In case you hadn’t noticed, that long-awaited Atlantis season 5 press release finally came out today (check it out here:

For those of you who just got back from the moon and may have missed it, here are the salient points –

1. Woolsey assumes command of the Atlantis expedition!

I’ve always admired Robert Picardo’s work in shows like China Beach and Star Trek: Voyager and we had been looking to cast him for a long time. Finally, the opportunity presented itself in SG-1’s Heroes I and II in which he played the button-down Trust attorney Richard Woolsey. He was a fun, albeit not all-that-likable character, and it wasn’t until his next appearance, in the episode Inauguration, that we caught a glimpse of the man beneath the officious façade. Despite being innately hard-nosed and by-the-book, Woolsey redeems himself at episode’s end by allowing his own moral compass to guide him rather than blindly follow the directions of his scheming employer, Vice President Kinsey. In ensuing appearances (Prototype, The Scourge, Return I and II, and the Seer), he proved himself at times obtrusive, fastidious, and, yes, a pain-in-the-ass, but also loyal, intelligent, and above all, principled.

Way back at the end of season three when we were considering a new commander, Woolsey was one of the first names that popped into my head. I thought he would be a great choice – an established player in the Stargate universe and an interesting character that could offer much in the way of potential conflict. It also didn’t hurt that Bob is a nice guy, and a wonderful actor who has hit it out of the park every time he’s appeared on the show. After much discussion though, it was decided at the time that Carter would be a better fit. And we had a great season with her. But with Amanda having made the difficult decision to commit herself to another project, the opportunity to bring in Woolsey presented itself once again. And, this time, we took it.

Of course, his appointment does beg certain questions, the chiefest being: If Carter was appointed commander of the Atlantis expedition as a military response to the ongoing replicator and wraith threat, what has changed between then and now? Good question. Tune into season 5 to find out.

2. The beloved Dr. Carson Beckett returns for five episodes!

It’s impossible to write “Dr. Carson Beckett” without using the term “beloved” I’ve noticed. Anyway, yes, it’s true, Paul McGillion will be back with us for 5 episodes. It was great having him back on set in season 4 and we all look forward to seeing significantly more of him this year. “How is this possible?”you ask. “I thought he was dead!”you say. Hey, now that you mention it, he WAS dead! How does that work? Well, tune in to the last few episode of season 4 to find out.

3. Daniel Jackson will be guesting in some episodes.

So far, we’ve got a terrific, BIG two-parter planned. I suspect that the page count in the Daniel/McKay scenes (featuring the two fastest-talking actors in show business) will have the scheduling gurus doing back-flips. Remember that new enemy I mentioned? Oh, and Marty G. will be doing the honors on this one.

4. Samantha Carter will appear in several episodes.

Given Amanda’s upcoming commitment, it’s impossible to offer an exact number of episodes. As I said, it really has everything to do with a) her schedule and b) the types of stories we come up with. However, I can say that, at present, we do have her locked in for two.

5. No mention of the Weir character

I’ve already stated our intention to pay off the storyline we hinted at in Be All My Sins Remember’d. We have the story in place and, once a deal is closed, you’ll be the first to hear about it.

For those of you asking about which line in the teaser poem refers to Outcast:

“Wallace’s research a menace let loose.”

Today’s blog is dedicated to birthday boyorgirl Konman72 and Sara who sent Lulu a practical yet fashionable E-Collar.

Let’s tackle the mailbag –

Aquarian writes: “ Is the Michael storyline going to be revisited at all in S5?”

Answer: Although we’ve yet to slot a story (or two) into the schedule, you can be sure we’ll see him pop up at some point in season 5.

PG-15 writes: “Was Bill Dow really sunburned, or was all of that makeup just to set up the joke that Dr. Lee got called in from vacation?”

Answer: No, he wasn’t really sunburned. That was scripted.

RaeveAva writes: “Where did you and the rest of the SGA writers, get your sense of humors?”

Answer: We were born with them. Except in the case of Marty G. His was genetically engineered.

Thornyrose writes: “When the decision was made to cast Hewlett, was there a lot of revising of scripts early on?”

Answer: Definitely. The McKay character is very different from the character Brad and Rob originally envisioned for the role.

MaryA writes: “I was wondering if you would be so willing as to confirm or deny Acastas Kolya’s reappearance in Season 5?”

Answer: Funny you should mention Kolya. I had a conversation with Robert Davi last week (coincidentally, a day after I spoke to Richard Kind, aka Lucius, concerning a chocolate article he came across recently). Although there are no stories in the works for either character – hey, this is scifi. Anything is possible.

Maren Sievert writes: “ I’ve herad that dogs like yours are prone to have breathing problem because of the way the nose is. Can you confirm that?

Answer: Confirmed. Jelly is particularly bad. She even snores when she’s awake.

Iamza writes: “have you read Susannah Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell yet?”

Answer: It’s sitting on my bookshelf. I’ll get around to it – eventually.

Marko writes: “I’m glad that he’s going to remain the team leader, but as for there being no discussion about promoting him… why on earth not? Carter made lieutenant colonel one year before he did; wouldn’t it then make sense for him to be promoted to full colonel one year after her, that is, in season 5?”

Answer: It would make sense if it was simply a matter of putting in the hours but, in fact, merit has a lot to do with it. Does Sheppard deserve to be made full bird Colonel? I guess you’d have to argue your case to the promotions selection committee.

Grace writes: “ You can say that Michael Shanks will ‘guest star’ in several episodes, but you can’t give the same statement for Torri.”

Answer: Yep, that’s about it. Michael Shanks will be in two episodes. So far.

Mark B writes: “Can you confirm if Jewel Staite will be regular or recurring next season?”

Answer: Jewel will be a regular next year.

Lea writes: “Woolsey’s so incredibly annoying…”

Answer: So was Dr. Rodney McKay the first time we met him in Redemption I and II.

Inpa writes: “The mysterious character Porter, was an announcement about her *not* included because the actress hasn’t been decided, because she won’t be *significant enough* in the show, or some other reason?”

Answer: She has yet to be cast and we have yet to see how significant a role she will play in season 5.

Inpa also writes: “Also how was the decision to bring Woolsey over made, I know the writers have said it was considered when thinking who would be in charge for season 4. Was it a quick obvious decision or did it require a lot of thought?”

Answer: It took us approximately three seconds.

Emily writes: “I finished reading Bright of the Sky. I was a little concerned about it since it kind of straddled the line between sci-fi and fantasy (imo) and I’m not a huge fan of fantasy, but overall I thought it was a good read. My least favorite storyline was actually Quinn’s…”

Answer: Funny you should say that. I was all onboard with the Quinn storyline until the narrative shifted to Sydney. At that point, Quinn’s quest became secondary to the far more interesting, character-driven Sydney storyline. Although there were interesting elements in Quinn’s drive to rescue his daughter, I found myself thoroughly engrossed in Sydney’s plight.

Farscapefan writes: “what the hell are you thinking sending Daniel to Atlantis WITHOUT Vala? You know very well that these two are totally incomplete without another around! And I swear, I’m gonna hate you forever if you make Daniel act like Vala doesn’t exist at all and there won’t be at least one mention of her.”

Answer: Done and done. I’ll cross you off my Christmas card list.

Mrs.B108 writes: “Will Season Five introduce new enemies alongside its new Atlantis personnel?”

Answer: Yep.

Amyfo writes: “Joe look what I found, I think you’ll enjoy this.

Answer: Yeah, that’s how I keep my monitors clean. Jelly can’t get enough.

224 thoughts on “February 5, 2008: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

  1. Whoa! Woolsey who’d a thought? Great choice some one known to us but with still a lot to be discovered if you see what I mean.

    I like your style give’em what they don’t want and they’ll come back for more, just to say “I told you so.”

    Season five ratings in the bag!

    Can’t wait to see you turn Woolsey into a guy everyone wants to sit around the table having coffee with.

    At least McKay won’t be the only man people love to hate on the base.

    Will he go off world with the team occasionally?

    Will he ever over come his fear of….well everything really?

    Will he grow a back bone and break free of certain government agencies?

    Will we get some good back story on him?

    Woolsey was sent to Atlantis to evaluate both Weir and more recently Carter.
    Who would be sent to Atlantis to evaluate him after he takes up the post…I vote O’Neill!


  2. When I first heard Carter wasn’t going to be in charge I thought, y’know who would be awesome? Woolsey. I just didn’t believe it could really happen. Robert Picardo is great in everything he’s in, and I think you guys give him a lot of great material. I am super excited about next season already.

  3. Joe,

    I just noticed in that closeup shot of Lulu that it looks like her identification tattoo starts with 007. Is she demanding her martini’s shaken, not stirred?

  4. *waves*

    What no slap upside the head Mr M? You’re slipping. 😉 Okay i’ve calmed down after my PMS hissy fit, could you at the very least pass me over some chocolate? 😛


  5. I guess my favorite show would not be too exciting if the writers did everything I secretly wished for. Yes, I am not thrilled at all about the Woolsey character…Ho hum… The actor is great. The writing is great too. I love to hate Woolsey!

  6. Well, I don’t know about most people, but I think that allowing Woolsey to head up Atlantis should be an interesting change. With the amazing writers we have on this show, I’m sure this will prove to be another great season! Keep it up with the subtle humor please!!

  7. So Weir is going to be back? LOL just kidding. The 100th episode should include Weir hopefully…

    What was your first (music) single ever bought and do you regret it?

  8. …I noticed a disctinct lack of the name “Kavan Smith” on your part in today’s blog. Care to correct that on the next entry? 😉

  9. If CheekylilDevil gets chocolate from you for her PMS hiss fit can I get some too?

    Woolsey – I will wait and see how it develops.

    Another female character – me wants more men!

    Jewel as a regular – not really happy with this, nothing against her personally. I feel that her character is pretty insignificant.

    Lorne and Zelenka – yummy, hope they are back.

    Carson – He is back and he is alive which are both great. I was hoping for more episodes, but I am thankful for 5. I hope that you utilise Paul’s acting talents and use him as an Atlantis doctor and give him quality scripts to work from. I am sure that his wee turtles (Hamish and Edie) will be glad to get out of Rodney’s quarters.



  10. Woolsey – the man I love to hate, though he has certainly shown some redeeming qualities in later eps. If we can’t have Elizabeth back, I’m happy with Woolsey.
    And Daniel on Atlantis for at least two eps, that makes me happy.
    Five eps with Carson. I’d have loved many more than that, but it’s a good start.
    Looking forward to the rest of season 4 and season 5. Keep up the good work, crew!

  11. Duuuude!

    That was such an unexpected twist! Woolsey you say? This is bound to be interesting… wonder how he and the main characters (i.e. John Sheppard) will get on. A few instances of not quite seeing eye to eye, I wonder.

    Ha. As much as I love Daniel, I’m almost disappointed he’s coming over to Atlantis. I hope I’m proven wrong 🙂 BUT the fact you mentioned scenes with him and McKay? This I can’t wait to see – so I’m at a bit of a cross roads with my feelings on that one!

  12. “Woolsey’s so incredibly annoying…”
    “So was Dr. Rodney McKay the first time we met him in Redemption I and II.”

    …and even more so when we met him before that in ’48 Hours’. 😀

  13. I’m so pleased Robert Picardo is going to be a regular. He has such a great sense of comic timing – I imagine we’ll get to enjoy that from time to time. I loved his imagination run rampant in Voyager – like the Emergency Command Hologram???

    Oh – and Happy Mardi Gras! We wore beads and ate King Cake today.

  14. Would love to see Kolya back in a real dark, actiony episode. He took over Atlantis, bullied Rodney and tortured Sheppard.

    In turn Sheppard killed 60 of his men and ruined him to the Genii. We should get a real-drag-down fight between the two, it was such a great feud.

    But please don’t ever bring back Lucius.

    As for the cast changes I’ll trust the writers, but please give us a Sheppard arc this time. He always has great moments, but always seems to be skipped when it come to an overall arcs.

  15. I think it’s great that Daniel will finally stop by Atlantis. Superb. I don’t suppose you could get Teal’c or Jack to accompany him? Someone a couple of days ago posted about how they’d love a big, blowout SG-1 visit to Atlantis. Count me in, too.

    With the 300th episode of Stargate coming up this year, too, it would be the perfect opportunity. What better way to say thank you to the four pillars of the Gate verse?

    Jack, Sam, Teal’c, and Daniel for the all out win.

  16. Hmm, so Woolsey huh?

    I’m actually looking forward to that. Will we get any back story on him (how he came to work for the IOA, any family he may have things like that)? ANd can we please have him say ‘please state the nature of the medical emergency’ atleast once?

    I know it’s a challenge but I;m sure if anyone can write it, it’s you.

  17. Seriously, don’t you ever get scared by some of the fan comments. I mean some of the ones you’ve approved scare me (i.e. “I’m going to hate you forever if you don’t give me what I want) so I can’t imagine some of the ones that you DON’T approve.

  18. I think Woolsey as leader of Atlantis is a great idea, because it will probably lead to some interesting conflicts between him and Sheppard. He is a great character.

    As for Carson’s return: YEAAAHH!!! Wait a minute, only 5 episodes? Well, I hope that is not to set in stone yet.

  19. “Lea writes: “Woolsey’s so incredibly annoying…”
    Answer: So was Dr. Rodney McKay the first time we met him in Redemption I and II.”

