May 16, 2011: Fear Not the Cons! The SG-1 Sixth Season Wrap-Up! Transporter: The Series Pre-Production Update!

I've had some mighty crazy experiences in my life.  I've partied to excess, dated a few lunatics, sampled the deadly fugu.  But it all pales in comparison to the daredevil exhilaration of attending my very first fan convention.  After being roasted alive online, I was fully expecting similar in-person treatment at the hands of some…

May 15, 2011: The Apocalypse Approacheth! More SG-1 Season 6 Memories! Another Monster Mailbag!

Holy Smack!  So there I was this morning, minding my own business, perusing the internet for cornish game hen recipes when I came across THIS article in which a religious group alert us to the possible end of the world May 21.  The evidence is mighty convincing.  According to the article, the group's elderly leader claims he…

May 14, 2011: Author Marjorie M. Liu Answers Your Questions! Stargate: SG-1 Memories! I Field Your Stargate: Universe Queries and More!

Wow.  Over the past few days, this blog has averaged a little over 15 000 daily views.  And this without a single gratuitous cute dog picture! Well, so as to not tempt fate any further - Okay.  With that out of the way, onto the business of this blog. Those of you who took part…

May 13, 2011: Okay, try to keep up! The Transporter Team! Dark Matter Ship Designs! Movement on the Anime Front! Stargate: SG-1 Season 6 Memories! Notes on Network Notes! And I Answer Your Stargate Questions!

When Stargate finally ended, I figured I'd take a year off to relax and recharge.  As it turns out, 2011 is shaping up to be quite the opposite. As you all know (or should know if you've been reading this blog) my writing partner Paul and I have made the move to Toronto in order…

May 12, 2011: Stargate: Universe, Beyond Season 2! What Might Have Been!

The ending to Gauntlet that aired was different from the one originally conceived.  Before the script was written, hell, even before the writers sat down to spin the actual story, the original pitch had Young and Rush as the last two men standing.  With one, lone serviceable pod remaining, they argue, then make the decision…

May 11, 2011: Gauntlet!

I assumed The Hunt (episode #216) was going to be my last script for Stargate: Universe's second season, but when my writing partner, Paul, got busy producing Common Descent (episode #217), the task of tackling the first draft of the finale fell to me.  When I sat down to write Gauntlet, I assumed we WERE…

May 10, 2011: Thanks for the thanks! Transporter: The Series! My Comic Book series!

I'd like to start off today's entry with a huge "Thank you" for all the "Thank you's".  A lot of the people who brought you Stargate over the years do frequent this blog, and I know I speak for all of them when I say your kind words are much appreciated.  Thanks for taking the…

May 9, 2011: Farewell, Destiny!

Over the course of my 11+ years on Stargate, I have almost always been surprised by the annual pick-up/cancellation announcements.  I was shocked to hear that we'd be doing a sixth season of SG-1, then stunned by the announcement that we would be coming back for a seventh.  I was astounded to learn SG-1 would…

May 8, 2011: If you could be any supervillain, who would you be? My Top 10!

If you could be any superhero, who would you be?  And, honestly, would it be all that thrilling?  I mean think about it.  On the one hand, you have all sorts of cool superpowers.  On the other hand, you can't put them to any worthwhile use.  As a superhero, your powers are pretty much reserved…

May 7, 2011: Thank you for taking me to geek festival!

We were pulling out of the parking lot, headed for home, when Akemi sunnily intoned: "Thank you for taking me to geek festival!".  I explained that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it wasn't a geek festival per se.  It was the Toronto Comic Arts Festival which, over the course of May 7th and 8th,…

May 6, 2011: James Moran! Fandom Fury! And Reflecting Back On SG-1’s Fifth Season!

I've had my share of online skirmishes.  Not surprising give the fact that I: a) maintain a consistent (daily) internet presence and, b) work in a genre with notoriously passionate (rabid) fans.  In the past, the blow-outs have progressed thusly - 1. A certain section of fandom objects to a creative decision made. 2. The…

May 5, 2011: Doggies Eating Peanut Butter!

Whew!  What a day!  I had three appointments, three scheduled conference calls (all of which I missed - the first because my phone kept on dropping the call, the second because I was busy, and the third because I misread the email and called in six hours late), notes to deliver, lots of errands to…

May 4, 2011: Transporter pre-production update! Canada’s Space Channel pays us a visit! Further Stargate SG-1 season 5 reminiscences!

Al-most there!  I hit the 54 page mark of my second script for Transporter: The Series today.  I'll take the night to think about the big showdown, then write it tomorrow along with the final scenes (surprise, goodbye, flashback, and SHOCK - in that order) after which I'll be all done.  On the first draft…

May 3, 2011: Skinny little Maximus! Stargate: SG-1 season five memories! The Refuel update!

So it was SG-1's fifth season and our second year on the franchise.  After spending six months in the extended-stay suites of Vancouver's venerable Sutton Place Hotel (with its antiquated rooms and celeb-watering hole Gerard Lounge), we moved into a furnished apartment in the heart of the downtown area.  We would call that place home…

May 2, 2011: You’ve Been Warned! More SG-1 Season 5 Memories!

Late last year, after watching the producer's edit of Epilogue, Carl expressed a sentiment that has echoed throughout fandom since the episode aired: "That would have made a great series finale.".  Yes, in hindsight, it certainly would have.  Unfortunately, that isn't the case and Stargate: Universe WILL end on a cliffhanger.  Now I've noted some…