6:00 a.m.: I get up, take the dogs out, down a cup of matcha, then head downstairs for my 30 minute cardio work-out with the aim to conditioning myself for the big day ahead.

7:05 a.m.: Shower, shave, then spend a good twenty minutes selecting my outfit. I decide to go basic black, subtle pin striping on the suit, black French cuffed shirt with the silver scorpion links, and a tie that best reflects the Scottish flag and so in keeping with today‘s theme. The color scheme isn’t quite right but certainly close enough for the occasion.

8:15 a.m.: I leave for work and can’t help but notice the driving rain. There’ll be some soggy bagpipes out there today.

8:40 a.m.: Into the office where I get yesterday’s onset skinny. Since Martin Wood is Up north shooting scenes from Continuum, Andy Mikita will be stepping in to direct some days from Adrift and Lifeline. Late call today so, when Paul and I visit Andy at the FX stage, he is enjoying breakfast (aka a cup of coffee).

9:15 a.m.: Someone has a clipping of the piece The Province has run on the Save Carson Beckett campaign and today’s planned demonstration. I hear that Marty G. will be heading down to interview the protestors for one of Ivon Bartok’s possible special features.

10:30 a.m.: Paul and I sit down for a chat with Darren and David from Gateworld. Minor spoilers revealed.

11:00 a.m.: Wil and I do a casting session for Travelers. This Larrin casting will be the death of me.

12:00 a.m.: Head up for lunch and am informed by our publicist that “this is going to be a bigger deal than we thought”. A number of news media outlets have taken an interest in the story and are requesting interviews. No sooner do I sit down to eat my chicken salad than I am also informed that Mark Stern and Tony Optican from SciFi are on the lot and will be dropping by the offices. No sign of them.

12:30 p.m.: The demonstration gets underway under the pouring rain. So far, the bagpipers outnumber the protestors. Still no sign of the SciFi guys.

12:50 p.m.: The numbers are a little better, inching up to between 25-30 demonstrators.

1:12 p.m.: A bus pulls up. Reinforcements arrive! The crowd swells to a little over 100. Jason (aka. Ronon Dex) puts in an impromptu appearance. Where are the SciFi guys?

1:16 p.m.: Rachel (aka Teyla Emmagon) makes a surprise visit and chats with the fans. By this time, the press has arrived: CBC, CITY TV, UPI.

1:20 p.m.: Through my window, I spy David Hewlett (our Dr. McKay) working the crowd as cameras roll. Martin Gero is also out there interviewing the demonstrators while Ivon Bartok captures it all for a future special feature. I put out an A.P.B. on the SciFi guys and start organizing a search party.

1:25 p.m.: I head down with Lawren assuming umbrella-boy duties, shielding me from the rain as I snap pics of the fans. I chat with the SaveCarsonBeckett campaign organizers – Tara, Anise, and Jennifer – who call me on my off-hand comment to the Province newspaper in which I marvel at the campaign’s ability to drum up press, essentially promising that if they can get their story on Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight (Entertainment Tonight Canada doesn’t count) that I would write Carson into at least two episodes in the back half of season four. The gauntlet has been thrown. I am treated to a mountain of Scottish shortbread cookies, chat with the media about the event, and then, when everyone is feeling good and their guard is down, I order the attack dogs released. They chase everyone back to the buses except for one slow-moving fan who goes down and disappears beneath the ravenous pack. I think he’s a goner and then, almost a full minute later, he rises up out of the hound cluster like a swimmer breaking the surface of the water. With surprising vigor and ignoring the snapping jaws, he manages to reach the bus and pull himself aboard, one of the dogs still clamped to his haunch. Fan and dog disappear into the bus that quickly motors off, beating a hasty retreat. If this dog is found, please return it to the Bridge Studios as he is the property of Stargate Atlantis Productions.

2:00 p.m.: We discuss Alan’s Tabula Rasa rewrite. How could Lorne top his barefoot scene in Doppelganger? Well how about this meaty role? Oh, and poor Katie. Also, it turns out the guys from SciFi weren’t on our lot but the Eureka lot. They’ve been held up and will be in between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m.

3:30 p.m.: We discuss tonight’s schnitzel plans. To show: Robert Cooper, Alex Levine, Carl Binder, Alan McCullough, Ivon Bartok, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, and myself. We receive word that the SciFi guys were held up yet again but will be arriving shortly.