    It may come as a shock to you, but I never thought of McKay as someone who’s incredibly and particularly annoying, not even in the first SG1 eps. Sure, he does have lots of flaws, but at the same time he has always been an interesting and versatile character, right from the beginning. He was loud and rude, and I see that some people think of that as annoying, but for me there are also other things that can be annoying in ‘hero characters’, so maybe that’s why I didn’t mind Rodney’s attitude in SG1 that much. You could see that there was lots of potential for that character to develop, he had a background without having a background if you know what I mean, and as annoying as he might have been, he was also strangely endearing right from the beginning (maybe because there is a little McKay in all of us and everyone can relate to that or wishes he could be as straight forward as him)

    For me, Woolsey is just annoying and working for the ‘wrong side’. Sure, as I said, there might be interesting storylines because of that, but I’d rather have a teamplayer. There are enough problems out there with the numerous enemies they have. And the whole “but the IOA wants…” conflict is also getting boring, and the “Earth is more important than Atlantis” stuff too. Ah well, but I’ll manage. I’d rather have Woolsey on the show than, for example, Dr. Keller.

  20. Farscapefan writes: “what the hell are you thinking sending Daniel to Atlantis WITHOUT Vala? You know very well that these two are totally incomplete without another around! And I swear, I’m gonna hate you forever if you make Daniel act like Vala doesn’t exist at all and there won’t be at least one mention of her.”

    Well, Daniel got along fine for 8 years without her. he can do it again.

    Also, for JoeM: Woolsey is the new commander. However, his background is not unlike Weir’s. Will you develop that political background in Woolsey? It was a shame that you didn’t develop it in Weir.

    Also, how important of a role will the Wraith have in Season 5?

  21. Hi Joe,

    quick Carson question:

    Is it a final decision that Carson Beckett will appear in only 5 episodes or is there a chance he might return to recurring (10+ ep.) or regular status?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer.

  22. Hi Joe,

    I’ve decided to read another Iain Banks novel. You recommend both The Player of Games and Use of Weapons. Do you have a preference of one over the other?


  23. Quite happy with the announcement- glad to hear that Jewel’s now a regular, she’s been lovely on the show! Also am very excited for the potential that Woolsey has- he’ll certainly be very different from Carter and Weir.

    Any word yet on how much Zelenka will be in this season?

  24. “Answer: Done and done. I’ll cross you off my Christmas card list.”

    Ahahaha. Very nice responce.
    I was going to demand a musical episode. With Lucias returning with a new serium that would cause all within range of him to sing instead of simply speaking.

    In regards to your pug breathing problem; there is a surgical procedure that your pugs can have to make it easier for them to breathe. I can not recall if there is an age restriction on the procedure or not. Sadly, you do lose the snoring, which some people would miss (I do).

    Lots of twists in the upcoming season, I’m excited to see how you all pull it off.

  25. 1. Woolsey assumes command of the Atlantis expedition!

    I’m OK with this. I find his addition to the Atlantis crew intriguing!!!

    2. The beloved Dr. Carson Beckett returns for five episodes!

    It’s impossible to write “Dr. Carson Beckett” without using the term “beloved” I’ve noticed. Anyway, yes, it’s true, Paul McGillion will be back with us for 5 episodes.

    Is that all? I thought he was coming back at least as a recurring for 13 episodes. What are the chances of that happening?

    3. Daniel Jackson will be guesting in some episodes.

    Love Daniel Jackson, so yeah, bring on the storyline.

    4. Samantha Carter will appear in several episodes.

    Good luck to whatever she wants to do and hopefully we’ll be seeing her soon on Atlantis too.

    However, how do you plan to justify her replacement by Woosley? I’m guessing she won’t be fired but why will she be leaving Atlantis?

    5. No mention of the Weir character.

    Although the Repli-Weir storyline seems to be a juicy one, I can’t say I’ll miss her.

  26. Hi,
    Thank you for answering my first ever question!

    The Daniel visit sounds like its going to be even better than I was expecting.

    Weir; Beckett; Daniel; Carter; Wolsey; new enemy; hopefully Michael; hopefully more character development for Keller now she’s regular; and Teyla back in force… I’m already impatient for season five and we’re only three-quarters through season four!

  27. Please say we will see Zelenka again in season 5! All the press never has any information on him and his character is not on SciFi website. Is he going to be one of the changes for season 5?! No!! Please don’t let him go.

  28. Daniel Jackson and Carson Beckett in season five? I give that two sqeeeeeeeeeeeees up!

    And as long as you’re handing out chocolate … dark, with caramel. Or dark, with mocha buttercream. Or dark, with candied ginger. Or … or, I could just take myself on a candy run, couldn’t I?

  29. On February 5, 2008 at 3:49 pm Kristen Said:
    “Would love to see Kolya back in a real dark, actiony episode. He took over Atlantis, bullied Rodney and tortured Sheppard.

    In turn Sheppard killed 60 of his men and ruined him to the Genii. We should get a real-drag-down fight between the two, it was such a great feud.

    But please don’t ever bring back Lucius.

    As for the cast changes I’ll trust the writers, but please give us a Sheppard arc this time. He always has great moments, but always seems to be skipped when it come to an overall arcs.”

    I agree with you Kristen. I do trust the writers in many ways with the casting changes. However, I’d love to see a proper arc for Sheppard – something where he goes from one point to another, with ramifications therein. He always seems to be skipped over, and we rarely hear about any plans for his character at the beginning of each new season 🙁 I mean, four and a half seasons in and we finally learn he had a father and has a brother…that has to be the longest time a lead character has had to wait for some backstory! LOL!

    Here’s hoping there will be something good for Sheppard in season 5! A girl can hope, can’t she? Lots of conflict and annoyance with the new leader sounds good, some respect too – it’s a balancing act, after all. But I want a more meaningful storyline for Sheppard. Outcast was an excellent start. I’d like more in that vein please!

    I’m still not sure about Daniel in a two parter sharing tonnes of dialogue with McKay. I’m going going to take some convincing on that one, I’m afraid! I live in hope that I’m proved wrong here. 🙂

  30. Hi Mr. Mallozzi,

    The glut of news that came out yesterday is enough to make any Stargate fan overwhelmed.

    First up, glad to see you make good use of Picardo, always liked him. Man, the Woolsey choice threw me for a loop, but it definitely opens up some interesting story telling possibilities. I hope you and the other writer’s exploit them for all they are worth. Here is a guy who is very different from any leader the franchise has introduced so far.

    You guys have been pretty good at writing believable leaders, but all of them have been of the seemingly honest sort, who weren’t in the pockets of powerful manipulators as far as we know, and who were always willing to back up their people. Here we have a different type of character, and I was wondering if you guys going to keep his smarmy, slippery but still mostly benign personality intact, or melt him down into a softie with only the best intentions at heart? Are we going to see tempers flare, and heads butt as he thinks about both the memebers of the expedition, while also being aware of the IOA agenda?

    Anyways, the hint of a new enemy also sounds like something that could add some spice to the next season. I’ve liked what I’ve seen thus far of season 4, but season 5 looks like it could be even better.

  31. What. WHAT. How DARE you imply that Sheppard doesn’t deserve a promotion??!!

    *winks* Thanks for answering my question.

    Does this mean, though, that now that Sheppard doesn’t have Weir on his side, he’ll never get promoted? Cause he’s doing a pretty good job, all things considered, and it would suck if he got screwed over because of politics.

    Although it will be interesting to see just how insubordinate he gets with Woolsey… 😀

  32. Joe,

    Each of the decisions announced today was a definite plus in my book. Being neither for or against Weir as a character, I thought that Carter joining the case this year was nice. And, it has been nice.

    Woolsey kicks up the interaction a notch, however. Rather than just being nice, I would call it something exciting to look forward to for next year. At the time, I was less than thrilled with “The Seer”. As I recall, you responded by suggesting I keep watching and that perhaps it would make better sense later. Well, now, I think that it does – in part due to this announcement. I may actually watch that episode again. 😉

    Daniel Jackson is always a welcome addition – before Vala, with Vala and without Vala again.

    As to Beckett’s return …. well, I don’t know what you have in store for him yet this season, but, I have found both Weir and Ford’s characters far more interesting in the episodes they appeared in after no longer being regulars so I expect the same with Beckett.

    Thanks for the news.

  33. I think Woolsey is an excellent choice. In fact, the best choice for command of Atlantis since the first Weir disappeared. I like Torri as an actor but I only really appreciated her Weir after Carter took over. Robert Picardo is a great actor, and even when Woolsey was at his most unlikable, Robert gave him something that made you care about him. I was glad to see the favorable nuances which were later developed.

    I’m glad to see Daniel returning in a two-parter and possibly more. And I’m delighted that you aren’t dragging him down to sidekick status with Vala, like he pretty much was in season 10. I think Claudia is a fine actor but I was pretty sick of Vala by the end of season five and she felt like a dead weight to me on the scenes in Ark of Truth. (And to remind those who will probably jump on me — it’s my opinion.

    I vote with the other person here for more men on the show. Another backup team of hunks would work well for me… or since you don’t seem to have a specific archeology team yet… or Army Corps of Engineers… see I can think of many ways to introduce them…

    And if you are taking people who are upset with your decisions off your Christmas card list — seems to me I got overlooked when you were preparing your Christmas card list… since I don’t recall getting one from you…. and I only disagree with you some of the time. (Being a bit factitious in this last paragraph, in case you haven’t figured that out.)

  34. Awesome! I was real excited to hear the news, though I do admit being hesitant right now with good ol’ Woolsey…I’m interested in seeing how it plays out, because obviously the chemistry will be completely different from that of Weir and Carter. I am curious to know if I can look forward to Woosley raising any issues about there being aliens on Atlantis, or, alternately, if Woosley is going to play any formal diplomatic role as commander of Atlantis. Hope these are non-spoiler questions! 🙂

  35. I usually don’t stoop as low as bribery, but… aw, hell. I’ll give you a shiny new penny if Kolya makes his glorious return in Season 5!

  36. Bonjour Joseph,
    Bon, je n’ai pas encore visionné la saison 4, mais j’ai déjà hâte de voir la saison 5.
    «MaryA writes: “I was wondering if you would be so willing as to confirm or deny Acastas Kolya’s reappearance in Season 5?”

    Answer: Funny you should mention Kolya. I had a conversation with Robert Davi last week (coincidentally, a day after I spoke to Richard Kind, aka Lucius, concerning a chocolate article he came across recently). Although there are no stories in the works for either character – hey, this is scifi. Anything is possible.»
    Ho oui, stp, rammenez Kolya dans la saison 5, c’est un des méchants de sc fiction les plus intéressants depuis longtemps !!!!
    En passant ici il neige, il neige, il neige….
    P.S Écoutes des fois de la musique francophone ? Te tiens-tu encore au courant de la culture du Québec ?

  37. Is the transition from Carter in control of Atlantis to Woolsey going to be one made in the heat of battle, or is it more along what happened between Hammond and Landry in SG-1 where there was no immediate threat to kill all life on base (ie transition between Weir and Carter)?

  38. Oh my, oh my… Joe said:
    … So far, we’ve got a terrific, BIG two-parter planned. I suspect that the page count in the Daniel/McKay scenes (featuring the two fastest-talking actors in show business) will have the scheduling gurus doing back-flips. Remember that new enemy I mentioned? Oh, and Marty G. will be doing the honors on this one.

    Hm-m, I think I may have to buy a voice recorder and tape the dialogs between McKay & Jackson, just so I can review it at “normal” speed. Oy, my poor ears!

    But I am thoroughly STOKED for Season 5 now!
    Bring on Woolsey!
    Bring on Beckett!
    Bring on Jackson!
    Woo-hoo! — when is the start of S5 again, September?
    (gurgles off into the night… trying to escape the incessant political TV coverage… groan)

    Good job Mr. M, you have my complete support!

    Carol Z 8)

  39. Glad to hear Jewel has been upped to “regular” status. Count me in the camp that likes the character.

    Will one of the episodes you’re working on for season 5 be both Carson and Keller heavy? I’d like to see those two with a good storyline that has them working together.

  40. Hi Joe,

    Well…today was quite a day! My first thought on hearing that Woolsey was taking over was: Nooooooo! But on further reflection, it should lead to some very interesting dynamics, as, unlike Weir and Carter, Woolsey will definitely have to start out by earning the respect of the people under him…something, at least as of right now, he certainly doesn’t have!

    As for why the IOA feels the time has come to replace the military leadership with one of their own…I am indeed looking forward to learning the answer to that. For those of us who are Sam fans, we’re hoping that Sam’s departure is for greener pastures, either at the SGC (it’s about time Landry retired, isn’t it?) or perhaps some post in DC…where she can be closer to “that guy”!

    And speaking of that…would you please be so kind to consider tying up for us the longest story arc in the Stargate universe with unequivocally and irrefutably letting it be known that Sam and Jack are together? Of course, *showing* us would be even better, but I suppose that would be too much to hope for!

    Hoping for all good things in S5—can’t wait!

  41. As a member of the original Robert Picardo Fan Club (CARPE – Central Alliance for Robert Picardo Enthusiasts), I’m very happy that Bob will be heading up the Atlantis expedition. I knew it had to be either Caldwell or Woolsey, depending if you wanted to be military or civilian. I’m glad you went the civilian route. As someone who’s not scientist, military or diplomat, but a lawyer, it will be interesting to see how his character will fit in yet also answer to his “masters” the IOA. As a lawyer, all that administrative paperwork will be second nature for him. He wasn’t in the original expedition, he’s not a scientist, he’s not someone who understands military strategy. He’s red tape!

    Thanks for the other casting news, too. Carter will be back for at least a couple of episodes, maybe to do some science again (it was so nice to see that in “Quarantine”). Daniel will come visit and hopefully have a talk-off with Rodney and give us a reason to learn more about Athosians. And Carson! I don’t know what reason you’ll explain him returning, but / yay!

    Which reminds me, are we going to see the wee baby turtles in Rodney’s room or was that cut out? I can’t remember what episode that was supposed to be in.

