it, so thank goodness for your blog. (Just one reason out of a thousand or so.)

    Very clever about the “leaked” funeral-pyre drawing. . . . I’ve reached the point where I think everything except the typos and the date errors appear in your blog for a reason, and even with them, I feel I can never be sure. I mean, we’re talking the “wheels within wheels” brain behind Baron Destructo & Co. (Maybe even as I type, Agent Wexler is scrutinizing your blog’s sentence structure for codes. You never know.)

  108. The only reason I can think of as to why the ‘kid scavengers’ were introduced in Act II is that they will serve a purpose in the second part of the two-parter. Otherwise, they are extraneous. So I am trying to see if I can pre-determine their role before I see next week’s episode.

  109. Personally I think the people who take the so called “fat” jokes seriously and actually believe Rodney (or David) is fat when he’s CLEARLY NOT when you look at him are the idiots. Not the show for being comic with the way Rodney eats!

    It’s a JOKE people. Get over it already.

  110. My inability to illegally download the episode means I haven’t seen it (I know, I’m sure you’re terribly cut up about that) but from all accounts it looks like a good one. And thank you so much for putting up the missing scenes etc, it’s almost like getting two episodes that I haven’t seen for one.

  111. Thanks for walking us through the episode, Joe – I’m fascinated by the changes that take place as the script is shot and edited. Of the many terrific moments (Rodney and Ronan were hilarious!) I particularly enjoyed Ronan’s backwards/upside down shot in the prison. How many takes before that one came together? I love the contrast between John’s almost furtive carrying of his p-90 and the way that Ronan treats his blaster as an extension of his arm.

  112. Pauline said: Ah! McKay in full two face mode, he is just made for snark. No wonder he lacks a life, what woman could put up with him.

    Me! He’s a sweetie, underneath the brilliantly cutting comments and the complaining. (And cute, to boot!)

  113. Personally I think the people who take the so called “fat” jokes seriously and actually believe Rodney (or David) is fat when he’s CLEARLY NOT when you look at him are the idiots.

    But without them fandom wouldn’t have the fine stable of Rodney bulimia/cutting fics which would me a sad, sad loss to humanity.

    TV’s not generally known for putting unattractive people on the screen, unless it’s a reality programme where everyone gets $250k worth of surgery and they all end up looking like an identikit badly done transvestite, so I don’t think Mr Hewlett has anything to worry about, even with the morbid obesity. <- very much a joke. In case there is confusion.`

  114. But without them fandom wouldn’t have the fine stable of Rodney bulimia/cutting fics which would me a sad, sad loss to humanity.

    Okay maybe the show plants the idea but I still think people should use their brains and be smart enough to LOOK at Rodney and realize that he’s not fat and those so called jokes are BS. They weren’t even calling him fat in Kindred – just commenting on the fact that he was eating while Teyla was in trouble. And really that’s a total cliche! How many thousands of shows have done the exact same thing where something bad happens and when someone gets something to eat other comment on “how can you eat a time like this?”

  115. (Sorry Joe, I promise this is the last comment from me)

    The thing is there ALWAYS small things that are put into any show that are meant as a joke that get taken too seriously and then end up being used in fics far to much and taken to extremes that the show writers probably never intended. I’m sure we’re supposed to laugh at the “pick on Rodney jokes” (or really any other joke that gets pulled on any character because really it’s not always Rodney) and then forget about them as the episode continues. Heck I’m sure Joe and the others don’t even remember half the “jokes” they’ve done over the past seasons.

  116. I really enjoyed “Kindred Part I”. My only real disappointment was SciFi spoiling Carson’s return at the end of the episode! Like you mentioned it would have been perfect if SciFi had kept it out of their promo for the episode.

    Seeing Michael look nearly human again wasn’t as much as a surprised as seeing that he doesn’t need to feed anymore. What got me a bit uneasy or had this creepy-crawly feeling was the fact he’s had this plan to use Teyla’s baby once he’s born.

    Does Michael what her baby because both, she and Kanaan, have wraith telepathic abilities that the other Athosians don’t have?

  117. Joe, i think when fans look back at what has been a very successful season 4, this end string of episodes will be looked at as the best of SGA’s episodes ever. It seems that everything came together in this episode, as you mentioned, from so many storylines from this and last season – and it was executed so wonderfully, my what an episode it was. My question is: was there any dissent with your viewpoint that the episode had to end with the reveal of Beckett in the cell? did that set up/revelation pay off the way you’d hoped in the finished product (despite Sci-Fi’s spoiling?)

  118. Opening scene: I like the creepy part of the first draft version better than the funeral scene. I understand the choice to not rehash the same conversation about Teyla’s pregnancy, but the funeral didn’t make much sense to me. I guess it didn’t have to since it was a dream, though.

    McKay’s gift: Brilliant (as was the opening of the next scene). This scene made me laugh out loud. Rodney is truly one of a kind. But this scene did make me wonder if y’all considered shooting a Baby Shower scene for Teyla. It may not be an Athosian custom, but I have to believe that someone on the base – Keller? – would want to throw her a shower. I don’t expect to see the whole thing, but maybe see it breaking up as the team is called back to duty or something. How funny would this Rodney gift scene have been if he had given her this present in front of the others?

    Scripting oversight – I have to admit that I caught this discrepancy. But by that time I was so pleased with the Rodney scene, the Rodney/Ronan exchange, and that Carson was going to show up at the end, that I cut you some slack.