3:45 p.m.: We talk to Paul Weber, our L.A. casting agent, regarding the Larrin part. Lots of interesting potential candidates. Meanwhile, Paul suggests that one of the local actresses who auditioned today, while not right for Larrin, would make a perfect Ara in Reunion. Genius.

4:08 p.m.: Call mom, talk to sis, receive word: the SciFi guys aren’t coming. Which reminds me – maybe I should call off those search parties.

5:30 p.m.: I leave work. On my way out, I am told that the SciFi guys will be coming tomorrow. No, really. I head home to feed the dogs who are no doubt impatiently awaiting my arrival – and their dinner.

6:30 p.m.: Dinner at Budapest Restaurant, the place for schnitzel in Vancouver. The seven of us enjoyed three Transylvania Platters (each of which included three types of schnitzel – veal, pork, and chicken, sausage, cabbage rolls, roast potatoes, and spatzle) and a sausage platter. Although, technically, they could have served ten, the seven of us managed them fairly well – and still had room for various Hungarian desserts: plum dumplings, sour cherry and poppy seed streudel, apple streudel, and something I don’t remember the name of but included cake, whipped cream, nuts, and chocolate. Check out me two-forking the streudel.

Mailbag –

GrapesofWraith writes: “Because SG-1 is not in full production as a television series, has the atmosphere at the office changed since last year?”

Answer: Not really. It’s still very much a fun atmosphere although with only half the usual amount of episodes to produce things are admittedly a little more relaxed.

SmileyFace06 writes: “What’s your favorite comic book based movie? What’s least favorite? Which one currently in production are you most looking forward to seeing?”

Answer: Favorite – The first Spiderman movie minus the metallic Green Goblin. Least favoritte – Any of the Batman movies prior to Batman Begins. One I’m most looking forward to – Watchmen and 30 Days of Night.

Blaine Nielsen writes: “I was wondering, are you a big fan of BBQ?”

Answer: Am I ever! There’s a place in town called The Memphis Blues Barbecue House that serves something called an Elvis Platter. It includes: pork ribs, riblets, smoked sausage, Cornish hen, brisket, pulled pork, chili, cornbread, and fries.

Anonymous #1 writes: “If a fan, like myself, wants to share an idea or two concerning the creation of a future episode for season 5 of SGA, where might he send a draft of the brainstorm.”

Answer: Sorry to say but, for legal reasons, we can’t look out outside submissions.

Peter writes: “Ok, since you guys doesn’t seem to mind critiquing each other, would you mind telling us your favorite script from each writer over the years?”

Answer: 2010 (Brad), Meobius II (Robert Cooper), Duet (Martin Gero), Irresistible (Carl Binder), Line in the Sand (Alan McCullough).

Peter also writes: “Do you ever visit the thread at Gateworld that talks about your blog?”

Answer: Only if someone gives me the heads up that there’s some interesting reading.

Majorsal writes: “But you do get nice/complimentary letters too, right? (please say yes)”

Answer: I believe we received a complimentary letter in January. Or that may have been a sweepstakes entry. I can’t remember.

Crazymom writes: “That navy/blue paisley tie near the top looks like it would make a strong statement, but I’m not sure it would it would rise to the badass level.”

Answer: In the end, that’s the one I decided to go with. It was suitably badass.

Crazymom also writes: “GeekBoy is deep into The Count of Monte Cristo at the moment, strangely enough.”

Answer: Once he’s done, have him check out Alfred Bester’s The Demolished Man, a scifi version of the classic.

Vaberella writes: “1) Why did you choose John to be in the Air Force rather than any other military division? 2) Would John’s father be in the Air Force too, or another division? Would we find out in S4? You can 8 ball me.”

Answer: 1) Stargate has a long, happy history with the U.S. Air Force and it felt like a natural fit. 2) He would probably be in the Air Force and it’s possible we may find out in season 4.

Spazzyd writes: “ Do you also have a cane or walking stick with a serpent’s head at the top?”

Answer: I’m ashamed to say I don’t. Working on it though.

Anonymous #2 writes: “ “And speaking of Carl, he was in my office this morning discussing his early back half story (which I personally covet) that is going to be a blast (pending actor availability of course).” Can you tell us if the actor in question was a member of SG-1? Please be Daniel, please be Daniel, please be Daniel.…”

Answer: Sorry, not Daniel.