    Also, back in “Outcast”, is that Rodney in the newspaper clipping winning that large grant? Was that supposed to be old, before Atlantis, or has he been able to get some stuff published on Earth since we have regular contact from Atlantis now?


  42. Hey Joe – Thanks for all of the great updates for Season 5. Already looking forward to the first episode.

    I do have reservations about Woolsey, but trust you and your great team will develop some interesting character interactions. I nominate “Chuck” to be Woolsey’s “Chief Harriman”, to keep him (Woolsey)on track. I’ll even send Theo Chocolates as a bribe.

  43. Woolsey, huh? Well, that should be fun. He’s definitely grown on me since his first appearances. And I’ve always enjoyed watching Robert Picardo (incidentally, ever hear him sing? He made a whole CD with humorous songs and Voyager parodies several years back). And Michael’s gonna turn up again? Very, very cool. Any chance during one of these episodes there will be a scene between Michael and Woolsey? Not only would it be fun to see two Trek actors in the same scene, but it would be really amusing to see how a guy like Woolsey reacts to being in the same room with a guy like Michael.
    Of course, as someone who’s been wondering what the heck you were all thinking in killing Carson, I’m really excited to see him back for more eps next season. But at the same time (not to sound ungrateful)…only five? So, he’s not returning as CMO (which doesn’t really surprise me), but that low number makes me think he’s not actually even on Atlantis at all. Ah, now see, you’ve just got me terribly curious as to what you guys have got going for him. Part of me is even wondering if he hasn’t somehow returned evil and joined up with the wraith or somesuch. Oh, and speaking of evil, I’d like to see Kolya return, mainly because I thought his departure was a bit anticlimactic, yet for some reason that ep was the first one where he struck me as truly menacing. Which is weird, but there you go.

  44. Hi Joe!
    Thank you for giving us new informations about season 5.

    I have some questions:

    1. How many two-parter do you plan in season 5? Daniel’s two episode will be the mid-season two-parter?

    2. Will we see other SG-1 main character in Atlantis next to Daniel and Sam? Will Teal’c return for a cross-over?

    3. What are the chances for returning of the next characters : Ford, Bates, Nancy Sheppard, Katie Brown, Todd, Dr. Biro, Janus, Halling?

    4. How many “stand alone” do you plan for season 5? 5-8? Or will season 5 be more story centric?

    5. Will you create new foreign expedition member characters (for example German, French or Russian) as the IOA has bigger influence into Atlantis’s life?

    6. How many new race or new human culture will be introduced in season 5? Will there be mythology based aliens in Atlantis?

  45. I’m happy so far with what seems to be shaping up as a great season 5. Please no Vala, though. Daniel was my favorite character on SG1 before he hooked up with her and also before he became Action Jackson. I’d love to see he and Rodney go at it with some lightning speed technobabble. That’s the Daniel I knew and loved.

  46. Great news in the press release. Beckett back for five episodes(more is better, but 5 is still nice), new enemies, Jackson dropping in( with promised jabberfest between him and McKay). And Woolsey. Really good job there. While I was hoping to see Caldwell step into command, I readily admit Woolsey is far better from a dramatic point of view. I immediately imagined the discussions back on Earth by the IOA
    “Well, it’s got to be ONE of us. We can’t trust the military cretins any more, especially the Americans”.
    “But it’s DANGEROUS over there. And besides, I’m needed here.”
    “Oh, and WE’RE not?”
    “Wait a minute. Where’s Woolsey?
    “He said something about having to use the facilities.”
    “Well, he’s been to Atlantis. More than once. He’s had the opportunity to earn the respect of the staff there. And he is one of us.”
    “Are you sure? He’s been a little…strange..since he got back.”
    “Well, wouldn’t you be after almost dying? Strange or not, he’s one of us, he’s got the experience, and I call for an immediate vote..”
    Moments later, Woolsey returns to the room.
    “Congratulations Woolsey. We’ve just voted. You’ve been elected to take over the Atlantis expidition.”
    (thud of body hitting the floor)

    Seriously, great actor, great character, and a fresh twist as we have a leader who is going to be inherently at odds with most of his senior staff(at least initially). Add in new villians, and more of our recurring cast, and season five is looking very promising indeed.
    I do have a question though. You’ve indicated McGillion is onboard for 5 episodes. Do you already have outlines for those stories, or are you planning to write the scripts now that you know you have the character? And do you already have a story outline ready for Weir if the negotiations work out there also? Now, enough distracting you. You have work to do, if only putting some hot irons to Mr. G’s feet to get him writing.

  47. I was a little worried at first when I heard about Woolsey(I was rooting for Caldwell), but like some other fans have stated, I have faith in the writers. I do enjoy his character, I just have trouble seeing him as a leader, but I’m sure that will change. That said, I am so very excited about Daniel, Carson and Micheal in S5.

    It is probably too early to ask, but when will we know if there will be another SG1 movie? How well do you think the first 2 movies have to do for there to be one?

  48. just watched outcast and one thing is bugging when there hunting down the replicator for the first time what is it that John and Ronon have around there necks iv never seen them things before and i just cant work it out, as for the info on season 5 omg i cant wait for the rest of this season and now im all hyped up for season 5 your such a teast 😉

  49. Hey Joe!

    All the talk about arcs makes me wonder – will Sheppard have an arc next Season? He’s really never had one before. I mean, if you consider the secret about his past an arc, I guess he had one. But that’s resolved now.

  50. I never even thought about Woolsey, but I think it’s a surprising and excellent choice! Robert Picardo made him an interesting character (the guy you love to hate but also like a little bit, despite all). I’m sure he’s going to make things interesting around Atlantis. Carter was okay, and I liked her in SG1, but she came across as too nice to be the military commander of Atlantis, IMO.

    Although Sheppard has defied his superiors enough to keep from being promoted, he also has saved Atlantis’ bacon enough times to deserve a promotion to full bird. And his command of the military part of Atlantis would put him head to head with Woolsey (which will probably happen anyway, I hope). You realize that military officers who are passed over too many times are eventually RIFed out, in real life.

    But here I am, lecturing you on what should happen. Sorry.

    As for the rest, I can’t wait for Season Five already.

  51. Damn straight about Sheppard’s non-promotions. Atlantis fans aren’t getting the scope of SG-1’s achievements, every day for eight years. If fact, SG-1 had the other problem of not promoting it’s members often enough. That O’neill didn’t make General till season eight stretched the bounds of belief. Likewise Carter staying on a non-accelerated promotion path was absurd.

    Besides, the way Sheppard got his last promotion would just about shitcan any other promotions coming his way, oh, ever. Blackmailed into promoting him? His career will end at Lt. Col. if the show has any sense of reality.

    Maj. R.F. Terrin

  52. Joe said: “could offer much in the way of potential conflict”

    Well duh, I could have told you that.
    My first reaction was a big NO! But then thinking about it he will stir things up and I can’t wait to see the reactions/interaction of Woolsey and the rest of the Atlantis staff. Im guessing Shepherd isn’t going to be happy and McKay, well Im sure all the writers and David himself will make that fun for us!
    And a big \o/ YAY for everything else, season 5 is already looking like its going to be fun, is everyone at Bridge Studios as excited as me?

  53. LOL I honestly did not think Woolsey would be named as Carter’s replacement. Oh, I hope I am not going to be too annoyed with Woolsey more than I am now! I am sure he will make for a good episode though. I am really happy that Daniel will be in Atlantis. I was hoping that of all people to bring over to Atlantis, Daniel would be the one. Even if for a few episodes, it is still good.

  54. I had my heart set on Caldwell, but, if you guys manage to make Woolsey a likeable enough guy, I’m all for it. Of course, right now, most of the opinions are “Oh, noes! He sux! He iz bad for teh sho!”, but, hopefully, in time, people will see that it’s not all bad. And, hopefully, you guys won’t disappoint our expectations.
    I can’t wait to see Daniel back in Atlantis!
    Also, is there any chance of seeing the Chinese representative to the IOA back again? Maybe as Woolsey’s supervisor? I really liked her and I could even see her in Woolsey’s position.

  55. Hi Joe, any plans as of yet to have RDA, Ford, or Teal’c show up in Season 5???

  56. I was pleased to hear that Woolsey will be the new commander of the Atlantis expedition. He is such an interesting character with a strong sense of justice and loyalty, plus Robert is an amazing actor. I don’t think a better casting choice could have been made.

  57. Go you for taking risks with the casting. Woolsey? I can see the conflict potential, but…

    Up until Woolsey appeared in “The Seer,” he was an interesting character with a strong moral compass who happened to be annoying. I kind of liked him. Then in “The Seer,” he possibly alienated most of the Atlantis team members and showed himself a bit of a scaredy cat and unable to make good decisions.

    Now the same could possibly be said to be true of McKay, and he was redeemed. However, Rodney could grow and be redeemed without leading an entire expedition and putting all of their lives at risk (if you believe his redemption began in “Redemption”).

    I’ll be curious to see how you ‘redeem’ Woolsey while giving him command of an entire expedition surrounded by deadly enemies. He has not shown that he can make split second decisions that are free of the influence of his fear. It’s not like he has any room to fail.

    Yes, most curious.

  58. But please don’t ever bring back Lucius.

    I have to add a ‘ditto’ here. Sorry 🙂

    I think it’s interesting to compare/contrast the Atlantis leaders over the years. First you had Lizzie, who was a diplomat but who, to my way of thinking, was put in charge of the expedition because (1) she was already familiar with the subject matter, (2) had clout, and (3) was expendable, just in case it did wind up being a one-way trip.

    Then, after semi-regular communication was reestablished, Sam was a good choice, because she has the front line experience and the science knowledge that could be useful in Atlantis but wouldn’t be lost entirely to Earth.

    Bringing on Woolsey kind of makes me wonder. Yes, he’s shown himself to be a smart, principled guy, but his area of expertise isn’t military or science or diplomacy. He’s a bureaucrat. What does that say about the kinds of challenges Atlantis will be facing, and his responses to them?

    Just wondering 🙂

  59. Besides, the way Sheppard got his last promotion would just about shitcan any other promotions coming his way, oh, ever. Blackmailed into promoting him? His career will end at Lt. Col. if the show has any sense of reality.

    I was thinking the same thing…

  60. “Mark B writes: “Can you confirm if Jewel Staite will be regular or recurring next season?”

    Answer: Jewel will be a regular next year.”

    Ugh, this has to be the absolute worst news I’ve heard since Daniel left in season 5 of SG-1. I don’t know what you guys (the decision makers) see in her. Her character is pathetic, whiney and is as wooden a character as any prop in the show. And since when is she a member of Sheppard’s team?

    Oh, and another point about Keller, not everyone who skips grades and graduates early has a miserable childhood. I skipped two grades and graduated high school at 16 1/2. I had no “fitting in” problems. I went to dances, to my prom, was in the marching band, the chorus, played sports and was a normal high schooler. The only problem I had was that I was the only senior who had to take the bus to school since the driving age in New Jersey is 17. I had to live on campus my freshman year of college since I still wasn’t old enough to drive. My experiences didn’t ostracize me. I married my college sweetheart, we have a beautiful daughter and just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. I have a successful career, too. Please don’t blame Keller’s pathetic existance on being smart as a kid. Probably half of the scientists on Atlantis were in the same situation in school.

  61. I read your blog everyday but nothing has forced me enough to add a question for a entry before today.

    First off great news about the S5 cast, no matter what the detractors says, but how does it feel that so called “fans” of the show seem to pick on every decision you guys ever make and just take a decision for what it is and enjoy the show or switch off?

    Its like they are personally invested in the show. Hope you can answers. Keep up the good work despite the drongo’s

  62. Joseph Mallozzi said:

    “I’ve already stated our intention to pay off the storyline we hinted at in Be All My Sins Remember’d. We have the story in place and, once a deal is closed, you’ll be the first to hear about it.”

    Joe, Thanks for the news about the season 5!

    I am glad to read that we will see Weir again.

    There is some possibility of see the real Weir again??

  63. Ah ha! I knew it was gonna be Woolsey. Seriously, I did. I even defended his character for a while a few days ago on Gateworld.

    So, let’s see how you fared against my so-very-strict scale-of-entertainment:

    1. Woolsey: YES. YES. YES. I, too, share your admiration for Robert Picardo. In fact, I’d say the Doctor was one of the few redeeming qualities of Voyager, and I’m so very glad he’s on Atlantis. What’s more, we will finally have a commander who will have friction with the rest of the team! I can’t wait to see it! Grade: A+

    2. Beckett: Awesome. Although, I was expecting more, with the build-up of hints over the last few weeks. Still, it’s not like I know what he’ll be doing in those 5 episodes, and if those 5 have a lot of him, then I don’t think I’ll have anything to worry about. Grade: A-

    3. Daniel: OH DEAR GOD YES. I’ve always liked Daniel, and this hint of something BIG happening, AND A NEW ENEMY definitely peaks my interest. I can’t freaking wait! Grade: A+

    4. Carter: Well, these things happen. As I said somewhere around here, maybe: I wish Amanda the best of luck with her endeavor! Hopefully those 2 episodes will see her being used to her fullest potential! Grade: A-

    5. Weir: Can’t decide right now. Grading comes (if I remember this) when the facts of her appearance(s) are announced. Grade: N/A

    6. Keller: You didn’t touch upon this, but I might as well cover it as well. I’m looking forward to it. It seems that not a lot of fans have warmed up to her character, but I have. She seems very real…normal, if you will. Grade: A

    So there you go. I’m definitely satisfied. Let’s see what you guys can come up with to top Season 4.

  64. Hi Joe:

    I am a certified (certifiable?) Joe Mallozzi fan for your creation and support of my favorite baddy, Ba’al. However… Woolsey??? Isn’t that like putting Jay Felger in charge of Stargate Command?