    Teyla/Carter scene – I really liked this scene. I am very glad that it changed from the first draft. I like the way it played out between two women leaders with mutual respect. I think Teyla was much more effective at getting her point across to Sam by being reasonable than if we’d started the scene with an argument between Teyla and Chuck. I think Sam’s experience with Teal’c helped her see Teyla’s point of view. Like Teal’c, Teyla is part of the team, but can leave any time she likes. She chooses to “obey” SGC/IOA leadership, but is not bound to do so. I like that Teyla reminded Sam (and the audience) that she doesn’t HAVE to be so cooperative.

    Ronan and Parlay – I really wish this scene had made it into the final cut. In fact, I would have cut the exchange between Rodney and Ronan to fit it in. It would have been a scream! Ronan and Shep are building a great friendship. I think it is time to let Ronan loosen up a little bit, especially since he finally knows he’s going to stick around with these people for good. I loved the way we ended last week’s episode with him tickling Shep’s nose and laughing about it. I’d like to more of that kind of stuff. I totally buy it that Shep would show Ronan Earth pop-culture. I think he would like movies like Terminator and probably even Pirates.

    To wrap it up – I really like the Michael character and kinda hate to see him go the way of the bad guy. I would love to have seen him become an ally. I can’t wait to see how this thing resolves. I am also nervous about Carson’s return. I wanted to see him again, but not if he doesn’t return as a hero. SciFi could be misleading us with their promo, but if he turns out to be corrupt, it will feel like we sullied the memory of a great character. But to use an overworked phrase, “It is what it is.”

  119. Also, I just rewatched “Window of Opportunity.” Dang, that was some brilliant writing!

  120. Awesome episode. Great pace. “There can be only one”? Fantastic! Thanks for that one Joe. Can’t wait until next Friday!

  121. I know you have no control of the promos the marketing people put out there, Joe, but they honestly can’t be so dumb as to not know what they are doing.

    What’s the point of avoiding spoilers when the promos do basically the same thing?!

    feedback@scifi.com – that’s the email address that scifi lists for comments. I’ve given them my two cents (not that it’ll do any good), maybe everyone else should too!

  122. thank you thank you! i always love when you go back over an episode and this one was all the better because of carson’s return!!!

    can not wait to see the dvd outtakes to see jason’s pirates bit.

    *hug! thanks again!

  123. Hey Joe,
    I was just wondering if you had seen/heard of this new show Jpod? My roommate introduced me to it and I couldn’t help but notice that the episode I watched was directed by Peter DeLuise. Not only that but the Vancouver-based video game company where the show is set is actually the Tollan homeworld. Also, it’s the market on New Caprica, but you guys got there first. (If I remember correctly it’s a college of some kind right? I wonder if the kids there get any studying done with all the TV shows crowding around…)

  124. Great episode leading up to what I hope is going to be an awesome ep! And thanks for the Highlander line! Loved it.

  125. Just FYI to all of you concerned with “Repli-Carson”: if you go to the MGM Stargate site and watch the preview, they make it very clear that Beckett is not a replicator, but in fact is the real deal!

  126. Great to see Connor Trinneer back as Michael. Would love to see a whole episode about him like his first one. He’s such a great actor.

    Glad to see Paul McGillon back, too. We’ve missed him.

  127. Hi Joe,

    this episode was really great. The opening was alarming, I thought -DAMN now they were to late to save Teyla’s friend -, then the shift and the rest of the whole story. Just great. Michael again and the last sentence “What took you so long?”, just super. I am also glad that Paul McGillion is back, can’t wait to find out how you get him back in the story after his ‘death’.
    The last two episodes were just great. Hope for more great stories to come.

    Best Regards,


  128. Hi Joe!

    Coming in a little late, but I just got back in town. LOVED Kindred Pt. 1!!! Thanks for the breakdown of what the heck you were thinking. Interesting changes, and I think they were for the better.

    I saw the hints from the people crying out for SciFi’s head after the Kindred promo was aired, so I suspected (but didn’t confirm) that this was the ep with Carson.

    Luckily, I forgot completely about that hint, so I was totally surprised when Carson appeared. WOOHOO!!! As someone who was Carson Clueless, I thought Michael was saying Todd the Sneaky was actually helping him. And, probably based upon an ep of LOST, I thought the Team was going to burst in on a nursery, awaiting the captured Teyla. Hints of Danger and Baby-napping! Ooooooh!!

    I was so very happy when I saw so many awesome characters (besides our awesome Team) were appearing in this ep: TODD! MICHAEL! CALDWELL! LORNE! Lots of Teyla and Sam too!

    I really loved the exchange between Teyla and Sam regarding Teyla’s return to the planet. I saw growth in their relationship, and loved how Sam said “Call me Sam,” to Teyla. It was a way to show respect and equality between them.

    Also, super kudos for Rodney’s sweet, but egotistical baby gift. I thought it was sweet. 🙂

    Anyway, gotta sing the praises of Kindred II on another entry!

    Thanks Joe!


  129. “The Kindred, Pt. 1” was a revelation, in more ways than one.

    After “Vengeance,” I was worried Michael would be just another two-dimensional villain. Part of his appeal, I think, is that people can identify with his feelings of hurt, betrayal, loneliness, etc.

    TK1 had some of the best writing I’ve ever seen for Michael. Yes, he’s a villain–but we see he’s a villain who’s vulnerable and who has a wide range of human emotions. (Kudos to Connor Trinneer for a great performance, as well!)

    I’d like to see this kind of character development continue for Michael–and I’d like to see the “bond” between him and Teyla explored further in future seasons.

    Thanks again for a great episode!

  130. Hi Joe

    Loved the latest episode Kindred II. Cannot wait for Last Man counting down the days, delighted to see Todd is in it as well. Loving the Todd dynamic he somehow manages to be creepy but hilarious. Dr Keller is becoming a great character as well Jewel Staite is lovely in all the roles Ive seen her in so far. When last man is over I will be preparing myself for the agonizing wait…

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