Rose writes: “And the mention of Kolya prompts me to ask, who is your favourite SGA bad guy?”

Answer: I’m a big fan of Michael. Especially this year.

Anonymous #3 writes: “What is your favorite episode of sga from a viewer’s perspective, in the sense that you would have to put yourself in our shoes and why?”

Answer: As a fan of the show, I’d go with The Storm and The Eye. Lots going on.

Anonymous #4 writes: “I wanted to ask you if you ever were planning in coming back to your hometown and give a seminar on your experience working with Stargate…”

Answer: If I was asked to give a seminar and we could work out the dates – sure, I’d do it.

44 thoughts on “March 22, 2007

  1. Hey Joe,
    if you are ever in Louisville, KY and you really want some good barbeque you need to go to a place called Mark’s Feed Store. http://www.marksfeedstore.com/index.php
    They have some awesome stuff. They have a buttermilk pie dessert that is to die for!!!Everytime I am there I have to stop there. its worth it


  2. Darn, it’s too bad your Martin Gero-fav script wasn’t in Season 3…hint hint.

    And another darn (actually, it’s way worse than that, but I’ll spare you the foul-mouthery) for me missing the demonstration today. I had to do homework and it was raining…but damn, if I knew you, Martin, Jason, David, and Rachel were going to show up, hell on Earth itself wouldn’t have stopped me…ok, that sounded weird.

    Oh well, glad you guys had fun. Another question for the night: In Season 3 I heard you guys had the goal of doing more character development and focusing more on the team. Do you think you’ve succeeded and is there another goal for Season 4?

  3. Is it a waste of time anyone actually asking you questions about Elizabeth? Because you seen determined not to answer any of them.

    Do you realise that this just confirms to many fans that your plans for her longterm are not good, and that she’s likely to go the way of Ford?

  4. Thanks for the blow-by-blow about your day and the demonstration. 🙂 I think you pulled off the bad guy look with that suit and tie.

    I’m reading Frank Herbert’s Dune right now. I saw the movie years ago, but have just recently bought the book. Have you read it and the sequels to it? If so what did you think about them?

  5. Ok, not Daniel. I can’t say that I’m not disappointed. Is it someone who was a regular cast member on SG-1?

  6. Oooh, interesting. Is it defibrillating now?

    So, Joe, Katie Brown or Katie Hewlett?

  7. Joe,

    I’m going to have a talk to the concordia officals for the seminar but once its done and all red-tape details have been taken care of, I will need to inform you of the details and get your time availabilities through a more appropriate fashion. Not to disrespect the other fans but this a serious matter and I wouldn’t want your as well as my email and the concordia office contact info being shared with the whole world.

    Thank you for your time,

    Your montreal fan

    P.S: I must tell you that most of the people who love to attend will not be in for the summer… understandably you also must be at work so it most probably has to be after September or in the beginning of the Fall 2007 semester.

  8. Joe,

    I for one whole heartily applaud the opportunity of seeing Lorne in a more meaty role. I was wondering if we will get a chance to see more snark between Major Lorne and McKay? Those scenes in Runner were some of my favorite in SGA.

    Thanks for the tidbits,

  9. Hey Joe,

    Weird question, but I run a fanlisting for Carl Binder (if you don’t know what a fanlisting is, go here: http://www.thefanlistings.org/) and there are *no* decent pictures of him around except the ones you’ve posted here in your blog. If you don’t think it would frighten him too much, may I please swipe one or two to put up on the fanlisting? 🙂

  10. Why is David Hewlett’s face and neck cut? Is it for an episode or was he beaten for not learning his lines? 😛

  11. Aww, is something going to happen to Katie? 🙁 Not like she’s my favorite or anything, but she’s just so sweet, and it seems like the sweet ones always meet some horrible end.

    I agree about Michael (as I believe I’ve said before), though I don’t think of him as a bad guy. Sure, he’s killed lots of people and has it out for the heroes, but I can’t think of him as really evil after he gave the good guys a second chance at being friends, even after what they did to him, and then they still went and threw it in his face. I only hope someday he meets a human that’s actually honorable toward him.

    Sorry I missed the demonstration. If I’d been in town today, I would have been there, too, waving my little Scottish flag.

  12. I must say you looked suitably Gofather-ish in a very Marlon Brando “make you an offer you can’t refuse” way, personally I think the power you wield over the Pegasus Galaxy has gone to your head and I speak as one Ruler to another, careful as it has a tendency to bite you in the ass! Don’t you think the attack dogs were a tad OTT? I usually find a casual smiting does the trick.