  65. Sorry Platschu, now and then I transpose words …

    >>2…. Will Teal’c return for a cross-over?<<<

    Which I read as, “Will Teal’c return as a cross-dresser?” Huh? Wha?

  66. And can we please have him say ‘please state the nature of the medical emergency’ atleast once?

    Oh, and how about “I’m not a doctor, I’m a ______!” Um, what is Woolsey, anyway?

    I can’t quite see Sheppard following Woolsey’s orders. He trusted Elizabeth, but even so, he has a different kind of trust in Carter, like he feels more sure that they’re on the same page. But with Woolsey? This is going to be interesting! Fun, fun!

  67. Hey Joe,
    Did you know that there was an AFB in Texas called Sheppard AFB? Was Joe F. Character named Sheppard for that base? Just curious!!

    How goes the hunt for casting Telya’s baby boy?

    Wonderful call on Richard Woolsey as the new base commander. His character will present many new faucets to explore. I am looking forward to Season 5. Thanks for all you do… and thanks for the pictures of the pugs… cute as ever.

    Patricia Lee

  68. OMG!!! Daniel in a BIG two-parter..Daniel/McKay together in scenes (talking fast)..a new enemy and Marty G..and 2 eps “so far”….SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    I’m so excited, Joe.

    THANK YOU!!!


  69. Only letting through the good stuff, hey Joe? People have noticed, by the way. There’s a much more accurate indication of people’s feelings on the various boards than there is here.

    Woolsey as leader. What a bad joke. And you got rid of Elizabeth because she wasn’t leadership material because Atlantis was at war, right, and you needed someone military. Then you replace Carter with the most pathetic of civilians possible, who is in no way, shape or form a leader.

    Add to that Keller as a regular. You’ve got to be kidding. You may as well rename the show “Stargate: Crybabies”.

    The decisons to get rid of Beckett and Weir, the decisions to switch to Carter and Keller, and now the decision to bring in Woolsey as a leader — however much I love the actor, the character is pathetic — will go down in scifi history as some of the dumbest things ever done.

    You expect Beckett fans to be happy with five episodes, while the dreadful, horrible Keller gets added as a regular, and you’re probably going to offer Torri even less than she had last year. Two of the biggest drawcards and strongest players in this franchise, reduced to a couple of measley episodes.

    You need your head read.

  70. Dear Joe,

    Will the original planned character who was replaced by McKay ever show up in a future episode (I think he was called Dr. Benjamin Ingram, A African-Canadian guy in his late 30/40-ies?)

    Or is this character perhaps reserved for a role on the new spin-off?

    Because, Please correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a African-American guy in anything other then a Jaffa or supporting role position. Definitely not as a scientist? Am I right?

    I don’t know, Just an observation.

  71. With all of these character changes and characters coming back for a few episodes, how come there hasn’t been a story saved to let the fans see ford again? One which can be written to see if fans response towards it is good/bad. An episode which can gage the audience. An episode that won;t fully bring him into the show for more episodes and one that won’t kill him off. Or one that will… seeing him again would be worth it..

  72. If you haven’t even spoken to Torri, or decided how many episodes you want her for, isn’t it a little presumptuous to be telling fans she’ll be back? After all, she’s the one who has to say yes, but after you’d said she’d be returning, an interview with her came out saying she hadn’t been approached, and she told fans the same thing at conventions.

  73. most likely I wasn’t around when this was answered but… are we going to see Rainbow Francks again?

  74. Joe,

    Gotta tell you that when I read that Woolsey would be in charge, I was absolutely sure it was a joke. Yes, I can see that it will give you plenty of opportunities for dramatic conflict, but the character has never inspired any respect or admiration from anyone. How can you have a leader that has always been the comic relief?

  75. Woolsey… woah. I’m amazingly skeptical (because I find him as grating as nails on a chalkboard) but I’m trusting you guys. And I’m going to admit, I still have a bit of difficulty watching him and not thinking “The Doctor”… not that I’ve seen every episode of Voyager at least four times or anything. (cough)

    I look forward to it.

    I just wish his name was easier to pronounce. You have no idea how horribly it flows off of my German tongue.

  76. I am glad to see Woolsey taking command — hopefully that should lead to some interesting internal tension. Just PLEEEEEEEASE don’t let the focus turn to too much politics and conspiracy stuff. A little is not bad, I already see way too much of that in the article comments in my daily newspaper (hmmm, maybe San Diego just has too many strange, paranoid people with too much time on their hands).

    I am also glad that Beckett will be back; it is a little sad that it will be only for 5 episodes, but hopefully that means he will have some very interesting stuff going on in those.

  77. Woolsey and McKay stuck in a small enclosed space together. Now THAT would be something to see.

    And in other news…

    I must submit a quote, proverb, or saying of 20 words or less that either describes me as a leader or inspires me. This is an assignment for my fancy-pants new job position. So, Joe, any ideas?

  78. Woolsey/RP was my first thought…the logical choice, though I did wonder if Beau Bridges would come back.

    Howard Tayler (that’s how he spells it) returns to Chimaeracon this year. Thought you might enjoy his current webcomic.


  79. Richard Woolsey…last seen unable to remain calm in an emergency and definitely making the wrong call surrounding the emergency. This should make for excellent drama as he assumes the mantle of command for Atlantis. Sheppard’s none to fond of him. Don’t believe anyone else onthe team is all that excited to see him when he arrives. So, again, a great place for drama when he becomes “the boss.” Can’t wait to watch what you guys spin, break and finally write. Season 5 should be a doozy.
    Nice to see that Daniel will be able to make it to Atlantis again, and perhaps stay a little bit longer than his first visit. But his interactions with Woolsey have never been positive, so that should also be most interesting.
    I’ve been watching, and enjoying imensley, both SG-1 and Atlantis dvds back and forth for the last few days, and will continue to do so for the next few days as I’m home on bed rest with a broken foot. At my age, somewhere to the north of 50, I don’t bounce when I fall, but I do break. Perhaps tomorrow’s blog could be dedicated to my broken right foot! Not handling the crutches and the no weight bearing thing well at all so I’m waiting for my knee walker to keep the right foot off the ground. Hoping to avoid the surgeon’s knife!

  80. Jenny Robin – a quote which is a subtle reference to being a good leader. “Though two people may face the same kind of tragedy, one person may face it more easily than the other due to his or her mental attitude” – The Dalai Lama. Gotta love the man.

  81. Hey Joe

    Good move with selecting Woolsey as the new expedition leader. That’ll make for some interesting challenges for the rest of the team. Having just watched the Voyager episode ‘Virtuoso’, I was wondering if there would be any call to put Bob Picardo’s amazing vocal talents to good use?

    My thoughts go out to all of the SG:A writers over the next few months. Good luck and clear thoughts to all of you in your writing (no pressure :P).

  82. Congratulation, Joe. TPTB at Gateworld were insisting there would be no anti threads in the season five section.

    After your latest casting decisions, and the news that Woolsey is leader and Keller is full time in particular, there’s been so much outcry that after months of refusing to have any new anti threads, they’re now seriously looking at it! All because the ranks of the disgruntled fans have grown so much with the release of one announcement.

  83. >>>You may as well rename the show “Stargate: Crybabies”.<<<

    Gee Kate, what is this, an audition?

    (I can reel in the snark anytime, just thump me when I go too far.)

  84. Of course its censored. It a blog!! not a forum.
    Anyhow, thanks for the info! Woolsey is obviously going to be completely different, I’m not so excited about the character but Picardo is an awesome actor.
    I just can’t wait to see what the new season brings!
    You wouldn’t happen to know any more episode titles for S5 would you?

  85. i am so excited about the newses! i really like sam and i wish she could be on longer so i could get to know her better (i never saw sg1 cause i had brian injuries and could not enjoy tv for a long time, so i only know her from sga), but what a happy thrilling thing for her other show to be picked up! so i am sad for me but awfly happy for her. and i am glad she will be in at least a few episodes.

    i love robert picardo and woolsey both. i love that he can surprise ppl with stuff and that he gets in over his head adn then learns from it. i am excited to see how he will be in charge.

    carson yay! i love carson alot and i am glad he will be on again.

    i remember daniel from the movie! it will be fun to see him on atlantis, i think. i lovedlovedLOVED daniel in the movie so i hope i will like this one just as much!

    i am all excited all over again about sga now *happydance*

  86. This is an information-full blog entry today! I can’t believe I overlooked Woolsey taking command. That’ll be interesting! Please can Woolsey wear a suit rather than an Atlantis uniform. Mr. Picardo looks much sharper in a suit and tie!

  87. So you’re making Jewel Staite a regular this year. Did you learn that the doctor is hard to work into every episode when you tried that with Paul McGillion and the beloved Dr. Carson Beckett?

  88. Kate – get bigger problems … check in for an attitude adjustment … or as we like to say around here (Annie, Riley and crew will back me up) bugger off to GateWorld where you can sprout your hatred when things don’t go your way as much as you like.

    If you have the dollars and talent to start your own show, go for it! When you have done that and kept it running successfully for 10+ years then you may have a little more credibility in which to be telling these guys what they should be doing.

    **gets virtually side tackled and beaten by Kate**

  89. Angel said: Dear Joe,

    “Will the original planned character who was replaced by McKay ever show up in a future episode (I think he was called Dr. Benjamin Ingram, A African-Canadian guy in his late 30/40-ies?)

    Or is this character perhaps reserved for a role on the new spin-off?

    Because, Please correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a African-American guy in anything other then a Jaffa or supporting role position. Definitely not as a scientist? Am I right?”

    Just a hint, Joe, Cliff Simon is an African American. He got his American citizenship in 2005 and he’s from Africa…


  90. hi, joe,

    interesting choice for new leader. i was rooting for caldwell or woolsey. 😀

    still wonderful to see sam being given some eps to be in. let’s hope her schedule permits MORE! 😀

    since i’ve never seen (an ep with) beckett, i hope sam gets to interact with him in one of hers. i don’t care if sam interacts with daniel (s9/10 burnt me out), but sam-beckett would be cool. 🙂

    i’m still a bit melancholy about sam not being a full-time regular on the show anymore, but i so totally and complelely *appreciate* the kind words you’ve said concerning amanda and that you’re still wanting sam to be a part of the show.

    sally 🙂

  91. Yes, he can be annoying, and he doesn’t react well to being in danger, but Woolsey has two good things going for him. First, when he screws up, he admits it. Second, he has shown that he can and will stand up for what he believes is right, even when it’s not easy. When you add that to what will surely be his own uneasiness at being in charge of Atlantis, it sounds plenty interesting to me! He’s not stupid, and he’s not just a yes-man for the IOA. In fact, he’s kept the IOA from getting their way regarding Atlantis more than once…I wonder if the IOA might have put him in charge to get rid of him? You know, like a promotion for a job well done, along with a secret wish that he meets up with a Wraith sooner rather than later?

  92. Joe – Once word was received for certain that Amanda would not be returning as a regular, did you have a similar dilemma in considering her replacement for Atlantis’ commanding officer (i.e. considering Caldwell, Ellis, perhaps an old high ranking officer from the SG-1 era)? Or was the decision pretty much a no-brainer once Amanda’s decision was made apparent?

  93. Hey Joe!

    I was wondering if you could offer a brief explanation as to why you thought it necessary to create another antagonist on the show? It seems that with the Wraith, Michael and his posse and the Geni that Atlantis is well covered for belligerent races.

  94. Joe,

    Interesting cast changes. It got me thinking about how you were interested in having Ben Browder on the show in S5 — something you mentioned a couple of times some months back. And now we know Mitchell won’t be on the show this season. I’m curious … what’s the reason for not having Mitchell on the show? Is it because Ben isn’t available? Something else? If so, what?

    Also, just wanted to say that I am so relieved you took Farscapefan off your Christmas list. 🙂

  95. Just realised I didn’t thank you for the fact that Daniel will be in more than one ep. So, THANK YOU! (And if you should happen to see fit to put in even just a tiny, affectionate mention of Vala anyway, I will be deliriously happy. But I won’t threaten to hate you if you don’t. 😉 Wait, maybe I should be directing that wish to Gero? …)

    And I *am* grateful that we’ll be getting more Carson, really — while I would have loved more than five eps, I *am* glad to get any at all (and five is better than just one, for sure!). And I like Keller, so I look forward to her becoming a regular. 🙂

    (Can you tell I’m trying to be more upbeat? Damn menopause has made me weepier than a bloody faucet all weekend! XD)

  96. Hey Joe!

    Excellent choice to bring in Robert Picardo to the main cast of Atlantis. I’ve met him once, and he’s a great guy. You made an excellent choice! 🙂

    I’m also glad to see that Michael Shanks will be guest-starring in a few Atlantis episodes. He definitely deserves some limelight in Atlantis.

    Can we expect any news regarding Alison Porter in the near future?

    Thanks, as always!

    – Enzo Aquarius

  97. Hi Joe…Can’t wait for season 5!! Woolsey as a replacement is awesome; although I thought it would’ve been Caldwell..Can’t wait for Sheppard’s reation to the news..LOL…btw…Has Teyla decide on a name for her son??
    ****Theresa from Baltimore****

  98. Will we see the Wraith worshiper that escaped at the end of ‘Reunion’ return this season, or in Season 5?

  99. Yes!!!!

    1. Carson is back! So happy.

    2. We will get to see Daniel. Without Vala. Beautiful.

    3. Woolsey? I for one cannot wait to see how that plays out in season five.

    It sounds awesome, but then you guys have always made “Atlantis” awesome.

    Two questions though.

    1. Why was Keller listed with the team?

    (Was rather hoping that we could say farewell to her soon, but alas.)

    2. Is Zelenka going to be back for season 5?!
    If so, more or less than in past seasons?

  100. Robert Picardo! I can’t begin to express my pleasure at seeing him giving a larger role. I look forward to his character development.

    …and if you can squeeze in a “State the nature of the Atlantian emergency” I’m sure you’ll cause his fans to swoon. 😉

    Bravo! And congratulations to Bob!


  101. Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate.
    Well it’s already started here anyway.

  102. All I have to say is:

    Yay! Woolsey!

    Much ♥ to you and the writers. He was the first one that came to mind when it was announced that Weir wouldn’t be coming back for this season.

    Sorry, no intelligent posts/thoughts/questions, just virtual hearts.

    Now if I could only get that walk-on role…

  103. Hi Joe!

    Just read the almost 200 posts regarding Woolsey as the new commander in S5. The words I saw most were (drumroll, please)

    Picardo is a great actor.

    When I put Woolsey on my list of potential commanders, I did say I wasn’t 100% sure I would like him as commander, but thought RP was a great actor. (See? There it is again!) After some thought and repeatedly seeing snark, anger, freak outs, flip outs, doomsaying, a few Okey Dokeys, and very nice compliments about RP, I’ve raising my levels to being 65% sure I’ll like Woolsey. 🙂

    I’ve already been thinking of hilarious conversations between Woolsey/Shep and Woolsey/McKay. Oh, the dark looks! Oh, the snark-at-its-finest! So…just in case you’re wondering, I’m Okey Dokey with Woolsey coming over to Atlantis. Time and S5 eps will prove me right or wrong.

    Even though others might see Beckett’s five eps as not enough (“So…should he not appear at all?” I ask.), I think that’s plenty for a guy who is DEAD!!!!!!!!!

    I hope negotiations and writing works out to bring back Evil?Weir.

    Yeaaaaaah!!! Daniel’s coming for dinner!!!!!! Thank goodness for closed captioning, because I’m gonna have to play any conversation between Daniel and McKay a few times, with CC, just to keep up!!!

    Glad Keller’s staying on as a regular. The venom this poor character has had to endure has occasionally been beyond the pale, but I don’t care. She rocks. 🙂

    RaeveAva writes: “Where did you and the rest of the SGA writers, get your sense of humors?”

    Answer: We were born with them. Except in the case of Marty G. His was genetically engineered.

    REPLICATOR!!!! REPLICATOR!!!! Call Dr. Lee and get out the VR unit!!!!

    Take care, stay warm, and keep reaching for the DHD!


  104. Rodney McKay wasn’t first in Redemption Part 1 & 2, he was in 48 Hours where Teal’c got trapped in the stargate in season 5

    i’m so tired of hearing about Weir, the same people are complaining about the show cause 1 person isn’t on. you guys are doing a great job Joe.

  105. oh yeah, i think Gate World is the worst website and nothing but complainers and the mods are a bunch of real A********.

  106. Hooray, Woolsey! Bring on the conflict!

    I’m home battling the flu this week, so thanks, Joe, for brightening my day with your blog.

  107. Wow I was totally in the dark on the addition of Robert Picardo in his new role. I have to say well done to everyone involved in choosing him, I’ve always been a huge fan of his ever since I saw him on Star Trek. With all the new things going into season 5 I can’t wait to get a sneak peek at production via your photo chronicles.

    I sent an email to Cookie Monster, hopefully it made it through the spam busting software. Just in case I saved a copy and will re-post it on the blog proper down the road. Thanks for the big press update!

  108. Hi Joe,
    Je n’aurais jamais pensé que Woolsey serait à la tête d’Atlantis, tout ça présage de bons moments de rigolade…en tout cas je l’espère. Tu nous met l’eau à la bouche avec toutes ces informations,

  109. Woolsey’s previous trips to Atlantis make him seem like an interesting person to have in charge. He’s done what he could to promote the IOA agenda, but also seemed able to admit when he was out of his depth. I enjoyed having Carter in charge (and Elizabeth before her), but Woolsey sounds like he’ll be interesting, too.

    the page count in the Daniel/McKay scenes

    Daniel’s finally going to visit (yay!) but what you say about his visit makes it sound like he’s only going to get quality time with McKay. True? Or is there any chance Martin Gero will spread out the interaction a bit more than your phrasing makes it sound? Like, could it actually possibly turn out to be a teamy story, but you only chose to mention the McKay&Daniel-ness? Maybe? Which is to say, do you know anything else about it besides there will be Daniel and there will be a whole lot of McKay&Daniel?

  110. Kate Said
    You expect Beckett fans to be happy with five episodes, while the dreadful, horrible Keller gets added as a regular, and you’re probably going to offer Torri even less than she had last year. Two of the biggest drawcards and strongest players in this franchise, reduced to a couple of measley episodes.”

    Kate you have to be joking, the strongest players in the franchise, don’t make me laugh, you don’t seriously believe that do you? Guess you do. Much as I love Carson and miss him the show has gone on very well without him and Weir is hardly missed at all except by her rabid fans.

    The show revolves around the team, Joe M has stated that time and time again and as far as I can tell neither Carson or Weir were members of Sheppard’s team so I hardly think they are the strongest players, what are McKay, Sheppard, Daniel, Jack and Sam secondary characters? that really is a joke guess in your world they are but I don’t think the rest of fandom would agree with you.

    Season 4 has been the best yet and I for one will be very happy to see Carson back in Season 5 even for five eps I’m sure they will be well worth the wait. I can’t say I’ll miss Weir. I didn’t really mind the character but the Weir fans constant whinging and complaining especially on this blog have really turned me off the character.

    Why don’t you just toddle back off to Gateworld and have your rant there with others of your ilk and let us true fans of the show we love enjoy praising Joe for his good choices in casting and direction for season 5.

    Love all the changes Joe can’t wait for season 5.


  111. Great news about Jewel becoming a regular. Not as sold on making Woolsey the commander of Atlantis, but I have confidence the writers can make it work.

  112. Did you show your dogs the monitor licking doggy? My cat was laying next to me while I was checking it out and suddenly her eyes went wide and she went right up to the computer screen and started pawing at it. Too cute.

    I’m excited to see what next season brings. I think Woolsey will be a great foil for the rest of the cast. I’m also hoping hoping hoping that Daniel’s episodes coincide with Carter’s.

  113. It’s impossible to write “Dr. Carson Beckett” without using the term “beloved” I’ve noticed. Anyway, yes, it’s true, Paul McGillion will be back with us for 5 episodes. It was great having him back on set in season 4 and we all look forward to seeing significantly more of him this year. “How is this possible?”you ask. “I thought he was dead!”you say. Hey, now that you mention it, he WAS dead! How does that work? Well, tune in to the last few episode of season 4 to find out.

    OH MY GOD!!!

    Best news I’ve had so far!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!

    If you’re reading this Paul.. yesssss welcome back. We missed you something chronic.

    Woolsey will be a good addition. Nice to have a commander who’s going to enter into some conflict with Sheppard and Co.

    You so rock Joe. mwahs!

  114. Um…third times a charm: 😈
    Still wondering who is older, John or Dave?
    And where’s their mom?

    Now that it has had time to settle in my brain and my bones, I am more accepting of Woolsey coming to Atlantis.:roll:

    Ya’ll(lovely southern contraction of you and all) have done an excellent job making McKay’s character lovable…when he really should just be so obnoxious you want to smack him.:lol: That’s to David Hewlett’s credit also, as he portrays him so well. Robert Picardo is a terrific actor, and with the normally great writing all of you do, I’m sure…eventually we will grow to appreciate Woolsey too.

  115. Hey Joe,

    Looks like another exciting season for S5! I was hoping there would be more Beckett eps. Hopefully that is not set in stone. Still, just glad he is returning.



  116. I understand that most of the cast changes on Atlantis lately have been unavoidable for one reason or another, but I really miss the stability of the characters that SG-1 had. It was wonderful to see how the writer’s were able to deeply develop and explore the individual personalities and team relationships over the years.

    I know there are story and character opportunities in change, but I’m finding it really hard to invest emotionally in any characters now, especially the new ones, not knowing if they’ll be around for very long.

    I realize that there is no guarantee for future seasons, but do you see a point in time where there could be some sense of character (cast) stability similar to what SG-1 once had?

  117. Here’s hoping that all of SG1 (that’d be the First Original SG1) get to make a crossover appearance in season five. I think it would be really cool.


  118. Joe,
    If you are passing out chocolates, may I please have some dark chocolate with hazelnuts? Or with pecans…Mmmmmmm!

    Have you thought more on the dinner party at Fuel for those going to the convention in April?(Yes we have taken off with Marty’s idea. Hey, you mentioned it!lol)

    Question: Now that Elizabeth is gone, who is translating any Ancient text that is found in the Pegasus galaxy? I seem to remember Weir being the one they would go to for translations.

    Could this leave room for that wonderful character we have discussed before? The historian/archaeologist character? Preferably an English female like Sonya Walger?

    ♥ Kimberly ♥

  119. Yay! Great news in the press release! If Carter can’t be back, I’m glad you’re going with Woolsey. His character is definitely the kind where he can get in the thick of things or stay on the sidelines, kinda like Hammond was on SG1.

    Keller back, yay! I love Jewel and I really like Keller so far.

    And Daniel for at least two episodes!!! You are spoiling us!

  120. Interesting choice bringing Robert Picardo in as the new base commander. Haven’t seen much of the character aside from his Atlantis appearances, but I think Woolsey is a decent person who is perhaps looked down upon the Stargate personnel for being a “paper pusher” as James T. Kirk used to call them.

    That said, looking forward to season 5 and how he’ll no doubt be setting some new “rules” for Sheppard. Dr. Keller seems to have worked out much better on Atlantis than Carter did (no offense, but she didn’t do anything for me on Atlantis), so I’m happy to see Jewel Staite get signed as a regular cast member.

    Question: since Bates made an appearance this season, any chance we may see Lt. Ford again (possibly in season 5) or has his story run its course? I found him an interesting “villain” back in season 2 and was wondering if he really did survive his last run-in with the Wraith on that Hive ship.

  121. I’m so freaking giddy with these changes Joe. Woolsey… a character we never really got to like, has suddenly become regular? Awesome.

    As for Keller, I think Jewel is a great actress, and I look forward to her appearances…

    One question though: Did you ever consider Caldwell on the short list?


  122. I wondered if it would be Woolsey! And yay, I’m so excited about that. He’s such a funny character, and adds a different element to every episode he’s in. While I thought it was nice to have Carter around, I think Woolsey will be something new and amusing for the leadership role.
    So many questions, but I’m guessing you couldn’t answer any of them without giving too much away, so I’ll refrain myself to asking: at this stage, how do you feel about Season Five?


  123. I’m not even going to try to read all the 121 comments so far, suffice to say Woolsey is an excellent choice IMHO. Looking forward to seeing where you’re going to take everyone in season 5.
    I now have some creeping to do, I totally forgot that yesterday was pancake day and my kids aren’t spea…..wait thats good…THATS why its so quiet around here! Ok so what else can I forget? lol

  124. Hey Joe,
    Im really excited about season 5. Woolsey as commander will sure be interesting and im looking forward to seeing where that goes.
    Also the most fantastic news for me about season five would be having our beloved Carson for 5 episodes!!!
    Score! Wonderful! Thank you so much!
    Im also excited about that daniel and mckay episode.

  125. only 5 episodes for Beckett?! I don’t understand! I am very disappointed! if Beckett is so beloved why is he not back as regular? I don’t understand what you’re trying to do but for me, Atlantis ended when Beckett was killed off. Paul Mc Gillion is the best actor and the best part of the show but to my mind, Paul deserves better than that!

  126. Hey Joe,

    Slight error, we did not first meet McKay in Redemption I & II, we in fact first met him way back in Season 5’s 48 Hours.

  127. Finally the awaited press release has come ! Some people were awaiting it very impatiently (I know of a few who didn’t even go the sleep the previous night !).

    Anyway, not much to say about as far as I’m concerned since I’d rather watch the episodes before making a judgement.
    People where so concerned when you announced Carter would take the lead on Atlantis, and yet I found her absolutely terrific in the episodes she’s in, so I’ve decided to trust you on the matter of Woolsey.
    As you said, Rodney was an arse in SG1, and David Hewlett explained it perfectly when he said that a “guest star” is mainly there to make the regular cast look good. The same is true about Woolsey, yes he can be annoying, and yet I can still find some redeeming qualities in what you’ve done with him already. We’ll see what happen ! 😀

  128. I can’t believe you made the mistake of not realizing “48 Hours” was McKay’s first SG-1 episode! All the “fan” criticism is getting to you isn’t it? Thought provoking and exciting news about S5. Can’t wait to see how the end of S4 sets it up. Kudos to you and the rest of the staff over there.

  129. Woolsey is a great choice Joe, sometimes a bit of as pain in the *** is needed. He will still need a bit more backbone though, he’ll get that eventually right?

  130. It never ceases to amaze me how people can judge something they haven’t seen yet only based on casting choices.

    I do love Atlantis for the stories, some more some less. Do I have a favourite character? No. It changes from episode to episode. I like them all the goodies and the badies. I love the adventure, storytelling, the humour, the action, the drama, the subtle nods to other movies and tv series (just remember the answer to the universe with 42 or the Star Wars references) and the interaction of characters.

    Heaving said that I am much looking forward to season 5 and to the stories you will throw our way.

    For now I stick with the remainder of season 4.

    You have no idea to what lenghts I have to go to get my fingers on an episode, since I do sit in a country that is one season behind. Season 4 will air over here this autumn.

    Thanks for good friends in the UK and vcrs.