  13. I enjoyed your humorous take on the “Save Carson Beckett” campaign, Joe. You and the other producers, writers and cast were very kind, very tolerant.

    Have a super weekend, dude.


    PS: “You May Already Be a Winner!”

  14. Hey Joe!

    Eeek, the suit… uh, I thought you looked a bit like a member of the mafia actually but it’s otherwise nice and sleek.

    Nice pics – don’t know who they are except Marty G. I heard about the protests from fans attending a con this weekend but I didn’t realise it was raining till I saw the pics.

    Q: Do you ever bring your dogs to work and if so do they socialise with the other doggies on set?

    (Yes, I know I’ve asked it previously but hey, doesn’t hurt to try again).

    or if that’s too hard, here’s an easy one; how do you like your Frog’s Legs (uh that is if you do eat them?)

    Uh you desert at the Budapest restaurant sounds fantastic! 😀

  15. Hey! Thanks so much for coming out and seeing us today! It was really awesome.

    Still trying to figure out what to say to make you sound mean 😛

    ~ Sapph (one of the Aussies)

  16. Joe, I have to tell you I just found out about Beckett the other day and have been on a total downer since. However, having had a good chuckle reading your blog, particularly regarding your wife’s homocidal tendencies (karma, man, KARMA!) I am feeling a wee bit better. But just a wee bit.

    If you write a nice begging letter to Russell T Davis at BBC Wales and ask him nicely to to let you and David Hewlett do a Dr Who ep, I’ll be just fine – and it’s worked for other people like Peter Kay, so why not you? Oh, go on, you know you want to!

  17. Love the pictures and you look cool… Carl also has a beautiful smile..

    I was wondering .. if this were a perfect world and if Hugh Laurie could be cajoled into doing an episode, what sort of character would you write for him?

    By the way did you ever see the Friends episode where Hugh Laurie did a scene. It was on a flight to England and he was sitting next to Jennifer. It was sooo good. That caustic wit and that dead pan face.. This was pre-House and actually may have led to the current House Series. It was brilliant… I wonder what has the greatest effect on a good show the writing or the actor interpreting the writing?


  18. You looked mightily spiffy in your suit and tie!

    Is Larrin the female commnder of the Travellers? Gina Torres – I know it’s not possible, but she is so good at whatever role she takes.

    How did the visit by the SciFi guys go?

  19. We’ve heard about your anime, movie and tv preferences. What’s your musical persuasion?

  20. Thanks for the DH photo. I’m guessing he is filming “Adrift” right now. 🙂

  21. Hi Joe!

    Just a quick hello! and while watching “Supernatural” last night, saw Teryl Rothery! Luckily my cat is used to me standing in the living room screaming at the TV, so he wasn’t fazed by my high pitched squeal of *JANET!!!* She is a lovely actor and I hope to see her working more!

    The actual question: Is it true that there are only about 20 actors in Vancouver, which is why some actors are constantly being reused in productions filmed there?

    Have fun shooting S4, and I look forward to watching the back end of S3 on actual television!

  22. Joe,

    How did the meeting with the Scifi bigwigs go? I don’t like hearing that they’re hanging out on the Eureka set and ignoring you guys. What’s the skinny? Is season five a go?

  23. Joe just a quickie…oh..er that sounds a bit rude, lol. *cough* Moving swiftly on 😀 Have you got any more ep names that you could kindly give us 😀 *insert as much begging as is required*

    You also said how much you liked Michael as a villain. So given that when you write for these bad guys in SG1 or SGA, how do you get your inspiration for their evilness? And are they modelled on people that you’ve met in your career… or on yourself *hehehe* 😉

    And for the record if you’re still looking for someone to be cast in the role of Larrin, I am more than happy to volunteer my services. Kicking ass is something I do best 😀

  24. The picture of David in his Rodney jacket with an umbrella makes me smile. Looks so… Unreal…

    Question : it was a nice surprise to see Oberoth in First Strike, I thought he was dead for good. So… Any chance on seeing Niam coming back too? I would love to see his relationship with the team developped.