    I am just thankful you guys are doing the show. I love it to death.

  131. Ah, Richard Woolsey joining the show fulltime as the new Atlantis commander… That was a surprise! Well, to me anyway 🙂 I like the character and I like to think that, because he doesn’t have much military or scientific experience, he will have to rely more on, for instance, Sheppard and McKay. However, the fact that he doesn’t have any of hat experience (and no combat experience to speak of) really makes me wonder what will have changed at the beginning of season 5 for him to be chosen Atlantis’ new base commander. I’ve certainly warmed up to the character over the years and I’m looking forward to seeing how everything plays out! (I just hope there won’t be more IOA interference!)

    By the way, I’m glad to hear Capt. Alison Porter will not be joining Sheppard’s team. I always worry that the cast of a show will become bloated, because it usually means taking time away from the main characters of the show (i.e. the team). Adding yet another character always makes me a little anxious that we’ll get to see less of Sheppard, Teyla, Rodney and Ronon, as they are the main reason I watch the show.

    Sooooo, I thought I’d ask a coupla questions to set my mind at ease 😉

    – Will the focus of the show still be on the team (i.e. Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon and McKay) in season 5?

    – Will Woolsey have a supporting role similar to Weir and Carter?

    – With Daniel coming to Atlantis in season 5, and a new enemy…will the enemy be a race we know from SG-1 (like the Orii or the Replicators), or will they be entirely new?


    Love, Jenn

  132. I’m really looking forward to seeing Woolsey take command. Mostly, I think, because I can’t wait to see how McKay and Sheppard react to him being in charge.

    Sheppard and McKay both seemed to respect (and genuinely like) both Weir and Carter. I don’t think either Sheppard or McKay has quite the same level of appreciation for Woolsey–they’ve always come across as regarding Woolsey as a pencil-pushing bureaucrat, a nuisance at best. So I can’t wait to see how things play out now that Woolsey is to be their boss!

    Please say that with the arrival of a new enemy, the Replicators are now pretty much a thing of the past? (Aside from Weir, of course, because I really want to see the end of that BAMSR story). Please?

  133. kisses kisses kisses… Sorry but, I am very happy to know finally we will can see Daniel again! 🙂 He is the best archaeologist of the Univers…

    Greetings! 🙂

  134. Hey Joe! I am absolutely extatic with excitement! Paul McGillion “our beloved Carson” is returning for 5 episodes! Michael Shanks(Daniel Jackson) for some epi’s & of course Robert Picardo (woolsey) in command!
    I couldn’t be more thrilled with the announcement! I love Robert Picardo’s acting he is an incredible actor! I hope Paul does end up getting some more epi’s! Just so excited about the news!

    Take care!

  135. Jules wrote:
    “and let us true fans of the show we love enjoy praising Joe for his good choices”

    So now criticism isn’t allowed anymore in any way and the only true fans of the show are those who blindly accept everything and praise TPTB for everything they do?
    Sorry, I’d agree 100% if you said that criticism should be contructive and not mean and that rants that involve nothing but hatred are absolutely bad style and unnecessary. But there is something like the right of free speech, so people are free to voice their opinion as long as they do that in an appropriate way.
    Yes, this is JM’s personal blog, and he answers fans questions which he doesn’t have to do, so people should be grateful for that and also post in a respectful manner. But he doesn’t just act as a private person in this blog but also as one of SG’s PTB, so I think he should also deal with the fans opinions, be they positive or negative. Everything else would be censorship. Just like in real life not everyone in the fandom will love everything about this show unconditionally, because people are individuals with individual opinions. But they can still love the show and the concept in general.
    It’s not your decision who is a true fan of the show and who isn’t. There are many people out there who love the show but cannot love every aspect of it just for the sake of it!
    I for my part loved the show in season 1, was ok with it in season 2 and 3, and disagreed with lots of the changes in season 4, which ruined the fun for me and that made me very sad, because I wanted to love the show like I once did but I couldn’t do it anymore as it had changed so much. I was still hopeful though and tried to enjoy the good bits. But now even more things change, and not for the better in my opinion. I don’t care how many people like or hate the changes, I can just speak for myself, and I’m just incredibly, incredibly sad at the moment. I know, you could say “give it a try” and knowing me I WILL TRY that as I’m still not ready to let go of the show completely. But I don’t have much faith and trust left.
    The characters I love vanish or aren’t treated well, those I dislike are featured more heavily, too many new characters show up and change the dynamics yet again (which could be interesting, but it happens too quickly), and on the whole the show is also slowly turning into SG-1 Part2 because neither TPTB not the SG1 fans can let go of SG1 and refuse to let those who just loved SGA and nothing else enjoy their show. A crossover every once and again was ok, but now fans ask for even more Vala, Sam, Teal’c, Mitchell and Daniel and TPTB deliver, and I, who’s never been a big SG1 fan, sit there and wonder why the SGA fans are disregarded that much, as if they are worth less and SG1 is still the fav child. So I really, really hope TPTB will focus on the four people in Sheppard’s team in season 5 and not too much on all the other stuff.

    Sorry, this became longer than expected.

  136. Hi Joe,

    Woosley leader d’Atlantis : encore un peu de mal à y croire mais ça risque d’être intéressant…j’ai l’impression que les relations entre lui et les autres membres de l’expédition ne vont pas être de tout repos lol.

    Beckett de retour dans 5 épisodes, super, merci.

    Par contre, Carter seulement dans 2 épisodes, je suis très déçue. Que voulez-vous on est fan ou on ne l’est pas lol et comme je le suis, j’aurais aimé la voir dans au moins 4 épisodes. Deux épisodes, ça veut dire le premier épisode de la saison 5 et seulement un autre après, arfffff déception.

    Inutile que je vous demande une fois encore qu’elle est la raison qui fait que Carter n’est plus le leader d’Atlantis, vous n’y répondrez pas. Hein vous n’y répondrez pas n’est-ce pas? Allez un petit effort, je suis certaine que vous le pouvez, suffit juste de le vouloir. Bon je vous taquine là Joe lol.

    Bonne journée.

  137. As uninformed as I am. I didn’t know that the IOA had changed to IOC. When IOC was abbreviated I thought the article was about the olympics.

  138. Okay, I have to throw my two cents in. I dislike Woolsey a lot, even in the parts he “lightens up” or redeems himself. I feel like he’s a wrench in the middle of a good operation (aka Atlantis). Do I smell a bit of rebellion coming from the others? They can’t be overly enthusiastic about the IOA, when they nearly took Elizabeth away. However, this will surely make things interesting. I’m still very excited about the next season, especially with lots of Jackson and Beckett. The show keep getting better and better. So, Woolsey gets the green light from me.

  139. “Grace writes: “ You can say that Michael Shanks will ‘guest star’ in several episodes, but you can’t give the same statement for Torri.”

    Answer: Yep, that’s about it. Michael Shanks will be in two episodes.”

    I don´t know if I understand the difference between “guest star” and “recurring”:

    Do The recurring characters appear in more episodes than the “guest stars”??

    If you can´t give the statement of “guest star” to Torri, it´s is because probably Weir will be a recurring??

  140. I can’t wait for this arc! 😉

    From Eclipse magazine:

    Apparently one intriguing arc will involve how the Atlantis team – Lt. Col. John Sheppard [Joe Flanigan], Dr. Rodney McKay [David Hewlitt], Teyla [Rachel Luttrell], Ronon [Jason Momoa] and Dr. Jennifer Keller [Jewel Staite] – react to Woolsey’s unique management style.

    And as for Keller becoming a regular. Well, she’s one step closer to a meteor clobbering her 😉 I mean, look at what happened to Beckett when he got into the main cast, and also, that added bit of danger: she’s a physician (hmm, Fraisier, Beckett, sort of a trend there….) *cough*

  141. Hello Joseph =)

    Robert? j’attend de voir sa^^! Merci encors pour ces petites info sur la saison 5!=)

    Ohh, toujour pas de réponse pour le francais =(

    Yéé on va revoir Paul!! snif mais que dans 5 épisode!!


    1)Dans la saison 5,va t’on revoir le colonel Steven Caldwell??
    2) Va t’on voir dans la saison 5 le wraith d’underground?

    Voila, merci, gros kisou =)


  142. Hi Joe,

    Yeeeeaaaaahh! Very exciting news! Daniel, Woolsey, Carson and Weir! Thank you!

    New enemy? Daniel’s not gonna be responsible for this one too is he? 😛

  143. WOW what a post you have today!!! A two parter with Daniel and we will get to see the two fastest talkers compete against one another. I have always wanted to see how Daniel and McKay would get along. You have made my day. : )

    I have to agree with Pauline. Someone has to come to Atlantis and review Woolsey’s work and who better that General JACK O’NEIL!!!!

  144. Hopefully the two parter Daniel will in isn’t the same two episodes Carter is in so far? It would be nice to see me some sexy archaeologist without having to watch *around* her for a change.

  145. Jeez Kate, how did you manage to get all that typing in while screaming and kicking your feet against your blankie?

    As Joe has already explained, the Repli-Weir storyline is already ready already. So that there pretty much says that “she’ll be back”. And if she doesn’t say yes, then that’s on her. Not J.M.

    I can understand really getting wrapped up in a TV show, but you’d better take a step back and evaluate yourself. You seem to take every decision Joe & Co. make as a personal insult. Guess what? It’s NOT YOUR SHOW. If you’re that unhappy with how Atlantis unfolds, change the damn channel. I’m sure they won’t mind.

    I, and many others appreciate the fact that Joe takes time out of his day to give us quite a bit of insider info about this show. You should appreciate that too, and show him a little respect; not use this as a vent for your personal, disrespectful and venomous agenda.

  146. Ok,
    I broke the news to Hubs that Woolsey is the new commander and he was very disappointed. He just can’t see it as being enjoyable for a plethora of reasons.

    Also, I wanted to chime back in to say that I too enjoyed Robert Picardo in China Beach. I loved that series. I thought he and Dana Delaney were great. It was the first show I saw either in. I’ve followed both stars post CB and really, DD hasn’t thrilled me by RP is always intriguing.


  147. Hey Joe,
    thanks for letting everyone know how things are going with season five.
    I was wondering who wrote these last episodes of season four?
    If the question has been addressed somewhere else, could you point me in that direction?

  148. Patrica said:
    How goes the hunt for casting Teyla’s baby boy?

    Joe easy way to chose a baby for the show…reject those that a Paediatrician has written F.L.K in their notes, it stands for Funny Looking Kid.
    Hand on heart I’ve seen it written on hospital notes.


  149. Will we see Rodney’s sister again in Season 5? Kate Hewlett really rocks.


  150. *waves*

    Since for the next few days i’ve time on my hands, I can actually spend some time reading through the comments. 😀

    bear with me while I attempt to do the whole HTML thingymajig

    On February 5, 2008 at 5:13 pm Daniel V Said:
    I read your blog everyday but nothing has forced me enough to add a question for a entry before today.

    First off great news about the S5 cast, no matter what the detractors says, but how does it feel that so called “fans” of the show seem to pick on every decision you guys ever make and just take a decision for what it is and enjoy the show or switch off?

    Its like they are personally invested in the show. Hope you can answers. Keep up the good work despite the drongo’s.

    Firstly that’s not a very nice thing to say about your fellow fans, calling them drongo’s. Remind me one day to return the compliment!

    To answer your last question, yes fans are invested in the show, they wouldn’t watch it otherwise. I think personally it’s a compliment, to the cast, crew, writers etc that people take the time to comment, constructively or not. People care enough about the show and the characters to say what they like and what they don’t like, if we could give a flying fig, we certainly wouldn’t be wasting our time or money watching the show, buying the DVD’s supporting the cast etc. When you have a group of fans who have a ‘vested interest’ then for me it shows that the writers, creators, cast etc have all done their jobs in creating something that people enjoy and can relate to. Don’t you agree?

  151. For those who concerned about Woolsey’s apparent lack of command skills, here’s what I said over at (so I’ll say it again here) “I gotta think (and hope) that all will be explained in the first episode of Season 5. One would hope that the writers are smart enough to acknowledge Woolsey’s lack of leadership skills and work that into the plot and script. THe character seems to learn well from his mistakes and I would think that’ll work in the plot development throughout season 5. (I know, a lot of thinking, hoping and praying). Bringing in a “true” commander type would just be more of the same – this can be shown as an IOA mandate.
    I like Picardo and I’m looking forward to it.”

  152. Hello Mr Mallozzi.

    May I ask what your plans are for the character of Caldwell ? He had really little presence so far in season 4, and I was wondering why.
    I think that is presence was a great addition in season 2, even when he was simply on Atlantis, and I regret his relative absence since the mid-season 3. We used to see him a lot more before.

    Mind to tell the fans why this character is so absent ?

  153. Dear Joe,
    Avec les annonces concernant la saison 5, vous aimez le trouble! Impossible de plaire à Dieu et à son père dit le proverbe. Ainsi, ceux qui prétendent qu’on ne peut imaginer Daniel Jackson sans Vala Mal Doran dans Atlantis. Je ne crois pas que le personnage de Vala ait sa place dans Atlantis. À l’occasion pour s’amuser, d’accord, voir “Pegasus project”. J’ajouterais que Daniel peut très bien se passer de Vala dans sa vie comme cela a été très bien expliqué dans une scène de “Unending” .
    MAIS pas de Vala ne veut pas dire pas de Claudia. Le rôle de Porter n’a pas encore été distribué!! HA!HA! voilà votre chance d’engager Mme Black et je vous envoie une barre de chocolat en guise de remerciement!