  25. Joe-

    Thanks for the mention and the blow by blow rundown on today’s rally. Truly hilarious. Contrary to Martin’s comment, “It’s over, they will go away now”. We here at SCB would like to say that this was only a taste of what is to come. We fully intend on meeting your challenge, and exceeding it. Bringing Paul back for two episodes is a step in the right direction; however we see it as the beginnings of negotiations. We fully intend to fight for full reinstatement. As you can see by the 10 media outlets that covered the event, we mean business. We have a few tricks up our sleeve still, which will all be revealed in due time. I’m sure you will love them. Thank you for coming out, we here at SCB appreciate it. We also appreciated Jason, Rachel and David coming out, as well as all of the crew. We enjoyed ourselves and it seems you did as well. We look forward to our next meeting.

    SCB Campaign

  26. Hi Joe,
    I am surprised you noticed me through the crowd, the fence and the rain.

    I have your dog and will be glad to return it.

    Please contact me at your earliest convenience as I am only in town for the convention.

    I am at the Metrotown Hilton.


  27. we know Rachel is a dancer. Will we ever see her dance on the show? Since we already heard her sing..I think we should show her dancing skills also. ^_~

  28. What’s your least favorite episode that you have ever written for Stargate SG-1? Whats your favorite that you didn’t write (not counting moebius part 2)? Do you like more serial episodes or more one-offy?

  29. Sorry if I offended you with my last comment. That wasn’t the intention and no, the irony is NOT lost on me.

    I was out shopping today and was in the specialist chocolate store which does a “purist” range. I bought my girlfriend some 75% Brazilian, 75% Costa Rican and 85% Ghanian. I saw a bar claiming to be “100%”. How do you feel about 100% dark? Does that qualify as chocolate or does it lack the necessary qualities (ie sugar) to count?

  30. I take it that Reunion will be very much like Sateda and to a certain extent runner. It seems to be the trend. Also, I was wondering if you can tell us what the title for episode nine will be?



  31. I was wondering Joe, before you and the rest of the production team picks out the final 20 episodes that will be featured in the season, what is the total number of episodes in the pool. I’m sure it has to be more than twenty.


    your moroccan fan

  32. Hey Joe,

    Two of my favourite Atlantis episodes so far are The Storm/Eye as well.

    One of the reasons is that I saw a different side of Sheppard in those episodes. He became a single-minded soldier, and that was a side of him I really liked, and was quite surprised to see.

    Is there any chance we’ll see that side of Sheppard again in season 4?


  33. Glad to hear the SCB campaign was such a success!

    The outfit was perfect IMHO, though that look usually goes over better in Jersey than Canada. You’d have been a natural for “The Sopranos”.

    And since we’re talking BBQ, keep in mind that each region has its own definition. Here in North Carolina (on the East Coast anyway) BBQ is usually pulled roast pork marinated in vinegar and hot peppers (most restaurants add brown sugar to tone down the spice, but what you’ll find at a pig-pickin’ has no sugar in evidence). Best place to eat real traditional Carolina BBQ would be Pigman’s BBQ in Duck – if you’re ever out that way, it’s worth a stop.

  34. I heard that some fans are starting an online petition to have Paul McGillion play “Scotty” in the new Star Trek movie. Do you think he would be as good a “sci-fi engineer” as he was a “sci-fi doctor”?

  35. dear joseph,

    You seem to be a chocolate connaisseur, my favorites are Jeff de Bruges…. do you if they sell them in montreal

    your montreal fan

  36. I was wondering if the zpm, the mcguffin in atlantis, will be as important in season 4 when compared to the other seasons?


    bruno b

  37. Where those marks on David Hewlett’s face and forehead for the episode that was being shot on the day, or did he shave in the dark that morning? And yes, I am suggesting he shaves his forehead!!

    You gotta love restaurants who put glass on top of the tablecloths – what type of diners do they think they attract? LOL


    We will negotiate for its release. We are not talking $$$ but Carson episodes.

    If you do not up your offer of two episodes the cats will start to torment him.

    And these are real Scottish cats – the dog is in Scotland.

    CONTACT http://www.savecarsonbeckett.com

  39. You should post more often, bad geek;)

    As well, I have a question.

    You have has every branch of the US Military EXCEPT the US Coast Guard represented in the show. As a proud Coastie brat, and a fan of the show, why? The USCG doesn’t JUST do water stuff; there are pilots, cooks and medics just to name a few. There could easily be one (or more:-D) Coasties in Atlantis. Not just USAF and USMC people. Please? It would be so nice!


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