    Translation ( or a sort of !)
    with the Press Release you will be in a lot of troubles to please everybody.
    For instance : Daniel in Atlantis without Vala. I understand you. Vala does not belong to Atlantis. It was funny for once in “Pegasus project” but not logical for an other time and I disagree with those who think that Daniel character can not live without Vala. The reasons why have been explained in a scene between them in “Unending”.

    BUT no chance for Vala does not means no chance for Claudia HA!HA! Concerning Porter character you anwered: “She has yet to be cast and we have yet to see how significant a role she will play in season 5.” So …let us cast Mrs Black and I will buy you a chocolat bar!

  154. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the upcoming Season. Woolsey is a great character and will give the writers plenty of material for angst/ indecision / aggravation and snappy wit (from the team not Woolsey).

    Glad to Paul coming back, but much much happier to see Jewel staying. I feel we’ve learned more about her in a few eps than we did Carson in 4 seasons.

    Glad that we’re getting another strong female character.

    Even though it wasn’t mentioned which we’d see more of I’m hoping Major Lorne over Katie Brown.

    A new enemy? Does McKay have any hope of being kidnapped by the sexy alien?

    Happy all the way around. Of course, Cadman coming back would make me even happier.

  155. Oh, forgot…Daniel…YEAH!!!!!!! Leave me on your Christmas list – I don’t care if Vala is there or not. Daniel and McKay scenes will be absolutely mindboggling as we try to keep up with their rapid fire chatter.

  156. Its def great to have Carson back and you gotta love the “beloved” tag thats always attached. If you see it online and in the media it must be true, right? I think everyone is gonna want more, so I certainly hope 5 is just a starting point, with the possibility of more 🙂 I’m certainly thrilled and look at it this way: we got him back. Then we got him a few eps in S5. So the next stepping stone logically will be full time in S6. Scary that most fans are thinking that far ahead already, eh? 🙂



  157. Arlessiar said:
    I for my part loved the show in season 1, was ok with it in season 2 and 3, and disagreed with lots of the changes in season 4, which ruined the fun for me and that made me very sad, because I wanted to love the show like I once did but I couldn’t do it anymore as it had changed so much.

    First of all, let me tell you that I may not agree 100% with you about your season preferences, but I thought your post was great because it’s clear, respectful and thoughtful.
    In my case, I love all the 4 seasons so far. Season 1 was very good, but I thought season 2 was better with Ronon instead of Ford. I thought season 3 was better than any previous seasons because of the great character interaction and team dynamics. And I think season 4 has been great so far for the same reasons as season 3. For me, the show has been getting better and better with each season. I love both seasons 1 and 2, and I adore both seasons 3 and 4.

    Arlessiar also said:
    […]the whole the show is also slowly turning into SG-1 Part2 because neither TPTB not the SG1 fans can let go of SG1 and refuse to let those who just loved SGA and nothing else enjoy their show. A crossover every once and again was ok, but now fans ask for even more Vala, Sam, Teal’c, Mitchell and Daniel

    I don’t like SG-1 and I have zero interest in watching anything related to that show. I’ve been watching SGA since it premiered in July 2004 and loved it from the beginning. All I know is that I think SGA, in my opinion, has been getting better with each season, with more complex story arcs, more focus on our main characters and the team dynamics.
    However, I do agree 100% with you about some SG-1 fans not letting go SG-1 and asking for SG-1 characters as guest stars in SGA. That makes me cringe too. I liked Sam in s4 and I could accept her because she didn’t have much screen time. I know I wouldn’t think the same had she had more than the small supporting role she had. I could’ve lived just fine without Teal’c or any other additional SG-1 character as a guest star in s4, but as long as they don’t have much screen time, it doesn’t spoil my enjoyment. I’m not happy about having Michael Shanks in s5 (nothing against the actor, just that I don’t see why, oh WHY on Earth we have to keep having SG-1 characters popping up in Atlantis), but hopefully he won’t be the focus of the episodes and we’ll just get a few scenes her and there with him (at least I hope he has less screen time than RDA had in the Return II, which was waaaayyyy too much for a guest star). I’m happy with all the other s5 casting news, though.
    While I don’t like the idea of SG-1 characters being on SGA and I cringe at every request to have Jack/Daniel/Mitchell/Vala/whatever on an Atlantis episodes (and I do understand that every fan has the right to request whatever he/she likes), as long as it’s very sporadic and they don’t have much screen time, I can tolerate it. So far I think the only time an SG-1 character had far more screen time than it was necessary and likable for me was Jack in the Return II. I can only hope that that doesn’t happen again.

    As I said, I agree with some stuff you said, I disagree with other stuff you said, but I respect your point of you 100%.

  158. Dear Joe,

    in fact I will put it straight: Do you consider Mrs Claudia Black to play Porter’s character?

  159. Hey Joe,

    This is a sorta off question from the rest, Did you know how “Outcast” did in the ratings? I was hopeful with Numb3rs on hiatus it would strike up some more live viewers.



  160. I know another Beckett question! Is the five episodes set in stone? Could there be more in season 5? Yeah! Daniel! Can’t wait, thats going to be fun to watch!

  161. Kristen said:

    “Would love to see Kolya back in a real dark, actiony episode. He took over Atlantis, bullied Rodney and tortured Sheppard.

    In turn Sheppard killed 60 of his men and ruined him to the Genii. We should get a real-drag-down fight between the two, it was such a great feud.

    But please don’t ever bring back Lucius.

    As for the cast changes I’ll trust the writers, but please give us a Sheppard arc this time. He always has great moments, but always seems to be skipped when it come to an overall arcs.”

    Does it help to say ditto??? I SO want to see a satisfactory whumpy showdown between Sheppard and Kolya! That in itself could be a Sheppard arc!

  162. Joe, thanks for the news about the season 5!

    Have you considered the idea of have Elizabeth helping the team with her new replicator powers??


  163. While I agree that the fans deserve a quality product and a good effort from all those who create the show, I am rabidly against fan input. If “x” amount of fans want certain things, well, this should be noted, but I feel we have to trust TPTB to decide whether such things are workable or a realistic fit with the dynamics of the show. Hint: they know things we do not, yep. It may be “our” show, but we’re not in on the creative process, as it should be. Because dear friends, Art by Committee is a Bad Idea. Art then devolves to the lowest common denominator, and none of us would be joyful. Too many cooks, and so on.

    Tangent: Daniel on Atlantis? He went there with SG-1, a return visit isn’t far-fetched. Being stationed there? Not so much, after all, who’s going to give the Ori the final boot in our galaxy? Going there with Vala? Kill me now. Please.

    That’s why I support fanfic, that’s a wonderful way for people to take ownership and bring forth their own vision. (Note: I don’t like most fanfic, but there you go). ((I have so got to finish that Teal’c and The Furry piece.)) (((Wish I were kidding, don’t you?)))

  164. 1)Will any upcoming event permanently alter any of the crew’s beliefs or desires?

    2)Will dark alliances be forged against Atlantis as enemies conspire?

  165. Good choice on Robert Picardo. He is a great actor and seems like a really nice guy. I loved his character on Voyager. I’m sure you guys will do a great job making his character more likable to the fans.
    Out of curiosity was any thought given to making Daniel the leader of Atlantis?

  166. Perhaps if Keller has more to do next season (other than go offworld and end up whumped somehow) and her character is fleshed out more fully, we can start to like and appreciate her. As it is, I find it hard to warm up to her. But I’m certainly willing to try. There ought to be some kind of twist to her character that makes her more interesting, i.e. she’s really an alien, or she tries to kill Ronon because of some false belief, or she’s a lesbian, or who knows?

  167. great! a title you can sing…

    So many great news at the time…
    Woosley? that’s surely an interesting choice. Je pense qu’il sera plus sympa, plus dynamique, de voir un chef doué pour emmerder les gens et pas tellement pour tout ce qui a trait aux problèmes aliens divers et variés, plutôt qu’un chef comme Carter (qui finalement a pas été tant exploitée que ça.. enfin vu les extraits, Trio va arranger les choses) qui a une certaine expérience de ce côté là.

    (fan girl scream (quand même, ’cause I’m human) : Carson is coming baaack!)

  168. Do you think Cameron Mitchell will guest star on Atlantis? Was his character considered at all for the new commander of Atlantis?

  169. Joe, I know this is an unusual request but could you dedicate your entry to me today because I went through some really scary tornado weather last night. I would really appreciate it.


  170. Hi Joe,
    When you knew Amanda/Sam won’t be available as a regular in season 5 have you at least considered having Daniel/Michael Shanks take over command of Atlantis?

  171. I don’t wanna sound ungrateful, it’s def great to have Carson back for S5, but I still have to ask; only 5 eps? Is that all he’s worth to you? I think the character and Paul deserve better than that! That along with the fact of making Keller a regular makes me a little angry, to be truthful! 🙁 Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean I don’t want her in the show at all, but the least you could’ve done is, to give them BOTH recurring status.

    But I’m def happy about Michael Shanks/Daniel beeing guest in S5! I like him a lot and can’t wait for the interaction between him and McKay! 🙂

  172. Am delighted for Robert Picardo – I met him last year and he was a charming and very funny man….

    Also thrilled about Daniel returning to Atlantis – hopefully he won’t just be stuck in a room talking to an Ancient this time….

    And please ignore all us fangirls and let us have Daniel ON HIS OWN (no Vala, no Sam, no Jack, no Teal’c, etc. etc.) interacting with the Atlantis regulars. Save SG-1 interaction for the movies please….

    Otherwise it all sounds quite jolly fun!….

    Deeds xx

  173. Thanks for confirming again that there’s plans to bring back the Replicator/Weir story arc next season Joe…I think it’s really interesting, and can’t wait to see how it plays out! I hope we get a good few eps to resolve it though – there’s a lot of potential there – and that it won’t be the last we see of her altogether! I definitely can say that I’ll miss her, if that’s the case. 😉

    Regarding that other issue: obviously, it’s impossible to please all of the people all of the time, and I don’t think it’s a good idea for fans to have ultimate control over what’s done on a TV show either, but hey, if enough fans disagree with a decision (and I’m talking any decision, not just The Weir Question), isn’t it better for them to voice their opinion and hope for the best rather than just, as suggested, switch off, move to another show, disappear and leave everyone at the studio wondering where that pesky slice of the audience went to? Just a thought. 😛

  174. Yay for Daniel! Boo for Woosley…. I mean seriously? That’s a weird choice, but then again, you guys handle major changes pretty well, so I’ll just shut up and see how it works out.

  175. I love the idea of Woolsey as leader of Atlantis. I think he’s a great, multi-dimensional character with the potential for some good conflict with the team.

    Meanwhile, I am a bit curious about the 5 episodes to include Carson Beckett… seems like the amount of episodes that a leading antigonist could be in for the year. Just saying.

  176. Ok,I was just thinking today after I posted an earlier comment. I’m not trying to be one of those fans who complain about every cast change etc….Weir didn’t bother me and I liked her and having Carter was nice, I love RDA but I loved Mitchell and Valla, and wow I fell in love all over again with SG-1 and was upset when they didn’t get picked up for an 11th season. I thought it was just getting really good, MORE MORE but I didn’t get upset or feel like writing any letters. I have no problem with the new commander for season 5 etc….I didn’t feel compeled to write any letters or write you comments like today over any of those characters or any other cast change. I just don’t why Beckett has gotten under my skin. He is a character I truly miss! Why?!?! I didn’t go this nuts over RDA or when MS took a year off, and he was replaced, I really liked that character Jonas, he did a good job. Yes I will miss Col. Carter, but its not the end of my world. My point, and please don’t tune me out yet, I know its long, but there is just something about this character or actor that really just made a lot of people take notice. Good story lines maybe? Or maybe because in SG-1 the doctors didn’t have as much of a big part as Beckett did? PLEASE! MORE THAN 5 EPISODES! Please make him a regular! When ever I saw Jonas over Daniel, or Carter over Weir, or Mitchell over RDA, It didn’t bother me, it felt ok. But Keller! There is just something about her! This casting change is different. DAMN Paul for being what ever he is or doing whatever he did!!!!

  177. Something else I hope hasn’t been asked before…

    Is Dave Shep’s older brother?

  178. Hi.

    I have just started reading your blog, and enjoy the way you mix Atlantis insider info with the details of your “normal” life. The only thing that has so far annoyed me is the orgasmic foodie-ness. Of course, as I can’t tell a comfit from a curry, and have a feeling that I could not affored to lick an appetizer, much less enjoy a full meal at many of your favorite restaurants, I may not be so much annoyed with you as I am jealous of my lack of epicurean knowledge.

    But, that is a digression from my initial thought, which is, as it seems that every fan who plans to be anywhere near your part of BC wants your knowledge to guide them towards their next meal, you quite often post a response (or two), listing the same half dozen restaurants/eateries. Why not create a post/page listing your favorites/recommendations, possibly broken down by specialty, and link back to that when ever the question arises?

    And now for the traditional fan question: Have JF/the producers put forth any ideas on what Sheppard’s majored in as an undergrad, and what he chose to focus on for his graduate degree(s)? I also ask the same regarding Major Lorne, as, if you are not already aware, one can not be promoted above the rank of “Captain” in the Air Force without having at least one Master’s degree. Their has been much fandom speculation regarding this (in both forum and fic) and I am curious as to ya’ll’s thoughts on the matter.



  179. Seems like fandom’s quite polarized on the issue of bringing Woolsey in as commander, but I think it’s a fantastic idea. I’m looking forward to seeing how his character develops, and I always love watching Robert Picardo.

    I’m even more excited about Daniel! Hope he has lots of interaction with all the SGA regulars…

  180. Waouh !!!!!

    Will we have a battle between Rodney and Daniel to know who talk faster than the other ?

  181. A lot of people are commenting on Woolsey as leader, and the possible Shepard and McKay reactions. What I’m looking forward to is Ronon’s reaction. I think you could have a laugh-’til-you-cry, everyone-keeping-Ronon-from-killing-Woolsey scene. The looks alone should be priceless. Putting a bureaucrat in charge makes logical sense, since they run the world anyway, but the possibilities for character development must have all the writers in ecstasy. The actors gotta be loving it, too.

  182. Thank you Jo’ !

    I’m so exciting to see Daniel on Atlantis for some episode ( Finally ! )

    Woolsey on chief…yeah maybe a good idea…we will see that ! I think it’s good commander but he absoluly has to forget his previous job.

    Poor Sam…sniiiifff…hope to see her in action/battle scene.

  183. Hi! Big fan here, coming out of lurkdom for a moment:

    So far, Woolsey’s role on Atlantis has been mostly comic relief and, well, annoyance. How do you (TPTB) plan to develop his character so that he’s believable and not completely inept in a leadership role?


  184. Sorry if this has been asked already, but are to get any confirmation about Zelenka or Lorne coming back?

    ‘m excited to see what happens in Season 5, as this casting news has me very interested…

  185. I just realized that last comment sounded rather accusatory – sorry! I do love Robert Picardo, especially his work as The Doctor. 😀


  186. Joe,

    Very important Stargate political question here: What about President Hayes? We last saw him at the end of S7 of SG-1 and, by my count, he should have a year or two left in his term.

    With Woolsey assuming command of Atlantis (good and bad news there), does that mean Carter goes back to Earth and SG-1 and (possibly) pursuing her obvious attraction to Jack? I’d hate to see Amanda retiring the character, although other commitments are good. She’s too good of an actress to let go, imho. Amanda’s contract was up, however, so she will be left as a special guest star. I remember reading something about that after SG-1’s cancellation.

    How do you think Bob and Joe F will play off of each other character wise?

    Of course, no leaking of future storylines intended :.)

  187. Hi Joe, thanks for the news!
    I can´t wait to see Robert Picardo in Atlantis!

    I know you are still making plans for the next season,but:

    Do you think we could see Weir in a couple more episodes after you end with the replicator storyline??

    Maybe for the 100 episode???

  188. Marla said: “Does it help to say ditto??? I SO want to see a satisfactory whumpy showdown between Sheppard and Kolya! That in itself could be a Sheppard arc!”

    I think a showdown with Todd fighting next to Shephard to take on Kolya would be great. Besides, Todd has a beef with Kolya too.

  189. Hey Joe!

    I’m looking forward to seeing the clash of the titans in the upcoming season 5. Sheppard’s team (do they even have a designation lik SG-1?) having to work with/for Woolsey and how the two parts change accordingly is going to make for some amazing conflict. Looking forward to how Woolsey changes and adapts… perhaps a lot like McKay in season 1?

    I have a question about a change with McKay actually. As an avid McKay fan I sat up and took notice when McKay called Sheppard “John” for the first time in Adrift. It’s been written in a few times since, but not often. I was wondering if this was a deliberate choice and if so what was the reasoning?

    Here’s looking forward to a Season 5 that’s as good or better than Season 4 (my favorite so far)!

  190. Well enough about Weir from me…

    What about Lindsay Novak, remember her? She was hilarious in Critical Mass in season 2 of Atlantis. Can’t we bring her back?

  191. First, lol, your choice of Picardo has generated a zillion posts. Too bad they don’t pay you for internet traffic 🙂

    Second, I just found out I am rather dense and posted on the WRONG blog for getting an answer, so repeating my question as well as plea not to shoot me.

    The topic of Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec keeps coming up and why, unlike others where the answer was “maybe”, tptb were always VERY firm he would not be back. Everything from religious persecution on have been suggested as FACTS. I just thought since he and Shank’s characters fill the same slot, it was that. So would you comment (again, with no weaponry engaged please).

    You might want to look into adequan shots for your doggies hips. It actually helps build up the fluid in synovial sacs to help relieve rubbing. I have used it both on my Rottweiler and on my daughter’s old pony and the research and results for it are very good.

  192. Hi Joe!
    The news release was something I totally didn’t expect…Wolsey? Really? Well, I’m really excited by the news. It will be interesting to see how the members will react to the new commander. Also, I’m really looking forward to seeing Carson and Daniel again. YAY!!!!

    Sorry to cut this short it’s Chinese New Year’s Eve tonight and I need to help my mom cook. Would you like the left overs? Because I’m sure there will be more than enough.


  193. Mr. Mallozzi:

    The news of Daniel Jackson recurring on Atlantis is exciting.

    The return of Dr. Beckett is nice, though I feel that his removal and replacement by Dr. Keller didn’t add a significantly new dynamic to the cast and the storylines in Season 4.

    When it was announced that Richard Woolsey will be the new commander of Atlantis, I wondered what in the character’s background indicates that Woolsey will be either an administrator who can oversee Atlantis’ daily operations and a tactician/scientist who can deal with ongoing crises with hostile aliens and discoveries of potentially dangerous advanced Ancient technology? Woolsey as established on SG-1 and Atlantis was a bureaucratic agent for the NID and IOA, not a leader of scientists and military personnel.

    One of the rationale for replacing Weir was that a military officer was needed to deal with the unstable situation in the Pegasus galaxy. Going along that vein, Colonel Caldwell would seem to be an ideal candidate since he has experience in the Pegasus galaxy and seniority over Sheppard, who doesn’t have the temperament to assume high command.

    I wonder if the Pegasus Galaxy has become safe enough in Season 5 to allow a bureaucrat like Woolsey to run Atlantis?

  194. Oh so many comments – I just feel I should add one too!

    I am cool with the cast announcements. I believe that it will all be written well and so I am happy.

    Of course I would be over the moon if we got a Shep whump episode in s5 hehehe! I have my fingers crossed.

    Will all the character eps be in the first half again like in S3 and S4 or will you be spreading them around a little more?

    Will Keller be getting her own ep (you know the one where she has to save Sheps life after major whumpage ;))?

  195. Hey Joe,

    Like most people I was very excited to read about the new cast members and now can’t wait till season five to see how it all plays out!!

    While the cast is important, we all know that it takes more than a cast to make a great show! Therefore I’m wondering if there has also been any major changes in the crew? Have any of our favourite behind the scenes guys moved on, or is there anyone new who’s work we should be keeping an eye out for?


  196. mart Said:
    “Hopefully the two parter Daniel will in isn’t the same two episodes Carter is in so far? It would be nice to see me some sexy archaeologist without having to watch *around* her for a change.”

    Can I just second this?

    I have every faith in the writing staff, but after watching the Daniel show of Seasons 9 and 10, I have no desire to ever see that character playing a leading role in a story again. He talks way too fast and he’s an angry, self-important bastard most of the time now. He’s fine if he’s kept in the background, but it sounds like he is going to be the central character in the two-parter you have planned. You all have always done such a good job in having SG-1 characters appear on SGA without having them be the central focus of the story and dominate the episodes they are in. Too bad it sounds like that is not the case with Daniel.

    Unless he gets a personality transplant before appearing on Atlantis, please don’t put him in any episodes with Sam. I would be very disappointed to have to miss one of her eps and I do not think I could bring myself to watch another Daniel episode. So you can very easily keep at least two fans happy if you don’t put both of these SG-1 characters on SGA together.

    And thank you for choosing Woolsey as the new commander. I might find the character slightly annoying, but I can at least watch him. I can’t say the same for Daniel.

  197. I have to say that I’m proud of all of you in charge for adding such characters as McKay, Keller, and Woolsey, knowing that fans will react so dramatically. However annoying they may be, it becomes unreal when there aren’t those kind of characters. And after all, if McKay and Keller can grow, as they have, I’m really intrigued on where Woolsey will go.

  198. Woolsey? 😯 OK, I’ll keep an open mind about him. As long as you (i.e. SGA writing team) can keep a balance between Just-Plain-Annoying vs. Likeable-Annoying; and Cliche-Over-The-Top-Buffoon vs. Understated-Humor. A fine line to walk …

    I know Picardo is up to the task from his previous work on ‘Voyager’ – he has a fine sense of timing, and his Doctor character had snarky down to a science …

  199. Janet Said:
    just watched outcast and one thing is bugging when there hunting down the replicator for the first time what is it that John and Ronon have around there necks iv never seen them things before and i just cant work it out

    I’m pretty sure they are special microphones that SWAT teams use… they are held tight against the neck so as to pick up and transmit even low-volume/whispered speech over radio. I’ve seen them used in other shows/movies etc.

    catriona Said:
    Congratulation, Joe. TPTB at Gateworld were insisting there would be no anti threads in the season five section.

    After your latest casting decisions, and the news that Woolsey is leader and Keller is full time in particular, there’s been so much outcry that after months of refusing to have any new anti threads, they’re now seriously looking at it! All because the ranks of the disgruntled fans have grown so much with the release of one announcement.

    Hmmm.. do the GW mods know you’re claiming their activities as specious “proof” for your purported argument? If you go back and re-read the original GW mods posts on the moratorium on anti and pro season threads, you will find that it was clearly stated that the mods would review the situation regarding Season 5 threads closer to the time when there was starting to actually be some information about Season 5 to discuss. The fact that folks, be they anti or pro, are foot-stamping or arguing over the Season 5 news in no way supports or validates anybody’s viewpoint – it’s just fandom doing what fandom does. :/

  200. Hi Joe (what great names we have!)

    I was just wondering … why do you guys tend to avoid continuity with characters between the episodes? Allow me to explain. Big events that effect a character personally are seemingly forgotten about by the next episode (bar a quick mention months down the track). one example being Rodneys apparent “break up” with Kate. it would have been nice to see Rodney feeling down about this in the following episode. Infact I had forgotten they were even together as he never mentioned her. Carson’s death was also glossed over, no signs of the group missing him or morning his loss in the proceeding episodes, especially Rodney who was close with him.

    And my main gripe is Ford, there hasn’t been a mention of him since he “died” aboard the Wraith ship. You did wonderful things with the character, is there any chance of some closure with that storyline? An appparent death, not a definitive one doesn’t seem fitting for a former regular. or is there some other reason why he has seemingly been forgotten?

    Excited about Season 5 though, I’m giving you guys the benefit of the doubt about Woolsey 🙂


    Joe J

  201. No one, as yet, has brought up the most glaring oversight in the press release:

    I, for one, was shocked — shocked, I tell you! — that nowhere in over 500 words was there even one mention of carnivorous space cows and/or the doomed “Anne Teldy” character! Not one!

    And what about Ivon Bartok’s featurette entitled “Stargate Atlantis: The Killing of a Fan”? Where was that in the press release? Nowhere! That’s where!

    I cannot believe that SciFi Channel officials would withhold this information! The ratings gain that would result from the public learning there are to be not just “space cows” but carnivorous space cows would be astronomical! And let’s not forget the incredible drawing power of the name “Anne Teldy”! There’s a few million new viewers right there!

    Well, Mr. Mallozzi, I hope you gave a stern talking to to those idiots who approved this travesty of a press release. There is just no excuse for them not including this vital information that I am sure was at the top of your Season 5 memo to them! I trust someone lost a job over this mistake?

    Anne Teldy

  202. Joe,

    I love reading your blog, and I think you’re great, but I’ve never felt the need to comment before(you clearly get enough comments without me adding to the chaos). However, I have a question that’s been driving me a little nuts. In regards to Sheppard knowing McKay’s password in “Quarantine”: did we ever actually see Rodney tell John the code? It seems like I remember such a scene, but no one on the SciFi Channel board can find it(several of us have been scanning transcripts). Are we all crazy, or did it happen offscreen?

    Hope you can clear up the madness!

  203. I have a question as I was watching some of SG-1 Seasons. I noticed a lot of the episodes are labeled with the actors as Executive Producers or writers. Like RDA as Executive Producer and Christopher Judge as writer. Is this something that the actors wanted to do to help their career or something fun for them?

  204. Hello Joe!
    After this news, we can´t wait to hear more about the next season!
    I think Woolsey is a great choice.

    In the other hand we are going to miss Carter, Amanda is always amazing.

    And of course we hope we will see Weir again, we are missing her so much.

    Can you tell us any clue about her fate??

    Do you think she could be in more than 2 episodes?
    Maybe in 4??

  205. Does the return of Daniel Jackson mark the return of archaeology and archaeologists to the storylines of Stargate?

  206. I am sure that his wee turtles (Hamish and Edie)…

    With all due respect, susanthetartanturtle, I do believe the turtles’ names are Duncan and Ewan. And they’re cheeky little blighters with a penchant for unintentional slapstick (or at least, Ewan is; Duncan’s got a good head on his shoulders. Or rather, in his shoulders). 😉

  207. So Weir is going to be back at some point? Cool. That might make Woolsey a bit more bearable (probably not though).

    When is the discussion for Fast Forward 1?

  208. I’m so glad to have Jewel Staite come on as a regular. I’ve admired her since Higher Ground was on. I really hope to see (a lot) more of a relationship between Keller and Ronon develop, and that Ronon’s venture to the Dark Side will be brief. Because an Evil Caveman is just not as fun.

  209. I hope that Alison Porter will be a take-charge, no-nonsense, kick-ass military woman. With an imposing physicality. By that I mean not one of the size 0 – 2 Hollywood ideals that are usually seen in TV shows. A woman of more realistic proportions and an imposing presence would be a welcome addition. at least for me.
    Question: Did Rachel’s pregnancy lead to the decline of team episodes in the last part of the season? I just wonder, because I love the team eps the most. (Although so far, the split-up team ones have been great too)

  210. Hello, I have been a fan of stargate for long, I live in France et you can see that we are numerous to like your serie, and you have never chosen a french man or a woman, in the casting except one time in SG1…

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